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Bad Russian Boss: A Billionaire Office Romance

Page 18

by Bella Rose

  The worst part was that it was absolutely true. Even Monique and Bella had looked at Courtney as if she was nuts when she tried to tell them that Creighton Kemper wasn’t a nice guy. They made excuses and reminded her that powerful men sometimes had bad tempers. Then they asked her if she had provoked him. It was insulting and frightening to think that if she married this creep, she would be at his mercy.

  “You’re supposed to be taking me home,” she reminded him.

  “I will.” He ignored her request, stopping to chat with some older matrons—most of whom gave Courtney a dirty look when she remained silent throughout the exchange—and then Creighton finally began heading in the general direction of the exit. “I need to be seen, you know. A man in my position needs to let people know that he’s giving the proper amount of time to their event. It’s important to your friend Bella and her reputation that the Kempers were at her wedding.”

  Courtney couldn’t stand him one second longer. Creighton Kemper was a snob in every sense of the word. There was no way in hell she was going to stand in front of a judge or a minister and promise to love this asshole for the rest of her life. It would be a lie. For both of them. The only person Creighton would ever love was himself.

  She waited for a moment when he was completely involved in watching someone across the room. Spinning sideways, she yanked her arm out of his grasp and ran. She didn’t try to remain decorous. She just ran.

  “Courtney?” Creighton called after her. Then someone must have said something, because she heard him say. “Oh, she wasn’t feel well, you know. I’m sure she’s just retiring to our hotel room.”

  “Like hell,” Courtney muttered.

  She burst through the ballroom doors and went toward the front of the hotel. Pausing for a brief moment, she tripped a little as she pulled off her heeled sandals. She was going to break her leg trying to move quickly in these things. But the front lobby was marble. Her bare feet lost traction just as she saw the great glass front doors before her. Before she even knew what was happening, her feet went out from under her. She flipped onto her back, rolled, and smacked into a pair of very solid legs.

  MIKHAIL HAD SEEN a lot of things in his life. But watching Courtney Piers-Cameron sprint through a hotel lobby, lose traction, and then crash and burn was probably the most startling thing he’d seen in quite some time.

  It took him a moment to realize that she was—very likely unintentionally—headed right for him. Then she tripped and went down. He lunged reflexively but it was too late. She landed in an undignified bundle right at his feet.

  Mikhail knelt beside her. “Are you all right?”

  His instinct was to touch her, see if she had broken anything, and ascertain that she was all right. But there was every possibility she wasn’t going to want him to touch her at all, and he didn’t want to infringe and make things worse.

  “He’s going to come after me,” she panted. “You have to help me up.”

  Courtney tried to stand, but her legs wobbled beneath her. She would have gone down had he not wrapped an arm around her waist. Mikhail frowned. “Who is coming?”

  “Creighton.” She was craning her neck, trying to look over her shoulder. “He’s going to come. I have to leave. Let me go.”

  Mikhail forced himself to remain calm. “Where are you going?”


  “And he won’t follow you there?”

  Her face fell and Mikhail felt bad for poking holes in her theory. She rallied. “Maybe I can tell the staff to let him know I’m asleep and don’t want visitors.”

  “If I wanted to see you, that wouldn’t stop me.” He didn’t even bother to check the arrogance in his voice. “Come upstairs with me.”

  “What?” There was a note of actual panic in her voice.

  “Come upstairs.” He spoke slowly and clearly. “I have a suite. It would be the last place Creighton would look.”

  “I’m not sleeping with you.”

  Mikhail snorted. “Funny, but I don’t recall asking you to. You know what? I was trying to help. If you’re just going to be stubborn, I’ll leave you to your fleeing.” He started to remove his arm from her waist.

  She grabbed on, refusing to let him go. “No. I’ll go up with you. Hurry, please? I don’t want him to know where I’ve gone.”

  Chapter Four

  It was tense in the elevator. At least, Courtney thought it was tense. Mikhail was big and silent, but there was no malice or anger emanating from his massive body. In fact he seemed almost serene. It was sort of relaxing to be in his presence like this. Mikhail had always had a baffling effect on her. She felt almost normal around him. It had been what drove her to want to be with him so badly in the very beginning. When her life was in a complete uproar, Mikhail had seemed like a rock she could cling to in the storm.

  “Where have you been?” she asked suddenly.

  He raised one dark, elegant eyebrow. “I’ve been here.”

  “I don’t understand.”

  “It’s not a pretty story.” He looked as if he was done discussing the topic.

  She remembered the night her father had come into her room and told her that Mikhail was gone, and that he’d done something illegal and had been killed. “I thought you had just left without a word.”

  “I was asked to go.”

  Something in his voice suggested to her that the asking hadn’t been exactly nice. She wondered if he was trying to say that her father had threatened him? Surely her father wouldn’t have done such a thing. He was Gordon Piers-Cameron, for goodness’ sake! He was a legitimate businessman; he didn’t engage in that sort of behavior.

  “Your father isn’t who you think he is,” Mikhail said quietly.

  Courtney sensed that as soon as the words were out, Mikhail wished he could take them back. What was he saying anyway? Her father wasn’t a bad man. He was just her father and he had other priorities. Right now, apparently his priority was to save his failing business. Of course, Courtney hadn’t realized that it was failing, but what did she know about the business?

  “Thank you for helping me,” she said suddenly.

  He was so close in the tiny elevator space. It felt like the ride to the fortieth floor was taking forever. There were several feet of space between the two of them. Yet she could still feel the heat coming off his big body as though she were pressed up against him.

  And what would that feel like anyway? He was muscular and filled with power. She could smell the spicy musk of him mixed with a hint of cologne. It was intoxicating. She’d only been with a few guys and they’d all been what she would consider lukewarm encounters. Satisfying, but nothing that had really made her think she couldn’t live without them. Courtney had a strong feeling that being with Mikhail Krachenko would be a whole different experience.

  SHE HAD TO stop looking at him like that or he was going to kiss her and never stop. The bemused expression on her face was paired with the dilation of her eyes and the gentle heaving of her chest. Her breasts were bobbing up and down, and he could actually see her nipples getting hard beneath the bodice of her yellow dress. It was torture.

  Her scent filled the elevator. Flowers and sunshine. Mikhail could recall that scent from his youth. It had been the one thing he could never forget about Courtney Piers-Cameron. Right now she was staring at him with her lips slightly parted, and she had a look he knew all too well. She was turned on, and she was willing. She might not realize it, but she was.

  He could see the subtle softening of her body. His male instincts were roaring to life in his body. Blood coursed through his veins, going straight to his groin and making his cock sit up and take notice. Soon he would have to stand with his back to her to avoid letting her see the giant erection pressing at the fly of his suit trousers.

  “What’s wrong?” Two delicate lines appeared between her brows, and she very lightly nibbled the surface of her lower lip.

  Mikhail couldn’t resist. He gently touched her bottom lip, pulling
it out from between her teeth. “Are you still doing that? One of these days you’re going to gnaw it right off.”

  A smile touched her face. “You used to tell me that all the time.”

  “You spent far too much of your life worrying about things you couldn’t control,” he remembered. “I just wanted you to be happy.”

  “And now?”

  He shrugged, forcing himself down off the road to memory lane. “I suppose I just want you to be safe. I would want the same for any woman. You told me that your fiancé is cruel to you. It’s really none of my business, but I couldn’t just leave you there for him to find.”

  “So this is just a regular knight in shining armor saves the damsel in distress mission, is that it?”

  She looked miffed. Why? Did she think he’d brought her up here to fuck? Mikhail cocked his head. “What’s your game?”

  “My game?” She frowned. “When have you ever known me to have a game?”

  “I don’t know, but I haven’t known you for a very long time now. Have I?”

  He waited. She looked bemused and then pissed off. He didn’t know what to make of it. Hell. He didn’t know what to make of her. He wanted her. He needed to admit that and get it right out of the way. She was sexy as hell with her curves and long legs that were the perfect length to wrap around his waist. He was a red-blooded male, and he wanted her like anyone else in his position would. That had nothing to do with their history and everything to do with the fact that Courtney was the one who had gotten away.

  HE HAD TO stop staring at her or she was going to make a mistake she would never be able to get away from. The elevator finally stopped at the penthouse, and she exhaled a huge sigh of relief. Now they could get out of this tiny box and she could put some much-needed space between them.

  She marched out of the elevator and right into the foyer, hoping she looked businesslike. Mikhail pulled out a key card and let them into the actual penthouse suite. So determined not to be affected by the sheer masculine yumminess of this man, Courtney almost sailed right by the most beautiful view of the city skyline she had ever seen.

  Her feet stopped moving, and she stared with her mouth open. “Wow,” she finally managed. “That is incredible.”

  “It is a pretty nice view, although I think the view from my own apartment might be a hair better.”

  “What?” She turned to stare. “You have an apartment here in the city?”

  He walked toward the window, gesturing to a very tall building just a few blocks away. “In the Gentemann building.”

  “Seriously?” Courtney couldn’t help but be impressed. “That’s an exclusive address.”

  “I’m an exclusive kind of guy.”

  She cocked her head, staring at him and trying to plow through the haze of lust and the trappings of wealth that seemed to be hiding something. “You weren’t.”

  “People change.” He sounded almost dismissive.

  “Do they?” she wondered.

  He was looking so damn smug and superior that she couldn’t help herself. He thought he was so high-and-mighty, did he? She closed the distance between them in two strides and flung her arms around his neck. Pressing her lips to his, she opened her mouth and slid her tongue inside his.

  It took exactly two seconds for the fire to explode out of control. If Courtney had thought she was in charge of this ride, she had been absolutely wrong. Mikhail’s arms went around her and pulled her flush against his big body. She felt the hardness of his erection against her belly and reveled in the knowledge that whatever had happened, this man still wanted her.

  He thrust his tongue inside her mouth. He made love to her with his kiss so forcefully that she could not breathe. Each time he kissed her she thought she might faint. Then he would pull back just far enough for her to catch her breath before beginning again. Her lips were bruised from the power of his kisses. He possessed her utterly and left her no time to even think of backing down. He was sleek and he was in charge, and there was no way in hell she was going to reel this thing back in now.

  “You’ve made a mistake,” he said roughly. “You should never have touched me.”

  “What if I wanted to?” she managed to grit out.

  “Then you sure as hell didn’t know what you started.”

  With one big hand, he reached up and hooked his fingers into the bodice of her dress. A downward lunge and she heard the fabric tear. Cool air caressed her chest as he completely decimated her dress. He ripped it from her body in chunks until she was standing in nothing but her bare feet and her underwear.

  “Nice panties,” he commented with a predatory smile. “Now take them off.”

  She felt horribly exposed and on display, but for some reason she could not disobey his command. She reached behind her and unfastened her bra. The straps fell down her shoulders and she let them fall off until the garment was on the floor.

  “Panties,” he grunted. “I want to see that pussy before I fuck it.”

  His words sent a thrill of excitement through her body. This was no lukewarm experience. This was hot as hell and twice as dangerous. She put her fingers in the waistband of her panties and shoved them down her legs. She was standing naked before this man, and she had no idea what to expect.

  “There’s a couch, right there.” He pointed to the living room of the suite. “Bend over and spread your legs. I’m going to make you come and you’re going to scream my name. Understand?”

  “Yes, Mikhail.”

  MIKHAIL’S HEART WAS hammering against his ribs. He watched as Courtney did exactly as he told her. There was no demurring, no arguing, and no refusing. She wanted this every bit as much as he did, and the knowledge was devastating to his self-control.

  He watched her bend over. Her delectable ass was on display. The rounded globes of her bottom were silky smooth. He could see every inch of her skin, and it was perfection. Her inner thighs were pale and perfect. Her pussy was groomed. The hair was short exactly as he liked it. The pink folds of her inner vaginal lips were barely parted, and he could see exactly what he was about to enjoy. It was like a dream come true.

  Mikhail approached her slowly. He wanted her to hear every single step. When he touched her, he wanted her anticipation to be absolutely at its height. She was already gasping for breath. Her breasts were pushed flat against the back of the couch. He would remedy that later. Later because he was going to take his time sampling this woman in as many ways as he could possibly think of. This was his one chance to have the one that had gotten away, and he wasn’t about to waste one second.

  The scent of her reached his nostrils, and he inhaled deeply to soak it in. Then he put one palm on her ass and squeezed. She moaned and her muscles shrank reflexively. Mikhail laughed. Yes. She was ready.

  “How wet are you right now, Courtney?” He let the naked command in his voice force her to give him the answer to that intimate question. “Tell me.”

  “Wet enough for you to fuck,” she gasped.

  Oh yes. She was ready.

  Chapter Five

  Courtney had never felt so wanton before in her life. More importantly, she didn’t care. Satisfaction was the only thing that mattered. Mikhail could provide it, and she wanted it. The moment his fingers touched her pussy, she shuddered with pent-up need. Her opening clenched as though it was preparing for his possession. In that moment she belonged to him utterly.

  “That’s it,” Mikhail crooned. “I can feel how much you want me. I’m going to touch you. I’m going to make you come. And you will scream my name when you do.”

  It never even occurred to her to argue. “Yes.”

  He began to rub her mercilessly. His touch was almost rough. The way his fingers stroked her inner folds made her shake. He spread her apart with one hand and used the other to press on her clit. She arched her back and squeezed her eyes closed as the sensations overwhelmed her.

  “You’re so greedy.” His tone was gritty, and his words made her gasp. Then he lightly slapp
ed her open pussy and she cried out. “That’s my girl!” he urged.

  The blow hadn’t hurt. It was shocking, but the heavy touch had sent her spiraling past her first climax and had her hovering at a place so far above that she felt the first twinge of fear. She was so high. It felt as though her fingertips could brush the heavens.

  “You’re safe with me.” She could hear his voice, but it seemed to be coming from the other side of a tunnel. “Just let go and I’ll catch you.”

  Her entire body seemed to convulse. She shuddered and bucked against his touch. Finally she screamed her release. She didn’t know what she was saying, but she could feel his name on her lips over and over again as she begged him for fulfillment.

  It felt so good. She felt out of control and yet there was a bizarre sense of safety. Mikhail had promised he would catch her. She would be fine.

  “Beautiful girl,” he whispered. “So perfect.”

  His hands stroked her bare bottom. Her breath was heaving in and out of her lungs. She felt as though she’d run miles and miles, but she was exhilarated beyond belief. Nothing else existed for her in this moment. There was only here and now with Mikhail.

  “Stand up, sweet girl.” There was no room for argument in his voice. “I need you so badly. My cock is hard and hot, and I need to bury it inside that pretty pussy.”

  She blinked as she stood up. She felt as though she was waking from a sensual dream. She’d had sex dreams before. None of them had been like this. He was gazing down at her with those unfathomable dark eyes. Then he lowered his mouth to hers and took her lips in a bruising kiss that left her completely at his mercy.

  MIKHAIL HAD NEVER met a woman who surrendered so prettily and so completely to him. It was as if Courtney had been fashioned by nature to bring him the utmost pleasure. Yet instead of the experience being one-sided, he knew without a doubt he was bringing her pleasure as well. Her body wept its appreciation of his touch. His hands were covered in her juices. He could smell her on his fingers and it was driving him insane with lust.


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