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Demons (Devil's Reach Book 2)

Page 7

by J. L. Drake

  He smirked. “Bet you have to keep moving.”

  “Yeah.” He was right about that, and I didn’t need to lie. Truth was, I didn’t have a spot that was my own. “So?”

  “You always this friendly after someone helps you out?”

  I couldn’t help myself and responded to his warm smile. I sighed and dropped my pack to the floor, exhausted. I followed suit and sat back against the cool wall. “Sorry.” I tried to relax, but the memory of what almost happened began to surface. “That was fucking scary.”

  He slowly approached and sat warily but at a respectable distance, which I appreciated. “It was.”

  We sat in silence for a few moments before he moved in a bit and held out a hand. “Matt.”


  Sirens filled the room, and we jumped to our feet.

  “Shit.” He rushed to the window. “I dropped the brick I was using on them down there. We need to go. Can you run?”


  “Good. Hold my hand.” We disappeared down the stairs.



  We stopped for gas and something to drink at the M Resort Casino just off the Fifteen Freeway. It had been pouring all night, so our drive took much longer than normal. Even on a bike, splitting traffic was a bitch. Every driver in any vehicle would be so intent on keeping themselves from hydroplaning they sure as hell wouldn’t see us on the road.

  “That semi drenched me.” Brick wrung out his pant leg. “I wanted to blow out his tires.”

  I grunted out an agreement and poured a shitty cup of coffee from the corner store tucked into the side of the entryway. I eyed the creamer and saw a layer of curdled dairy on the top. I tossed it in the trash and grabbed a fresh one from the fridge.

  “Sir, you can’t—” The young clerk’s sentence trailed off when she took in my annoyed face. “Never mind.”

  I grabbed a protein bar and held out a twenty to the girl then wiped my hair out of my eyes. Her cheeks were pink as she slid it away from me and proceeded to make change.

  “You guys staying at the resort?” She glanced at me again.

  “No.” I left a five and headed out with Brick behind me. I stopped under a dry spot and lit a joint. The rain was still heavy and showed no sign of letting up.

  “How far?”

  Brick lit his and blew out before he answered me. “Fifteen. I’ve never been past the gates, but if Jace got in, you know you will. It all comes down to the money.”

  I eyed the pack on the side of my bike and hoped Eli had come through with what I asked.

  “Jesus.” Brick shuddered like he had just had a nasty thought. “That house has some crazy shit darkness inside.”

  I tilted my head back to stare up at the clouds and hoped she was alone right now. I knew I would kill someone if she wasn’t.

  “What happened that made her go back to that house the last time you guys split up?”

  Brick closed his eyes. “Well, I want to know why she stayed away for six years more.”

  I didn’t point out he avoided my question. He’d told me a lot, and I respected that. For now.

  “Come on.” I tossed my joint into the dirt and started my bike. As I eased out, I caught sight of a man in a truck staring at us.

  Do I know you? His face tugged a recent memory, but I couldn’t place him.

  Once we hit the road, I clicked the button on my helmet.

  “You see the tan truck as we left?”


  “Tan, Chevy, two-door. Keep an eye out.”

  “Copy that.” He gave me a thumbs up.

  Lightning shot across the sky as we turned into the Wynn parking lot around three-thirty in the morning. We pulled up to the valet and handed the kid our keys. One glance at my cut, and he handed me my ticket. I hated the idea of someone else riding my bike, but I knew the kid would probably roll it into place by how scared he looked.

  “You good?” He nodded at me. “Look after it.”

  “Of course.”

  Inside, Eli was in the lobby waiting for us, dressed like he owned the place. Well, maybe that was because he was the owner’s stepson.

  “Nice to see you again,” he greeted us but took note that I wasn’t in the mood to gamble or drink. “Please follow me.”

  We headed to the elevators where we joined an older couple. The guy had a tiny poodle thing stuck in his arms that whined when we came closer.

  Don’t blame it. The couple shifted closer to the far wall and turned the dog to face away from us.

  Once on the thirty-ninth floor, Eli took us to our room. He opened the door and pointed to the table. The place had glass floor to ceiling windows.

  “Everything you will need is here.” He pointed to my ID, bank account number, and car keys. “And, of course,” he motioned for me to look, “your pick of clothing.” There was a garment rack thick with outfits for me to try.

  I glared at Brick, who had already broken into the fully stocked bar. “Suck it up, Trigger. If you want to get in, you need to play the part.”

  “Fuck.” The last time I wore a suit was when I won my last fight. My asshole father scammed a gambler, and I had to play a part in that shit too. Hated every minute of it.

  Eli waved around. “The kitchen is stocked, bar is too. You have the room for however long you need.” He stepped closer and rubbed above his lip. “You need help, you know my number. All I ask is keep it out of my hotel.”

  “Like you did my club?”

  Eli had enemies too and brought them right to the steps of my club. He owed me, and he knew it.

  He pressed his hands down his suit uneasily, but before he left, he plastered on a smile and said, “Enjoy.”

  Brick set a bottle of whiskey on the counter. “You’ll need this before you go.”

  I downed about a quarter before I moved to look out over the Strip. An unexpected memory of Tess drew my head elsewhere.

  “Does the name Lily mean anything to you?”

  I watched Brick’s reflection in the window, and he went still and hesitated before he answered.

  “Tess didn’t have many friends in the house until a girl named Mags arrived. She was from North Carolina and had dreams of being a showgirl. Of course, she got tangled up in some shit and ended up at the house looking for fast cash. Mags and Tess hit it off right away. A few years later, Mags got involved with a client who got her pregnant and then proceeded to beat Mags whenever she didn’t do as she was told. Lily was four when her mother was killed. They said it was a pill overdose in the living room, but now we know it wasn’t.” He sank into a chair. “I hate that Tess had to see that video.”

  “Where’s Lily now?” I downed some more whiskey.

  “Parents. They’re here now.”

  “The boyfriend?”

  “He’s around, draining her parents dry. I’m assuming that’s why Tess cuts her paychecks in half, to help them out.”

  “Not her problem.” I shrugged.

  “It kinda is. Mags left Lily to Tess.”

  I turned around as I absorbed that.

  “Yeah, but Tess doesn’t want kids. She’s got too much going on inside to raise a child. Besides, Mags’s parents are good people. They wanted to raise her, so Tess agreed. Trouble is they don’t have much money, especially after hiring shitty investigators to look into Mags’s death. Their lawyer was bought off and ran off with their money.”

  “Shit luck.”

  “Hmm.” He opened a beer and made a nasty face at the taste. “You should see Tess with Lily. They have a bond.”

  “I’ll take your word on it.” I didn’t want kids. Never had.

  Brick nodded. “You better get ready.”

  Chapter Seven


  I started to wake, hating that feeling of being emotionally exhausted, but my body begged me to move. I stretched then felt like someone was watching me. I jolted upright and glanced around through dry, scratchy eyes.

  Empty. T
he room was empty. Just like me.

  With all my willpower, I peeled off the bed, showered, and changed into another house uniform.

  I glanced at my phone to see if the doctor had emailed or called, but there was nothing. I pushed that dark cloud aside. Couldn’t worry about something that hadn’t happened yet.

  I squeezed my eyes shut and held onto the counter for support.

  Don’t cry, Tess. You’re stronger than this. That terrible video played over and over in my mind. How could I face them? I wanted to scream and tear them all apart with my bare hands. How could they do that to Mags? This place had taken so much from me. How I fucking hated it.

  I had to pull myself together, as I had to in the past. I forced all grief from my mind and allowed the anger to flow through me and used it to steady myself. I moved purposefully to my bedside table and slipped a cuff over my wrist, dried the tears, and eyed my knife and envisioned it slicing through his skin and into his black heart.

  Fuck. I shook off the craving and headed downstairs. It wasn’t time. Soon, but not yet.

  The main floor was busy, as usual. The bar was in full swing. That was Vegas for you. No sleep, just sex, booze, and endless amounts of money. I spotted Clark at a table with a young girl. I assumed it was the cocaine junkie’s new replacement. He spotted me and nodded for me to come over.

  I want to carve your heart out and jam it on a stick, so everyone can see your lies.

  I loathe you.

  I turned away and headed in the opposite direction. I wasn’t ready to face him yet, and the odds of me losing it were high. Again, I pictured myself snapping off his balls and jamming them down his throat, and it made me feel a little better.

  I noticed my mother flirting with a client in the living room, right about where she helped kill Mags, and my stomach rolled, but I reminded myself I was here for a reason. I hadn’t felt this emotional in a long time, and frankly, I despised it. Nowhere was safe. Everywhere I looked, there were liars and murderers. How was I going to do this? How could I be here?

  I could slice them both up and bury them under the house. Lord knew how many bodies were already there.

  I can’t do this. I can’t be here.

  “Tessa?” Rachel called out, slapping me back to the present. “Can you come here, please?”

  Shit. No!

  “Wow, rough night?” She narrowed in on my face. I wondered if she knew the truth, and if she saw the video too. “Jesus, Tessa, what happened?”

  “That’s a loaded question.” I wish I had my loaded gun.

  She waved off my sarcasm, and her whole face lit up. “Well, snap out of it ’cause you have a client who requested you. Damn, you must be a freak in bed, girl.”

  Jace is here? The vise around my chest loosened a notch.

  “Same guy as last time, right?”

  “Nope.” She pointed behind me, and I felt the vise tighten again.

  Then, who?

  My heart jumped into my throat when I saw him. Trigger sat in a chair, relaxed like he belonged there. His intense green eyes locked onto mine, and I felt the unforgettable hold he had on me. He slowly rose and buttoned his jacket with ease.


  Wow. He was dressed in a dark gray three-piece suit. A navy-blue dress shirt peeked out from under his gray and black tie.

  Wait…his hair was different. Shit, he looked more intense than ever.

  My clit strummed to my wild heartbeat.

  He strolled toward me, his broad shoulders a reminder of how large he was. He extended his hand and waited.

  Breathe, Tess.

  I hesitated, unsure if my body would work. Cautiously, I slipped my hand into his.

  If it was possible to orgasm from a simple touch, it would be from his.

  “Tess.” He nodded and squeezed my hand, but didn’t let go. “I’ve been waiting patiently for you.”

  Oh, my God, what was he doing here? I started to freak the fuck out inside. I hoped to God Clark hadn’t spotted him, but he was deep in conversation with another man.

  I battled with wanting to kill everyone and the fact that Trigger stood in front of me.

  So many things fired off inside my head at once, I couldn’t seem to find my voice.

  He leaned toward my ear, still holding my hand, and I couldn’t help but turn into him. Heat poured off his neck, and my head went light.

  “Take me somewhere, Tess.”

  The fog lifted.

  It was like his words brought me back to a sudden clarity. I dropped his hand, stepped out of his space, and glanced at the time on the desk.

  “Well, I know I’m booked today, sir, but if you can wait, I’m sure we can work something out.”

  He clicked his tongue as he absorbed what I said, and then he glanced around. “I have all the time in the world to wait for you, darling. I could use a drink.”

  “Tessa, dear, who is this?”

  Fuck. My mother shot a fresh dose of panic through my veins. This cannot be happening.

  Trigger studied her and made the connection quickly, as we are basically twins. He muttered something, but I couldn’t make it out.

  My mother extended her hand limply and gave him a slutty smile. “Felicia. I’m the owner of this house.”

  Trigger didn’t acknowledge her hand, just stared at her.

  Oh, shit. I hope he doesn’t lose it. Well, actually…

  My mother looked at me, confused, but kept her smile plastered on her Botoxed face.

  Yes, mother, it’s hard to believe, but you can’t use sex as a weapon on all men.

  “So,” she came behind the desk, “who are you scheduled to see today?”

  “He’s here to see Tessa,” Rachel answered for him. “He won’t see anyone else.”

  “Tessa seems to be fully booked today, sir.”

  Rachel pointed to the screen, and my mother’s face changed.

  “My, my. Well, let me see what I can do.”

  Yeah, she saw his bank account.

  “I’ll just move Bret to your lunch break. Lord knows you could skip a meal here and there,” she muttered, and I felt my face flush. She cleared her throat when she realized what she had said in front of a potential customer and tried to backpedal.

  “Tessa knows I joke.”


  “Actually, we were just going to have a drink. Come this way, sir.” I pushed by her, and Trigger reached out to take my elbow. He kept a good pace as he steered us into the bar area but away from the other girls who were busy entertaining their own clients.

  Clark glanced in our direction, but he didn’t seem to recognize Trigger, or at least he didn’t let on that he did. Many men like Trigger had come through our doors. As long as they had the money, they were allowed in.

  Jesus. My nerves were shot. Once we were out of earshot, I forced a big smile at Trigger to keep up the facade.

  “What the hell are you doing here, Trigger?” I was moments from losing my shit. My two worlds were colliding in the worst possible way. I should have known he might come after Jace filled him in. I was angry with myself as well as him.

  “I needed to talk—”

  “So, you thought coming here was the best idea?”

  He brushed his tongue over his teeth and tugged on his tie. “What was I supposed to do? Call? Email? You’re unreachable.”

  “You told me to leave, if I remember correctly.” I didn’t want to toss it in his face, but come on.

  “I had to say that to you, Tess. I had my reasons. It’s part of what I need to talk to you about.”

  “Hey, Tessa.” Bret popped out of fucking nowhere holding a glass of scotch. Damn, he stank.

  “Get lost, man.” Trigger stood straighter.

  “You can’t claim the women here.” Bret laughed. “Gotta pay for a spot.” He reached out and fingered the corset between my breasts, like always.

  Die, Bret. Just die.

  Trigger reached out slowly and took Bret’s hand and squeezed it so ha
rd he had to let go, all the while holding Bret’s gaze with his cold, green eyes. “Let’s not make a scene here, but if you touch her again, I will kill you.”

  “Jesus, man. I pay a lot of money for this chick to ride me, and I’ve booked her right now.”

  I was about to blow. “I’m so sorry, Bret, but there was a conflict. Felicia wants to see you.”

  “Mm, I just might work out a mother-daughter combo.” He sneered at Trigger.

  I closed my eyes and moved the hair out of my face. I guessed my secret was out anyway. Trigger had made it quite clear he wasn’t okay with who I was back at the church, so why should I care?

  “Did you sleep with him?” Trigger didn’t hide his disgust.

  Oh, hell no!

  “If I did?”

  “Did you?”

  “Un-fucking-believable.” I covered my face to take a moment to think. I needed him out of here. “What do you want, Trigger? I really don’t have a whole lot left inside me right now.”

  “I told you I want to talk.”

  “Now isn’t a good time.”

  “When?” He crossed his arms. I tried hard to figure out something.

  I looked around to see who was watching. “Look, there’s a café down the street called Brew. Meet me there at four p.m.”


  I waited for him to leave, but he didn’t. “Why aren’t you leaving?”

  He waved the bartender over. “I think I might stay, check the place out.”


  “Whiskey, top shelf.”

  “Of course.” The bartender acted quickly.

  “No, Trigger, you can’t stay here.”

  “Watch me.”

  Fuck! Stubborn ass.

  My hand landed on his arm, and he stared at it then closed his eyes. I almost forgot what it was like to be close to him. To touch him. To be the only one who could.

  “There were reasons why I left, and one of those reasons is over there.” I tilted my head. “You want to talk, and so do I. Please,” I whispered. “Please don’t start anything. I don’t know how much more I can take right now.”

  He followed my line of sight then turned back to me. His gaze fell to my neck, and warmth spread between my legs. My skin heated, and I knew I wanted him to do something about it, but that would have to wait.


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