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The Age Of Love

Page 3

by Anderson, Julian

  I don't understand why they do, they hate each other. I think they go out to get drunk, and hook up with some other desperate person, which is extremely idiotic. I feel closer to Billy, than I have ever been with any other person.

  “I really wish they would stop fighting.” I whispered as I sat up. I looked over at Billy, he brushed his hair out of his face, his brown eyes searching mine, they were large and he had long eyelashes which were very dark and I found them very feminine but very attractive.

  “ I know, I've tried talking to them but they never listen. They never have Violet.” He spoke shaking his head in disapproval. My eyes started to tear up, and I really felt horrible. I ran my finger tips up my sleeve, over my b@ony wrist. Thinking of what would happen if I just ended everything, before things got any worse, but I quickly washed that thought away when I felt Billy put his arm around me, pulling me in for a long hug. I felt my body shake as I started crying, crying into the corner of his warm neck. I felt hopeless, I really did.

  After a while of talking with Billy ,I finally felt better again and I didn't want him to leave tonight, I don't know why but I just want him here.

  “Billy, could you stay the night?” I asked. He looked at me, shocked by my question. I suddenly felt embarrassed. Maybe that sounded off, I thought.

  “Well, why? I don't need to be here any longer once your parents get home.” He responded, getting up from the couch. I quickly, did to and grabbed his wrist, looking into his eyes as I said,

  “Please, I'd like to know that your here. It makes me feel safe.” I said softly, searching his brown eyes for the reply that I wanted.

  “ Your father will keep you safe.” He spoke. He walked passed me, and made his way down the hall. I stood there, staring at him as he walked away.

  I was laying in my bed, it was about two in the morning I felt exhausted, but my eyes were wide open, staring at the old white ceiling, above me. I felt like an idiot for asking Billy to stay the night, it sounded odd to ask someone, especially since he's at least 27 or so. I turned over on my side, I saw a shadow under the crack of my door. I wonder whats going on out there, but I didn't care enough to go see. I didn't hear them fighting, so I figured everything was okay. I laid on my back once again and stared at the ceiling once more, my eyes started to hurt and I began to feel tired. I rubbed my eyes, with my fingers as I once again thought of Billy. I always think about Billy before I go to bed, I don't know why I just do, and I don't think about any other guy. I don't find any guy at my school attractive, there all such ass holes and I'm not really into the guys who smoke and skate board. I'm the odd girl, that guys just seem to over look, which doesn't bother me. I like to be alone anyway, the only time I don't want to be alone is when I'm with Billy. I smiled, thinking of his brown eyes and the way his dark hair falls into his face. The way we kindly argue over his court cases, when he tells me about them and we go over them together. Now I'm suddenly missing him, and I wonder if he misses me. I quickly realized that he wouldn't miss me, I'm a 14 year old. I closed my eyes, and tried my hardest to sleep. After a while, I heard rain start to hit the roof softly, I smiled as I remembered both Billy and I love the rain.

  I awoke to screaming and yelling, I quickly checked to see what time it was, what the hell? No one even woke me up for school. I instantly was in a bad mood, like almost every morning. Once again this week, I missed my bus. I'll be walking to school today, which will make me even more late for school today, and hopefully I won't get detention. I jumped out of bed, and I quickly slipped on a old

  pair of black sweat pants, I slipped on a sweat shirt. I made my way down the hall to our small bathroom, I stared at myself in the mirror, hoping to see some kind of change in me, once again I still look like a little girl. Flat chested, wavy hair and fairly large hips. I squeezed some tooth paste on my tooth brush, and took my time to brush my teeth. I spit, and rinsspan>

  They were actually having sex on the couch, and it really made me feel like getting sick so they hate each other, yet they feel the need to screw each other? I decided to go back up stairs and just sneak out of my window to get to school. I quickly went back up stairs to my bedroom, I slowly opened my window. I made my way out slowly. I sat on the window sill, it was a chilly day in October and I jumped and grabbed a thick tree branch. I flipped my leg over to sit on it, and I sat there for a minute, I really didn't want to go to school today.

  I started to shimmy my way down the large oak tree, I almost reached the bottom when I heard someone yell my name, it startled me and I lost balance and let go of the tree I fell to the ground with a large thump, It knocked the wind out of me.

  “What the hell?!” I exclaimed. I couldn't look to see who it was,the sun was blinding me, and my back was killing me.

  “Watch your mouth sprite!” I heard a familiar voice say, and I saw Billy appear above me. I smiled, what was he doing here? He gave me his hand, and he quickly without any effort pulled me up. I brushed myself off, my hair was In my face he moved closer to me, which made me blush. I tried not to look at him in the face, he brushed my hair out of my face. We looked at each other, he stared into my eyes, almost like he was searching for something it felt like eternity when I finally looked away.

  “I'm going to be late for school, could you take me please?” I asked.

  “Sure, I'll take you.” He replied. I made my way over to his old jeep, I quickly got inside, fastening my seat belt waiting for him to appear from the other side. This is the first time he's taken me to school, it made me feel really shy, I'm in his car and everything, made me feel like I was going on my first date or something. He opened the door, and got inside fastened his seat belt he glanced over at me, and smiled. He was dressed in his suit, his hair was brushed and gelled back, for once he actually looked put together, I laughed.

  “What?! Making fun of my hair? You don't like my style?” He said laughing with me. I smiled at him.

  “This is the first time I actually saw you all dressed up for work.” I confessed. He smirked, not responding. I told him how to get to my school and we were silent pretty much all the way there, a couple of times I glanced over at him without him noticing, and when he does catch me looking at him, he just smiles.

  “You know, it doesn't give a good impression to be late for school.” He spoke with authority . I glanced over him, and shrugged.

  “Oh well, maybe if my mom would wake me up in the morning I'd be fine. Aren't you going to be late for work?” I added.

  “ I have my own law firm, I come in when I want.” He replied smirking. I rolled my eyes.

  “Why did you come over anyway, you never got to mention why?” I questioned.

  “Oh, I was coming over to see your mom and dad to see if they were alright. I'm surprised they haven't murdered each other yet.” He replied.

  “Oh, there a bipolar couple. One minute there fighting,the next there full out having sex on the couch.” I whispered looking out the window. I looked back at him and he almost choked on his coffee.

  “They did what?!” He exclaimed.

  “You heard me.” I murmurer.

  “They really don't know how to be presentable adults.” He said. I looked over at him. At least he agrees with me, well Billy, and Grandma J also agrees with me. I don't understand why they won't just get a divorce. I can handle it, I'm pretty mature for my age. He pulled up to my school, on my way out I smiled and told him thank you.

  I made my way up James view High, I was pretty late, so I figured I'd have detention after 9th period today. I made my way inside, bunches of teenagers busting there asses to get to class, guys trying to flirt with girls, and couples making out in the hallway, a usual thing at James View High. I felt shy, and out of place like usual. I brushed my long hair behind my ear as I looked down at my slip on black shoes, with red roses on the top. I made my way towards the schools office. I walked up to the secretary at the desk, her face grim as usual.

  “Late? I really don't understand how you kids get to
school so late, you don't have any other place to be, but school.” She complained, and she also said some other things but I just tuned her out, probably like every other student in this place. She finally filled me out a late slip, and she said the next time I'll have detention, plus I'll have to deal with Mr. Price, oh how terrifying I thought as I made my way to my first class.

  I was passing notes with my friend Annabelle , we were sitting in Biology, and Mr. Randell was talking about the cells, and I already new about all of this. Annabel, wrote to me talking about how she wants to sleep over on my birthday, and she also thinks it's stupid that I'm not having a party, I wrote back saying no, my parents were still fighting, and I don't like parties. After that,

  Mr. Randell caught us passing notes and he tried to catch me off guard by asking me a question.

  “Why Violet, could you tell me what phase comes after Prophase?”

  “That would be Metaphase Mr. Randell.” I said smartly. He narrowed his eyes and turned back around to continue with his lesson. Annabel smiled at me and rolled her eyes, she wouldn't know how to answer that but what can I say? I know my stuff.

  I was waiting for my mother to pick me up after school, I hope she won't be late this time. I checked my watch, she should be coming I thought hopeful. I saw a big group of Seniors, and Juniors pile out of the school laughing and giggling. I'm a freshmen and the Seniors and Juniors at my school are usually nice, I never met a nice not a pig, Senior boy though. I was glancing over at them, when I saw one boy that seemed different from the rest. He was sitting on a step reading, a Stephen King novel, I smiled at the though of a guy who actually like's to read something that I like. I was about to turn away, when he looked up and saw me, he smiled as he got up, making his way towards me./span>

  Chapter 4

  Billy's Pov <3> I awoke from my restless sleep, my telephone was ringing, I sighed.

  “Hello?!” I exclaimed into the phone.

  “Baby? What's your problem?!” Sara replied back. I sighed, and smiled.

  “Sara, I'm sorry. What is it ?” I replied softly.

  “I was wondering, if I could come over tonight?” She asked.

  “No, not tonight honey. I'm babysitting Violet.” I responded.

  “Why are you still babysitting that girl? She's turning 15 on Friday, I think it's time you stop babysitting the girl.” Sara complained, she always complains about Violet, it's like were talking about another woman I'm trying to be with, she's a teenager for god sakes. I thought about it, maybe it is about time for me to. The thought of it made me feel bad though, what if she feels like I'm abandoning her?

  “I'll think about it, but you know how her parent's are you've met them.” I told her, sitting up in bed.

  “Still, it's like you want to spend more time with her than you do me. I understand that I've cheated on you in the past, but we have been dating for over 5 months now. I promised I wouldn't hurt you again, believe me when I say it.” She spoke, I could her frustration in her voice. I sighed, and laid back down in bed.

  “ Well, I'm sorry. I'm her best friend, and I'm truly the only one who's there for her, I can't just stop being there for her.” I replied. There was a long pause on her end.

  “Well, whenever you want to see me or talk to me again call me, but until than, goodbye Billy.” She said. Before I could reply, she hanged up. I cursed, and slammed the phone down. I decided to just fall back asleep again, I'm off today I said, who cares.

  It was late afternoon when I finally woke up, I didn't feel like getting up but than I remembered I had to go babysit Violet, maybe I should stop babysitting her. I'll see with her parents. I slipped on a pair of jeans, and a old black t shirt and my jacket. I slipped on my shoes and made my way out, brushing my hair with my fingers. My apartment was still a mess, I decided to clean it up maybe when I get back. Sara doesn't work here anymore, she works at a doctors office now. When we started dating, I didn't think she has changed, but she has she really has. I don't know If we'll last or not though, but who know?

  It was about 8:30 when I got to Adam's place, I parked and made my way up there steps. I walked in, and Adam was laying on the couch watching T.V. He looked like he haven't shaven in weeks, his wife was in the kitchen making dinner probably. Violet saw me and she ran over to hug me, that's when they finally noticed I was there.

  “Hey Billy, staying for dinner? Kimberly is actually making diner for once.” He said rudely. Kim than walked in, her wearing a tank top with no bra which made me feel uncomfortable since she has fairly large breasts, she also wore tight fitting shorts. She doesn't look like she used to, at all which shows they both aren't the same as they use to be. She also didn't have her pretty auburn hair anymore it was pure black, short and edgy looking. She looks like she could be a prostitute, nothing like a photographer.

  “Why don't you shut the hell up? Billy's here, be nice. Lose your attitude and do something for once, get the table ready.” She replied nagging , but smiling at me. I looked at Violet as she rolled her eyes.

  “Before he does that, could I please talk to you both.” I asked, nervously, Violet cocking her head, her eyebrows raised.

  “About what?” Adam asked concerned.

  “Just, let's go outside to talk okay?” I replied, Violet looked worried and I just wanted to see, what they thought about it. They looked like they didn't want to listen to me, but they acted on what I wanted. At least they still cared about what I thought. I followed them outside,Violet staring at me with those big blue eyes made me feel guilty.

  We sat down outside, on there patio chairs, I felt nervous and my hands were shaking.

  “What is it Billy?” Adam asked.

  “Since, Violet will be turning 15 Friday, don't you think I should stop babysitting her?” I asked, looking down at my hands in my lap. It was silent, I looked up, they looked at each other.

  “I don't know? Who will watch her when we go out?” Adam declared.

  “She should be old enough to take care of herself, Adam.” Kim snapped, as she crossed her legs, and brushed her hair out of her face.

  “Well, you guys haven't been there for her at all. Therefore I think she will be upset if I stopped babysitting her.” I told them, leaning forward in my chair. Making them aware that I'm concerned.

  “Yes we have, she's the one hiding away in the attic. She just came down a few minutes ago, and that's because you come over every day.” She replied, I could tell by the look on her face, that she was hurt that Violet is closer to me, than her.

  “We really aren't there for her Kim, were always fighting and we never take her out with us, we should feel guilty.” Adam said softly. I could tell he cares about Violet, he's just having troubles with Kim, that's all. Kim nodded.

  “Your right for once.” She replied hastily. I closed my eyes tightly, in frustration.

  “Guy's please, stop your fighting and go to counseling or something please. For your daughters sake, haven't I told you guys before what I feel? You both won't listen.” I told them. They looked at me, for once I think I actually got threw to them.

  “Were sorry.” Adam said softly.

  “Don't tell me that, tell your daughter that.” I snapped. They nodded.

  “I really think you should stop babysitting her though, we need to make changes, what do you think Kim?” Adam spoke thoughtfully.

  “I've wanted to change things for a long time, you've never listened to me. I'm willing to, I really am because I love you, Adam and I love Violet to, and I don't think she knows it. Which, is very sad.” Kim replied, her eyes starting to shine with tears. All of a sudden I felt like I wanted to cry, what did I do? What will Violet think? I realized that I will miss seeing her.

  “ I can see her those days right?” I said, starting to bite my nail. They noticed a difference in me, I sat back in my chair and coughed. My face flushed.

  “We have counseling, Mondays and Thursday's seven to nine. You can come over than.” Adam replied, getting up from his cha
ir. I nodded, I let out a sigh in relief.

  When we went back inside, Violet was sitting on the couch, legs guarding her chest. Looking extremely nervous, nervous than I was a moment ago. Than she looked at me, her mother and last her father. She put her legs down and sat up.

  “What's going on?” She asked. I looked at Adam, hoping he had the courtesy

  to tell her. He looked down at his feet, I looked over at Kim now. She looked away.

  “Violet, we all decided since your going to be 15 you won't need me as your babysitter anymore, you understand right?” I questioned softly. I couldn't look at her in the eyes.

  “Was this your guy's idea?!” She exclaimed towards her parents. I could tell she was upset. Again they didn't respond.


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