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Pony Express Mail-Order Bride

Page 18

by Rhonda Gibson

  She lifted the lid and the aroma of meat, potatoes and carrots filled the room. But whom could she confide in? Josephine was Philip’s sister-in-law, so there was a possibility she’d tell Thomas and then Thomas would tell Philip. No, she couldn’t tell Josephine. There was always Hazel. But Hazel was as honest as the day was long and might feel obligated to tell Philip.

  Her mind had made this trip around the bush before and Bella realized the path ended in the same place. There was no one she could share this burden with.

  The sound of boots stomping on the porch told her Philip would soon be entering the house. Unlike her and the boys, he seldom removed his boots before entering.

  “Bella! I’m back,” he called as he entered.

  She looked at the table and saw that it was set for supper. While her mind had been busy, her hands had completed the task. “Good. You are just in time to eat.”

  He looked around the house. “Are the boys downstairs?”

  “No, Hazel took them to her house earlier. They should be back before too long.” Bella poured a cup of coffee for him and a glass of water for herself, then sat down at the table.

  He sat also but asked, “Should we wait for them?”

  She shook her head. “I’m not sure when they will be back, and knowing Hazel, she’s already fed them.”

  Philip nodded, then bowed his head for prayer.

  Bella imitated his actions. She never tired of listening to him pray.

  When he said, “Amen,” his gaze met hers. “It’s just as well that they aren’t here. I have something to tell you.”

  She buttered their bread and handed him a chunk. “Something good happen in town?”

  “Two things.”

  Bella waited for him to continue. His eyes were filled with excitement and his lips hadn’t stopped smiling since he’d brought up the subject.

  “First, Marlow Brooks has left town.” He waited for her reaction.

  She steeled her features, praying that they wouldn’t give away her shock at the news. Where had he gone? Had he given up on her returning with him? Panic filled her. Was he already telling the sheriff where to find her? Attempting to sound calm, she said, “Well, that is good news.”

  “But my second news is even better.” He leaned forward. “Both pieces of furniture have already sold at the store.”

  Bella tried to focus on that news instead of the dread that filled her heart. “That’s wonderful.”

  His voice rose with excitement. “And Mr. Jones gave me orders for more pieces. He suggested I open my own furniture store. Of course, he plans on buying pieces from me to sell in his store also. He said that was the fastest money he’s ever made.”

  The excitement in his voice was contagious. “I’m so happy for you. Didn’t I tell you your work was excellent?”

  He faked hurt feelings. “An ‘I told you so’ speech? That’s the best you can do?”

  She laughed at his expression and nodded. “Afraid so.”

  Philip chuckled. He took several bites of his food.

  Bella felt uneasy. Philip had more to say and she could tell that he was trying to figure out how to say it. Several questions popped into her mind, but she waited for him to speak again.

  Her own thoughts returned to Marlow and his sudden departure from Dove Creek. Bella had assumed he’d stay until she’d given him an answer. What was he up to?

  Philip swallowed and then said, “On the way home, I stopped at the relay station and talked to Thomas.” He waved his spoon about as he continued. “We discussed me quitting the Pony Express and moving to town.”

  Bella felt a moment of hurt that he’d talked to Thomas before her. She pushed down the feeling. They weren’t really married and why wouldn’t he talk to his brother? After all, his quitting the Pony Express would affect Thomas and the relay station. “I see, and what does he think?”

  “He supports me in the decision. He and Josephine are still looking for land to start a ranch on and he says he’ll probably be quitting soon, too.” He finished his food and leaned back in his chair.

  She got up and refilled his coffee cup. “Would you like dessert?”

  Philip shook his head. “No, why don’t you sit down and tell me what you think about moving to town?” He reached for her hand after she’d sat back down.

  Bella looked around her cozy home. They’d just settled in. The thought of moving into town both excited her and scared her. She allowed Philip to hold her hand. It soothed her frayed nerves and made her feel closer to him. “If you want to move, Philip, we’ll move.”

  “What do you want?” he asked.

  What did she want? A real marriage. One where she could talk openly with her husband. Tell him her fears. And know he’d be there for her when she was being threatened. But that wasn’t an option. She looked into his excited blue eyes and smiled. “I want you to be happy. I want security for the boys. So if moving to town will guarantee those two things, then I want to move to town.”

  He patted her hand and then released it. “I want those things, too, and really feel like this is our opportunity to grab them.” Philip walked to the sitting room and stood by the fire. “Just think, Bella. If we move to town, then the boys can go to school. Caleb can start as soon as we’re settled.”

  If only it was true, but Bella felt as if she and the boys would be leaving soon. Marlow would come back for them or the law would. Either way, she’d be leaving Philip and Dove Creek. Her heart ached at the idea. When had she fallen in love with her husband? It had been so gradual that she hadn’t fought it the way she should have.

  Bella forced a smile and said, “Then let’s move to town.”

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Philip knew Bella had reservations about moving. Her stance, the tenseness of her face and the sadness in her eyes spoke volumes. He crossed the room and hugged her close. “If you don’t want to move, Bella, we can stay right here.” Even though he didn’t want to stay there, Philip realized he’d do so to make her happy.

  She pulled out of his arms. “Oh, Philip, it’s not that. I think it’s a wonderful idea. I’m just feeling a little moody today.” Bella offered him a sweet smile.

  He leaned down and gently kissed her lips. What was it about this woman that brought out the protective side of him? And the warm fuzzies in his brain when he kissed her? She returned his kiss, turning the simple offer of comfort into something much more and something he didn’t want to analyze.

  Philip inhaled and then gently set her away from him. She smelled of vanilla and cinnamon. “Thank you for being so sweet. I’ll do everything in my power to make you happy in town, Bella. You’ll see we’ll have a great life there.”

  The front door opened, sending cold air into the room. He stepped away from Bella and turned to see who had walked into his home without knocking.

  Hazel followed the boys inside. “Knock, knock. We’re back.”

  Mark ran and hugged Bella around the waist. “Did we miss dessert?” he asked, looking up at her.

  Philip laughed. “No, but you did miss dinner. Have you eaten?”

  Hazel shut the door and hung up her coat. “Of course they’ve had dinner. What kind of great aunt do you think I am?”

  Bella grinned. “Great aunt?”

  Caleb wasn’t about to be left out of the conversation. “Uh-huh. She can’t just be an aunt like you and Aunt Josephine. She’s too old.”


  Hazel laughed. “Don’t get onto my sweet boy. He’s right. So we decided I’d be great. That makes me even better than you and Josephine. Right, boys?” She walked to the kitchen and poured herself a cup of coffee.

  “Right,” both boys agreed. They followed Hazel to the kitchen like a couple of puppies. They climbed up on their logs and smiled happily at her.<
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  Philip laughed. “You two are a mess.”

  Hazel added her agreement. “That’s what happens when you go to a great aunt’s house. You come home a mess.”

  He wondered how Hazel was going to feel about their moving to town. Philip’s gaze sought out Bella’s. Especially since she already knew Thomas and Josephine would soon be moving also. He decided now wasn’t the time to tell her. “If you ladies will excuse me, I believe I’ll go check on the horses before it gets too late and unload the wagon.”

  Bella asked, “Do you have to do it now? I made fried pies earlier today.”

  He lowered his hand from his coat. “No, I don’t have to, but I’d like to before it gets any colder.”

  She nodded. “All right, I’ll save you a pie. You’ll want something warm when you get back.”

  Hazel frowned. “Philip, do you think we’re in for more snow?”

  He pushed his arms through his coat sleeves and then buttoned it up. “Could be. Those clouds looked like it earlier today.”

  Caleb climbed down from his log and walked to Philip. “I can help you with the wagon.”

  Philip stooped down to his level and whispered, “I appreciate the offer, but I need you to stay in here and protect the women while I’m gone. Can you do that for me?”

  At Caleb’s serious nod, Philip stood. “I’ll be back in a few minutes.”

  Caleb hurried back to the table with a wide grin.

  Bella had just placed a plate full of moon-shaped fried pies on the table. Philip motioned for her to come to him. She looked to Hazel and the boys, and seeing they were busy talking and serving themselves, she did as he asked.

  Philip took a step toward her and inhaled her sweet scent. He gently pulled her into a hug and whispered in her ear, “Don’t say anything to Hazel about the move just yet.” He buried his face in her hair for a second longer and then pulled back enough to look into her pretty face.

  “All right,” she whispered back, stepping out of his embrace.

  Hazel laughed. “I thought you were in a surefire hurry to get to your chores,” she teased.

  “What can I say? I got distracted.” Philip turned and opened the door. He glanced back to see Bella’s face turn bright red.

  He pulled the door shut behind him. Philip Young, get ahold of yourself. Bella really was becoming a distraction. He found himself thinking about her all the time and missing her when they were apart. Philip sighed. Yet another reason to move to town. With a new business, he’d be too busy to think about kissing his pretty wife again.

  * * *

  Later that evening, Bella sat on her bed brushing out her hair. So many things had pulled at her today that she felt emotionally exhausted. Philip’s kiss and Marlow’s disappearance were the two things that kept troubling her mind.

  How many times would she ask herself what Marlow was doing? Had he pretended to leave town to torture her into doing his will? And why had Philip kissed her? Even worse, why had she kissed him back?

  She heard the front door open upstairs and knew that Philip had returned from taking Hazel home. He hadn’t been gone long. Had he only taken her partway home? Normally, he wouldn’t be back this quick.

  His footsteps above her head caused dust to fall from the ceiling. Bella sneezed. A few seconds later, she heard him coming down the stairs.

  Philip walked slowly, as if he was unsure of himself. Was he hurt? Bella slipped from the bed and pulled on her dressing gown. She moved around the curtain and came face-to-face with Marlow.

  A scream built in her throat, but then she remembered the boys were on the other side of the curtain. Bella dashed around him and motioned for him to go back up the stairs.

  He grinned and followed her up.

  In the kitchen she turned on him like a mother bear. “What are you doing sneaking around in my house?” she demanded, furious that he would have the gall to just come in.

  “You weren’t coming out.” He leaned against the doorway between her and the boys downstairs.

  “You can’t stay here. Philip will be home any minute now.” She couldn’t imagine what her husband would think if he found her ex-fiancé standing in his kitchen and her in her nightgown.

  “No, we have a little time to talk. Him and the old lady haven’t been gone but a couple of minutes.” He moved to the table and straddled one of the logs, sitting down.

  Bella had no choice but to turn and face him. “Philip said you left town.”

  He sighed. “Well, with no real business in Dove Creek, doesn’t it make sense that I mosey on? I mean after all, sooner or later folks would want to know why I was hanging around. What would you have me tell them?”

  She couldn’t begin to imagine what he would tell them. “Where are you staying?” Bella pulled her dressing gown tighter around her waist. She knew he couldn’t see anything but also knew it wasn’t proper for him to see her in her nightclothes.

  “There’s a house not too far from here. Looks like the owners are gone for the winter, so I moved in.”

  Revulsion filled her. “You just moved into someone’s home?”

  “Sure. There’s not a neighbor for miles. Not the most comfortable place, but it will do me until you make up your mind what you’re going to do.” He traced the grain of the wood with his finger. “I was kind of hoping you’d already decided, but after watching the house over the last couple of days, I think you might be a bit too comfortable here.”

  Tears pricked the backs of her eyes. “I told you, this is going to take a little time.”

  He pushed the log back forcefully and it fell over and rolled across the floor. Marlow moved with the speed of a cat. He stood before her and growled into her face, “And I told you, we don’t have a lot of time.” He grabbed her around the waist and ground his mouth into hers. Just as quickly he released her and stormed outside.

  Bella startled when she saw Caleb approach her. “Aunt Bella? Are you all right?” His big blue eyes showed his concern. The little boy’s eyes then darted to the kitchen door.

  She walked to the log and rolled it back to the table. Caleb helped her stand it back up. His eyes searched hers. “Was that Mr. Brooks?”

  Bella swallowed. She wanted to lie but knew she couldn’t. “Yes, he came to say goodbye.”

  “He kissed you,” Caleb accused.

  Her gaze darted to the closet. How much had he heard and seen? She motioned for him to sit down at the table.

  Caleb did as she indicated.

  She sat down beside him and sighed. “I know you don’t understand. I really don’t, either. But Philip would understand even less.”

  Caleb frowned. “Are we going to leave with Mr. Brooks?” His sad face tore at her heart. He shouldn’t be worrying about things like this.

  “No, I need to talk to Philip. I’m just praying he doesn’t think badly of me when I do.” An unbidden tear trickled down Bella’s face.

  He climbed down from the log and then hugged her around the waist. “Don’t cry, Aunt Bella. Philip will know what to do.”

  She kissed the top of his head. “You’re right. He will. But, Caleb, will you let me tell him when I’m ready?”

  Caleb nodded against her side. “What if Mr. Brooks comes back?” He leaned back and looked up at her. “He scares me.”

  “I’m sorry, Caleb. I promise I will never let him hurt you or Mark.” She hugged him tight once more. They heard a horse come into the front yard. “Go back to bed. I’ll talk to Philip soon. You don’t have anything to be afraid of.”

  He nodded and went back to the closet and down the stairs. Bella locked the kitchen door and then followed her nephew. She watched as he entered the bedroom he shared with Mark. Then she crept back up the stairs.

  Philip came through the door and quietly closed it behind him. She
slipped back down the stairs. Bella couldn’t face him tonight. She had no idea what she was going to say when she did tell him about Marlow.

  Instead of climbing back into her bed, Bella kneeled down beside it and silently prayed. She stayed on her knees for a long time, simply asking God to help her find a way to tell Philip about Marlow’s threats.

  The next morning, she woke early. Philip and Caleb were both gone. She opened the front door and heard hammering coming from the barn. Shutting the door, Bella decided to make oatmeal for breakfast with lots of butter and sugar.

  She warmed the bread in a skillet over the fire. Still unsure how to approach Philip about Marlow’s threats and demands, Bella prepared breakfast. At the last minute she decided to add a few strips of bacon to their morning meal.

  Mark came up the stairs. The boy had a nose for bacon, she thought, smiling. He was so small and full of life. His hair stuck out in all directions. He looked around the room. “Where’s Caleb and Philip?”

  “In the barn working. Hungry?”

  He ignored her question and stared at the door with a frown on his face. “Why didn’t Caleb wake me up?”

  “You’ll have to ask him,” Bella answered, setting the table with bowls and spoons. “Why don’t you run and tell them breakfast is about ready?”

  He walked to the door and pulled on his coat and boots. “I wish we could go to town today.”

  “Oh? Why?” Bella asked, setting glasses of milk on the table.

  He looked up with a grin. “I want to ride Snowball again.” Then Mark left.

  Bella grinned. Mark would probably love living in town, where he could ride the white mare. Caleb would go to school and avoid working outside. It amazed her that one of her nephews loved animals and the other acted as if he feared them. They were as different as two brothers could be and still cared deeply for each other.

  “I smell bacon,” Philip said, coming through the door.


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