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Amazing Stories 88th Anniversary Issue: Amazing Stories April 2014

Page 29

by Unknown

  Gwen Whiting (Science Feature) is a writer and museum curator who has received special recognition for her work in the history field, including the McClelland Award for nonfiction. Her fantasy novel The Universal Mirror is scheduled for re-release by Rara Avis Publishing in 2014.

  Ira Nayman (Weird Stories, Strangely Told) is the proprietor of the Alternate Reality News Service (ARNS), which sends reporters into other dimensions and has them write about what they find there. Five collections of ARNS stories are available; the latest are The Street Finds its Own Uses for Mutant Technologies and The Alternate Reality News Service's Guide to Love, Sex and Robots. Ira has also written two novels featuring the Transdimensional Authority, an organization that monitors and polices travel between dimensions. They are: Welcome to the Multiverse (Sorry for the Inconvenience) and You Can't Kill the Multiverse (But You Can Mess With its Head). "Weird Stories, Strangely Told" is the eighth Antonio Van der Whall, object psychologist short story to be published.

  Felicity Savage (Finity) is an American writer of speculative fiction. Now based in Tokyo, she grew up in the British Isles and proudly flies the black flag of the third-culture sensibility! Her interests include rock and folk music, liturgical exegesis, cooking, and playing with her two-year-old daughter. She is the author of the Garden of Salt duology, the EVER trilogy, and a forthcoming epic fantasy quartet that everyone should start getting excited about right now because it is incredibly cool!! Meanwhile, she is embarking on a serious plunge into science fiction. Finity is the first fruit of that endeavor.

  John M. Whalen (Where the Space Pirates Are) is the author of "Vampire Siege at Rio Muerto," available now in paperback and e-book from He's written dozens of science fiction, horror and fantasy stories that have appeared in a variety of publications and anthologies. His first novel, "Jack Brand," was published by Pill Hill Press in 2010. For more information on his work check out his blog. You can also find him on Facebook at Flying W Press.

  Ricky L. Brown (Heavenly Horizon) is a lifelong member of Science Fiction fandom. He has written several literary reviews of works by some of the most prominent authors and publishers in the genre including the classics. He currently holds the position of Reviews Editor at where he also writes a weekly blog. You can follow him on Twitter @RickyLBrown or through his website at

  Steven M. Long (The Pixie) lives and writes just outside of Chicago, IL. As well as contributing to Amazing Stories, he writes for and at his own site, His twitter handle isx @StevenMLong, and he can be e-mailed at

  Michael J. Sullivan (The Jester) is a speculative fiction writer whose six book debut series, The Riyria Revelations, has been published by three separate paths: a small press (AMI), self-published, and currently released through Orbit (fantasy imprint of big-five Hachette Book Group) as a trilogy: Theft of Swords, Rise of Empire, and Heir of Novron. His second series, The Riyria Chronicles, is also released by Orbit starting with The Crown Tower followed by The Rose and the Thorn. His latest novel, Hollow World, has just been released. Michael writes about unlikely heroes in the classical fantasy and science fiction tradition, providing fast-paced adventure and a dose of humor. He can be found on his blog, on twitter at @author_sullivan, and on his facebook page and his publisher’s page for the Riyria series. You can also email him at

  R. K. Troughton (The Geno Virus) exists on the high plains of North America, where he works with a hive mind of scientists and engineers to create tomorrow’s technology. His passion for science and the fantastic forces him to repeatedly organize words into unique combinations of imaginative fiction and non-fiction for the amusement of others.

  Derek Benson (Interior Illustrations) is a video game and military simulations artist. He has an excellent wife and three groovy kids. Formerly he ran a bookstore that carried the work of many writers on this site. He still misses it. He is most influenced by the work of Michael Whelan and Darrel K. Sweet. And Hannes Bok, and Virgin Finlay. Anyone who had a book cover out in the twentieth century, really. He’s working with his kids on a comic called America 2. He makes pretty good tacos. He draws on his kids’ lunch bags. You can find his work at

  Bob Bello (Interior Illustrations) is a 1983 Art School graduate and 1987 National Theater Academy postgraduate, an independent writer/producer of sci-fi radio drama and teleplays for young adults (PG-13). Most of his stories are now novelized as standalone episodes (some with sequels) and published in the Starcall anthology. Bob currently works on his graphic novel series, Timeship, based on his radio drama from the 1980s, planned to be produced also as animated TV series. Network with him at (...or just link your readers to Photo Copyright Star Chart Films. All Rights Reserved.

  Steve Davidson (Editorial, Introduction, Review, Interview) enjoys playing a supermarionette on Fireball XL5 with his wife Karen and his dog Bo. Steve does this thing called Amazing Stories.

  Table of Contents

  The Voyage that Lasted 600 Years by Don Wilcox

  Spirit Dance by Douglas Smith

  Customer Service by John Purcell

  Cosmic Corkscrew by Michael A. Burstein

  Lightning War by Duncan Long

  Virtually Yours by Nina Munteanu

  Tool Dresser’s Law by Jack Clemons

  Weird Stories, Strangely Told by Ira Nayman

  Finity by Felicity Savage

  Where the Space Pirates Are by John M. Whalen

  Heavenly Horizon by Ricky L. Brown

  The Pixie by Steven M. Long

  The Jester by Michael J. Sullivan

  The Geno Virus by R. K. Troughton

  On the Cover by Frank Wu

  Introduction to The Voyage that Last 600 Years by JM Stine

  Interview: Andy Weir Author of The Martian Conducted by Steve Davidson

  Science Featue: Private Industry and the Quest for Space by Gwen Whiting

  Review: The Martian by Steve Davidson


  About This Issue

  Behind the Scenes





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