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Draekon Abduction_Exiled to the Prison Planet

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by Lili Zander

  Draekon Abduction

  Exiled to the Prison Planet

  Lee Savino

  Lili Zander

  Copyright © 2017 by Tara Crescent, Lili Zander, Lee Savino.

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means including information storage and retrieval systems, without permission in writing from the author. The only exception is by a reviewer, who may quote short excerpts in a review.

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

  Many thanks to Miranda for her sharp eyes.

  Cover Design by Kasmit Covers


  Draekon Abduction

  The Lowlands and surrounding areas


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25


  The Dragons in Exile Series

  The Draekons

  About the Authors

  A Preview of Her Cocky Doctors

  A Preview of Sold to the Berserkers by Lee Savino

  Books by Lili Zander

  Books by Lee Savino

  Draekon Abduction

  How to Fail as an Intergalactic Spy:

  Crash spaceship on wrong planet.

  Break leg.

  Get abducted by rogue prisoners.

  End up with two pairs of dragon-shifters claiming I’m their mate.

  Here’s a report for the CIA: The aliens are freaking good kissers.

  The mission was simple: Go to the Zorahn planet. Spy on the aliens.

  One space ship crash later, we’re the ‘guests’ of a scary bunch of exiles. My cover as a bombshell bimbo is too good... because now four alien dragons are fighting over me.

  They intend to court me until I choose between them. Secret mission or not, I’m gonna end up with two Draekon mates.

  Draekon Abduction is the fourth book in the Dragons in Exile series. It’s a full-length, standalone science fiction dragon-shifter MFM menage romance story featuring a wary CIA operative and two sexy aliens that are determined to win her as mate. (No M/M) Happily-ever-after guaranteed!

  The Lowlands and surrounding areas


  CIA Headquarters, Langley, Virginia.

  When Roman Saint-Germain tells you to jump, there’s only one appropriate response. How high.

  I’m outside my boss’s office fifteen minutes before my three-o'clock meeting. Smoothing my damp palms against my skirt, I inch up to his assistant. “Do you know what the summons is about?” Please let this be about Stone Mountain.

  Laura Keys shakes her head. “You were on vacation, weren’t you?” she asks sympathetically. “Sorry, Liv.”

  The door opens, and Roman stands in the doorway. I stiffen to attention as my boss’ slate-grey eyes run over me. I’ve worked at the agency for eight years, spending the last six of them in Roman’s department—Global Issues—and still my pulse speeds up when he nods in my direction. “Thanks for making it,” he says politely.

  As if I had a choice in the matter. I follow him into his corner office and take a seat opposite him. For a few minutes, neither of us breaks the silence. Roman surveys me thoughtfully, and I fight the impulse to blurt out the first thing on my mind.

  I lose. “This isn’t about Stone Mountain, is it?” I applied almost a month ago to work on the group’s marquee project, but I don’t need to use my agency-honed analytical skills to realize that Roman’s hardly going to call me back in the middle of my vacation for a routine assignment.

  “Stone Mountain? No. I’m sending Johansen to Marrakesh.” He pushes a red folder across the desk. “This is something else.”

  Ignoring the disappointment that floods through me, I scan the file, disbelief growing with each page I flip through. “Aliens? Are you joking?”

  An eyebrow rises, and I wince inwardly. That was a stupid question. Roman never jokes. “Sorry, Sir. How do I fit in?”

  “The aliens—they call themselves the Zorahn—are looking to barter. They’re offering a cure for leukemia, and in exchange, they want women.”

  “Women? How many? Why?” Every bad 80s sci-fi movie flashes before my eyes. “To repopulate their world?”

  “A hundred. According to the aliens, there’s a disease ravaging their people, and their scientists believe that human genetic material might offer a path to a cure.” He lifts his head from the desk and surveys me with cool eyes. “They want to take the women to their planet for six months. They promise everyone will be returned safe and unharmed.”

  “And you believe this?”

  “I don’t know what I believe.”

  “We accepted the offer, I assume?”

  He tilts his head to one side. “Why did you reach that conclusion?”

  “It’s only logical. Thousands of people die every year from blood cancers. Compared to that, a hundred lives are a drop in the bucket.” I bite my lower lip and consider the wisdom of my next words. “There are rumors that the president’s daughter has sought treatment at the Mayo Clinic.”

  “Indeed.” Roman doesn’t seem surprised that I know, neither does he seem perturbed. “The president was highly motivated to accept the Zorahn offer. This will go public in the next week. We’re looking for volunteers.”

  Now it’s my turn to raise an eyebrow. “You think women are going to volunteer to travel to an alien planet from which they might or might not return?”

  “They will.” His tone is implacable. “And so will you.”

  My head snaps up. Of course. Why else would Roman call me in? “Me?”

  “Of all the DNA samples we submitted, yours was the one they picked,” he says. “We think the Zorahn are picking women without family ties.” He leans back. “Pity. You wouldn’t have been my first choice for this assignment.”

  My entire body goes cold. “I wouldn’t have been your first choice?” I try to keep my voice calm and steady. I succeed, but Roman’s grey eyes rake over me, seeing too much, like he always does.

  “Olivia.” He steeples his fingers together. “You’re an excellent agent. Logical. Consistent. You’ll do well at the agency.”


  “There’s a critical difference between a good agent and a great one. A great agent listens to her instincts.”

  I clamp my lips shut, biting back the protest that rises to my lips. Fuck this shit. There’s only one reason I didn’t get Stone Mountain. Because I’m a woman. I’ve fought to be the best at my job for eight long years, but even now, people can’t look past the boobs to see the agent.

  But I don’t need to listen to my instincts to hear what Roman has left unsaid. I can go on this alien mission, or I can kiss my career at the agency goodbye.

  I’m not ready to give up.

  I lift my chin. “I look forward to proving you wr
ong,” I say evenly.

  He inclines his head in a nod. “So do I, Olivia.”



  We’re less than a week out of Earth, and already, things are a complete, total disaster. Let’s count all the ways Roman’s assignment has gone wrong so far, shall we?

  1. Go to Zoraht.

  Sorry, boss. I appear to have crash-landed on a different planet altogether, one the Zorahn scientists accompanying us are referring to as the prison planet.

  2. Stay out of trouble.

  My left leg is badly broken. My left fibula, if I’m remembering my high-school biology lectures correctly. It tore open my flesh as it broke, and if I undo the bandage that Sofia wrapped around the wound, I know I’ll see the white gleam of bone.

  On Earth, in a hospital, such a break would be fixable. But as far as I know, there are no medical facilities here. Even worse, the planet outside is hot and humid, ideal breeding grounds for all kinds of nasty bacteria. If I don’t get help, I could lose the leg.

  Stay calm, Liv. Panicking isn’t going to help the situation.

  3. Keep the other women safe.

  Death toll so far: One. Janet Cane. Two, if we’re counting the dead alien, Mannix.

  Missing and possibly dead: Four. Viola Lewis, Harper Boyd, Ryanna Dickson, and Sofia Menendez. Before I passed out, the women had been talking about setting out to find food and water. How long have they been gone? I can’t tell. My thoughts are cloudy, and every nerve ending in my body screams with agony.

  Hang on. My brain slowly starts working. The four women had stuck me in my pod before they set out. I’m in stasis. I should be out like a light. What woke me up?

  Then I hear it. Noises outside. Two male voices, harsh and guttural. There’s someone here. I can hear the hiss of the air seal breaking as a stasis pod door opens. “What’s going on?”

  That’s Paige’s voice. She sounds nervous. “Are we on Zoraht?”

  The voices growl something at her. Why can’t I understand them? I feel in my ear for the small golden disk that Hector Schultz had stuck in my ear, his eyes glued to my boobs the entire time. It’s not there. Shit. That’s not good.

  I had my translator when I got into my stasis pod on Earth. Did I have it when we first crashed? Ignoring the waves of burning pain that radiate from my leg through my entire body, I search my memories. Yes. I did. Which means it must have fallen out somewhere in this pod.

  It’s dark. I can’t see. I run my hands over the small chamber, groping for the gadget. There’s more activity now. Raiht’vi, the female scientist, is awake. She snarls something at the two men, her voice angry and fearful. One of them replies, his tone laced with contempt. What’s going on? My pulse races. The door to my pod can’t be opened from the inside. They have to let me out.

  My finger closes over something cold and metallic. The translator. Heaving a sigh of relief, I insert it into my ear, barely registering the jolt of electricity it produces as it connects.

  It does its magic. The guttural sounds resolve into words. “Of all the people I thought I’d see on the prison planet…” The man—alien—sounds coldly amused. “So Brunox finally revealed the existence of his daughter to the High Empire.”

  Raiht’vi inhales sharply. “Who are you? How do you know who I am?”

  The man chuckles. “I’m Draekon, Scientist. That’s all you need to know. Lio, search the ship. Grab everything that might be useful.”

  Ooh. Alien intrigue. This is exactly the kind of stuff I’m supposed to be recording. I commit the conversation to memory—despite what Roman said about me not being his first choice for this mission, I scored in the ninety-ninth percentile in the agency’s memory tests. His words still rankle, and I’m determined to prove him wrong. I’m going to ace this mission, and when I get back home, the CIA’s best eggheads can figure out what the information I’ve collected means. Who the Draekons are, and why Raiht’vi seems so antagonistic toward them.

  If I get back home.

  More doors open, and the other women are removed from the stasis chamber. I hear expressions of dismay, probably when they realize there’s a giant, gaping hole in the ship. “Where are we?” one of them asks. That’s Bryce McFarland, if I’m not mistaken. The bed-and-breakfast owner from Vermont sounds less nervous that I’d have expected. Good for her.

  “You are on the prison planet,” one of the aliens replies. “Specifically, you are in the Lowlands, and any day now, the rains will fall, and your ship will be flooded. We must get you to safety.”

  He sounds calm. Competent. But somehow, cold.

  “I will go nowhere with you,” Raiht’vi snaps. “I would rather drown.”

  Footsteps draw closer. My ear is pressed against the door, and I hastily move back, trying to pretend I’m fast asleep. According to my cover, Olivia Buckner is a bimbo, uninterested in anything past the tip of her nose. Until I know what’s going on and who I can trust and who I cannot, I’m going to stick to it.

  Light floods into my little pod. Two sets of hands reach for me and pull me out, and the movement sends a fresh jolt of agony through my body. They set me on my feet, and I crumple, blood leaking from the open wound, soaking the bandage in red. “She’s hurt,” May squeals, too late to do any good. “She broke her leg.”

  Gee. Thanks, May. Your warning would have been a bit more useful before I’d collapsed.

  I look up at my two rescuers, wondering if they’re going to look like the Zorahn or if they’re going to look more ‘alien.’ You know. Horns and tails and glowing green eyes. Like Hollywood’s been promising us for decades.

  Nope. These aliens are hot. As tall as Beirax, and just as sculpted. They’re wearing black pants and nothing else. Their bare chests glisten with sweat, throwing each muscle into sharp relief. One of them has black, shoulder-length hair that flies away from his face in wild curls. The other alien’s hair is cut ruthlessly short. His gaze rests on me, concerned.

  For a change, a man isn’t looking at my boobs. Nope. This alien’s green-brown eyes are glued to my leg.

  It’s only because I’m watching him watch me that I notice the shudder that runs through his body as our eyes lock. Alien #1 sinks to his knees as well, only for a second. Raiht’vi stiffens in alarm as the Alien #2 takes a step back, before grabbing his buddy and shoving him toward the big hole in the ship.

  A loud howl cuts through the air.

  “What’s going on?” Paige asks haltingly, her face white with fear.

  Bryce, braver than the others, climbs on a piece of twisted metal and sticks her head outside. “You’ve got to be kidding.” She sounds a little freaked out. “You’re not going to believe this. Those two guys that were just here? They’ve turned into dragons.”

  Raiht’vi is suddenly next to me. “Olivia Buckner,” she whispers into my ear. “I know who you are. You work for your government.”

  So much for fooling the Zorahn.

  Deny, deny, always deny. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  She makes a scoffing sound in her throat. “Your identity isn’t important now. Only one thing matters. If you ever want to leave this planet, you must remember one thing. Trust no one. Especially the Draekons.”

  A massive hand—paw?—pokes through the hole. Claws curl over Felicity—huge talon-tipped claws, shiny green and scaly like a lizard’s. She screams in terror as she’s lifted out. Paige, May, and Bryce meet the same fate, each of them carefully picked up by gleaming, razor-sharp claws. My heart beats in my throat as I watch their faces go slack with fear and shock, but there’s nothing I can do to stop it. Nothing I can do to protect them.

  When it’s Raiht’vi’s turn, she scrambles backward. Out of nowhere, she produces a gun and aims it at the dragon that’s groping toward her, and presses the trigger. The creature outside howls, sounding more angry than hurt. Another paw replaces the first, and five sharp claws, each one six-feet long, close over me.

  Then, mercifully, everything goes dar



  On the homeworld, the Draekons are shadowy monsters, exiled by the Zorahn to keep their citizens safe from harm.

  However, when you are being groomed to be the next Spymaster of the High Empire, you’re privy to secrets hidden from the rest of the population, hidden even from the High Emperor and his children.

  The first fact: There are only four known species that can mate with Draekons. Zorahn, of course. In addition, women from Maarish and from the lost planet of Joram are capable of forming a mating bond with the soldier race.

  The fourth species? Humans, from the primitive planet of Earth, located in the heart of the neutral zone.

  The second fact: Contact with a neutral zone planet is strictly forbidden. The Triumvirate polices the area with ruthless competence, and they shoot on sight.

  The third fact: Human genes were used in the creation of the Draekons.

  All of which leads to one inescapable conclusion. These women are important. So important that they’re being accompanied by one of the White Ones, the only daughter of Brunox, head of the Council of Scientists. Raiht’vi.

  I make these connections as Liorax and I open the stasis pods and free their inhabitants. The ship has obviously crashed. Brunox’s daughter is bleeding, and one of the human women is cradling her right hand in her left, her face etched with pain.


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