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Page 18

by Marcus LaGrone

  Raymond crouched by a tree with his pulse rifle at the ready. It was only a carbine, but it still had the two stage system that made pulse rifles so effective. A chemical energy first stage that accelerated the bullet to around three and a half times the speed of sound, before it fed into the second stage; a carefully tuned electromagnetic rail gun that brought the speed up to well over mach five. The sights on the rifle had their zero at five hundred meters, anything short of that was considered “point blank.” No concerns about a shot at longer than five hundred meters, the early morning gloom wouldn’t permit it. Chloë stayed low next to Raymond as he carefully surveyed the surroundings. Suddenly she too heard the source of concern: hoof beats.

  Raymond expertly threaded his way over the rough terrain with Chloë carefully following close behind. They started a wide arc, with the obvious plan being to be able to cover Heather in the lean-to from a distance and the safety of cover.

  The world exploded in a blinding light and a thunderous roar that would have made a lightning strike seem pale and calm in comparison! She couldn’t see, couldn’t hear and could barely maintain her balance. Suddenly she felt hands grabbing her from behind and lifting her off the ground. She had been caught!

  Sixteen years. Sixteen long years of playing the dainty princess, the pampered princess, the helpless princess. All those years of trained placidity came crawling back up to her as panic consumed her to her very soul. But somewhere, deep inside, was a spark. The spark had always been there, she just had never known or appreciated it before. But she had learned what the spark was: Heather had taught her that much! Panic gave way to anger and anger gave way to rage. She was no helpless princess! She was not going back to that way of life, not now, not ever!

  Chloë’s Live Steel blade burst into being in her hand. She could see it; she could see nothing else around her, the brilliant flash had taken care of that. But she could see the blade… she could feel the blade. It was warm in her hand, warm in her heart… it was no simple blade, sliding dimensions or otherwise, it was alive. It wasn’t some alien symbiont, it was an extension of herself. She now understood why it was called Live Steel!

  She spun her blade around her in the imagined path of where her would-be captor was certain to be. As she made contact, she could see the man, a tall and rough looking Taik with a pistol at his hip. Her eyes had failed her, but the image that the Live Steel blade projected into her mind was as clear as a summer’s day. She didn’t dwell on the image: she used it. The first stroke was into the hip, the second and third were to the man’s arms. Just as quickly as the third stroke finished she felt his grip give away and she fell to the ground. But she fell with her feet under her, and she was ready for more!

  As her feet touched the ground, the world around her seemed to appear clearly: Raymond laying on the ground, recoiling from a savage blow from a second aggressor, while a third turned to bring his attention to Chloë. Off in the distance was a warm and friendly glow: Heather charging their direction in high form! Chloë turned to face the third, her eyes were a painful blur, but the vision her blade offered was remarkably clear and she exploited it to her best! She screamed as she charged the third, she knew not how she sounded on the outside, but from within it was a mighty roar. The man brought his weapon to bear and she fired a wide shot into it. The weapon sheared under the blow and she was certain she had taken part of the man’s arm with it. She didn’t care, if they didn’t want to get hurt, they shouldn’t have tried to snatch her! Her memory flashed back to that of Heather the night of the dance and Chloë followed that example and fired a pair of shots into each shoulder and then a pair of shallow cuts to each of his thighs. He wasn’t going to be a further problem!

  Raymond! Someone was still attacking Raymond! Chloë turned to face the second man and watched with amazement as Raymond managed to pull his sidearm and gut shoot the man. The attacker fell to the ground, unlikely to move again.

  Chloë sighed with relief as Heather joined them. She could feel her touch and warm embrace and did her best to hug her back. As the threats vanished so too did the visions around her and Chloë soon found herself half blind and deaf standing in the rain, but at least Heather was there with her!

  It was easily five minutes before Chloë could see well again and another ten before her ears stopped ringing enough that she could hear. Raymond was sore, but not too worse for wear. Their three attackers, however… Chloë cringed at the carnage as her sight returned: most of it had been caused by her!

  “Well, we fell right into that trap,” murmured Raymond as his hearing returned. “They were waiting where the best cover was to still see the camp. It was the perfect spot, and that is right where I went…”

  “Hey! We got out of it!” grinned Heather. “That was an awesome shot you did! Flashbang caught you flat, but you still managed to get a perfect shot off!”

  Raymond sighed, “My biggest fear was hitting Chloë. Three really solid kicks to my head and I was pretty sure I had bought enough time that she was clear so I took the shot. We actually practiced crap like that at the academy. Practice grenades, however, don’t hurt nearly as much as the real stun grenades… Chloë… You held your own… I mean, you really held your own! Would someone explain why I am even around?”

  “Um, you’re actually responsible… good with horses, long distant shots, lean-tos, radios, directions…” began Heather. “Oh yeah, you kiss really good too!”

  “So Chloë’s known how to do Live Steel all this time?”

  “Actually I learned when we were stuck on the cargo container… Heather is a really good teacher!” Chloë suddenly bubbled over, “Heather! I could see them! The blade showed me those around me! It was fantastic!”

  Heather laughed as she hugged Chloë, “Father spent two years trying to teach Gavin to do that… let go and let the weapon speak back to you. That was awesome girl! Dad always said girls were faster learners!”

  “It may have also been desperation on my part!” laughed Chloë. “Whatever the case, I honestly hope I don’t have to do that ever again!”

  “Fair enough!” hugged Heather. “That does mean one thing… we need to teach Raymond!”

  “First things first… we need to take care of the bodies…” replied Raymond.

  “You mean people?” asked Chloë squeamishly.

  “Um, no…”

  Chloë’s head spun as the gravity and thoroughness of her actions finally caught up with her. She felt light headed and dizzy. There was one easy way to handle that: she threw up.

  Heather cradled Chloë as she tried to clean her up, “Raymond, that is why you are here. We are just kids…”

  “Young ladies, both of you… but ladies shouldn’t have to do that either…”


  Both of the girls tried to sleep, they were certainly tired enough, but sleep would not come and they all gave up and headed out in the predawn gloom. The rain was lighter now; it just seemed more oppressive. Raymond had taken care of things and the other horses were scattered after a quick search. Raymond had growled in bitter rage as the search of the assailants’ equipment revealed a tracer and a corresponding RFID tag mixed in with their own packs. In the midst of all the free wares and generosity of the townsfolk, someone had slipped in a tracking device! Normally designed for tracking livestock, it had done more than an adequate job tracking them. Raymond went through every piece of equipment, every towel and blanket, checking and double checking for any more surprises.

  Chloë was furious, good people had done so much for them, yet rotten hearts still sought to exploit the situation for their own gain! While she had no great love of the town, stinky or otherwise, the people were dear to her heart. How could such people, such animals, live amongst such kind and honest people? Her rage grew shallow and her own anger made her cry as she realized what she had done, what she had been forced to do… Heather must have seen the despair in her eyes for she closed and held her tight. A true friend can make good of any trouble… />
  Chloë and Raymond had a small round of humor as Heather was actually able to mount her horse on the first try. It was only a minor victory, but every one counted. Something was needed to fight back the inky darkness. They soon headed out, out into the gloom.

  “There is another settlement not too far ahead,” began Raymond. “If we go around it, it will add another four hours we need to get in today. Granted we are headed out awful early already, but I don’t know how long you two want to stay on horseback.”

  “I could go for a warm bath and a change of clothes,” murmured Chloë.

  “I’ll shut up and let Chloë do the talking this time. Maybe we can get in and out unnoticed.”

  “My concern is we are a very distinctive group at this point. But I’m with you: a warm bath and a hot meal sounds awfully good about now,” replied Raymond. “What we might want to do…”

  Raymond’s pack chirped. This time they all immediately recognized the sound: the emergency radio! He quickly found the radio and turned it on and a familiar mechanical voice chimed, “Sunrise… sunrise…” Raymond grinned broadly as he fitted a second transponder to the radio and cued the microphone, “Good morning!”

  “Good morning, brave palace cat!” came Watzkel’s voice.

  Chloë never thought a Shukurae’s voice could sound cheerful but Watzkel’s did!

  “We had a crappy night, new complications. Please say you have good news.”

  “Aw, did the little kitty’s fur get all wet? You built a nice lean-to…”

  “Um… you can you see us?”

  “Yes indeed! I’m with the advanced team on the hill between you and the town. What say you link up with us and then go into town for a nice cup of hot coffee.”

  “That sounds wonderful, ma’am!”

  “I take it the complication revolved around the giant flash about an hour ago?”

  “Yes indeed, but all parties on this end are doing well.”

  “Excellent. We are holding our vantage point, waiting on you.”

  “We’ll be right there, ma’am! Out!”

  Everyone was grinning, the thought of both the Shukurae and a stop in the warm town was quite appealing! Almost enough to shake off the gloom… almost…

  The group must have made quite a sight as they approached the Shukurae for all of them seemed to have trouble stifling a laugh. With fur and hair matted, even if it was warm under the wool poncho, Chloë could only guess how disheveled they must look. She wasn’t offended by their outburst, but rather took it as the comfort of familiarity. Familiarity with a rather formidable set of friends! Much to Chloë’s amusement, the horses seemed perfectly calm around their new companions. After dealing with Heather, everything must seem sedate!

  Raymond grinned and happily shook Watzkel’s hand. Her great three meter frame made that a simple task even though he was still seated on his horse. Raymond quickly and clinically described the previous day’s activities. He finished apologetically, “I knew we shouldn’t have made a scene in the town, but things were going smoothly and the girls… the ladies needed the distraction.”

  “You tried to be a gracious guest, do not dwell on it. Had we made better our escape from the moon, then none of this would be important. I take it even from the rain soaked grin of Lady Heather now, that a good time was had at the party.”

  “Yes! Yes ma’am!” grinned Heather. “Next time we get to find out how well you can dance!”

  Watzkel grinned at that, “I do hope we are all spared my feeble attempts to engage in one of your dances.”

  “Ah! A tough student, I love the challenge!”

  A deep belly laugh from Watzkel filled the air, “Oh, brave palace cat, I now understand what you must have suffered through!”

  Raymond grinned, “It was fun, actually. But, um… can we lose the ‘palace’ thing? I’ve made my mind to resign my commission.”

  Watzkel’s grin was so broad that Chloë feared the Shukurae’s head might come unhinged, “That, that is the second best news I’ve heard yet.”

  “Well, you could just refer to him as Heather’s boyfriend,” offered Chloë with a grin, and got an elbow in the ribs from Heather for her comment.

  Raymond’s fur stood on end and his ears flushed as Watzkel stared at him.

  “So it’s true then?” she grinned.

  “True enough that I can’t avoid it,” murmured Raymond.

  “Young love, it is a wonderful thing. Raymond Stratford… it does flow well.”

  “We aren’t that serious…”

  Watzkel grinned, “I understand, but I’m having to make up for two days worth of teasing you.”

  Chloë laughed at the exchange. Partially as she enjoyed watching Raymond’s responses, but mostly at the humor of the Shukurae. They had always been so alien, and then so serious. And now here they were joking alongside them as if there was no difference in their race at all. Yep! Time to fire all the old tutors back at the palace!


  The sun had risen by the time the motley group made it to the edge of town. The rain clouds still held fast, but at least it was brighter. Chloë tried to imagine it as a calm Spring shower and in the company of so many friends that wasn’t so much of a mental stretch. The early morning townsfolk were polite if not a little standoffish. It was a mix of races, human and Taik, but no one seemed to know quite what to do about an armed group of Shukurae…

  “We will sell the horses,” Watzkel offered. “You’ll ride with us from here.”

  “Donate them and the extra supplies. There has to be some charity that could make use of them,” suggested Raymond. “They were given freely to us; we should pass on the good favor.” He quickly pulled out their few personal effects and saved a few extra blankets.

  Watzkel nodded and grinned as she barked in her native tongue and two of the others quickly led the horses off down the street. With the beasts gone she turned her attention back to her charges and the building at hand, “If I read this right, it is a hotel, yes?”

  “Um, of sorts… I’d suggest the one across the street. It should be more socially acceptable.”

  Watzkel nodded and they moved across the street.

  “What was wrong with the first place?” asked Chloë curiously.

  “That place was more into gambling and entertainment.”

  Chloë nodded still unsure why it was such a bad idea, the place looked nicer than their second choice, but she yielded to his experience. She studied the ground carefully as they picked their way across the street. Lots of animals had been by… She squeaked with surprise as one of the Shukurae laughingly scooped her up and carried her across the filthy street.

  Watzkel held the door while Chloë took Heather’s hand and they, along with Raymond, entered the building. The lobby was nice enough, clean, elegant and well lit. The receptionist was an older human lady with an honest and pleasant smile. “Good morning! Good to be out of the rain, eh? Would you three be looking for a room?”

  “Rooms. At least three, please, ma’am,” replied Raymond.

  “Heather and I can share a room if we need to watch the costs,” offered Chloë.

  “We’ll arrange the finances, Lady Chloë,” grinned Watzkel as she entered behind them. “If you have any simple dorms, or even just someplace dry, there are twenty four of us in addition to the three Taik. You do take Ptirs, yes?”

  The old lady’s eyes went wide as she looked Watzkel over, “Um, we do take Ptir’s, yes sir. We may have problems making small change…”

  “It’s ‘ma’am’ not ‘sir,’” corrected Chloë with a smile as she pointed to Watzkel. “Line Centurion Watzkel is a she.”

  “I’m so terribly sorry…” began the old lady meekly.

  Watzkel just chuckled, “It is not a major concern. We will worry about making change when we depart. You do offer meals here as well, yes? Not so much for us, but the three Taiks could definitely do with hot food.”

  The lady quickly rebounded, “Yes, ma’am. We hav
e many options for dining, and we’d be happy to serve you and your… troops as well. We do not have dorms, but there a reception hall over the main dining room that may suit your needs. It has high ceilings, too.”

  “That sounds perfect, ma’am,” smiled Watzkel. “But if you could take care of these three first: I imagine they are wanting a warm bath and a hot breakfast.”

  “Yes indeed!” smiled the lady, finally back in full form. “My name is Isabel. If you need anything don’t hesitate to ask. Come, come! I’ll show you to your rooms. Would you like adjoining rooms?”

  “For Heather and I, that would be fine. But you better put Raymond across the hall from Heather,” grinned Chloë.

  “We are strangers in a new town and you are already embarrassing us,” mock scolded Heather with a grin.

  Isabel just laughed as she led them up a single flight of stairs. “Be careful of the hot water in the tubs: there is plenty enough to go around, it’s just that the temperature isn’t as stable as we’d like. Don’t want you to scald yourself!” She led them to a series of small but efficient and clean rooms, each with its own bath.

  Chloë grinned as she entered and gave the bed a quick bounce. It was out of habit more than anything else, a blanket on the floor would be wonderful so long as it was dry. But it was the tub more than the bed that was calling and she soon found herself enjoying a long warm soak.

  Chloë giggled to herself as she heard Heather approach. “What is it, oh! hyper girl?” asked Chloë.

  Heather laughed as she poked her head in the room. Her hair was all out of sorts, but it was clean and dry as was her fur. “Waiting for you before we head to breakfast. Can’t eat alone with Raymond, it might cause a scandal!”

  “Would you like Raymond any less if I didn’t tease you?” Chloë asked with a grin.


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