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Gray Panthers Captain Short Blade

Page 17

by David Guenther

  “Phoenix, coordinate the departure and flight plan for as soon as possible.” Namid followed close behind him as he boarded the shuttle. He glanced back at her to see her smiling, too. I should just lock myself in the cockpit and avoid the foolishness, he thought as he went straight there, ignoring her.

  “We’re clear for departure, sir,” Phoenix announced.

  “Go ahead and get us out of here,” Short Blade almost shouted as he dropped into his seat.

  Daniels World

  26 April 2129

  As Dan skimmed through the correspondence that had made it past the AI Grub, he noticed a video from Short Blade. The message itself was titled simply ‘Captain Johnson.’ He gave the verbal command “play video” and sat back to see what it was. The opening sequence showed Short Blade and five humans, all uniformed, marching up a hill. The view expanded to show the top of the hill and a large crowd of Jackas that was a mix of civilians and military. Not far from them was a detail of seven armed Jackas. The view then centered on a flag-draped coffin and a small portable podium. For the next several minutes, Short Blade spoke about Commander Kyle Johnson, and then the rifle detail was in the center of the screen as a human commanded the Jacka warriors to perform the three-volley salute. After the echo from the last volley, the mournful sound of Taps was played while the view panned to a uniformed human female playing a trumpet.

  “Mute volume. Is there anything else on the video besides the funeral service, Grub?” Dan dabbed at a lone tear that was forming. I’ve heard that damn bugle call too many times in my life, he thought as he watched the remainder of the video in silence.

  “Grub, that was the captain of the Beater. Do we know how his body was found?”

  “Sir, three days ago the Beater came back online and was reporting its location and status. A salvage crew found and recovered the ship. It’s currently on the ground on the Jacka home world.”

  “Do we know who salvaged her, Grub?” Dan was surprised that the ship had been recovered. It had been reported as destroyed at the end of the war.

  “The shuttle Phoenix and crew were the salvagers. The ship has continued to send its daily status. It is capable of returning to either Earth or here on its own, if you wish.”

  “No, Grub, they did the work and took all the risks. I’m glad the ship won’t be collecting dust and that its old crew is the one that recovered her and put her back into service. Short Blade has done well with just the one shuttle. It’ll be interesting to see how he incorporates the Beater into his operation.”

  “Sir, with the drawdown of the fleet, we could contract them for the support of our people on Glory. It’s overkill to use such a large ship as the Bia. The Beater is the ideal size for ninety percent of the trips we will need to make. The alternative is to hire either a Jacka contractor or a Dixie contractor. You know how nervous they are on Earth about any aliens, even from Dixie.”

  “Good points there, Grub. Any ideas on what it would save the Gray Panthers to use the Beater instead of our Bia?”

  “I estimate the savings at seventy-six percent per trip. Additionally, it would leave the Bia available for emergencies, since it’s one of the few ships available for immediate use for any contingencies.”

  “Let’s send a message to the Gray Panthers contracting division and operations for them to propose a contract for two round-trips weekly to Glory from Earth, to include use of all available space on board the Beater for cargo and passenger use. That will keep him busy, since it’s three days per round-trip, including loading and unloading the ship.”

  “Sir, is there anything else you wish to discuss on this matter?” Grub solicited.

  “Okay, what have you got for me, Grub?”

  “Sir, the Dixians just reported the loss of two cargo ships. Both of the ships were in an area previously controlled by the Libra Alliance. They were en route to Republic space to set up trade deals, but neither ship made it to the Republic border. Both ships had mixed crews of thirty, consisting of both Libra and Dixians. The Dixians captured the ships from the Libra during the war. After the war, the government sold them to the highest bidder. Admiral Pierre Gustave Toutant-Beauregard bought the ships and then started his own cargo carrier company, Dixie Express. The admiral is demanding to be allowed to lead a task force into League of Planets space to investigate the missing ships. The representative from the League of Planets has already stated that if there is a military incursion into their space, it will be an act of war. Dixie’s President Davis is between a rock and a hard place. The people don’t want war, but the admiral has many powerful partners in the government, who invested in the ships. The families of the missing ships’ crews are demanding action, either to get their loved ones back or find out what happened to them.”

  “Grub, if there’s a war between the two, who do you see as being the winner?”

  “I don’t think the Dixians would have the resolve to go for an all-out war over the loss of two cargo ships. Even though the planet’s leadership would try to whip up support by reminding everyone that the Jacka had occupied the planet, others would then point out that the Jacka saved the Dixie fleet from the Libra and helped to end the war.

  “The Jacka warrior spirit will make them fight to their utmost potential. The leaders in the League of Planets would look forward to expanding the military, so they could make more credits for their planets. They’re not worried about losing a war, although most citizens are tired of war.”

  “Do you think both sides would accept Short Blade and his human crew to be unbiased if they were to investigate the disappearance of the two ships?”

  “The politicians from the league don’t seem to care one way or the other, since they are also losing the occasional ship. Only Admiral Pierre Gustave Toutant-Beauregard would have strong feelings against it, and it’s believed that he’s eager to go to war again to remove what he sees as a black mark on his record for having his fleet rescued by the Fire fleet at the key moment of the final battle of the war.”

  “Grub, send out a communiqué to both sides letting them know that I volunteer to act as intermediary, with the support of Captain Short Blade and his mixed-race crew conducting the actual investigation. Be sure to include that if we find that a government is responsible for the disappearances, we will assist in bringing any guilty parties to justice—with the full backing of the Gray Panthers, if necessary.” After thinking a moment, he added, “Tell them that just like they would be, I’d be very unhappy if anyone were to disturb the peace we’ve enjoyed since the Libra War ended.” Taking a deep breath, he continued, “Grub, do you think I’m being too subtle?”

  “Sir, I think both sides will understand what is being said and implied. Both sides respect you, and even fear you, to a degree. They’ve seen what you did during the war and how you are when you set out to accomplish something.”

  “Thank you for your vote of confidence. Contact Short Blade and let him know that once the Beater is operational I have a good-paying job for him.”

  He walked over to the elevator and soon found himself twenty floors up, at the surface of the planet. The sun had set and the night air was cool. The sky was alive with stars as he sat in the old lawn chair and gazed up. Things didn’t look as mysterious as they had at one time. He imagined the different worlds up there once again going to war and decided that he wouldn’t let those who had died during the last war die in vain.

  “Deep in thought?”

  Dan jumped. He hadn’t heard Juanita approach. She was carrying a metal pail filled with bottles of beer on ice. She handed him one of the beers as she sat down next to him.

  “I’m seriously thinking of saying to hell with it all and just retreating here to our planet. Idiots are looking for the first opportunity to go to war again. Too many good people have died. Perhaps we just need to stop those who are ready to go to war over nothing.”

  “So, my dear, now you’re God? You’ll strike down the evil, as you perceive it. Make the galaxy in your
image?” Juanita moved from her chair into his to cuddle up with him against the evening’s cool air.

  “I’ll keep an eye on what’s happening. From there, we’ll have to see. Now, as nice as it is with you in my lap, I think we’d be more comfortable in bed,” he said as he tried to push her off his lap. Instead, she turned and kissed him, and then jumped off his lap and ran to the elevator.

  The Phoenix, en route to Earth

  27 April 2129

  Short Blade wasn’t sure how he wanted to proceed. When he hired Poland to rebuild the Beater, he would like to keep him once the project was done, but the only permanent job he could think of to offer him was to be the captain of the Phoenix, since he himself would take personal command of the Beater when it was once again mission-ready. He had pretty much offered the position to the guys, but neither of them seemed excited at the prospect of commanding the shuttle.

  “Can I get you anything?” Namid asked as she poked her head into the cockpit. Her eyes locked on the view screen. Inside the wormhole it was just an abstract grayness, and no two people who tried to describe it came close to each other’s description—other than the color gray.

  “That is so beautiful. Thank you again for letting me join your ranch crew. Have you given any thought to expanding your operation so there’d be a ranch near every major city? You’d cut down on shipping costs, and you could market each ranch with its own brand specific to that area, to improve customer loyalty. Oh, look, you can see space if you look just right.”

  “Two hours until we reach the Earth breach and can exit the wormhole,” Phoenix announced via the ship’s speakers. Short Blade looked up at Namid and was amused at how excited she was by every aspect of space travel.

  “Come sit next to me as we get ready to enter Earth’s space. It can be really pretty at times. If we’re not in the center of the breach when we exit the wormhole, we make our own rainbow-like stream through space.”

  Namid just nodded and watched the breach seem to grow as they got closer. Unconsciously, she reached over and grabbed his paw as she sat transfixed by the view. The closer they got to the breach, the tighter her grip became. The view seemed to swirl and finally changed to stars and black space.

  “Unidentified ship, please identify yourself!” blasted from the ship’s speakers. More than a hundred defense batteries were visible in all directions on the monitor.

  “This is the shuttle Phoenix, en route to Earth. Request permission to enter Earth space, and an approved heading for Earth.”

  Short Blade was relieved when he was immediately granted clearance and a pilot shuttle appeared for him to follow through the defenses.

  “So Namid, where would you like me to drop you off?”

  “If you can drop me off at my farm, I can contact friends to get around from there. I need to see about getting some pharmaceutical supplies for the ranch. Is there anything you’d like me to get while we’re here?”

  “I believe Jimmy and Guns would like to restock their liquor cache. The chef unit doesn’t produce the same effect as the real thing. Figure out what would be an adequate amount for normal humans for three months, and then multiply it by ten. I believe bourbon and beer are their favorites. Phoenix, did we get a reply from Commander Poland? Do we have a location for him?”

  “Sir, there was no reply from Commander Poland, so I performed a search for him on the media outlets. It appears that around the time the war was ending, he lost his wife, children, and grandchildren. They were on a bus that collided with a semi truck hauling fuel. There were no survivors. He attended a communal funeral, and after that he vanished. I’ve tracked him down by his comm device, since he’s still online. His current location is in the North American continent, in the United States of America, in the state of Nevada, in the city of Las Vegas.”

  “Why not just say he’s in Vegas? You know I’m familiar with the planet. After we drop Namid off at her farm in California, we’ll go to Nellis AFB and request permission to land there. It will have adequate security to leave the ship unattended.”

  “Sir, I’ve just requested clearance to enter Earth’s atmosphere, with a direct heading for California and the farm. Do you wish any deviation, or have any additional instructions before we arrive?”

  Short Blade was surprised at how quickly they’d arrived and mentally kicked himself for not monitoring what was going on more closely.

  “Engage the main view screen so Namid can watch as we enter the atmosphere and make the trip to her farm. Thank you, Phoenix.”

  Namid clutched his paw again as she watched the Earth growing larger on the screen. Short Blade laughed to himself as he watched Namid’s animated expression. Then he turned his attention to planning the rest of the trip.

  “Namid, how much space will you need for the supplies we’re taking back to the ranch?”

  “I should only need about half the space in cargo bay two,” she replied without looking away from the monitor.

  “Okay. Fill the rest of the cargo bay with beer and bourbon. Oh, and be sure to get some tequila for Juan and Ralph. I heard them mention that they don’t know how they’ve managed without it. Will you have enough credits for everything, and will you need anything else after I drop you off?”

  “I’m good, thanks. Jimmy gave me his Gray Panthers credit card. Will you be filling number one cargo hold with treasure for the trip home? You remind me of the Yankee traders from Earth’s history, sailing the high seas from continent to continent, trading exotic spices, cloths, and anything they could buy cheap and sell high.”

  “Humans have had an effect on me. I admit, some of my values have changed. I do look for opportunities to make a trade. I still won’t break my word or dishonor my family name, though. It’s time to land. Phoenix, have you added Namid’s comm device to the Earth network?”

  “The comm device was automatically added when the network on Glory performed its routine updates with Earth. Every planet that is part of the Gray Panthers network has been updated with her comm device. Sir, the landing area is clear. Should I land now?”

  “Go ahead, Phoenix. After Namid exits, we’ll continue on to Nellis AFB. Have you secured permission to land there?”

  “Initially, permission was not approved. They thought it was a joke, until I contacted the Air Force liaison officer at Gray Panthers HQ. He made it clear to the staff at Nellis that they are to provide every assistance requested.”

  “Uh, Phoenix, we may be associated with the Gray Panthers, but technically we aren’t a Gray Panthers shuttle.”

  “I stand corrected. Would you like me to contact Nellis and tell them not to allow us to land, sir?”

  Short Blade remembered how Captain Johnson used to always seem to be having a fight of some kind with the AI on the Beater.

  “No, Phoenix, you did well. But in the future, let’s try not to say we’re part of the Gray Panthers, if we can help it.” Short Blade smiled, understanding now why Johnson was always exasperated with the AI. He peered at the monitor. The farm buildings seemed to be the same height as the shuttle.

  “Shuttle has landed. Engines and potential dangers for exiting the shuttle have been abated.” Phoenix announced.

  Namid let go of Short Blade’s paw and rose to leave the cockpit.

  “Thank you for adding me to your company, Short Blade. Could I possibly get training to become part of a ship’s crew?”

  “Um, I’ll think about that, Namid.”

  Short Blade watched her as she stepped off the shuttle.

  “When she’s clear of the shuttle, let’s get the hell out of here, Phoenix!” What am I going to do with that human? She’s good with my cattle, but I don’t need her in space! Short Blade mused. He’d leave it for either Jimmy or Guns to deal with. Delegate the problem, that was the way to do it! The hatch slid closed and he strolled back to the cockpit. His mood changed for the better when he thought about seeing Commander Poland again.

  “Sir, do you want me to contact the Orient Hotel
and have guest services provide a limousine and personal protection for when you leave the air force base?”

  The question from the AI made Short Blade wince. Once again, Phoenix had anticipated what he had planned to do and beat him to it.

  “Yes, Phoenix, you can coordinate that with the hotel.”

  Investing in the hotel chain has been one of the best investments I’ve made, he thought. Perhaps I should look at even more investments on Earth.

  “How are we looking with ground control going to Nellis? Any problems I should know about?”

  “There was some confusion with the district air controller about us clearing customs. The government never updated responsibilities for incoming flights from off-world. The government has relied on the Gray Panthers for that. I explained that we’re associated with the Gray Panthers, and that satisfied them. Since no one else besides the Gray Panthers has arrived on the planet, it made it an easy explanation. I’ve just been turned over to Nellis control for landing. I estimate we’ll be on the ground in ten minutes. The Orient has confirmed that a limousine is already en route to the base with a three-man security detail.”

  “Um, ah, good job, Phoenix. While we’re here on Earth, is there anything you require?” Short Blade inquired, again feeling a little embarrassed at how the AI almost seemed to be in charge.

  “I won’t require anything on this trip. I’ve contacted the limousine driver and given him the street address where Commander Poland is located. I used his comm device to get his location. He’s in an area of northern Las Vegas that is considered dangerous by local standards. I suggest you take your personal weapons, even with a security detail. I’ll be monitoring you with faeries in case there’s trouble.”

  The new information startled Short Blade. He already considered most humans dangerous, so for Phoenix to suggest being armed even with a security detail made him feel a little anxious.


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