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Texas Pride

Page 20

by Gerry Bartlett

  “Marriage. So this is it. You’re committed to her?” Her cheeks were damp when Gran faced him across the dark car.

  “In my heart, yes. I haven’t proposed yet, but I’m planning on it. If you want to be part of our lives, begin to accept her. She’s not perfect but, God knows, neither am I.” He reached for his grandmother’s hand. It was bony and spotted with signs of her age but surprisingly strong as she gripped his. She’d moved on from orange to a deep violet hair color that made her blue eyes vivid. They were his mother’s eyes. His eyes too.

  “You will always be perfect to me, Billy boy. I have loved you all your life and will love you until I draw my last breath. If this woman is your choice, I will shut my mouth and say no more.” She shook his hand until it hit the gear shift. “Smart boy. Why do you have to be so stupid sometimes?” She pulled away. “There. My last word on the subject.”

  “Hey. At least I picked someone stylish. You saw her in a work suit. Wait till you see her dolled up for the Ballet Ball. I’ll bring her by. You can take pictures. Friday night. What do you say? The ladies at church and bingo will love it.” He heard her chuckle.

  “Yes, she does come from that rich family. I bet she has some beautiful clothes. Not my size. Too bad.” It was quiet for a few minutes then he heard a sob. “Billy, Billy, what’s going to happen to my Sally in that jail?”

  Billy had nothing to say to that. He’d tried not to think about it. Was there anything else he could do to keep his aunt out of there? A doctor’s note? Sally had not looked well. Nervous breakdown? He didn’t mention that. With the sound of his grandmother’s crying filling the car and breaking his heart, he drove on. He had less than twenty-four hours to figure out something. Everyone counted on him to be a hero. But at what cost? His eyes were gritty and the coffee had done nothing but make his stomach acid burn.

  Think. Yeah. That was all he did. But he was getting nowhere. By the time he’d helped his suddenly frail grandmother into her house, he wondered if it was time to call in help. But who? He was supposed to be such a hotshot lawyer. Was there anyone else who could take Sally’s case and handle it better?

  * * * *

  Shannon knew Billy would need her when he got through with Sally and his grandmother. She didn’t know how to cook, had lived with a fantastic housekeeper all her life. But she could order food and had decided to have a meal waiting for him. He liked Chinese and it was easy to reheat. She hoped this had been a good idea.

  Billy didn’t take good care of himself. He’d called it family drama. That was too light a word for what he must have endured at the rehab facility. Shannon could only imagine how Sally had taken the news that she was going to jail. The idea was terrifying. And his relatives might blame Billy. So unfair.

  As soon as she heard the garage door open, Shannon stuck his plate in the microwave. When he walked through the door, she got to see him, unguarded. It was a shock. He looked totally exhausted and defeated. Not her strong confident Billy at all.


  “Shit. You almost got a briefcase tossed in your face.” He dropped it on the floor and opened his arms. “How did you know I was hoping to see you tonight?”

  “Were you? I took a chance.” She walked into those arms and leaned against him. “A cab dropped me off.” She rubbed his back.

  “Something smells good. I haven’t eaten since—” he stopped. “Maybe breakfast?”

  “Sit. I ordered pepper steak. I know you like it.” She pulled out the plate and set it in front of him, then got each of them a bottle of water. “Eat. When you feel like it, tell me how it went tonight.”

  “Depressing as hell. As you can imagine.” He stirred the rice into the beef then started eating. “This is good. I guess you found the drawer with all the delivery and take out menus.”

  “Yep. Give me a menu and I’m good to go.” She waited while he ate. “There’s nothing you can do for Sally?”

  “I’ve been asking myself that question all the way home.” He drank some water then pushed away his empty plate. “I’m so damned tired my mind is blank. Oh, I may have an idea rolling around in there, but I have to wait until morning to do anything about it.”

  “Then take a shower and let’s go to bed.” Shannon pulled him to his feet. “I’ll help with that.” She rinsed off his plate and stuck it in the dishwasher while he watched.

  “You’ll help? With the shower?” He grinned. “I’m waiting.”

  “You have to promise me something.” She grabbed his hand and pulled him toward the master bathroom.

  “Anything.” He unbuttoned her blouse as they walked.

  “You have to sleep tonight. You look like hell.” She stopped in the doorway and let her blouse drop to the floor.

  “You know I can’t promise that.” He unclipped her bra and threw it down on top of her blouse. “It’s not as if I don’t want to sleep. It’s my brain. I can’t seem to turn it off.”

  “Let’s test that. What are you thinking, right now?” She pulled off his tie and draped it over the doorknob, then went to work on his shirt buttons.

  “That we both have on too many clothes and that I want you.” He opened her pants and slid them down her legs along with her panties. “Step out of these.” He groaned when she did. “That’s better. Naked. Exactly the way I like you.”

  “But that’s not your problem when you’re trying to go to sleep.” She’d managed to get him naked too. It wasn’t difficult. He was always eager to strip off. “Shannon, a guy is always thinking about sex. When he can have it, how it is when he’s having it, how it was afterwards, and then when can he have it again.” He laughed and pulled her against him. “Men are dogs. We proudly acknowledge that. Dogs and men. Best friends. Kindred spirits.” He cupped her buns, his erection touching her where he fit so perfectly.

  He wasn’t a tall man, just tall enough. They were almost eye to eye but he was big because of his incessant workouts. He’d defined his body, honed it. His shoulders were broad, his abs tight, and his waist lean. Shannon had told him before that she found his body beautiful and she hadn’t been flattering him. She loved every inch of it. She ran her hands over his back and down to his firm butt. Perfect.

  “Okay, so we’ll make sure you get plenty of mind-blowing sex. Then what do you think will keep you awake? What thoughts will run through your mind?” Shannon saw him frown. “Oh, I know. Sally’s situation.”

  “Of course. I’ve got to figure out a way to keep her out of jail. You should have seen her reaction. I really don’t think she can handle it.”

  “Do you think you can do her any good if you’re dead on your feet?” She kissed his chin. “Honestly, Billy. Didn’t you tell me you hurt a client recently because you’d been tired in court and let a witness get away with testimony that was prejudicial to his case? That you should have objected and didn’t because you almost dozed off?”

  “Thanks for paying attention.” He looked pissed but thoughtful. “Yeah. That happened. And now I realize I told you that and shouldn’t have. What the fuck? I’m not operating at full capacity. Maybe I need a sleeping pill or something.”

  “Some people would say that or a stiff drink. I know better.” Shannon felt him react to that. Body language. Yes, he’d die before he’d drink himself to sleep. And she didn’t blame him. “I did research. While a drink might make you sleepy initially, it’ll wake you up in a few hours and you won’t get good rest anyway.”

  “No kidding. Research on drinking. You surprise me.” He let his hands wander to her shoulders then her breasts. “Do we really have to have this conversation before the mind-blowing sex?”

  “Yes, you are a dog. And I love you.” She laughed when he barked and picked her up to carry her into the bathroom.

  He turned on the shower and waited until she pronounced the temperature perfect. “I had Mai get you a shower cap.” He nodded toward a ba
sket on the counter. “Even a dog wants his mate to be happy.”

  “Thanks. At least you didn’t call me your bitch.” Shannon slipped it over her hair, then dragged him inside the glass enclosure. She was determined to find a way to help him. Was this love? This need to take care of him? To make him happy? He was certainly trying for her. He hadn’t mentioned this afternoon and her “condition.” His attitude was playful as they made love until the water cooled and he swore he was calling in a plumber to install a larger hot water heater.

  “You’re insatiable.” Shannon kissed him as he dried her with a towel and pulled off her shower cap. “I don’t know about you, but I’m totally relaxed now. I’ll sleep like a baby.” But Billy just seemed to be revved up. He stalked out to the kitchen and grabbed his briefcase, pulling out his laptop.

  “What are you doing?” She couldn’t believe it when he fired it up.

  “I just thought of something. Maybe a way to get Sally some time before she has to appear at the jail.” He was busy typing.

  Shannon pulled on a nightgown and crawled into bed. Then she hopped up again and turned off lights—all except the lamp on his side of the bed. She lay next to him and watched him work. He frowned and typed, frowned and typed some more. Finally, he slammed the laptop closed.

  “Fuck. That won’t do it. I was hoping there was a loophole. Sally’s a quarter Indian. Maybe she could ask for counsel from the Tribe. Seek asylum. I don’t know. But there’s nothing.”

  “I can see your brain going. No wonder you can’t sleep.” She settled on her pillow and yawned. “It’s two in the morning, Billy.”

  “I know. Go to sleep. Maybe I’ll work out for a while. Unless…” He lifted the sheet and looked her over. “Nice gown. But I like you better naked.”

  “I don’t think I have another round in me, lover.” She kissed him then gently pushed him away. “I have work tomorrow. You do too. What time are you picking up Sally?”

  “Ten. Out there. It’s a two-hour drive round trip.” He slipped out of bed.

  “You’ve got to get some sleep.” She could barely keep her own eyes open. How did he do it? “I think you need to see a doctor. This isn’t normal.”

  “Thanks for your professional opinion.” He grabbed his pillow and laptop and left the room.

  Shannon sighed and stared at the ceiling. Should she go after him? But what was the point? This wasn’t normal. At least he wasn’t tossing and turning beside her. He’d left the lamp on. She pulled the comforter over her face and closed her eyes. She’d wanted to help but maybe this was something he had to figure out for himself. Too bad.

  * * * *

  His phone went off at seven. He’d set the alarm when he’d finally given up and climbed into bed beside Shannon at four. Three hours of sleep. He felt drugged. Water running in the bathroom. Obviously, Shannon was already up. She’d be tired too. This had to stop. For both of them. Maybe she was right and he needed to see a doctor about his insomnia. But pills? He looked at those like he did alcohol. An addiction just waiting to happen. God help him.

  She came out of the bathroom with that fresh scrubbed look he loved and smelling of mint toothpaste. He wanted to pull her back to bed and make slow love to her. She smiled and walked over to kiss him.

  “If you keep looking at me like that, we’ll never get to work.” She pulled off her nightgown and slid into bed next to him. “How do you feel?”

  “Like shit. But I’m about to feel much better.” He groaned when she touched him, her hand circling his erection. “Good morning to you. What can I do for you?”

  “I want you to quit feeling so responsible for Sally’s situation. Is that at all possible?” Her fingers moved in a way designed to make him agree to anything.

  “I know. She did the crime, she does the time. That’s what they say, isn’t it?”

  “Yes.” She climbed on top of him, her breasts swaying close to his mouth as she guided him inside her. “Keep that in mind when you’re enduring what is sure to be a hell of a day, my lover.” She moved, sighing when he captured a nipple in his lips. “I’ll have a reward for you when your day is over. I promise. Now be a good boy and move. Harder, faster. We don’t have a lot of time and I, um, oh, yes.” She held his head against her breast and hummed that sweet little sound she made when her orgasm was close.

  Billy held her hips and pumped into her. Yes, she was right. You make your own fate. Suffer your own consequences.

  He would be happy to die like this. In Shannon’s arms. Sally fucked up. She’d have to pay. He was sorry about that. But not so sorry that he was going to lose another night’s sleep over it. His head hit his pillow, Shannon’s name coming just as he did. He let it all go, the guilt and the pain, and took in the pleasure.

  When she dropped on top of him, breathing hard, he held her tight. This was what he wanted. Not just the sex but the knowledge that he had someone who knew him, cared about him, and wanted him to be whole. He had to trust her, this. That it would last. Yes, it would. It had to. He didn’t want to see this go. Ever again.

  His phone buzzed and he reached for it automatically.

  “Seriously? When we’re together like this? Still connected?” Shannon rolled off him. “Oh, go ahead, counselor. I guess you’re on call twenty-four/seven.”

  “Sorry.” Billy glanced at the number. “It’s Sally’s rehab hospital. I’d better take this.” Dread convinced him this couldn’t be anything good.

  “Mr. Pagan?” The voice on the other end was professional.

  “Yes. This is Billy Pagan. What is it? Something about my aunt, Sally Winthrop?”

  “Yes, sir. I have some bad news. She listed you as her emergency contact person.” Deep breath on the other end of the line. “We are very careful here, sir. I want to assure you—”

  “Spit it out! What the hell has happened to Sally?” Billy couldn’t just lie there. He jumped to his feet.

  “Sir, she tried to commit suicide an hour ago.” The man rushed on. “She survived but is in bad shape. We took her by ambulance to Woodlands Memorial Hospital. She’s in intensive care there.”

  “How did that happen? I knew she was upset when I left, the doctor on staff had to sedate her. Don’t you people monitor your patients? How did she do it? What did she have access to that could harm her?” Billy’s mind raced. Shannon’s arm came around his waist and he barely stopped himself from shrugging it off. He wasn’t used to having anyone to lean on. She meant well but all he wanted now was… He mouthed the word and she raced away.

  “She slashed her wrists, sir. Got hold of a knife at breakfast. That was early this morning. She obviously sneaked it back to her room. We didn’t have her on suicide watch. Apparently, you told a staff member that she was leaving today. That she had to report to the Harris County Jail, but we had no idea—”

  “You had no idea that going to jail might make her suicidal?” Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. This was his fault. He’d known how hard Sally was taking this. How terrified she was. The attendants who’d taken her away in hysterics should have notified someone, too, about her state of mind.

  “Sir, she was sedated last night. We were closing out her file. No one could have predicted—”

  “You’ll be hearing from me about this later. I’m Ms. Winthrop’s attorney as well as her nephew. You’ve been negligent. I hope you at least informed the hospital that she should be on suicide watch now.” He slammed down the phone and ran to the bathroom. After taking care of business and using a toothbrush, he came out to the bedroom to take the steaming cup of coffee Shannon handed him. “Thanks.” He took a deep drink, cursing when he burned his tongue.


  He told her what had happened. “I’ll head to the hospital as soon as I’m dressed.”

  “What can I do?” She ran to his closet and pulled out a fresh shirt and suit. She laid out a matching tie and socks on h
is bed before he could even thank her. “Boxers or briefs?”

  “I hate to ask you this.” He snatched the briefs out of her hand and stepped into them.

  “Go ahead.” She held out his shirt and he slipped into it.

  “Gran. I’ll call her but I don’t want her driving when she’s upset. Plus, I don’t think she could find that hospital. You have GPS, right?”

  “Yes. I’ll take a cab home, get my car and pick her up. You’re calling her now? Or do you want me to tell her when I get there. That might be better, Billy. Otherwise she could just take off in her car.” Shannon looked calm except she was wringing her hands.

  “You’d do that? I know you two aren’t pals. Gran confessed she let you have it when we went by there before. I had a talk with her though. Told her she had to accept you. She promised to try.” Billy stuffed his wallet into his back pocket and picked up his cell phone.

  “That’s progress.” Shannon ran his tie under his shirt collar, tied it like a pro.

  “But, you’re right. That’s the way to handle it. Gran gets a slow start in the mornings. Usually doesn’t go anywhere until after nine. She’ll be home and in her recliner when you get there.”

  “Then that’s what I’ll do. Go on out to the hospital. I guess you’ll call the jail. Explain why she can’t report today.” She followed him to the kitchen.

  “Look at you, thinking like a lawyer. Yeah, I’ll do that or they’ll issue a warrant for failure to appear.” He filled his travel cup from the pot on the counter then stopped at the door into the garage, trying to decide what he was forgetting. Shannon handed him his briefcase with his laptop inside. God, he was braindead.

  “Go. Don’t worry about us. I’ll call in to work then take care of Grandmother.” She kissed him at the door. “Maybe I’ll call her that. Should freak her out.”

  “Yes. Do that.” He hunted for his car keys then realized they were already in his hand. “I hope to hell Sally makes it. Don’t know what Gran would do if she lost her other daughter.”


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