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Love Birds: The Complete Collection

Page 60

by Ruth J. Hartman

  “Certainly. What brings you out this morning? I usually don’t see you here.”

  He sat next to her, perhaps a little too close, but he didn’t care. “I… I felt the need to spend time with a beautiful woman.”

  Her face colored an attractive pink rivaling the roses behind the wall. “Um… thank you.”

  “And who have we here?’ Daniel glanced at the cat.

  “This little man showed up about a week ago. No one knows from where. But he seems intent on staying, so of course I give him scraps from Cook. That must agree with him as he’s fattening up quite nicely.”

  “Indeed.” The cat purred when Daniel rubbed its chin. “And does he have a name, or should I simply refer to him as Fluffy?”

  Leah giggled. “Fluffy? How unoriginal. I expected better from you.”

  “Until you’ve told me his name, then Fluffy shall it be.”

  “I’ve named him Rollo.”

  Daniel studied the cat. Its green eyes peered back at him. “It suits him. Yes, I approve.”

  “What a relief you’ve given your approval. Otherwise I know not what I might have done.”

  Daniel chuckled. “Delighted to be of service.”

  Leah ran her fingers through Rollo’s fur.

  Oh that she would do that to my hair right now. A shiver ran through him.

  “Is something amiss? Are you chilled?”

  “Uh, no. Fine. I’m… fine.”

  She lifted one eyebrow. “If you say so.”

  Embarrassment heated his face, but he needed to force it away. With what he’d overheard from Mr. Radcliff and Mr. Kensington, time was of the essence for Daniel to stake his claim. “Leah?”


  “Did you enjoy the time we spent together at the house party?”

  She ducked her head. “It was lovely.”

  “The party or…”

  When she blinked, her long lashes bumped her cheek. “You… I mean… the time we… well…”

  Splendid. “What was your favorite part of our time together?” How bold I am. But in light of what I’ve learned, I must be.

  Leah bit her bottom lip and her gaze didn’t quite meet his. “The afternoon at the brook was enjoyable.”

  “The tiny frogs and buried turquoise treasure?”

  She sputtered a laugh, causing a harrumph from Rollo. “I did like that, of course.”

  “What about visiting the cows?”

  “Wasn’t the calf precious? Those large eyes.”

  “Yes.” He edged closer to her. “And the dance? Was that something you remember fondly?”

  “It was… yes. I… I remember it with fondness.”

  Daniel turned slightly on the wall to better view her. “Would you like to know what my favorite part was?”

  She swallowed. “Yes. Pray tell, what was it?”

  Daniel placed his finger beneath her chin, much as he’d done to the cat, but he’d had no desire to kiss Rollo. Leah on the other hand… “Without a doubt, my most treasured memory of the weekend with you was the kiss.”

  “The kiss?”

  Daniel nodded and lowered his gaze to her lips, which parted just enough so he could view the edges of her white teeth peeking out.

  “I…” The scent of peppermint floated to him. Had she a weakness for sweets as he did?

  “Perhaps, if you’re agreeable, I could…”

  “You could…”

  “Repeat that particular experience?”

  With a slow nod, Leah gave her acceptance.

  Mindful to not squish the cat between them, Daniel slowly leaned forward. Leah’s eyes drifted shut, and rapid puffs of warm air told him that her pulse had quickened. With both hands gently cupping her face, Daniel pressed his lips to hers. Not only did a jolt of desire warm him to his core, something else, something sweet and pure filled his soul. Love. He loved this woman to distraction. Would do anything for her. Wished to take care of her for all time.

  He deepened the kiss, touching his tongue to hers. She let out a gasp. Of pleasure? He hoped so. To test the theory, Daniel tugged her nearer until his chest pressed her breasts. Leah moaned.

  Definitely pleasure.

  Pressure, slight but undoubtedly there, touched his nether region. Good heavens. Leah was much bolder than he’d originally imagined her to be. Daniel smiled against her lips and continued the kiss.

  The pressure on his lap increased. The woman was full of surprises. Then a sharp spike of pain shot through his nether regions, and he pulled his lips from hers. Daniel jerked away. What in the—

  Leah glanced down. “Look. Rollo likes you.”

  The blasted cat had curled up in Daniel’s lap, appearing for all the world as if he’d like nothing better than to spend his remaining years nestled there.

  Oh… So the pressure on his lap hadn’t been…

  “Is something wrong? Your face is red.”

  “I… uh.” Snap out of it man. Now is not the time to fumble your words. You’ll sound like a cork-brained idiot. “Being near you does something to me. I can’t help it.”

  “Does it?”

  “Very much so.”

  “And this pleases you?”

  “You have no idea.”

  The corners of her lips rose. “Then it pleases me as well.”

  He took her hand in his and kissed her fingers. Leah reached out with her other hand and stroked the cat. It was nearly Daniel’s undoing. Between what he’d thought had happened earlier and the proximity now of her hand to his—

  “It’s nice to see that there’s another side to you. One that can be serious about some matters. I do love merriment, you know that.”

  He nodded.

  “But there are times when two people… um when people, that is, should take care to…”

  “I can assure you that when the subject is something very dear to me, I can indeed take things seriously.”

  “Dear to you?” Mischief glinted in her eyes. “Are you speaking of Rollo?”

  It gladdened Daniel that Leah also had a humorous side as well as a serious one. “That would be a no, I’m afraid.”

  “Ah, poor Rollo. And he had his little heart set on you.”

  “I’m fairly certain I wouldn’t be his preference, all things considered.”

  Leah’s laugh was loud and robust. She covered her lips with her hand. “Pardon.”

  “Nothing to pardon. I love your laughter. Perhaps that’s why I say silly things so often, so your voice’s lovely refrain can warm my heart.”

  “What a sweet sentiment.”

  “I’m not completely a cork-brained.”

  She giggled. “I’m relieved to know it.”

  Now that Daniel felt on a more secure footing with Leah, it was time to bring up a most unpleasant subject. “May I ask you something?”

  “Of course.”

  “When we were at the Bradington’s and I told you I’d witnessed you speaking to Mr. Kensington…”

  She averted her gaze to Rollo. “Yes?”

  “Are you… that is to say, do you have an interest in the man?”

  She still wouldn’t look up at him. Was she avoiding answering him directly? “Why do you ask?”

  It wouldn’t do Daniel any favors to bring up what he’d heard from the study earlier. Listening to someone else’s private conversation wasn’t something commendable.

  Daniel shrugged. “Wanting to know of my competition, is all.”

  She bit her lip. “I’m not aware of any… competition.”

  “That’s good.” But very soon, she would be aware.

  As she shook her head, a golden lock of hair tugged loose from its pins, falling across her shoulder. Daniel reached out, rubbed the soft strands between his fingers, and tucked them behind Leah’s ear.

  “I’m glad of it.”

  Leah’s cheeks against matched the tint of the roses. “Would you perhaps…”

  “Go on. You may ask anything of me.”

  “I was wonderi
ng if you’d be interested in… another kiss?”

  “From Rollo?”

  Her shoulders shook as she giggled. “Well I was thinking of myself, but if you’d rather—”

  “No. You’ll do nicely.” Daniel, ignoring the protesting growl of the cat on his lap, pulled Leah closer and kissed her thoroughly.

  Chapter Nine

  Leah waved at Daniel from the open doorway, trying to get his attention as he finished tidying up Mr. Radcliff’s room. “Daniel. I need your assistance.”

  He raised his eyebrows. “Has something happened?”

  “It’s Rollo. I think he’s ill. I don’t know what to do.”

  Daniel strode toward her and took her hand in his. “Where is he?”

  “Beneath a bush behind the stables. I know you have duties and I hate to bother you…”

  “Fear not. I’m finished for now. Mr. Radcliff is out today. Let’s go see what’s wrong with the cat.”

  They made their way from the house to the stables, waving to the stable boys. Leah pointed. “Rollo’s back here.”

  A row of pine bushes was lined up behind the building. A black tail stuck out from beneath the second from the end. Daniel squatted down. “Rollo, not feeling your best today?”

  Rollo howled.

  Leah wrung her hands. “You see? He doesn’t sound well. He’s panting so heavily that I fear he can’t catch his breath. Do you suppose he’s gotten injured in some way?”

  “Perhaps you could get an old blanket from the out-building?”

  “Of course.” Leah hurried around the corner, her hear thudding rapidly in her chest. Poor Rollo. What if there wasn’t anything they could do to help him? Finding a worn, brown horse blanket, Leah tugged it from a low shelf and rushed back to Daniel. “Here. Will this do?”

  “Perfect.” Daniel unfolded the blanket. Slowly he reached in and wrapped the cat up until all Leah could see was its ears and eyes. A loud hiss came from inside the folds.

  “Oh dear.” Leah pressed her fingers to her lips. “I wouldn’t have been so concerned about him but just last year a friend’s cat exhibited the very same symptoms. Especially the panting. And…” She blinked back tears. “That poor cat died.”

  Daniel let out a sigh. “Hopefully it won’t come to that. Let’s take him up into the loft where no other animals can disturb him.”

  “All right.”

  Leah climbed up first, aware of the view that Daniel would have of her bottom, but not really caring at that point. Would the poor cat survive whatever ailed him? When Daniel, with the bundle beneath one arm, reached the top rung, he handed the cat to Leah.

  “Have a care. You don’t want to get bitten.”

  She gently held the cat close, whispering little nonsensical phrases in a soothing voice. Anything to calm him.

  Daniel stepped onto the loft floor. “Let’s try putting him down. Perhaps over there by the window where he can get warmth from the sun.”

  Leah held out the cat. “Would you mind? I don’t want to injure him further.”

  “You could never hurt anyone.”

  Pleasure at his compliment warmed her cheeks. “That’s sweet of you to say.”

  “Remember. I’m not always playing the part of the jester.” Daniel placed the blanketed cat on the floor and again crouched down in front of it.

  Rollo growled and made quick work of kicking off the folds of the blanket. After making some room, he lay down on his side and closed his eyes.

  Leah knelt down next to Daniel, not caring if her dress got soiled. “I hope it’s not the same illness that claimed the other cat’s life.”

  “I hope not either.” He took her hand, his fingers warm as they curled around hers.

  “Thank you for bringing him up here. If you need to get back to your duties, I’ll understand.”

  “’Tis fine. I’ll not be missed for a little while yet.”

  “I don’t want to have trouble because of me.”

  “What better reason would I have to risk trouble?”

  In spite of Leah’s worries for the cat, she gave a smile. “See? There you are again. No matter what is bothering me, you have a way of cheering me up.”

  “Everyone is good at something.”

  “You’re good at more than that.”

  “Is that so?”

  Leah widened her eyes. What would he make of that?

  Daniel leaned closer. “Care to elaborate?”

  Rollo screeched, pulling Leah’s attention back in his direction. “What shall we do for him?”

  Daniel studied her, his eyes filled with uncustomary concern. Gone for the moment was his playfulness. “I wish I knew, dear Leah.” He placed his hand lightly on the cat’s side and then snapped it back.

  “What is it?”


  “Tell me. Did you feel something? Heat? Trembling?”

  “Not exactly.”

  “Daniel?” Leah blinked rapidly, hoping her tears stayed within the confines of her lower lids. Now would not be the best time to cry. Rollo needed her.

  With a sigh, Daniel guided Leah’s hand to the same spot he’d touched before.

  Something moved… writhed… turned in Rollo’s midsection. “Heavens above! What’s going on?”

  “I have a hunch. Time will bear out my guess.”

  She grabbed his arm. “Can’t you tell me?”

  “If it’s what I’m thinking, you’ll know very soon.”

  Leah would have to be satisfied with that. For now. It seemed Daniel wasn’t going to share his thoughts with her. The unknown gnawed at her stomach, creating nausea in its pit. What could it be? What was wrong with Rollo?

  The cat panted as if he couldn’t catch his breath. His paw moved forward and back like he wanted to run, but couldn’t. Something must be done. Leah reached out to touch him again, this time rubbing her thumb down his forehead and nose. A deep purr replaced the panting. That’s something, I suppose. Maybe it’s not what I’d previously thought.

  Daniel placed one arm across Leah’s shoulders and stroked the cat’s back with his other hand. “It will be fine, Rollo. You’re doing well.”

  Doing well? What did that mean? Rollo looked to be dying. How did one do that well?

  Rollo’s body lurched, and he eyed his hind quarters as if they’d somehow offended him.

  Daniel took Leah’s hand and drew it away from the cat.

  She frowned. “But I want to—”

  “Wait. Do you trust me?”

  Without a doubt. She nodded.

  “Good. We’ll know soon what all the fuss is about.”

  “All right.” But was it? It didn’t feel acceptable in the least. Still, she did trust Daniel. In her mind. And her heart. She watched, barely able to blink, as Rollo’s tail flipped. Leah gasped when something began to emerge from Rollo’s— “Good heavens.”

  Daniel leaned forward a little. “There now, little Rollo. You’re doing fine.”

  Why did he keep saying that? None of this was fine. Something was coming out of the rear side of the cat.

  A few seconds later, a small, slimy mass slithered out on the blanket. It moved. And mewed.

  Embarrassed, Leah bit her lip. Of course! Rollo wasn’t a he, after all. “Oh… I see now what the problem was.”

  The cat curled sideways and sniffed at the thing that sat just beneath her tail.

  “As it turns out, it wasn’t a problem at all.” He chuckled. “Rollo has been keeping a secret from us.”

  “The cat did seem a tad pudgy.”

  “If this had not been the reason for her round shape, we might have had to inquire about a tiny corset for her.” His eyes twinkled.

  “Oh look.”

  Rollo licked the slimy substance from the mewling kitten for a couple of minutes, revealing it to be a mottled whitish-tan color before lying back on her side.

  “Is she just going to ignore the poor little thing?”

  “I don’t think so. Keep watching.” Daniel tilted
his head toward the cat.

  A second kitten entered the world. This one with coal black fur. Leah’s heart nearly melted. “How utterly precious they are.”


  Rollo repeated the cleansing process with the second kitten and pushed it with her nose to cuddle with the first.

  “Do you think there are any more?”

  They waited for a few more seconds. Sure enough, a third tiny cat emerged, this one not mewing, but howling louder than something so miniscule seemed capable of.

  Daniel laughed. “Has a mighty good set of lungs.”

  Leah giggled. “Goodness. Perhaps he thinks he’s a lion.”

  “How do you know it’s a male?”

  “With an attitude like that, I’ve no doubt.”

  “Perhaps you should reconsider that. After all, you were of the opinion that your pregnant female was a male.”

  “Are you going to tell me that you knew all along what was wrong with Rollo?”

  He averted his eyes. “Well…”

  “You were as concerned as I before we brought her up to the loft.”

  “I’ll admit I was at first perplexed. If I’d only checked under her tail.”

  “Why would you have…” Her face heated. “Ah. Of course.”

  Daniel smirked. “You see, God created males and females to be different in their—”

  “Stop.” She smacked his chest.

  Mirth danced in Daniel’s eyes. “Only trying to help.”

  Leah shook her head. “It’s as I said before. You’re rotten.”

  He chuckled. “Isn’t that what you love about me?”


  She turned her attention back to Rollo and the three kittens. She’d not even admitted to herself the depth of her feelings for Daniel. But her heart obviously knew.

  Hoping to divert Daniel’s attention , Leah tilted her head toward the blanket. “Suppose there will be any more?”

  Daniel pointed to Rollo. “She’s acting calmer now and is giving her full attention to the three. It’s my guess there aren’t any more.”

  Leah sighed. “This has been a most unexpected morning, has it not?”

  “Yes. Thank you for inviting me to share it with you.”

  “Not so much an invitation as a plea for help with a cat I believed was ill. And was a he.”

  Daniel winked. “Nevertheless…”


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