The Dragon Healer of Tone (World of Tone)
Page 9
The next morning Fienna returned and immediately grabbed Terra and hugged him close.
“Alright Fienna, your hugging the breath out of me.”
“Oh, I’m sorry, and she sat him down.”
Terra sat and leaned against her great body as she started to tell what she had done over her time alone.
Chapter 28 - Seeing His Kind for the First Time
(Learning of Your Heritage is often a Hard Lesson.)
347 set of seasons since the coming of the Averons
Terra was increasingly becoming curious about his kind. He had heard the stories from Lowlack but had never actually seen another human since he had come to the world of the dragons. Fienna felt this desire in Terra and feared it. She thought that if he went to see his kind he would stay with them. Terra never asked Fienna to take him because he didn’t want to hurt her. He knew he would never be able to leave her, but he did want to see what other humans looked like. Lowlack increasingly thought that Terra should see his kind. He felt that it would help him understand himself and his body. Lowlack had noticed that Terra was a little different. He was bigger and stronger, and his body much more powerfully built. Lowlack just assumed Terra came from larger humans who lived elsewhere.
Lowlack knew of Fienna’s feeling but finally broached the subject while Terra was sleeping one sunset. Fienna was watching the moonrise as Lowlack walked up to her.
“Fienna, can I talk to you?”
“Of course, Lowlack.”
“It’s about Terra. I think it would be good if he could see his kind.
We live with other dragons, and you know our world. Terra has never even seen another human. I think he really should.”
“I’m afraid he’ll stay with them if he sees them.”
“I don’t think Terra could ever leave you. But you can’t make that choice for him. You must give him a chance.”
“I don’t know.”
“I will not make you. It is your decision, but think of Terra.”
That sunset Fienna couldn’t sleep. She thought about what Lowlack said. Finally after hours of searching for the right answer, she decided that she should talk to Terra about it. Tomorrow she would fly them to the cove and talk to him.
In the morning, they flew to the cove and settled in the sand.
“Terra would you like to go see your kind?” Fienna said in the most controlled voice she could muster.
“I would like to. I have never seen another like myself. I would like to know what they look like. What they do. Things like that.”
“Lowlack and I will take you. But, I,” Fienna stopped and turned her huge head away from Terra.
Terra could feel her emotions of fear of losing him and her love.
Terra reached up and touched her great forearm and thought to her.
“Fienna, nothing will ever separate us. I could not live without you. For a long time now, I’ve known I could not live without you. You are part of me. You’re present in all my thinking and feelings. Don’t worry; we will always be together.”
Fienna calmed down and realized that Terra was right that she felt the same way. She gently curled her great tail around his small body and snuggled close to him. Their bond was life long even though she still had a nagging fear about the whole thing.
The next morning Terra, Fienna, and Lowlack flew to the place Lowlack used to watch the humans. Terra climbed to Fienna’s head and peered out at a lake with a number of small little things moving around it.
“I can’t see much. Can we get closer?” Terra said as he strained to see.
“No, if we go closer, they will run. They’re all deathly afraid of dragons.” Lowlack said.
Fienna thought to Terra, “Watch through my eyes. I can see them quite good.”
He closed his eyes and focused on what Fienna was seeing. They were like him, some small, some large. Then he saw a woman that was just going into the water for a swim. She was different than he.
“Lowlack, what is that one going into the water? It looks deformed.”
“No, that’s a female; it is supposed to look like that.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yes, the running beasts are the same.”
As Terra thought about the different beasts he had encountered, he realized they were different as Lowlack had said. They stayed until dark and then flew back to the cave. Several sun-risings passed before they went back. This time Lowlack decided to show them one of the places he got the seed rocks that Terra ate. He had five or six because he didn’t want to scare the humans at any one place too much, or they would stop coming. He had done that when he first started getting them for Terra. As they landed on a hill above the area, Terra could see through Fienna’s eyes the small mounds and the humans taking the rocks out of them. They loaded the rocks into the spider webs and put them into wooden things tied to beasts. Then suddenly several humans riding on beasts came running into the area and leaned over and grabbed the rocks and then rushed off into the forest. Terra felt as if he should do something to stop them. He wasn’t quite sure why though.
Lowlack told them to stay there as he was taking off. They could see Lowlack fly high into the air then dive at the humans who were running from the mounds. When they saw him, they dropped their bundles and pushed their beasts into the forest. Lowlack then landed and picked up the bundles of seed rocks and flew back to the two.
“Lowlack, what was going on down there?” Fienna said.
“Oh, the ones on the beast are lazy humans. They don’t want to do the work of making the rocks themselves, so they take them.”
“That’s disgusting; no dragon would ever rely on another dragon for food,” Fienna said.
“You’re right. No dragon would, but a few of the humans do. Not many just a few. Most of them work hard all the time.”
“Is that how you always get the rocks for me.”
“No, most of the time I wait until the last of the females are leaving the area, and I fly over and scare them. They usually force the beast to run, and a few of the bundles fall out of those wooden things. I then just land and pick them up. I never hurt any of them. I just scare them.”
As they flew back to cave, Fienna thought to Terra. “Would you like to go back to your kind?”
“You’re my kind. You’re the only kind I want to be with. I have no desire to leave you or our home.”
With that Fienna’s fears finally disappeared. She now knew her Terra would never leave her even for a human woman.
Chapter 29 - Reproduction
(All young must learn the Mysteries of Life.)
347 set of seasons since the coming of the Averons
Fienna, Dawra and, of course, Terra were flying along the coast when Fienna saw a group of male dragons fly beautiful patterns in the sky. She landed on a nearby cliff to watch. Dawra landed next to her while Terra dismounted and sat on the cliff edge.
“What are they doing?” Fienna asked her mother.
“They’re male dragons vying for mating privileges with a female.
See her sitting on the cliff over there.” Dawra pointed at a bright red dragon watching from the top of the highest cliff on this part of the coast.
“Why are they flying around like that?”
“They are trying to impress her with their strength. She wants the strongest and most powerful for a mate, so her child can have the best chance of survival.”
Just then a huge blue dragon flew into sight. The sight of him took Dawra’s breath away.
“It’s your father, Hectise. The great blue.”
Hectise was the largest dragon Fienna had ever seen. He was as graceful as a small feather flier and as powerful as the great winds. The other males moved aside when he flew through. The red made the choice instantly. She wanted Hectise. She indicated this by flying straight to him and passing just below his great body. The two of them flew back to the cliff. The other males dispersed in the air and disappeared. The two then took off from the clif
f and flew higher and higher, and then they came together in a death-like embrace. They started to fall together. They fell until they were just about to hit the ground, and they separated and flew apart in two great arcs just above the land. Hectise flew off, and the red female dragon returned to the cliff apparently exhausted.
“Mother is that how dragons mate?”
“Yes, was it not beautiful?”
“It looked very dangerous.”
Oh, Fienna you’re not old enough to know, but soon, yes soon, you will know.”
Fienna did not say anything else. She just wondered how she would mate with Terra. He would be the only male she would ever let near her.
That sunset as Lowlack was visiting, Terra asked. “Lowlack how do humans mate?”
“Why do you ask that?”
“We saw two dragons mate in the air this sun-rising. Humans can’t fly, so how do they do it?”
“It is hard to explain, but I can show you. There’s this place that young humans go to mate. I don’t understand why though. They seem to sneak off from their dwellings and go to this one area of plants. The older adults either don’t mate or do it elsewhere.”
“Could we go tomorrow?”
“Yes, but they only do it near dusk, so we’ll leave late.”
The next sun-rising Lowlack led Fienna and Terra to the mountain top he used to watch the humans. At first no one came, but then a young couple came running across the field of grass just in front of the wooded area. They started to walk through the woods until they came to a clearing. There they put down a large piece of cloth. Then they embraced and took off the clothes they were wearing. The woman lay down, and the man lay on top of her. It looked as if they were embracing each other much like the dragons had. When they pulled apart, they were both breathing hard. Terra felt an odd feeling and leaned against Fienna’s great leg.
“That’s how they mate?” Fienna said.
“Where are the other males and the show they put on?” Fienna asked.
“Humans don’t do that, and they seem to stay with the same mate for a long time.”
“I don’t understand.”
“Well, the male doesn’t leave after mating. The two stay together usually for as long as they live. At least that’s what I’ve seen happen.”
Fienna thought to Terra.
“This is a much better way, and then the male helps with the children.”
“Yes, I think so.” Terra thought to Fienna as he nodded his head.
Lowlack knew they were communicating with each other, but he still didn’t understand quite how they did it without talking.
Chapter 30 - Exploring a Secret Place
(Exploring the unknown a Joy of the Young.)
347 set of seasons since the coming of the Averons
It had been ten sets of seasons since Terra had arrived. Mother dragons were acutely aware of the passage of time. They loved their children and always had a hard time allowing them to go. So they knew how much time they had left with their loved child. Dawra had mentioned the fact that soon Terra would be here ten sets of seasons.
Fienna thought that this would be an excellent time to surprise Terra with the path she had built at their secret lake.
As Terra was washing in the pool at the edge of the cave Fienna said,
“ Terra, why don’t we go to the lake this sun-rising?”
“That would be good. We haven’t been there since your time away.”
“Yes, I know. We’ll go this afternoon.”
“Is there something wrong? I have this odd feeling from you.”
“No, everything is fine.”
“Well, all right if you say so.”
That afternoon Terra mounted Fienna, and they flew toward the lake.
“Fienna, why are you so excited? Is there something going on?”
Terra thought with a wry grin on his face.
“You’ll see!”
As they flew over the edge of the crevices’ cliff, Terra saw the path.
It went from the cave to the lake and was covered by sand.
“When did you do this?” Terra thought.
“When I was away.”
“How did you keep this a secret?”
“I did it at sunset when you were asleep. I wanted to surprise you.”
Fienna and Terra landed at the mouth of the cave, and the path made it easy to see the beautiful lake from the cave’s entrance. It was wide enough for Fienna to hop to the lake.
“Why did you do this?”
“Soon it will be time for us to move out of my mother’s cave and find our own place. I thought this would be perfect. You can do things for yourself here, and we will have plenty of room for the two of us.”
Terra hugged the great neck of his companion with love. He now knew he would never lose her. He thought for a brief time after they had seen the mating flight that Fienna would not need him, and she would send him to his people.
“Terra, why did you think that?” Fienna said in a concerned voice with a little anger.
“You keep taking me to see the humans. I thought you might be making me ready to go back to them, and I don’t want to ever leave you.”
“Terra, I could not live without you! It was hard for me to take you there. I thought you would want to leave me and go to your people.
Lowlack had to convince me you should see them.”
“I would never leave you. I have no interest in humans; I love you alone in this world.”
Terra hugged Fienna’s neck tighter and tears came to his eyes, tears of joy. Fienna could not tear, but she curled her great tail up and around until it wrapped around Terra. They were life companions now, and no one could ever separate them.
Terra finally dismounted and looked over the path.
“How’d you get the sand here?”
“Setilan helped me. She found a big basket, and I scooped up the sand from the beach and flew it here. I dumped basket after basket until I filled in the path.
“Let’s look around the cave. I like to see were we could sleep,” Terra said in a jovial voice.
The two walked into the great mouth of the cave. It’s interior seemed like an enchanted place with the light reflecting from great crystal finger that hung from the roof. Terra walked down to the stream running through the cave. It was cold and clear as the crystals that hung form the caves ceiling, and it tasted sweet and clean. Fienna was looking for the best place to sleep. She found a large flat terrace several levels above the stream and slightly above this terrace was a small shelf that would be perfect for Terra. Terra seeing it through Fienna’s eyes agreed that it would be a good place for them to sleep.
The stream led back into the cave and turned a corner.
“Let’s follow the stream and see where it goes Fienna.”
“Let me get to you before you start.”
Fienna hopped down to the edge of the stream where Terra was, and they started walking. The cave turned a corner and in front of the pair was a smaller opening, but it was large enough for Fienna or any dragon to fit through. A strange greenish glow came from the opening. They approached slowly not knowing what the glow was. As they came to the opening, Terra mounted Fienna, and she entered. There they saw the most wonderful sight. A small lake was formed at the bottom of a tall waterfall. The water was coming through a small opening in the top of the cave. The rocks in the cave glowed green. Both the crystal fingers that hung from the ceiling reflected the light, as well as the crystalline covered walls near the waterfall. The water tumbled out of the corner of the caves’ ceiling into a large round pool. The stream that wound through the cave came from the front of the pool. They walked up to the edge of the pool. Through the clear water, they could see that the pool was not very deep. It appeared to be capable of holding Fienna as well as Terra.
“Let’s go in and see what’s like Terra.”
“All right. Let me take these things off.”
Terra di
smounted Fienna and removed his clothes, and they both jumped into the water. It was cold, but they didn’t seem to feel it as they played in the sweet water. As they went up on the bank of the small pool, they could see that the cave ended in this chamber. Terra put his things back on, and they walked back to the entrance of the cave. This would indeed make a perfect home for the two of them.
Chapter 31 - Knowledge
(A Young Mind is a Thirsty Thing.)
348 set of seasons since the coming of the Averons
Fienna and Terra were at the cove sunning themselves when Setilan came walking out of the water. She sat down next to Terra and leaned up against Fienna with a look of disgust on her face.
“What’s wrong?” Terra said.
“Oh, it is that teacher of mine. She’s always telling me I have to learn how to read and write and the history of our people. She’s so annoying.”
“What’s reading, writing and history?”
“You don’t know how to read or write. Humans invented it!” she said in a surprised tone.
“I don’t even know what you’re talking about.”
“Well, there are these little scratches that we put on stone, and they mean things. That is called writing. Reading is when you can tell what the scratches mean.”
“What’s history?”
“Oh, over time a lot of nymphs have put the scratches on stones, and they tell what happened when they were writing. Then you can read the scratches, and you know what happened long before you were here.”
“I didn’t know that was possible.” Terra said with a perplexed look on his face.
“Would you like to learn? I’ll ask my father to tell my teacher to help you.”
“I would but don’t go to any trouble.”
Fienna said in a questioning tone, “Why do you want to learn these things?”
“I don’t know. You are always learning things from your mother and Lowlack. I though that perhaps it would help me.”
“Well, if you want to, that’s fine as long as I don’t have to do it. I have enough things to know.”