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The Brit

Page 3

by Jordan Silver

  I pulled her hair tight as she bobbed her head up and down on my meat. Might as well get her use to my preferences. Last night I'd been easy on her and in her, because of her innocence. But now, even that belonged to me.

  "Get on your hands and knees on the rug."

  She crept over to the fireplace, where a white beer skin rug laid, and with her ass in the air, waited for me to fuck her.

  She’d let me know that she'd been sore this morning, but if she hadn't told me I would've seen it for myself. She was still a little red but not as puffy as she'd been. I cleaned her up with my hanky before I dropped down behind her and licked, one long, drawn out tease. She twitched, I smacked.

  "Don't move, if you move I'll bloody stop." Holding her hips securely in my hands I went in for the kill, sending my tongue deep inside her. She pleaded with me, but I turned a deaf ear. This lesson was about control, she had to know that when it came to us, I will always be the one in control.

  "Please Jonathan, I'm sorry please, I can't..."

  I nipped her inner thigh hard enough to leave a mark, she screeched but stayed still; good, she's learning already. No words were needed.

  I took my time enjoying her taste. Her juices flowed nonstop, as I pleasured her from behind with my tongue. It was one of the most salacious positions to have her in. On her knees, pussy exposed and unprotected, just there for me to do with as I pleased. And her pussy and ass in this pose, was a thing of beauty, all flush pink and dewy with her juices.

  I could spend hours just eating her out, but already there was a string of pre-cum dripping from my cock; besides if I kept this up any longer she'd cum and that was a no no.

  I left her there and went to pour myself a stiff one. Yes, it was a bit early in the day for me, but after the afternoon I'd had I needed it. It was now very clear that Melissa had ran off quite a few prospects in the past, a lot of things made sense now.

  But this one she would've failed either way, because I would've never given her up. She had everything I was looking for in a wife and hadn't even known I was. Sweet, sexy, smart and innocent, and best of all, all mine. I admit to a certain degree of pleasure at the fact that no one else had ever, nor ever would have her. Just me.

  Chapter 11

  "My knees hurt."

  "No they don't."

  I put the glass down and walked back over to her. Without saying another word I plowed into her waiting heat. She was so fucking hungry for me that even the threat of punishment couldn't deter her from moving her hips back against mine.

  She was wild as she fucked back at me trying her best to reach fulfillment. Just as I felt the twinges inside her that meant she was close I pulled out.

  "Fuck, shit, fuck, asshole."

  She got a hard smack for that, while I tried hard to control my laughter. I so do enjoy my Yank. Life was going to be fun from now on. No more boring, simpering conversations with daughters of the peerage, who seeks only to please me at every turn, as they aim shamelessly for that diamond ring.

  " I don't want to play this game anymore you're being mean." She tried getting to her feet in full frustration mode.

  "If you get up from that floor you'll be sorry young lady, now stay where I put you and keep your tongue behind your teeth."

  "I don't understand what's going on, is this some kind of sick British thing or what?"

  "I'm sure my American brothers have taken a switch or two to the backsides of their women when it was needed. Now that's the last I want to hear out of you." I got up and walked around in front of her.

  "Now, I'm going to tell you what's going on. You don't give a man your virginity one day and then insult him the next, especially not because of the machinations of some over imaginative slag."

  "But how was I...?"

  I pulled my belt from the pants that had been thrown to the floor and brought it down across her lower back. Not hard enough to cause real pain, just a little bit of a sting.


  "I said keep your tongue behind your teeth. Now as I was saying, it was not very well done of you. Now just imagine had the tables been turned, and I had treated you to such a display huh, how would you feel...? uh uh uh, no talking unless you want an ass whipping. I'm extremely pissed at you right now Joanna, so if I were you I'd mind me, you follow?"

  I didn't give her time to answer just got back behind her, this time it was my fingers I used to torture her.

  She barely held still as I used one then two fingers to fuck her. Her juices were copious, which told me she'd enjoyed our little game so far. When I felt her quickening I pulled them out and pushed them in her mouth while rubbing my cock head around her opening and back up to her clit. She was crying at this point, but I wasn't done with her, not by a long shot.

  "Taste yourself, taste what I taste when I eat your sweet pussy."

  Two hours later, she was pleading for release. I'd had to spank her ass twice more for disobedience, now it was nicely red and welted. She was not at all happy with me, but I hardened myself against that. In my world, everything was very cutthroat; it was survival of the fittest. I had no doubt there were other snakes in my garden that would wish to bring dissension between us.

  She must learn here and now before we went any farther, that we stand together in all things. That to take anyone else's word before mine was a betrayal of the worst kind. I should not have had to tell her this; she gave herself to me, into my safe keeping. She's mine to cherish and to love; she should have trusted me.

  Her lack of trust is the main issue here, not what was told to her. I could give a flying fuck what Melissa or anyone else says. But she should have trusted the man she spent the night under, not to be a cad. I had not given her reason to believe those lies, I had shown her only honesty; why then had it been so easy for her to accept the lie?

  "Please Jonathan..." She writhed against the sheets of my bed in wanton need. Legs spread with her juices evident on her thighs, hands cupping her breast as she sought some form of relief. I had forbidden her to touch her pussy, in fact that was the reason for her second spanking, she'd tried to get herself off when I'd gone off to the kitchen.

  "What do you want?"

  "Fuck me."

  Her eyes were fever bright, I'd kept her on the edge for almost four hours total, that was a long time. I'd cum inside her twice in that time always making sure never to let her find satisfaction. Yes I'm conditioning her; I want her to crave me always.

  Getting to my feet, I crawled onto the bed between her legs. I sniffed her pussy, inhaling the sweet scent of her arousal. Her flesh is so hot I can feel the heat of it on my face. Sticking out my tongue I licked her, one long swipe with the flat of my tongue. I spread her open more so I could drink from her, my mouth covering her whole pussy as my tongue delved deep.

  "Please, please, please...I'm sorry, I'm sorry, please."

  "Ah...for what are you sorry?"

  She had to catch her breath before she could answer.

  "I'm sorry that I doubted you."

  She got it, in more ways than one. With her capitulation I drove into her, lifting her into my wild thrusts. Her legs came up and around me, holding me close; her nails dug into my back as we fucked wildly and loudly.

  She came with a scream but I was nowhere near finished. I'd already cum twice, which meant she was in for a long, hard riding.

  "Mine, mine, mine..." I pounded out the words as they rolled off my tongue, she clenched around me and came again her screams almost deafening.


  Chapter 12

  That was two days ago, and though things have calmed down a little since then, my life has taken on a surreal quality. After the afternoon of sexual torture, he spent that night making love to me, something entirely different to the first part of the afternoon. This entailed whispered words of encouragement, and promises of things to come. It was soft, and sweet, and absolutely mind-blowing.

  There was quite a lot of difference in being ridden from behind, slow a
nd deep, with a loving hand wrapped around my neck as he sucked on my tongue. He kissed the welts that his belt had made while we showered, before having me hold onto the wall for support while he pounded into me again and again. I so love his new possessive way of growling mine mine mine as he fucked me like his life depended on it.

  Now today we're on a whole other plane. I've been pampered in ways I never knew were possible, the rich really did live in a completely different world. I had my hair and nails done for the first time in I don't know how long, every inch of my body was buffed and scrubbed until I hardly recognized myself. If I didn't know any better I would swear losing my virginity had done something to my outward appearance. My skin looked healthy and fresh before they even started, and my eyes had a glow in them that refused to be dimmed.

  Jonathan was at the office; he'd had some guy drive me around to all these prearranged destinations.

  Hours later I was taken to his offices, which of course were in the new complex that had been finished only months ago. He was on the seventy-fifth floor, which of course was the top floor. But I soon fund out he owned the whole building.

  His secretary was another blonde bombshell, which gave me a few bad moments while I waited to be announced. She kept looking at me under her lashes, like I was so not welcomed. I tried really hard to ignore her and the way I felt about her presence. I'm sure a man like Jonathan was surrounded by beauties in every aspect of his life, if I got jealous of them all I would spend my life in a catatonic state. And after yesterday's lesson, I knew I'd better keep my insecurities to myself.

  "Joanna, why are you sitting out here?" He'd come out of his office on his way to his secretary's desk.

  "Oh well, your secretary said you were busy so I should wait." I looked at her as I realized that she'd obviously not called him as she'd led me to believe.

  He came right over to me his eyes never leaving mine.

  "Hello love how was your day?" He whispered it in my ear but obviously had no real interest in the answer since he covered my mouth with his and mouth fucked me right there in his outer office.

  "Hmm, you taste and smell amazing, too bad you're going to be covered in my scent in about five minutes after we get through that door." With his hand around my waist he turned towards his office. Stopping halfway he addressed the secretary who was now glaring daggers at my back. She wasn't quick enough to hide the look on her face.

  "By the way Lauren, in the future I don't care if I'm in with the bloody queen, if this one shows up here I'm to know right away, that goes for phone calls too."

  "Yes sir."

  Her voice sounded like she wanted to cry.

  "I'm surprised you're not accusing me of boffing that one." He muttered as we entered his office.

  I hung my head, as he wasn't too far off the mark.

  "Joanna, Joanna, whatever am I going to do with you? You think because of the way we met that I go around screwing every available female? not true. There's more to it than that, with you there was instant attraction, and where I've felt attraction before, there was something else there as well. Something I didn't understand until I got inside you for the first time and found you to be untouched. Let's call it a soul meeting its mate, I don't think that happens more than once in a lifetime; do you understand what I'm saying to you love?"

  "I think so." I could hardly breathe let alone get the words out; could he be saying...?

  "Now let's see how they've improved on perfection."

  I was worried about Lauren what's her face hearing us through the door, but Jonathan didn't seem to care one way or the other. True to his word, he had me spread eagled across his lake-sized desk, my panties hanging off one ankle as he knelt between my legs digging for gold. I couldn't help the noises that escaped me as he tongued my pussy. His sounds rivaled mine for loudness as he enjoyed his meal.

  When he stood up and watched me as he unbuckled his belt, my pussy throbbed. I barely had the strength to hold my hand out to him, telling him without words, what I needed. With my ankles spread and caught firmly in his hands he eased into me, head thrown back, nostrils flared as he groaned.

  "This; is mine." He covered my crotch with his large hand. "You, are mine...give me your mouth."

  I raised my head to do his bidding as he went deeper inside me; it felt like he was splitting me in half, his cock was so big and hard and deep. We stayed in that position; me half sitting half laying on the desk our mouths fused together, my legs spread wide.

  The feel of his strong muscular arms around me felt like nothing I'd ever experienced before. More than the wild hot sex, more than the shopping and pampering, that's what I craved most, that closeness; a closeness I'd never known until three days ago, and only with this one man.

  It's amazing how much has happened in such a short space of time. I guess it is true after all; true love can happen, and it doesn't take days or months of years. It can happen in a moment, over a table in a busy restaurant, where life went on.

  The thought of what I'd found, what I held in my arms was headier than any aphrodisiac, it was powerful and liberating and sexy as hell and that's why it led me to do want I did next.

  "I love you Jonathan Smothers." I whispered it in his ear and felt the big man tremble at my softly spoken but heartfelt words.

  "Fuck me..." That was his eloquent response; he became wild after that, pulling my head back as he pounded into me; as his hips piston back and forth his teeth bit into my neck.

  I felt him empty himself in me, his heart racing against mine as we both fought for breath.

  He pulled out slowly, gently, making sure I felt every ridge of his magnificent cock as it left me.

  He turned away to get tissues to clean us both up.

  "I've made some arrangements, your passport should be ready by end of day tomorrow, we're leaving for London in two days. You'll be my wife in a week; any objections?"

  Too much, it was too much for me to take in so I did what all women have done since the beginning of time when faced with such things, I hit the floor in a dead faint.

  "JOANNA!" His bellow almost made me smile but the darkness was calling.


  Chapter 13

  "You scared bloody hell out of me love, you're okay now?" I was shaking like a leaf still. When she'd hit the floor I thought my heart would fly out of my chest. I've never been so scared in my life, still am.

  "The paramedics are coming up love stay still."

  "I don't think I need them, it was just a fainting spell, I feel better now."

  I didn't even bother to answer her madness; I fixed our clothes just in time as my secretary let the two men into the room.

  "She fainted, I think she might've hit her head when she landed so maybe you can check for a lump." I hovered over them like an ass I'm sure, but I didn't give two shits. I'd never seen anyone faint before and never wished to again, especially not her; I don't think my heart could take it.

  They checked her vitals and what not as I held her hand. Lauren stood hovering in the doorway with a strange look on her face, I couldn't tell if it was distaste or a smirk; either way, she had overstayed her welcome.

  "You may leave and close the door." I dismissed her without a second look. If I'd been staying in the states, I would've given serious thought to releasing her because of Joanna, but since I would be heading home soon, she would be someone else's headache.

  "So what do you think, does she need to go to hospital?"

  "I don't think I need to go to the hospital."

  I totally ignored her again as I waited for the EMTs to give me their verdict.

  "Vitals seem okay sir, nothing's broken and her head seems fine. Now if any of that should change in the next few hours you should contact us again, but as it stands she seems fine."

  "You're sure?"

  "Yes sir but if you'd prefer a doctor's opinion we can run your wife in no problem."

  She was pouting at me and shaking her head no, so I relented.

  "Okay fine, but the first sign of headache and it's off to hospital with you, no arguments."

  She smiled her consent, happy I'm sure, that she'd got her way; after I let them out I sat on the couch with her on my lap, cuddled close.

  "Tell me honestly now are you really okay?"

  "Yes Jonathan I promise." She laid her head against my shoulder and buried her nose in my shirt.

  "So what was it that scared you the most? The prospect of marrying me, or moving to London?" I asked half in jest.

  "I'm not scared, more like overwhelmed I think."

  "So you do want to marry me, not that I'm giving you a choice in the matter mind you, it's just good to know."

  "You have no idea what your asking me to marry you means. It's almost too good to be true, and that's a little bit scary. What if no one likes me?"

  "I like you, everyone else can sod off. I'm sure mum would love you and dad will be a terrible flirt. Donald will toss you around like a rag doll until I threaten to break his arms off, and Sandra will probably drag you off to the shops first thing. And do you know why they will do these things?"

  "Because that's how they treat all the girls you bring home?" Such a sad face, I'm really going to have to work on that self-esteem of hers. One so beautiful shouldn't be so insecure of their own worth surely.

  "First off, you'd be the first, and that in itself would be a huge sign to them of who you are to me. But they'll treat you that way because they'll each fall in love with you just as I have, because of who you are." Her body tensed on my lap giving me pause.

  "What is it are you ill?" When her eyes pooled with tears I grew concerned again.

  "No....." She shook her head and sniffed, "You said you love me."


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