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The Dragon Healer of Tone (World of Tone)

Page 28

by Adams, A. D.

“No, I am to let no one in while mother is away.”

  “Then your mother is not home?”

  “No, she has gone to deliver a baby,” she said curtly.

  “When will she be back?”

  “Later this sun-rising. I’m waiting for Ziona to go mushroom hunting, so I must get ready. Is there anything else you want?” she asked in an angry voice.

  “No, nothing. Tell your mother I will stop by later,” Wistack said with a snake like smile.

  Faray closed the door on him and listened as she heard his footsteps disappear into the distance. She went back to her knitting irritated that he had come. As she was just calming down and getting started on her work again, someone started to pound on the door.

  “If it’s him again I’ll kick him,” she said angrily to herself as she got up and went to the door again. As the door swung open, she saw a man the size of a tree filling the whole door opening. He was massive with dark hair that was jaggedly cut in the front and some was pulled to the back. He was dressed in beggar clothes but was clean. She stepped back at the sight of him a bit out of surprise and some fear. She caught her foot and tripped and began to fall backwards. A huge hand was suddenly on her shoulder, seemingly from nowhere, holding her up. A warm gentle feeling spread across her, relieving her fear. It was as if she knew the man would never harm her.

  Terra and little Sifar came to a clearing next to the road. A large boulder sat at one side with a path leading off next to it. As they stepped next to a man-sized rock, the small cabin came into view surrounded by the dense forest.

  “The healer lives there,” Sifar said while pointing at the cabin and running ahead of Terra.

  The cave as Terra thought of it was made of stones stacked together.

  In the front, a portion protruded from the main part of the cave, and stairs led up to a ledge that went across the front of the cave. A square hole was cut into the stones with some kind of cover over it. The whole thing was covered by what appeared to be thin stones stacked on each other.

  Sifar was at the covering banging on it. He walked up the steps, and as he reached the small opening, the cover swung open. A very beautiful young woman was standing there. She seemed to see Terra and froze for a moment, a look of fear spread across her fine-featured face, and then she stepped backed, tripped, and began to fall. Terra reached in and gently grabbed her shoulder holding her up. He tried to be as gentle as possible for she looked as if she was quite fragile and could easily be broken. Her face seemed to change to a gentle trusting look as he held her up.

  “Who are you?” she asked in a hesitant voice.

  Just then Sifar rushed into the cabin.

  “He’s Terra, a stranger. His wife needs help. I brought him here.”

  “Sifar, it’s time for your mid meal. I’m sure your mother is looking for you,” Faray said looking at the small boy over her shoulder.

  “I wanta stay. I found him and brought him to you.”

  “Now you know you better go home.”

  “Oh, all right,” the boy said as he huffed his way out of the little cabin and down the steps.

  “You can release me now,” she said as she looked at his massive arm.

  Terra let go his grip and stepped back.

  “Your wife is ill?”

  “Yes, she’s been ill for sun-risings. I need a healer to come to her,”

  he said in the gentlest of voices.

  “My mother is the healer, but she’s not here now and won’t be back for some time.”

  “I will go elsewhere then. Thank you for your time,” Terra started to turn.

  “No wait; I’m also a healer, but not fully trained. I think I can help though,” Faray caught herself saying.

  She trusted him without knowing why.

  “If you are sure, you can help, I would be honored if you would come,” Terra said in a low and almost irresistible voice.

  “Yes, let me get some things I might need.”

  Faray went and picked up a bag and put the herbs into it and walked to the door. When she stepped out and stood next to this man, she was looking just below his chest. He would have had to stoop down even to enter the cabin. He looked more like a massive block or tree, that’s was it, a tree. He appeared to be immovable except he moved with utter silence and grace and incredible speed. His hand had stopped her fall and it was no more than a blur as it passed in front of her eyes. He held out his hand for her to move down the steps first. She closed the door and went ahead of him. The two walked out into the sun just beyond the shade of the cabin and down the path.

  Chapter 71 - A Journey to Remember

  (Sometimes Life Presents Unexpected Adventures.)

  357 set of seasons since the coming of the Averons

  Terra and Faray walked passed the rock when she realized she had not asked where they were going. “Where is you wife?”

  “We will find her through a clearing in the forest about half way to the cave, uh, village,” he said carefully.

  “I know of no clearing.”

  “It’s blocked by some heavy trees; I’ll show you,” Terra said.

  They walked until Terra reached the spot he had forced his way through the foliage. He moved to the trees and pushed several bushes to the side.

  “This way. The clearing is about four times my height from the path.”

  “Are you sure?” she said dubiously.

  “Yes it is this way. You can see where I came through.”

  She looked, and there was a path of sorts. Some of the bushes were ripped from the ground, and trees thicker than the length of her foot were broken off as if a great force had snapped them like twigs. She looked at him and wondered how strong a man he was. She did still trust him and entered the path behind him. Every bush and tree gave way to his hands like they were nothing. She was amazed by his power.

  Then she saw light starting to filter through the bushes as he stepped through an opening into a clearing.

  She followed him through into a large clear area with grass almost as tall as her. Terra stood behind her, and then she saw it, a large thing lying in the center of the field. Then suddenly, a huge head rose up. It was a dragon, and she turned to run, but before she could move, Terra’s hand settled onto her shoulder from behind. Warmth filled her, and her fear drained away.

  “He won’t hurt you, he is my friend. He’s a good dragon that helps me. Come let’s go.”

  Against all she knew she still trusted him and went with him. They walked up to the dragon, and he grumbled, snorted and growled. She backed up against Terra.

  “He’s just talking to me. He’s not threatening you,” Terra said in a quiet gentle voice that made her increasing fear again disappear. The great dragon laid his head down, and Terra climbed onto his back and straddled his neck. He then took both of her arms with one hand and lifted her as if she weighed nothing. He sat her in front of him. He put his hands around her waist, and it was as if she was part of him and the dragon. Then the great beast stood and launched itself into the air with incredible force. She had to close her eyes the power of the wind was so great. Her mind raced.

  “Why did I allow him to take me? This can’t be happening. It’s a dream,” she thought to herself.

  Then in her mind she could feel thoughts.

  “I have found a healer, and we will be home with her soon.

  Everything went fine. She is a gentle soul.”

  These thoughts came to her from nowhere, and there was so much love in them that it almost overtook her own feelings. Whoever this man was he loved with a depth she could hardly understand.

  Finally, the wind seemed to die down a bit, and she was able to open her eyes. They were far above the land and moving fast. She saw the valleys and people who looked no bigger than her small finger. She could see the plow beast working the tilled fields. Then the ground began to change. The valleys gave way to hills and the trees to bushes.

  Finally, there were only sparse patches of green in a field of r
ocks. She could not imagine how anything could live here. Suddenly, she could see ahead of them, ten or more dragons flying around over what seemed to be nothing. Then they flew over a sheer drop off. The ground fell away into a crevice of sorts that had in its bottom a red lake and beautiful forest. The dragon slowly drifted down in a spiral motion until she could see they were landing on a large flat rock just in front of a massive cave. Standing waiting for them was several people and the largest green dragon she had seen yet. One of the people was so striking that Faray almost forgot where she was. She was a tall and powerful looking woman with multicolored skin and long beautiful hair blowing in the wind. She wore an iridescent green dress that set off her tall and powerful body. She reminded her of the man who was holding her at this moment. When she looked up, her eyes exploded with light and utter love for this man on the dragon’s back. The dragon settled to the ground with such gentleness that Faray did not even know they were no longer in the air. She was too intent on the people waiting for them. The others were odd looking. Although they appeared to be like her, their skin was an odd shade, and they were shorter and much thinner than she was. There were two females and a very old man. One of the females had a young one strapped to her back, and the other female was younger and quite beautiful. All three had webbed hands and feet and golden green hair except for the old one who had gray hair. They wore clothes like the multicolored woman.

  The dragon lowered its body and head to the ground. Terra dropped off the dragon and then reached up and lifted her off. The three began to talk all at once and in different ways. The multicolored woman sounded like the dragon, and the other three had a language completely foreign to her ears. Terra seemed to understand all of them and calmed them down. The green dragon seemed to loom over all of them looking at her very intently. It made her a bit uncomfortable.

  “Faray, this is my wife Fienna.” The tall woman looked at her and smiled.

  “These others are sea nymphs. They are friends and won’t harm you.

  This is Setilan, Seana and the Old Sinut. “ Each one nodded in turn as he spoke and pointed to them.

  Then he began talking to the nymphs in a language she could not comprehend. The three of them started toward the cave. The woman and Terra interlocked arms.

  “Please come into our home,” he said as he took her hand and led her into the mouth of the great cave. The green dragon followed, and the one that had brought them flew off.

  As she entered the great gaping hole, the beauty of the place took her breath away. She could never have even imagined a place such as this.

  They led her to a small stream flowing through the center of the immense cave, and the woman sat on a small ledge. The other three stood well back, and the dragon seemed to stay quite close to Terra and the woman.

  “Could you please see what you can find?” Terra said as he gestured to the woman.

  Faray knelt down next to her and placed her hands on her stomach.

  The power of the new life within her knocked Faray back. She had felt pregnant women before, and there was a small force of life within their womb, but the power of the child within this woman was beyond anything she experienced. The woman reached for her and stopped her from falling back by a strong grip on her shoulder.

  “Are you all right?” she said in Faray’s language but with a deep accent and very hesitating way.

  “Yes, Yes I’m fine,” she said as she reached again to touch the woman’s stomach area.

  “Would you like me to take this off? “ she said while lifting part of the dress.

  “Yes, that would help.”

  She stood and dropped the dress and stepped out. She was even more beautiful if that were possible. She again sat down. Faray touched her stomach again but very gently. The life force coming from the child within her was almost overwhelming, but this time she was prepared.

  She stood up and looked down on the sitting woman.

  “You’re with child. You have a new life within you. Your sickness is normal; it will pass soon.”

  Terra stared first at Fienna then at the young woman. He felt first fear from Fienna and then joy as her mind took in what Faray had said.

  Then the two of them were in an embrace without either knowing quite how they came together.

  “I will give you a child,” Fienna thought to her mate.

  “Yes, and we will both raise it,” he responded.

  As they separated, Terra kept Fienna within the curve of his arm and looked at Faray.

  “Do you know when the child will be born?” he said.

  “No, I’m not that good yet. I think my mother could tell you though.

  She should be returning to our cabin soon. We could go get her.”

  Fienna was talking to the green dragon in the odd growls and grunts they made. The dragon’s head was close to her, then it suddenly lifted, and Faray could swear it looked surprised. Terra then began talking to both the woman and the dragon. She could understand nothing that was going on. Terra walked to the Nymphs and talked to them; the females rushed to Fienna and began talking to her, which she seemed to understand. The old one walked out of the cave and seemed to have a sly looking smile on his face. She, for some reason, didn’t much care for that old nymph. Finally, Terra stepped toward her and said they would return for her mother.

  Chapter 72 - Experience and Surprise

  (With Age Comes Knowledge and Memories.)

  357 set of seasons since the coming of the Averons

  Terra and Faray walked out of the cave’s entrance into the slowly setting sun of late sun-rising. She could see the old nymph just entering the water and noticed that there were several nymphs armed with spears swimming in the lake. Faray looked up, and the dragon that had brought them seemed to appear from nowhere and began its slow spiral drift down to the flat rock. While they waited, she looked at the lake and the sandy path that led from the rock to the shore. This place was truly a paradise as far as she could determine.

  “Why is the lake red?” she suddenly blurted out and regretted the question almost instantly.

  “There was an accident, and the lake was turned red. It’s still good water and can be used; it’s just red in color,” Terra said as the great dragon softly landed in front of them. Terra’s wife appeared at the cave’s entrance and moved to her man. She folded into his arms as naturally as a mother holds her child. Then they kissed; his love for her was shown in every action he took and every movement he made. They then separated, and he leaped onto the dragon’s back in a single motion and leaned over holding his hand out to Faray. She walked over, and he picked her up and put her in the same position as before. Then they were again in the air flying out of the crevice.

  Lowlack landed in the same place, and the two dismounted. As they approached the path that Terra had pushed through the bushes, Faray suggested they go another way so an obvious trail to the road was not created. Terra shrugged his shoulders and went to the far end of the clearing and began to push through. Faray stopped him and led him through the brush without destroying it. They finally reached the road.

  Terra thought it was a waste of time, but he thought it would be better to allow her to direct their path. After all, she knew more than he about the humans. They walked to the cabin, but as they reached the rock and it came into view, it was obvious the door was open.

  “The door should not be open; I closed it, and my mother would never leave it open,” she said as they heard a muffled scream. Faray began to run, but suddenly Terra moved by her so fast that she could hardly see his body. She almost was blown down with the force of the wind he generated, but there was no noise, no sound at all. The tall weeds he moved through seemed to make way for him. It was as if Tone itself was helping him. He flew up the stairs and stopped in front of the door. Then he moved into the cabin with the same noiseless speed. As she reached the steps, a body came exploding through the shutters of the window. The body flew across the clearing and hit the rock falling to the gro
und limp. As she reached the door, she saw Terra touching her mother’s throat, and his hand began to glow orange.

  Reicka had reached home, but Faray her daughter was not there. She assumed she had gone into the village and decided to clean up a bit. Suti was tired and curled up in a ball near the fire Reicka had started. Suti never did recover fully from the attack, but she would not leave Reicka’s side. There was a knock on the door, and she went to answer it. As she started to open it, someone pushed the door in knocking her to the floor. Wistack forced the door open, and Suti rose painfully from her place in front of the fire. Wistack swinging a club hit the cat on its head. She sank to the floor unconscious. Then Wistack turned and grabbed Reicka forcing her against the floor and the wall by the neck.

  His grip was strangling her.

  “I waited long enough for you. Now I’m taking what I want,” he said with pure evil in his voice.

  Reicka began to go unconscious when darkness filled the room. A large body seemed to pass in front of the door and block it. Then suddenly she saw the biggest man she had ever seen standing in the middle of the room, just behind Wistack. He was like some great tree planted in her world. Then a huge hand was around Wistack’s neck.

  She heard a sickening crack, and then Wistack went limp. Then he was gone, and the hand began to move toward her. She pushed back away from it, but it touched her neck and began to glow orange. She felt once more the warmth and gentleness she had not felt for so many years.

  Only one she knew of could heal like that, Terra.

  The pain was gone and standing in front of her was a man the size of a mountain with a face reminiscent of her husband. His eyes seemed to glow in the darkness of the room. He was dressed in rags and on in his chest glowed seven colored jewels. Then he turned to the whimper of Suti lying crippled on the floor. He bent over and her entire body began to glow orange. Within moments, she was standing fully healed of all her injuries including those of the distant past. Her fangs were once again sharp, and her coat was shinny and new looking. Suti was once again a powerful slese cat. She stood next to the man as if that was her place for all time.


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