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The Dragon Healer of Tone (World of Tone)

Page 18

by Adams, A. D.

  With that, Kindel’s moans of agony stopped. Then his hands started to glow brighter than normal. The orange didn’t move across the entire opening; it seemed to flow out of his hands into two streams to form orange cords. The cords weaved themselves back and fourth through the gash until they created a weave of orange ropes along the whole length of the opening. Then the cords began to tighten pulling the two separated edges of the torn flesh together. When the flesh was bonded together, a line of orange traveled up the cut healing it closed. It took what seemed to be forever before the line finally faded, and no sign of the great gash was left. Terra lifted his hands and stepped back.

  “Fienna, I need you to help me straighten her neck. I think she’s having a hard time breathing,” Terra thought to her. Fienna slowly and gently lifted her head and moved her neck into a natural position. Terra then placed his hands on the area of her neck that bones were protruding from. The area began to glow, and the bones pulled back into her neck. Then the muscles grew together, and finally her skin came together leaving no mark of the injury. Kindel was finally able to breathe normally and speak.

  “Thank you, dragon healer!” she said in a raspy voice.

  Terra looked at her for a moment, thinking about what she called him.

  “Good name for you,” Fienna thought to him.

  Terra yelled to one of the dragons standing and watching, “Please get her some fresh water.”

  A yellow female took off immediately and returned with her hands cupped with water. She walked over and slowly spilled the water into Kindel’s mouth. She pulled her tongue in and out slowly swallowing it.

  “Kindel. We have to move your body and stretch out your wings, so I can heal them properly. I will try to block the pain, but you will still hurt,” Terra said.

  “I understand,” she replied.

  “Fienna, I’m going to hold onto her tail and try to stop some of her pain. Can you move her and stretch her wings out?” Terra thought to her.

  “I’ll need some help from these others.”

  With that Fienna went to her mother and asked for her assistance.

  The two of them moved toward Kindel. They gently pushed her body over so that she was lying on her stomach. They then pulled the two wings out into their normal extended position. Terra had great trouble trying to keep the pain in check. Finally, he approached the most damaged wing. Parts of bone and membrane were missing. Virtually ever muscle was injured, and every bone broken. Terra almost became sick at the sight of it. He knelt down and placed both hands on her wing.

  His whole upper body began to glow. The orange glow infused her entire wing. The other dragons gasped as bones began to grow and replace missing sections. In one area, a whole bone began to grow from nothing. Once the bones were regenerated, the muscles began to slowly reform. As they all watched, muscle stretched themselves out and reattached to the bones. New tissue formed. Finally, the thin membrane slowly reformed and stretched across the wing making it whole once more. Terra sat back on the sand, and the glow left him. Fienna rushed over to him and rubbed his back with her nose.

  “Are you all right? I don’t want you hurting yourself. We’ll leave if you’re too tired to continue,” Fienna thought with great concern in her voice.

  “No, I’m fine. I just need to rest a little while.”

  “Take all the time you need,” she thought as she continued to rub his back.

  It didn’t take long before his strength returned, and he got up and walked to the other wing. This wing was not nearly as bad. It had no missing pieces just broken bones. He healed it quickly. He then moved to each limb, which had various injuries and healed them. Finally, he placed both hands on her side and again his whole upper body glowed, but there was no visible glow on Kindel.

  “What are you doing my love?” Fienna thought to him.

  “Her insides are hurt. They’re fixed now.” He backed away and sat down next to Fienna’s tail and leaned against her. She felt him taking a little strength from her.

  “Take as much as you need; I feel strong,” Fienna thought to him.

  “I could not live without you. Never leave me Fienna,” Terra thought in a love so strong that Fienna almost stopped breathing from its intensity.

  “You know I will always be part of you. We will never be parted.”

  she replied with the same strength of love.

  Kindel slowly rose off the blood soaked sand where she would have died. She was still covered with her own blood. She looked at the Dragon Healer who was also covered with her blood. She slowly rose to her full height, which was a quarter smaller than Fienna. She carefully turned to face the two of them. Kindel spread her wings. They were whole. A little pain was still present, but she was completely healed. She walked to Terra and Fienna.

  “You gave me back my life. I will be able to raise my child. These things I will never be able to return. I will be at your service anytime you need me. I vow that nothing on Tone will ever harm you if I can prevent it. Is there anything you want from me now?” Kindel said loud so all could hear.

  “Go to your child; she needs you my friend,” Terra said in a gentle voice.

  Kindel spread her wings and launched herself into the air. She flew by him once more waving her wings to him. The other dragons that had been watching each in turn walked by him and bowed their heads before taking off.

  The yellow stopped instead of passing and said. “Dragon Healer, I have never seen anything like this before. Others will hear of what you’ve done. You have made many friends this sun-rising, including me.”

  As she started to walk away, Terra asked her name.

  “I’m called Hiecal,” she said as she launched herself.

  Dawra suddenly turned her head when she said her name.

  “She’s the oldest living dragon they say. She is supposed to know everything about the dragons. It’s said she will never die. That she’s been among us since the beginning of time. It’s been said she has not revealed herself to any living things since beyond known memory,”

  Dawra said in an amazed voice.

  Terra and Fienna washed themselves in the sea before returning home. He was tired and went into the cave to lie down and rest. Fienna went hunting and brought back a large runner. She started a fire and placed the meat next to it as Terra did. When it was burnt like he preferred it, she called him, and they both filled their bellies to bursting.

  As the two relaxed, the name “Dragon Healer” was spreading.

  Within a full moon’s rising, Terra would be known to all dragons as the

  “Dragon Healer”. He would now and always be the “Dragon Healer”

  not just to the dragons but to all.

  Chapter 50 - The Healer of All

  (A Gift should not be used for the Few but for the Many.)

  351 set of seasons since the coming of the Averons

  Terra’s healing time for the dragons had become an event that he enjoyed. Fienna was at best neutral to the whole thing. She disliked sharing him with others, especially other dragons. Their home had become a refuge from the world. Sometimes they stayed in the crevice for several sun-risings without leaving. They would play in the lake, bathe in the waterfall in the secret part of the cave, and of course, relax.

  All in all, their home had become a small paradise for them both. One morning as they were sunning themselves after a swim in the lake, the ground seemed to start moving. It woke them both out of a light sleep.

  Terra stood up and could not understand what had happened. It didn’t last long, and everything seemed to be fine now, so he lay back down against Fienna’s side and closed his eyes.

  Setilan was rearranging her living space, which she did at least once a new moon, when the entire palace began to shake violently. She tried to swim to the door, but the water seemed to be vibrating making it impossible for her to move in the direction she wished. Her body seemed to be forced toward the back of the room. All her possessions were floating everywhere. Th
e shaking stopped in a few moments, but to a frightened sea nymph, it seemed like an eternity. As the shaking stopped, she was able to move. She quickly swam out into the corridors that led to the main meeting chamber where her father was. The various wall hangings along the corridor were slowly floating to the floor. She entered the main meeting area where it seemed like half the sea nymphs of the city were collecting. Two of her father’s guards saw Setilan and immediately took up positions on either side of her.

  “Take me to my Father,” she said in an imperious tone.

  They escorted her through the crowd until they finally reached him.

  “Father what’s happening?” she said in a loud voice to make herself heard over the noise.

  “It was a ground move. I’m afraid one of the schools collapsed.

  Many children are injured,” he said as he reached for her and pulled her in with his strong arms.

  “I’m glad you’re all right my little one,” he said as he gave her a great hug.

  “Father, how many are hurt?”

  “I don’t know yet, but it’s bad. Very bad. We don’t have enough healers.” The school was the only building that actually collapsed, but many were hurt throughout the city by falling things,” he said into her ear in an unbearably sad voice.

  “Perhaps I should go get Terra. He is the greatest healer we’ve ever seen.”

  “Yes, that would be good. Take the two guards and go see if he will help,” he said still hugging her.

  As soon as Setilan could break away from her father and the crowds in the palace, she and the two guards headed directly to the caves that led to Terra and Fienna’s home. As they swam, they could see the damage to the school. All three were drawn to help, but they kept to their task knowing he could do more than anyone. As they approached the cave entrance, she told the guards to wait. They did not wish to let her go, but finally relented. She quickly swam through the caves and into the small lake. When she surfaced, she could see Terra swimming and Fienna sunning herself on the shore. She swam to Terra who was surprised by her as she approached. Instantly, Fienna was aware of her even though she seemed to be sleeping. She still didn’t understand how whatever Terra knew she also knew. The two swam to shore. It was quiet amazing to Setilan that Terra seemed to be able to out swim her.

  He had no tail or even webs on his hands and feet, yet his swimming power was better than any sea nymph she had ever seen. As they climbed onto shore, she began telling her story of what had happened.

  That many children were hurt and dying. Suddenly, she felt a bit odd, and then it passed. She sat down thinking she over exerted herself.

  At that same moment, Terra seemed to be able to picture the entire disaster that Setilan had seen. Fienna also experienced it. She felt as bad as Terra for the pain the children were suffering.

  “Shall we go Fienna? I will keep my promise to you if you think we should not,” Terra thought to her.

  She could not stand the thought of the children dying and in pain.

  “Yes, let us go, but you must promise if you become too tired you will quit.”

  “I promise. Shall I offer her a ride with us?”

  “Fienna thought for an instance and didn’t see any harm in taking Setilan on her back. “Are you sure she can stay on?”

  “I’ll just hold her. It’ll be fine,” Terra thought.

  “We’ll come and help. Do you want to ride with us?”

  Setilan was surprised by the question, riding on a dragon, in the air!

  “I guess it would be faster that way, but there are two guards waiting for me in the sea near the cave entrance.”

  “You can send someone for them when we get to the city,” Terra said.

  Terra climbed onto Fienna’s back just where her neck came into her shoulders. He then reached down and easily lifted the small Setilan up behind him. He told her to put her arms around his stomach and hold on. Then Fienna’s great wings started to unfold. As she launched herself into the air, Setilan became fearful at first, but Terra put his hand on hers with a reassuring touch. Setilan could feel the connection between the dragon and her man. It was as if they were one being. He had no hold on her body except where his legs were, and they did not move from Fienna’s great neck. Her legs could have never held on even if her life depended upon it. She had never felt so secure though.

  Terra’s skin was the softest thing she ever felt but just below were rock-like muscles that seemed to flow from his body right into the body of the dragon. She knew no sea nymph could have muscle like this. As they rose into the sky with Fienna’s great wings moving gracefully through the air, she could see the ground fading away. When they reached a height that she could see the coast and the crevice, it became apparent that she was the only sea nymph that had seen such a sight.

  Terra was truly lucky. They flew over the coast and out to sea. When they reached a spot just above her city, Fienna spiraled down and settled into the water. Terra released her, and she dove onto the water.

  She looked back and watched as the two began to glow orange. Then Fienna dove under the water. Setilan quickly dove and led the two toward the destroyed school. They settled in an area just next to the building where the sea floor was flat. Setilan swam around the school and started to direct the injured to them. Terra had moved and was being held by Fienna in her great hands. As each injured child was floated to him, he quickly healed the small bodies. It seemed like an eternity before they stopped coming. Terra was becoming a little weak.

  When they finally finished, Terra mounted Fienna’s back once more.

  Setilan swam up.

  “Thank You. You have saved so many that I can’t even count them all.”

  “I’m getting tired; I think we will go home now,” Terra said in a weakened voice.

  As the two rose off the sea floor and were just above the city, a low and powerful sound rose; it was thousands of voices repeating two words “Thank You.”

  They slowly rose to the water’s surface and flew into the air. Fienna could feel how tired he was, but she could not stop him from helping the poor little one’s that were brought to him. Many were in such great pain and needed so much healing even she became horrified by the sight. As they landed in the crevice next to the lake, Fienna made Terra go lie down on the warm sand and rest. She went and got him some of the seed rocks he liked, and he pulled one apart and began chewing on it. Fienna then flew off to one of the local mountains and quickly scooped up a runner and came back to their home. As she spiraled down, she could see Terra had taken off his clothes and was in the lake washing. She landed in front of the cave and pulled a small piece of meat from the runner’s hind leg. She then heated a rock until it glowed red with her fire and threw the meat on the rock. Terra had come from his washing and started to turn the meat while Fienna ate the remaining part of the runner. The two of them then settled on the warm sand with Terra lying against Fienna’s side with her tailed curled around him, and they both fell asleep in the warmth of the setting sun.

  One full moon rising later Setilan appeared on the shore of their lake. She walked out of the water up to Fienna who was sunning herself. Terra was in the cave bathing.

  “Fienna would you and Terra come to the cove when the sun is at it’s highest in the sky?” she said in a questioning voice.

  “I suppose we can. Why?” Fienna said, already telling Terra mentally of Setilan’s visit.

  “My father wishes to thank you both for what you did.”

  Terra told Fienna that it would be fine if she wished to go, but it was up to her.

  “We will come.”

  “Don’t you have to ask Terra?” Setilan said.

  “He’s already agreed,” Fienna said without seeming to think about it.

  Setilan tilted her head with an odd look of surprise and wonder on her face. “I will tell my father,” she said as she walked back into the lake and disappeared under its’ mirror like surface.

  Fienna and Terra arrived at the c
ove and saw only Setilan waiting for them. Fienna gently settled into the soft warm sand where Terra dismounted. Setilan waved to them and then walked to the edge of the water and splashed her hands several times in it. Within a few moments, thousands of heads popped out of the water. So many that no one could count. Then from the water, Setilan’s father emerged with several adults and five children. They all walked to Terra and bowed.

  “Fienna, what are they doing?” Terra asked her mentally.

  “I don’t know. I think they’re thanking you.”

  In a loud voice, the king of all Sea Nymphs said in a very gentle voice.

  “We have come here to thank you for what you have done. Without your help so many would have died. We owe you more than you can know. Whatever is ours is yours. You will never want or be friendless as long as a single sea nymph lives. I make this promise to you.”

  “I want nothing. I have all I need. I only want your friendship nothing else. You owe me nothing. I enjoyed helping, and I need no reward. I do not feel you owe me anything.”

  Terra said with an honesty and humility that could only be answered in one way. The thousands raised their hands and voice in a cheer that reached the heavens of Tone.

  After this, the sea nymphs brought food for both Fienna and Terra.

  Many more came ashore, and Setilan and Seana sat on ether side of him as they ate. Fienna was right behind him with end of her great tail against his back. All knew whom he belonged to. That sunset after the feast, they both were as full as they ever remember. They fell asleep quickly and deeply.

  Chapter 51 - The Prize

  (A Prize for One is Another’s Loss.)

  352 set of seasons since the coming of the Averons


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