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All That Glitters

Page 10

by Ruthe Ogilvie

  As he approached the patio he heard voices. Francois and his mother were going for a walk along the shaded pathway. Good! Now’s my chance to look in that Bible!

  He went quickly to the marble podium. The only thing he found was a notation inside the back cover giving the date Lilli’s son, Cammie’s fiancé, had been named Count Francois II—six months after Lilli’s and Fran’s marriage took place.

  Strange. Wouldn’t he automatically have become a Count the day he was born, since his mother is a Countess? And why are Lilli and Francois so impatient for the wedding to take place? he wondered.

  He was sure Francois didn’t want Cammie’s money. So what was he after? And why do I feel it has something to do with Hildy? He shook his head in bewilderment. So many unanswered questions!

  After studying the Bible for half an hour, he heard voices again. Lilli and Francois were back from their walk. He sped up to his room to wait for an opportunity to leave without their knowing he was here. He figured the best way to avoid suspicion was to let them see him returning in the limousine with the others. He sat in the easy chair in his room, and thought about what he just found in the back cover of the Bible. Could it be that Fran isn’t Francois’ real father? If not, who is? He felt instinctively that the answer to this had a great deal to do with Francois’ reason for wanting to marry Cammie.

  As he pondered this, he looked out the window and saw Francois and his mother walk out toward the frog pond. He tiptoed down the stairs and out the door. The others were just returning as he strolled down the winding driveway.

  Hildy was the first to see him. “Look! There’s Zack!” She motioned for the chauffeur to stop.

  Zack opened the car door and hopped in. “How was the tour?” he asked them.

  “Just great!” Hildy answered. “We ran into Jeremy again. He’s right behind us with Cammie. He saved her from another fall! It must be fate,” she said rather pointedly.

  As they approached the Chateau and drove under the stone archway, Francois and his mother came out to meet them. The moment Francois saw Cammie riding with Jeremy, he reached into the car and roughly pulled her out.

  * * *

  Cammie had never seen this side to his nature, and it frightened her. Her arm hurt where he grabbed hold of it and yanked.

  The others in the limousine didn’t see what happened. Jeremy wanted to hit him, but when he saw that Cammie was okay, he decided not to make waves. He quickly reminded himself that he was a guest here, and he must act accordingly.

  * * *

  Lilli looked at Jeremy, and spoke to Fran in an undertone. “Who is this stranger? An actor from that movie? What is he doing here? Cherie, you are much too friendly with the common people,” she chided him.

  She managed to muster up a smile when she was introduced to him. But as Jeremy extended his hand, her face paled. She stared—then looked slowly at him, and stiffened. No! It can’t be! Not after all these years! He’s dead!!

  She trembled. Could it be? Was the past finally catching up with her and Francois? We’ll have to figure a way to get rid of him! This could ruin our plans, not to mention our lives! She tried to signal Francois with her eyes, forgetting for the moment that Jeremy was only five when she did what she did. How could he possibly remember?

  That wasn’t the only thing that disturbed her. Francois told her this morning that he had seen Andre in the wine country. Her diary, which she had been in the habit of writing in every day, disappeared the same day he did many years ago. There was confidential information in it that mustn’t get out.

  Could he have taken it? Was there any danger that he might expose her secret? She must see to it that he didn’t! But it was weeks ago that Francois saw him, and they had no idea where he was now. How could they find him and shut him up?

  She turned and spoke to her husband in a whisper, trying to divert his attention from what she had just seen. Does he suspect anything? “Cherie, are you all right?” she asked him. “You seem a million miles away.”

  * * *

  Fran came to with a start. It took him a moment to drag himself back to the present. Jeremy’s avid interest in the Chateau de Boulanger puzzled him. For some reason, which he didn’t understand, he felt reluctant to tell Lilli about it. He had a feeling if she knew where Jeremy was headed, she might try to stop him. The Chateau was obviously important to Jeremy, and this made it important to him, too. Why, he didn’t know, but it did.

  “I was just thinking about today,” he hedged, in answer to Lilli’s question. “We saw the filming and met the producer. Most interesting.”

  * * *

  As soon as they finished lunch, Jeremy looked at his watch. “It’s getting late. I’d better be on my way. Thank you for everything,” he said, turning to Fran.

  “You’re most welcome.” Fran rose to his feet. “Jeremy,” he said, “I just had a thought. We’re giving a party here tonight. A dinner-dance. Would you possibly consider staying and continuing on your journey tomorrow?”

  Jeremy hesitated. It was so tempting! If he stayed he could see more of Cammie—at least for a little while. And, for some strange reason, he felt drawn to the Count. What a nice man to include me in his lavish plans!

  Then he saw the menacing look on Francois’ face, and remembered his reaction when he saw Cammie in his car. He was afraid if he stayed it might cause more trouble for her, and that was the last thing he wanted. Lilli didn’t look too happy either. “Thank you,” he said to the Count. “I really do appreciate your cordial invitation, but I think it would be better if I left now. There are still a few hours of daylight left.” He reached out to Cammie. “Thanks for your help,” he said. “You, too, Jay.”

  “I’m glad we ran into you again,” Hildy told him, as he turned to say goodbye to her. “It must be fate the way we keep bumping into each other,” she remarked, laughing.

  * * *

  Cammie reluctantly let go of his hand. Just his touch made her tingle, and again she felt she had been untrue to Francois, who stood there glaring at Jeremy.

  How Cammie wished she could go with Jeremy. This stunned her! She quickly made excuses for the way she felt. It’s only because his is such a fascinating story, she rationalized. I just want to know how it turns out.

  Hildy, Jay, Cammie, and Fran accompanied Jeremy to his rented car and waited as he got in and started the engine. He shifted gears, stepped on the accelerator, waved, and was gone. He drove across the moat and down the winding driveway, and disappeared.

  Cammie felt as though the bottom of her world had dropped out. I’ll probably never see him again, she thought, sadly. There you go again! she chided herself. What difference does it make? What’s the matter with me? This is ridiculous! I hardly know him, and I’m going to marry Francois very soon. I just feel sorry for him, she decided. He has no mother or father. He doesn’t even know who he is. Yes! That’s it! What I’m feeling is pity.

  As they walked back into the Chateau, Fran put a friendly arm around Cammie’s shoulders and whispered in her ear. “I’m delighted that you’re going to be my daughter-in-law,” he told her. “I couldn’t have made a better choice myself.”

  Cammie was so deeply touched she almost cried. How dear of him to tell me this! She felt torn.

  * * *

  Hildy and Jay had mixed emotions. They liked Fran very much, and were pleased that he wanted Cammie in his family. But to do that she would have to marry Francois, and that was the last thing they wanted. Theirs was such a wonderful marriage that they wanted the same for their daughter, and they didn’t feel that her marriage to Francois would give her that.

  They walked back into the Chateau, each immersed in his—her—own thoughts.

  Cammie rushed over to Francois and enveloped him in a bear hug, as though she could erase what she had been feeling for Jeremy. Hildy and Jay exchanged g
lances, more aware of their daughter’s conflict than she was.

  * * *

  Knowing that the evening affair would probably last well into the wee hours of the morning, they all decided the best thing to do was to take a nap and rest up for the festivities.

  Cammie fell asleep almost immediately. She was exhausted from her seesawing emotions. When she awoke it was seven o’clock in the evening. She hastily rose and went into the bathroom to take a shower. She was just finishing when Hildy knocked on her door.

  “Cammie,” she called to her, “are you awake? It’s almost time to go down to the ballroom for dinner. The guests will be arriving in half an hour.”

  * * *

  Cammie opened the door. She was blow-drying her hair. It cascaded over her shoulders—just like her mother’s. She looked so beautiful that Hildy felt a pang of dread, worrying about what might lie ahead for her. She was sure that Cammie couldn’t possibly be happy with a man like Francois. She did her best to shake off her fears.

  “Your father and I will wait for you so we can go down together,” she told Cammie.

  “I’ll be ready in fifteen minutes,” Cammie agreed. “Thanks for waiting for me. I’m a little shaky about making an entrance alone.” She laughed nervously. “With all the stage experience I’ve had, you’d think I’d be used to it, wouldn’t you?”

  Hildy nodded wisely. “This is a little different. It’s not every day that you meet famous dignitaries face to face.” She left and went back to her room where Jay was waiting.

  He turned as she entered. “How’s she holding up?” he asked.

  “She’s very nervous,” Hildy replied. “I have a strange feeling that a lot of her nervousness comes from not being sure she wants to marry Francois. I only wish—” she faltered.

  Jay understood. “So do I,” he agreed. “I was hoping that Jeremy might be able to change her mind. She seems quite attracted to him.”

  “You noticed it, too?” Hildy asked. “Why isn’t it obvious to her? I’m afraid she’s just acting out another role. She has quite a sense of the drama. That’s what makes her such a good performer on stage. Unfortunately, it’s also what makes it so difficult for her to sort out her true feelings. I don’t think she’s in love with Francois,” she sighed. “I think she’s just enamored with the idea of becoming a Countess, and all the glamour that goes with it. But when that wears off, what will be left?”

  “I know,” Jay agreed. “But she has to live her own life—make her own mistakes. We can’t do it for her.”

  Hildy nodded. She knew this was true, but it didn’t erase her concern.

  As they headed toward Cammie’s room, she met them in the hall. They both had hard work to fight back the tears of apprehension when they saw her. She looked like an angel. On her head was the tiara that Francois had given her. Her pale burgundy evening skirt hugged her slim figure. The long sleeved jacket was completely covered with multicolored sequins, mostly burgundy, matching her skirt. It hid the bruise on her arm, caused by Francois when he yanked her out of Jeremy’s car.

  As she entered the ballroom, she moved with such smoothness and grace, it looked as though she were floating. The three joined Fran and Lilli, already in the reception line, waiting to greet the guests who were just arriving.

  Francois entered the room, and went quickly to Cammie’s side. Zack, along with Jenny and Peter, had also been invited by Fran to be a part of the reception line.

  Disapproval was written all over the faces of Lilly and Francois as Zack, Jenny and Peter joined them.

  It was a gala affair. Many of the dignitaries of Europe were there, including heads of state and royalty. There were so many that Cammie had hard work remembering who they were.

  When dinner was over, Fran rose from his chair. “Most distinguished guests,” he announced, “it is my great pleasure to welcome my son’s fiancé, Mademoiselle Cameron Stuart, into our family. You know who she is. I’m sure you have seen her performing in her mother’s wonderful musicals. She is the daughter of the very talented Hilary Stuart, and Jay Stuart, a stage producer from the States. The Stuarts are also known as Lord and Lady Stuart of Courtney Castle in Scotland. Cameron and Francois will be married in a week at Francois’ Chateau in Biarritz, and I’m sure by now you have all received your invitations.” He motioned to Cammie and Francois to stand and acknowledge the introduction. “And now,” Fran continued, “they will begin the first dance, and you’re invited to join them as soon as they begin.” He smiled broadly and gestured toward the ballroom floor. “Have fun, as they say in America!”

  The music began, and Cammie and Francois glided gracefully across the floor. The others followed, and soon the ballroom was filled with people dancing to the beautiful melodies from Hildy’s musicals.

  It was two o’clock in the morning when the party finally broke up. Francois planned to fly them all to his Chateau in Biarritz in the morning as soon as they finished breakfast.


  When Zack woke up the next morning he again heard voices just beneath his window. This time, however, he recognized who the voices belonged to—Lilli and Francois.

  As he strained to listen, he thought he heard Andre’s name mentioned again. It must be the same Andre! he thought. That would explain his obvious fear when I mentioned Francois. But what could he possibly have to do with him and Lilli? Why is he so deathly afraid of them?

  Wait a minute! Did he hear Lilli talking to Francois about Jeremy? She sounded extremely upset. What in the world is going on? She just met him yesterday! Or did she? The voices moved away from his window before he heard anything of significance.

  Breakfast was to be served again on the patio at eight-thirty, and he hurriedly showered and dressed. The others were already there when he arrived. The meal was served buffet style, and he walked over to the serving table.

  Jay joined him and spoke under his breath. “Did you find out anything more yesterday?”

  “Something quite interesting,” Zack replied in a low voice, “but it will have to wait until later. There are still too many unanswered questions. It’s a real puzzle. I’ve never worked on such a difficult case. Don’t worry,” he assured him. “I’m sure I’ll find something in Biarritz. I’m not giving up.”

  He walked away from Jay with his tray of food and sat down at the table with Fran. “Good morning, Fran!” he greeted him.

  Fran smiled. “A beautiful one, isn’t it?”

  Zack looked at him searchingly, hoping perhaps he could get some answers from him. “You and Lilli seem very close,” he said. “It’s nice to see couples so attentive to each other.”

  Fran perked up at Zack’s remark. “I have been very fortunate,” he replied. “I was heartbroken when my first wife died.” He stared off in the distance, and his voice broke as he spoke of her.

  Zack listened with sympathy. “It must have been a terrible blow. But you have a happy marriage now, don’t you?” he asked, trying not to sound as if he were prying.

  “Oh, yes.” Fran smiled. “Lilli has been a fine companion. It’s not the same as it was with Vivienne, my first wife, but I don’t know what I would have done without her to lean on these past twenty-one years. She has been a great comfort to me.”

  Zack did his best to mask his feelings. He didn’t trust Lilli any more than he trusted Francois, which made him wonder just how fortunate Fran really was to have her as a companion. Each day the feeling grew stronger that Lilli and her son were using Cammie to accomplish some purpose, and that it had something to do with Hildy. Why these feelings kept coming to him he didn’t know, but his intuition had never let him down before, and after all these years he wasn’t about to distrust it now. He had complete confidence in its reliability.

  As they talked, Francois approached their table. He looked tense and nervous.

  He doesn’t want
me to talk to Fran! Zack figured. This convinced him more than ever that Francois was up to something devious. What is he trying to hide? What is he afraid I’ll uncover?

  “What are you two talking about?” Francois asked.

  Zack turned to him, ignoring his question. “Are you ready to go?”

  “Yes, we should leave right now!” Francois insisted.

  Zack rose from his chair and held out his hand to the silver-haired gentleman that he had come to admire. “Thank you, Sir, for your most gracious hospitality,” he said. “It’s been a pleasure and a privilege meeting you.”

  Fran rose and returned the handshake. “You are most welcome,” he replied. “We will see you at the wedding in Biarritz.”

  Impulsively Cammie rushed over to Fran and threw her arms around him. “I’m so glad you’re going to be my father-in-law!” she exclaimed.

  A look of—was it disdain or triumph that appeared on Lilli’s face? Zack couldn’t tell. He shuddered, knowing he had only one other place left to look for something that might put a stop to this wedding. Time was running out. After the goodbyes they seated themselves in the limousine and drove off to the airport, where Francois’ plane was waiting to fly them to Biarritz. The sky was clear when they took off, but as they approached the air strip beside the Chateau two hours later it was raining hard, and the wind was blowing with hurricane force.

  * * *

  Hildy glanced at Cammie. She’s so excited, she thought. But Hildy felt anything but lighthearted.

  Just before landing, Francois flew directly over the Chateau so they could see it from the air. In spite of the rain, the scene was breathtaking. The Chateau hovered over the Atlantic Ocean with an aura of great majesty.

  The first glimpse of it gave Hildy the eerie feeling that it held ominous secrets. A picture flashed across her mind of a dungeon of torture hidden somewhere behind the walls. What an imagination! she chided herself. You’d better save it for one of your musicals! She did her best to shake herself free from these hideous thoughts.


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