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Strong (Kindred #1)

Page 29

by K. A. Hobbs

  “I’m so sorry.” she soothes me, holding me tighter.

  “I don’t know what to do, Carm. I’m so fucking scared.”

  “It’s okay, come sit down, let’s sort out getting you and Jack back there.”

  “Are you coming?”

  “Carter… I can’t. I have my check up tomorrow, I can’t cancel it, I’m so sorry.”

  “No, I’m stupid, of course you can’t. I really wish you could come with me though, I’m not sure what I’m going home to, what I’m going to have to do, what if he’s not okay?”

  I can’t keep myself together anymore and before I know it, I’m crying. I’m terrified and I want Carmen with me, but I will not ask her to cancel this, it’s too important, she’s too important to me.

  “He’ll be okay, he’ll be okay.” she soothes me, running her hands up and down my back.

  We sit like that until I calm down and then we open the laptop and call the airline. Three flights are booked for the night flight in six hours for an obscene amount of money. Carmen helps me pack and phones Jack and Josie to let them know what’s going on. An hour later we’re parking at the airport and walking into departures. I haven’t got a bag to check so I’m ready to walk through security. Jack and Josie have already checked in and have let me know they’ll meet me on the other side. I look back at Carmen and I know I can’t do it.

  I can’t walk away.

  She steps forward about to speak but I stop her.

  “Don’t say it.” I whisper.

  “I have to.” she whispers back.

  “No. You don’t.” I tell her, looking into her eyes.

  “I need to say it, you know it has to happen. You have to get on that flight and you have to go home.”

  She steps forward and reaches up onto her tiptoes and rests her forehead to mine, she takes a deep, shuddery breath and when she releases it, she pulls back. I search her face for any sign she doesn’t mean this, that she doesn’t want me to leave.

  “I’ll always be here, Carter. I’m always here for you. But I can’t ask you to delay going for me. Right now, your Dad needs you. Go home, be with your family… I’ll be waiting for you right here.”

  “I hate that I have to leave you, it feels like I’m choosing them over you, like I’m leaving you when you need me.” I tell her.

  “It only feels like that because that’s how you’re seeing it. Your Dad needs you, much more than I do. I’m okay, I promise you.” she smiles.

  I can see how strong she is right now, how she’s being strong for me because I can’t be. I lean in and kiss her, softly.

  “Come with me.” I whisper against her mouth.

  I hate myself for asking her again, but I need her with me more than I need anything right now.

  “I can’t, I have the hospital tomorrow,” she kisses me again, bringing her hands up and to the back of my head. “I’ll be here when everything is better, when your Dad is better. Remember us Carter, remember you’ll always have a huge part of me with you. Remember, I’ll never ever find anyone who loves me more than you, I’ll never find anyone I love more than you. Please remember because it’s true. I promise, I’ll try come over as soon as I can, okay?”

  “I love you, I love you so much. I’m so scared. I don’t think I can be strong, not like you are.”

  She reaches into her bag and pulls out Walter, the teddy I gave her all those months ago. She holds him to her chest and smiles at me.

  “You told me, you gave me this bear as a symbol of my strength. You were wrong, it’s not my strength it represents, Carter. It’s yours. So I’m giving him to you, take him with you while I can’t be and let it represent our strength together, okay? Let him remind you, we’re still together even if I can’t be with you.”

  “I can’t walk away, I can’t do it.” I tell her, suddenly feeling like I have lead in my legs, that my feet are unable to move.

  “I’ll do it then and I’ll do it because I know, you’ll come back. Because I know even though we’re not together for a while, you live in here,” she places her hand over her heart. “And I live in here too.” she places her other hand over mine.

  She kisses me one last time and then with a smile on her lips, she turns around and walks away, I knew she was strong, I’ve always known, now I know she’s stronger than I am. She walked away so I didn’t have to.

  I pick up my bag and put Walter safely inside it. With heavy feet, I walk to security, chancing a look back incase she’s standing there.

  She isn’t.

  She won’t make this harder than it already is. As I walk through my phone buzzes and I reach into my pocket to see a message from Carmen on my screen.

  Carmen: Be strong for your Dad like you were for me. You’re the most amazing man in the whole world I love you more than anything. We’ll be back together soon. I love you xx

  I find Jack and Josie and we wait for our flight to be called, none of us talk, Josie keeps crying and Jack looks like he’s fighting tears the whole time. Lex texts and tells us that Dad is sedated and in ICU but they’re telling them that his chances are good.

  Our flight is called and we board, I have no idea what is going to happen while we’re in the air and there’s nothing I can do about it. I settle back in my seat and text Carmen and let her know we’re about to take off and that I love her, she replies telling me she loves me too and she’s thinking of us all.

  I switch off my phone, close my eyes and prepare for the longest flight of my life.

  Since pressing publish back in 2014, my life has changed. There isn’t a moment in the day I’m not listening to the ‘voices in my head’ or feeling inspired by something I’ve seen or heard. When I first started writing all those months ago, I didn’t know where it would take me, how long I’d do it for or if anyone would want to read what I created. I’m extremely proud to say you do, and with each story I complete, I feel I grow as a writer. I always strive to write the best story I can, I always hope to feel as happy and proud with it in six months, a year or ten years, as I am when I type the words; the end. I’ve found with each story I complete, another little piece of me clicks into place, that I find another little piece of me, it’s pretty incredible.

  Strong, as with all my stories, is incredibly special. I never planned to write Carter and Carmen’s story, even though, I always knew they ended up together. When they started talking and I began to write, I realised what an important story theirs was, how much I had to write it and how very much I waned to. I hope you enjoy their journey, that you experience their story the way you want to and that by the end of it, they’ve crawled into your heart and you don’t want them to leave.

  As always, there are people who have helped, supported and encouraged me every step of the way. This is where I take the time to say THANK YOU, you all mean so much to me.

  Sarahjane - I don’t know if you remember all those months ago, (before anyone had read or even knew about Doubt) that you took a chance on me. I posted in a book group asking if anyone would like to read my story, not expecting anyone to say yes. You did, and we’ve been friends ever since. My day doesn’t feel right if we haven’t spoken, it proves miles make no difference to a friendship, because you’re always there for me and I hope you know, I’m always there for you too. You’re one of a kind and I adore you.

  Mammy K - I love how much you love my guys and gals. You never fail to make me smile. I can’t wait for my office to be ready so I can finally put up my book covers canvas - You’re the best.

  Lily - Sometimes, people come into your life and make such an impact, you can’t remember a time when they weren’t in it. You’re one of those people. You’re there whether I’m excited and need to tell you about a scene I just finished, whether I’m doubting myself and need you to kick me up the butt or if I’ve been reading a certain book and been crying again. Life is a much happier, much funnier place with you in it. Thank you for loving CC from the very beginning, I don’t need to say it, because you already k
now, but… Carter belongs to you.

  Sam - Life may get in the way, but our friendship doesn’t change. Our writing journey hasn’t been anything like we thought it would be, but it’s still on of the most exciting ones I’ve been on. Keep going, you’re incredible. Thank you for always being there.

  Rachel & Jo from Hourglass Events - You girls will forever be special to me, my first ever signing and one I still, weeks after, think of. I couldn’t have been made to feel more welcome or part of the ‘Leeds family’ I can’t wait for the next one! Thank you for my #SigningSam

  Lisa J Hobman - You’ve been there from the beginning, and I’m so glad you were my neighbour for my first signing. You’re absolutely fabulous and I don’t think you know it. ‘Not Greg’ is a star too! Can’t wait for the next signing my lovely!

  Victoria L James - For making the lead up to Leeds so much fun, and making a pretty epic first impression when we met in the bar. You always make me chuckle at my screen. You’re the best, roll on our next signing together.

  The readers - Without you, none of this would be possible. Thank you to every single person who has taken the time to read my stories, who has sent me a message or tweet. To everyone I met at my first signing in Leeds, who came over and had a chat and bought my books. It’s the best feeling in the world when someone tells you they love your characters. Thank you for taking a chance on me.

  Mr Hobbs - For giving me time to write, for making the most beautiful covers, for listening to me go on and on about my stories and for not complaining when I tell you to shush because I’m writing. You are the most incredible man and I’m so lucky to have you.

  KA Hobbs lives with her husband in Essex. When she isn’t lost in a book or creating one, she loves to cook, swim, colour and shop. Her happiest times are always when she’s surrounded by family and friends or watching Cinderella, which some might say she is a little obsessed with. She loves the Tudors and would love to go back to that period in time.

  One day, while watching TV, a scene came to her, completely out of the blue. She could see the scene unfolding, could picture the characters so clearly. She couldn’t get to her laptop quick enough and spent hours writing not only that scene, but lots of others too.

  She will happily admit to being grumpy when she doesn’t get to write, she loves her characters and spending time listening to what they have to say.

  Keep in touch and find out about new releases on Facebook and Twitter.

  The Connected Series







  To Mend a Broken Heart




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