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Three Men and a Woman_Indiana

Page 18

by Rachel Billings

  Back at the cabin, J.J. asked Indy if she’d pack for the weekend, if she’d be okay with spending that much time in Denver. She nodded her agreement, but they were all a bit grim as they loaded up the truck with her roller bag and laptop case, and all of Ty’s and J.J.’s gear. It had been a good week, a great week, with the three of them together, and none of them could be certain they’d get it back.

  They weren’t quite ready to talk about what would come next. J.J. had been putting off going home to Nebraska, and he knew Ty had some commitments coming up, a couple team events and a photo shoot in New York for an endorsement deal.

  It was a new frontier, figuring out how to meld four lives in a satisfactory way. At the moment, they couldn’t even be sure they’d have a green light to give it a try.

  They squeezed Indy into the middle of the front bench seat for the drive into Denver, and that pleased J.J. He was too big to fit into the back comfortably, but Sig was too big to fit back there at all, and so, when the three guys drove together, J.J. always got stuck in the back, since Ty couldn’t be moved from behind the wheel. This was a lot better, sitting hip-to-hip and shoulder-to-shoulder with Indy. Though they were quiet on the drive, she let him hold her hand and didn’t object when Ty’s big paw wandered over to her thigh either.

  She gave Ty a nudge as they came around the curve coming down off her mountain. “Careful,” she said. “There could be a big deer.” She lifted her hands in fake fear and let her voice quiver. Ty elbowed her good-naturedly, and she explained to J.J. about their first meeting.

  “It really irked him,” she said, “to have a girl pull him out of the ditch.”

  Ty objected. “That wasn’t irk…some…ness,” he said, apparently making up the word as he went along. “That was me having the hots for you, even before you climbed out of your Jeep and showed me how tall and—” he sent his gaze down her body, having successfully managed the curve “—delicious you are.”

  Indy giggled. “Delicious?”

  But Ty was nodding, and J.J. couldn’t disagree.

  She smiled at him. “That was about a half hour after I’d met you.”

  J.J. looked back at her. “And, what? A few hours before you met Sig?”

  “Um-hmm,” she said. “That was a day.”

  “Sure was,” Ty put in, insinuating something J.J. preferred not to think about. Whatever it was earned Ty another nudge.

  Yeah, J.J. thought. A lot had happened since then.

  * * * *

  Sigge’s home was a sprawling contemporary in Cherry Creek with lovely views over a golf course of both downtown and the mountains. It was stone and stucco and, with wraparound terraces and decks, it blended very prettily with the natural landscape of the large lot around it. A remote-control device on Tyler’s visor opened one of the three garage doors and he drove in.

  Indy noted that another of the bays held a high-end SUV, and the third a shiny, black-and-silver Harley.

  She climbed out as J.J. held the door for her and circled around the truck at his gesture. The two guys grabbed their overnight bags from the back, and J.J. handed over her laptop case. He took her roller bag, too, though he carried it by its handle. Maybe using the rollers was too girlie for him, and she gave him a smile to let him know she was on to him.

  Indy in the middle, they traipsed into the house. The entryway from the garage was an open room for gear and storage, and the guys dropped the luggage on benches there. J.J. took her case back and set it down, too.

  Then, with Tyler’s hand at her waist, they walked through the huge kitchen—mountain views to the back, through expansive windows over the informal dining area—and into a large living space. Sig was there, coming down an open staircase, looking like he was just fresh from a shower. Looking…amazing enough to have Indy’s heart skipping a beat. Almost like she’d forgotten what an attractive man he was, like she’d almost become immune to it, around these three remarkable specimens.

  And he was walking—limping—along without crutches. With an attached leg-brace that kept his left foot from touching the floor, his weight held above where his thigh rested against a platform on the brace. It was a sort of built-in crutch.

  His gaze seemed to take in all three of them and then zeroed in on Indy only. Like it was a tractor beam, she moved forward.

  And then was stopped by Tyler’s fingers gripping firmly, dug into the waistband of her wool trousers. She wore a tight-fitting cashmere sweater above, and his strong fingers had found their way underneath it.

  So it was J.J. who went forward and met Sig first.

  “Hey, bud,” he said in greeting as he took Sig into a hug. It was a man hug, their right hands clasped between them, but a serious one nonetheless. “How ya doin’?”

  Sig appeared to be more interested in Indy. He tried sidestepping to get around his friend, but J.J. knew how to block. After a few seconds of shuffling, Sig relented. He stood down and brought his gaze back from Indy to J.J. But he was silent, arms crossed over his chest, waiting for J.J. to give over.

  That one seemed not terribly intimidated. He spoke slowly, the same question, demanding a response. “How are you doing, Sig?”

  With one more longing glance at Indy, Sig answered. “I’m okay. They’re taking the injury more seriously than I expected. They did another MRI, and they think they see more ligament damage than the guy in Vail saw. They want me off it for a few weeks, and they’re debating about cortisone shots. I’m only supposed to work on rehabbing it when I’m with PT or the trainers.”

  J.J. nodded, one hand still on Sig’s shoulder. “That’s tough, man. I’m sorry.”

  Sig nodded.

  “So, do the drill. That’s all you can do. I figure we can be here for a while, help out.”

  “Yeah?” Sig said. “That’d be good.”

  The two men were silent for a moment, and Indy saw the strong bond between them. They were a pair, both so big and muscled and…male, and yet polar extremes of dark and light. After a bit, Sig leaned to the side a little to look around J.J.’s head at Indy.

  “You going to let me talk to her?”

  “Yeah, about that…”

  Those blue eyes went back to J.J. “I was being a dick. I’m sorry.” He leaned around again. “Sorry, Indy. Baby.”

  Indy murmured and lifted a foot to step toward him, but the hold on her waistband was immovable. She wasn’t going anywhere, at least not with her pants, until Tyler said so.

  J.J. was still in charge of the conversation. He still had his hand on Sig’s shoulder. “We need to know if you can do this, Sig. We all need to know.”

  Sig’s temper showed in his gruff words. “It’s not easy for me.”

  “A lot of things not easy for you right now. We get that.”

  Sig took a couple breaths, searching his friend’s eyes. He frowned before he spoke. “You love her.”

  J.J. nodded. “I do. So does Ty.”


  J.J. stayed silent.

  “It seems like I don’t have any choice.”

  “Is that the best you can do?”

  “Come on. Is this really going down easy for you?” Sig asked. “You want to be with a woman you have to share with two other men?”

  J.J. shook his head. “No. Not with two other men. But with you and Ty? Yeah.” He looked back and put his hand out. Ty took a few steps forward, still holding on to Indy but letting her get close enough that J.J. could reach her. J.J. leaned in and kissed her, and Tyler was there, too, his arms around her now, holding her close. J.J. was looking at her, stroking her cheek, when he spoke. “And I have to say, it’s turned out to be pretty appealing.” He kissed her again and had his head leaning against Indy’s when he looked back at Sig. “Really. Very appealing.”

  Tyler’s big hand was on Indy’s cheek now, turning her for his kiss. He held her tightly with one hand at her waist and slid the other under her sweater onto her skin. His pinky dipped down inside her slacks. “I want you, babe,” he said

  “No, not now,” she said, a bit breathless already, but so very aware of Sig watching and unhappy. Uncertain, at least. She looked at him and saw his grim expression. “Sig.”

  He didn’t speak. His eyes stayed on hers until Tyler’s hand moved up under her sweater to her breast. Entirely obvious about it, Ty reached into her bra and squeezed her nipple. Sig’s gaze was there, then, watching what was happening under her sweater. J.J. came back in and nuzzled at her neck. Then his hand, too, slid down her body, over her breast, and farther, until his fingers snugged up between her thighs.

  Indy lifted her hands, placing one each on their forearms, but she knew she didn’t have a bit of hope for stopping them.

  Except for words. She knew they would stop if she asked. But Sig didn’t seem so grim now. He watched Indy’s eyes and his friends’ hands, and his gaze heated. He swallowed hard once and took a deep breath that didn’t seem all the way steady. He made two of those limping steps until Indy had to tilt her head up to meet his eyes.

  “Sig,” she said again, and it was a bit of a plea.

  He raised his hands and cupped her face. He ran one thumb over her lips and then followed with his own, kissing her sweetly. Then, lifting up, he waited and watched.

  In unspoken accord, Tyler and J.J. turned up the heat, touching her more aggressively until she moaned. Those blue eyes watched eagerly.

  “Do you want me, Indy?” he asked.

  “Yes,” she told him.

  Sig kissed her again, mouth open this time, drawing at her, hot. When he lifted his head, he looked from Tyler to J.J. Then he took a step back.

  J.J.’s eyes watched him, evaluating. He drew in a slow breath and then let it out. “You can have her alone for the rest of the afternoon.”

  Tyler muttered a little complaint but didn’t do any more than that.

  Sig gave a nod to J.J. “Appreciate it,” he said. “But that’s not what I want.”

  J.J. and Tyler were silent as Indy almost reeled from that rejection. Sure she’d lost something important, aware only in that moment how much she’d wanted it, Indy couldn’t hold back a little moan. But J.J.’s left hand was on her back, and he patted her. A reassurance. His breathing was steady as he watched Sig take one more step back.

  Sigge’s eyes were all on her now. He crossed his hands at his waist, took hold of the hem of his cotton sweater, and lifted it over his head. He tossed it to a chair, not looking to see if it landed safely there or not.

  Indy watched his eyes, knowing it wasn’t that he didn’t care, but that he was all the way certain about where the sweater was headed once it left his hand. Then she looked at his chest because, well…there wasn’t anything finer to look at than that expanse of smooth, muscled, masculine beauty. Rocky Mountains. Denver skyline. No competition.

  “Bring her here.” His gaze still on her as he turned, Sig walked over to a seating area. He balanced on his right leg and, with his crutch contraption, pushed out of the way a sleek coffee table that was in front of the long, wide leather couch. Making way for…something. He sat down and unfastened the straps from his leg and removed the crutch, his hands working almost idly as he watched Tyler and J.J. bring her to him.

  Indy whimpered again, stirred this time, as her two lovers moved her, hands firmly on her arms and back—or ass, in Tyler’s case. Controlling her. Presenting her.

  Offering her.

  The three of them stood in front of Sig. Briefly, Sig’s eyes went to Tyler and then J.J. “Make her come. I want to watch you…pleasure her. I want to…enjoy that.”

  “Yeah.” Like the hound dog he was, Tyler was all in. He tore out of his own wool shirt and tee and tossed them aside. He kissed Indy quickly and got busy with the zipper on her slacks.

  J.J. paid more attention to the moment. He touched Indy’s face to turn her toward him and shared with her a smile that was both satisfied and hot. He whispered kisses over her and softly, at her ear, told her he loved her. Trusting the truth of it, trusting he knew and understood Sig’s intention—compersion—she smiled at him.

  Then she faced Tyler, compelled by his touch again at her jaw. He kissed her, too, not gently and sweetly, but taking, demanding. He had her fly open now and slid his fingers down her belly. Not quite as far as she expected though, as she was beginning to need. He went slowly, his big hand covering her skin, his thumb under the edge of her sweater, his pinkie hovering at her mons.

  Indy realized he was teasing—not just her, but Sig. Her breath shuddered as she looked up at him and saw the wicked intent in his eyes. She shuddered again has he moved his other hand to her ass. He followed the center seam of her slacks and, when he was just low enough, he squeezed. His fingers dug in, stimulating her anus, an action that was invisible to Sig, for Ty’s pleasure only.

  And hers.

  J.J. was nestling into her neck, suckling at her, his teeth grazing. His hand went to the bottom edge of her sweater too and eased under, sliding along her ribs. He lifted the sweater, his hand bringing it along as he moved to run his thumb along the curve of her breast. He leaned in to kiss her once, then took hold of the sweater with both hands. He raised it enough to communicate his intent.

  Indy looked into those patient, brown eyes for a long moment. Then she turned her head to look at Sig, who watched raptly from the couch. She lifted her arms, and J.J. slowly took the sweater up.

  Sigge seemed to like what he saw. She met his gaze after J.J. peeled the sweater away. Her hair tumbled down around her shoulders, and she stood there, letting Sig look his fill.

  A thrill of excitement coursed through her as she imagined what he saw. She’d done a little shopping that morning while J.J. and Tyler completed their workouts, spending a good part of her most recent royalty check at one of Vail’s high-end lingerie boutiques. She wore white underneath her clothing, but the color was the only innocent thing about it.

  The lacy bra supported her breasts from below but rose only high enough to just cover her areolas. Sexy black bows teased, one nestled in the deep vee between her breasts and one more adorning each strap. Another bow embellished the center of her panties—Sigge appeared quite interested as Tyler slid her slacks low enough to reveal it. A ruffle of lace topped the skimpy panties, almost making a flirty little skirt. There was only the lace over a narrow elastic band at her hips, and a swath of the thinnest silk running between her legs.

  Tyler seemed to like the look of it, too. He went to his knees at her side, lifting one foot at a time to remove her ankle boots and socks. Then he slid her trousers down her hips and away.

  She had a lot of attention from all three men then and considered her money well spent. J.J. had removed his sweater, too, and had her backed up against his chest. His arms were around her, one crossing over at her waist and the other sliding down her hip. Tyler still knelt at her side, using his mouth to suck a brand onto her at the edge of her belly, just above that bit of lace.

  Eyes on Sig, she slid one hand along J.J.’s arm to his muscled shoulder until she reached his neck. J.J. lifted one breast in a way Sig appeared to like. She took her other hand and placed it over J.J.’s at her waist. She moved both hands together to cover her other breast and relished the flare in Sig’s gaze. The shudder of J.J.’s chest against her back signaled his pleasure in it, too.

  She left J.J.’s hand there and stroked her fingers along her skin until she reached Tyler, sliding her nails through his hair and cupping the back of his head. Cupping him as though to direct him, as though to hold him to her. He tilted back into her hand a bit, his gaze slowly leaving the view in front of him to meet her eyes.

  “You know,” he told her, “I think if I wet this bit of silk you have here with my mouth, we’d be able to see everything you’ve got hidden behind it.”

  “You think?” she asked. She might have given him a little encouragement with a twist of his hair between her fingers.

  His eyes flared at the challenge, and he wasn’t one to back down. With his hands gripping
her hips, he took her, his mouth hot and open over her, his tongue firm and wet. He laved her, drawing her into his mouth, using his tongue roughly. Going deep, until she was sure he’d met her own moisture with his.

  Indy gloried in it, closing her eyes and pressing her head into J.J.’s shoulder, encouraging Tyler with her hand on his head. She moaned helplessly when J.J., reached inside her bra, took hold of her nipple, and brought it out over the edge of lace. He gave the other side the same treatment, so both nipples were peeking out, hard and tingling.

  Sig spoke from the couch. “Ty, lean back and let me see her. Indy, open your eyes and look at me.”

  Indy breathed roughly, feeling the loss as Tyler backed away. A slight coolness now where he’d left her wet made her shiver. She opened her eyes to Sig and knew he liked what he saw. Her body, raw and needy, on display for him. His friends surrounding her, pleasing her for him.

  “He’s right, you know,” he said. “I can see everything.”

  No doubt the silk was transparent now, wet from her own moisture and Ty’s tongue. She had to admit, if only to herself, that she’d considered this while she’d fingered the lace-and-silk set in the store. But she suspected it hardly mattered now. She could feel the way the silk clung to her, surely leaving nothing to the imagination.

  “Keep going,” he said, to Ty and J.J. or maybe to all three of them. “Indy, keep your eyes open. Keep looking at me. Let me see you come.”

  Almost roughly, J.J. took hold her of hair and tilted her head to the side. He skimmed his teeth along her neck and, at the crook of her shoulder, drew her skin into his mouth. He moved both his hands to her front and strummed his thumbs over her distended nipples, a sweet torture.

  “Oh,” she murmured, rocking back against him and letting her pelvis press forward, where Ty was playing with her again. “Oh, God. Tyler. J.J.”


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