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Playing for Keeps

Page 2

by Hill, Jamie

  Henry's mother droned on. "Because if he bit anybody here, I would be so mortified! What kind of a parent would people think I am? I'm just so worried that he might start doing it here, too!"

  Maddie tried to reassure her when Rob stepped up and said in a rather stern voice, "Excuse me, Miss Stewart. My daughter has a bite mark on her arm, and I'd like some information about it."

  Henry's mother turned three shades of pale and muttered, "I've got to hurry and get my other son from baseball practice. Thank you, Miss Stewart." She chased after Henry and the two of them were through the door before Maddie could catch her breath.

  She looked at Rob with concern. "I'm so sorry! I didn't see any evidence of biting today. Sophie never cried or said anything."

  Rob smiled. "I made that up. I haven't even seen Sophie. But I did want to see you. I thought that woman would never leave."

  Maddie clutched her heart. "Thank goodness! Talk about being mortified. I'd have wanted to fade away."

  He shrugged. "Stuff happens. Frankly, I'm more concerned for the poor fool who tries to bite my Sophie. She's likely to cuff him on the nose but good."

  Maddie laughed, and froze when Rob ran one finger down her arm from the elbow to her wrist. He looked at her seriously. "Am I crazy, or have I sensed a connection between us this week?"

  She shook her head slowly. "You're not crazy."

  The tension she'd seen on his face faded into a big smile. "Good. Because I'd be sorely disappointed if this was all one sided. I haven't been able to think of much else since I first laid eyes on you. And five minutes at the end of the day… maybe…if we're lucky…just isn't cutting it."

  Two of his fingers wrapped around two of hers, and he squeezed. She smiled and squeezed back. "I feel the same way. Pathetic, actually, that I'm so desperate to catch a glimpse of you."

  His smile widened. "I was feeling a little pathetic, myself. If I didn't get my five minute fix tonight, I don't know what dastardly deed I might have come up with. I might have started biting kids myself, just to get your attention."

  Maddie chuckled, then remembered to check on the children in her care. Everyone was fine, and she returned her attention to Rob. "So…"

  "So…" He swung her hand back and forth. "I have to take Sophie into the city tomorrow night for a weekend with her mother. We're doing a reverse custody thing this summer. I get her for two months, and her mom gets every other weekend."

  Maddie nodded, scarcely able to breathe.

  "I was thinking I could pick you up about seven-thirty. We could get something to eat and maybe do some dancing."

  "That sounds great," she said, feeling the warm flush start somewhere around her knees and work its way up to her face. She couldn't control it, but she hoped her cheeks weren't bright red again.

  "Good." He let go of her hand. "Wear something comfortable if we're going to be doing some boot-scooting. I'll break out my nicer set of jeans."

  Maddie's eyes dropped below his waist. "Nothing wrong with those jeans." Shit! She knew the red flush was upon her.

  Rob grinned again. "I'll remember that, thanks. Want to give me your address in case little Henry goes on a biting spree tomorrow and we don't touch base?"

  She feigned an expression of horror. "728 Walnut. It's a duplex, but it's well-marked."

  "Excellent. I'll pick you up at seven-thirty. I'll be working on some embarrassing comments for you. I do love to see that blush."

  Maddie blushed again at the mere mention of it, and smiled at Rob as he went to corral his daughter.

  * * * *

  He arrived at seven-thirty-five on Friday night. Those last five minutes were agony for Maddie, with all kinds of thoughts running through her head. He changed his mind. He was in a car accident. The sound of the bell was music to her ears.

  She opened the door and smiled when she saw him standing there. "Hello."

  "Hello yourself, gorgeous." Rob looked her over and gave a low whistle. "Man, I thought you looked good in your work clothes."

  Maddie raised her hands. "Not good?" She'd chosen a pair of form fitting jeans and a tight white tank top with a light blue shirt over it, knotted at the waist.

  He shook his head. "Just the opposite. Very good. A knockout, in fact."

  His reaction pleased her. She motioned toward her living room. "Thank you. Would you like to come in for a minute?"

  "Sure." He walked past her, and Maddie caught of whiff of his very tantalizing after shave. Cologne, she decided, because he definitely hadn't shaved. The look worked for him. For one moment, she let her mind wander, curious how his scruffy face would feel against the tender skin of her inner thigh. She shook her head to clear it and checked out the rest of him. His jeans were as tight as hers, and she liked what she saw filling them. He wore a black t-shirt with a red and black shirt over it. His hair was loose. She hadn't realized how long it was, over his collar in the back, with bangs that almost covered his eyes if he didn't push them back. He carried a black cowboy hat in one hand and a bouquet of daisies in the other.

  "You look great, too." She struggled to regain internal composure, secretly hoping he didn't look around too much and wind up in her bedroom. She wasn't sure what the sight of him in there would do to her, but she had an idea. "Quite the cowboy."

  Rob faced her. "I'm not really a cowboy, but I like to play one." He offered her the flowers. "These are for you."

  "Thanks." Maddie took the flowers to the kitchen to get a vase.

  He followed. "Nice place you've got here. Really close to your work, too."

  She nodded as she arranged the flowers then added water to the vase. "That is a plus. The landlords, Mr. and Mrs. Peabody, are a retired couple who live next door. Any little problem I have gets fixed ten minutes after I report it. And the rent is dirt cheap. I think they like me."

  Rob took a step closer to her. "I know the feeling."

  Maddie grinned. "So where do you live? I suddenly realize I know nothing about you, except what Sophie has innocently offered up. You drive a truck, you make good pancakes, and you have a dog named Bo."

  "Ah, little chatterbox. I'm going to have to be careful around her, I see."

  She laughed. "Imagine if I pumped her for information. I might get some good blackmail fodder."

  He chuckled and shook his head. "Doubtful. I cultivate this bad boy image, but I'm really just a country boy at heart."

  She nodded toward his cowboy hat. "Hence the cowboy get up."

  He grinned and took her by the arm. "You've got to admit, it's fun to get all gussied up and go out sometimes. Now come on, I'll answer any question you have and any others you can think of on our way to Harry's." He stopped. "Harry's is all right with you, I hope."

  "Sure." Maddie grabbed her keys as they walked out the door. "Harry's is great." She shoved her keys in her jeans pocket, and watched him pull the front door shut then rattle it to make sure it locked. Maddie kept her arm through his, enjoying the anticipation of the evening to come. "Nice truck," she told him as he helped her in.

  It was an old Ford, sadly in need of a paint job and new upholstery. Rob chuckled as he got in the driver's side and slammed his door shut. "I put every one of the 200,000 miles on this baby myself. I've done every oil change, tune up, you name it. She may not be pretty to look out, but I'd bet my last dollar that she's a safe and reliable ride. I drive my daughter everywhere in this truck. What better reference could you ask for?"

  "Hold on there, cowboy." Maddie raised a hand. "I never asked for a reference. I believe all I said was 'nice truck'."

  "With just the proper hint of sarcasm," he teased, and pulled onto the road.

  "Okay, I see a toolbox in the back next to Sophie's car seat. So what do you do? I don't even know that."

  "I put her car seat back there to get it out of your way."

  Maddie laughed. "Well no shit. I didn't think you made her ride back there. Although, I did it when I was a kid, and I lived to tell the tale."

  A wide grin
split his face. "Hell, we rode in the back of my dad's truck every day. We never knew any better. Anyway, I work construction. I'm with a crew that's building the new houses out in the Riverland District right now."

  "Oh man, those places are fancy. You're building them?" She eyed him admiringly.

  He nodded. "Yeah, I am."

  She thought about that, and finally said, "You're pretty clean when you get off work for a construction worker."

  Rob laughed. "Only this week. I couldn't arrive at Sunny Days Childcare Center for my five-minute fix looking all dirty. I've had to try and clean up between the job site and the center. Not an easy thing to do, I might add."

  Maddie looked at him appreciatively. "I wore the dress with the low neckline, just for you. All day long, I had to hold the damn thing closed so I wasn't giving any kids a free shot."

  He pulled into the parking lot of Harry's bar and stopped the truck. He turned to Maddie and took one of her hands. "I'm glad to hear this was not a one-sided fixation." He brought her hand to his lips and kissed the back of it gently.

  She sighed and smiled at his touch. "It most definitely was not."

  "Hungry?" he asked, still holding her hand.


  Rob opened her door for her, and Maddie was in heaven as they entered the bar. It was a noisy country music establishment with good music and tasty food. Always crowded on the weekends, tonight was no exception. Rob found them a table in the back and led her to it. He moved his chair closer to hers, so they could talk over the music. It didn't take long for her to become so engrossed in conversation, she didn't even notice the music at all.

  They ordered steaks, fries and beer, and talked for two hours about everything under the sun. Maddie felt very comfortable and a little tipsy when Rob finally asked her to dance. She let him pull her onto the wooden floor, and they danced separately to several fast songs. A line dance formed and Maddie shook her head no, but Rob insisted. He stood behind her with his hands on her hips until she mastered the steps. They laughed when she stepped on his feet, and eventually the whole dancing crowd cheered when she completed a song with no mistakes.

  They finally stopped for a drink, and sought out some cold ice water over their lukewarm beer. The dance floor became more crowded and both of them had worked up a sweat. "Screw fashion," Rob peeled off his shirt and tossed it on a chair. His black t-shirt showed off his firm chest, and Maddie ran a finger over his pecs.

  "Yeah, screw fashion," she repeated.

  "How about you?" Rob tugged at the knot of her over shirt. "It's a lot cooler without."

  "Um, I don't know…" Maddie hesitated, but he'd already untied the shirt and helped her slip it off.

  "Let's dance." He pulled her by the hand back on to the floor, and they danced to a fast song. Maddie could tell by the stares of the men around her that her tank top was see-through. Rob pretended not to stare, but it was obvious he noticed.

  The song ended and Maddie crossed her arms over her chest. "This was a bad idea."

  The first slow song of the evening played, and Rob pulled her into his arms. "Nah, this was a good idea. A very good idea." He noticed her tattoo uncovered for the first time and ran his finger over it lightly. "Hey, this is pretty."

  "Thanks." She swooned when he planted a soft kiss on the little heart.

  Maddie didn't know if it was the beer or the heady scents of sweat and sexuality floating around her, but she felt like hot molten lava in his arms. She sunk into him and let him guide her around the floor. Rob pressed against her, and Maddie felt a shiver zip down her spine. She enjoyed the sensations as she tried to decide exactly how she wanted this evening to end.

  She'd slept with men on first dates before. Sometimes it ended up being the last date, too. She knew how easy it was to give in to the exquisite sensations and just do it. But she also realized, the guys she had sex with on their first date, and that's all it was, pure and simple sex, meant nothing to her. They filled a need at the moment; it was as simple as that.

  Tonight didn't feel that easy. Maddie didn't want it to be. As incredible as it sounded, after spending only a few hours with him, but she wanted it to mean something to Rob. I want to mean something to him. She'd never thought about the distinction between 'having sex' and 'making love' before, but tonight it seemed crystal clear.

  She leaned into his touch for one more moment, then pulled away slowly. "I think I need some air."

  "Sure." He led her back to their table, where they both drank the last of their water. Rob tossed some cash on the table, picked up both of their shirts and his hat, and led her out to the parking lot. "You okay?"

  Maddie nodded. "I'm fine. I had such an incredible time tonight."

  He opened the door of the truck for her, and went around to his side. He sat with his hands on the steering wheel for a moment before he spoke. "I'm sorry, Maddie. I knew I was going too fast. But you look so damn hot tonight. I didn't want to stop myself."

  She put a hand on his shoulder. "I didn't want to stop, either. But we had to."

  "I know." He nodded.

  She pulled her hand back and looked out the window. "I do have one regret."

  "What's that?" He looked at her.

  She gave him a tiny smile. "I was hoping you'd kiss me. It's okay, I mean, maybe we'll have another chance, another date if you'd like." Her voice trailed off as Rob reached for her and cupped her face in one of his hands. He brought her mouth to hers for a sweet, gentle kiss. He tasted faintly of beer and something minty, and Maddie opened her mouth to taste more of him.

  She gasped with pleasure as his tongue nudging its way into her mouth. She tried to stifle her moan but was unsuccessful, and she could tell by his low growl that her whimpering turned him on. She opened her mouth more fully, and sank against him.

  He kissed her hungrily, his hands running down her arms. His fingers were strong, and Maddie felt like putty to his touch. Her senses overwhelmed her and she tingled at each spot he caressed. They both smelled smoky from the bar, but something about the odor mixed with his cologne turned Maddie on, and she kissed him back with the same voracity. His hands slid up her sides, settling just below her breasts, where his thumbs formed circles. He took every new step slowly, as if giving her a chance to stop him. But stopping him was the last thing on her mind. Whatever this man wanted to do to her, right here, right now, was fine.

  As if reading her mind, he pulled away. "We probably shouldn't do this."

  "I know," she agreed wistfully.

  Rob settled into his seat, then took her hand. He gently kissed the back of it as he had done earlier. "You mentioned another date? Make no mistake about it, there will be another date. Many more, if I have anything to say about it. But nothing's going to happen until you're ready. You mean too much to me for a quick roll in the hay. I'd like to take my time and really get to know you."

  She nodded, overwhelmed by his words. He feels the same way I do. She closed her eyes tight to keep an errant tear from falling.

  Rob squeezed her hand, smiled, then quietly drove her home. "Here we are."

  "Home again, home again, jiggity jig."

  He chuckled. "You know all the best nursery rhymes. I'm totally jealous."

  She yawned. "Yeah, I'll bet. I can't believe I got so drowsy all of a sudden. Must be the beer kicking in." She looked at him. "I had a really good time."

  "Me, too." He helped her out. "If you give me your keys, I'll unlock your door then go."

  She obliged.

  He opened the door and flipped the light on. Maddie looked at him. "You never told me where you live."

  He leaned against her porch railing. "I have a house on the edge of town, on a little piece of property. Can't hardly be called a ranch yet, but it will be someday. I built it myself. It's a work in progress."

  "Wow." Maddie was amazed. "I'd love to see it sometime."

  "How about tomorrow? We could have a picnic by my pond."

  "Only if you'll let me bring the picn

  "It's a deal. Why don't I call you in the morning with directions? Your eyes are only half open now, and I don't want you to get lost."

  Maddie pulled him by a handful of his t-shirt toward her for a kiss. They embraced gently for one moment, then it ended. "Call me tomorrow." She let her hand drop from his chest.

  "Sweet dreams, beautiful." He ran a hand over her face then walked back toward his truck.

  Chapter Two

  "This is not the finest example of my work," Maddie explained, setting a box of store-bought fried chicken on the blanket Rob spread out the next day. "With a little more notice I can whip up a picnic that would knock your socks off." She offered him a can and said "Soda?"

  "Sure." He chuckled as he helped her set out the food. "Well, I'm sorry. But I couldn't wait any longer to see you again. After that debacle last night, I'm lucky you'll let me see you at all."

  She nibbled on a biscuit. "Last night was great. Definitely not a debacle."

  "It felt like it, there at the end."

  "Nah." Maddie looked around the grounds. The house was set at the front of the lot, with a huge yard behind it. There were fields off to the side and a big pond, where they sat now. "It really is beautiful out here."

  "I think so, too. Someday, I'm going to have horses in a stable over there," he motioned, "and a red barn over there. Just because I've always wanted a red barn."

  Maddie nodded as they ate. "So, did Sophie's mother live here with you?"

  Rob looked at her then back at his chicken. He seemed to be deciding if he wanted to talk about it. "No, she didn't. We lived in Oklahoma City. I moved here after we split up."

  "When did you build the house? How long ago did you break up?"

  He grinned at her. "Are you going to answer all these questions about yourself when we finally get around to talking about you?"

  Maddie wiped a crumb off Rob's lip with her thumb. "Of course. Anything you want to know."


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