The Age Of Love

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The Age Of Love Page 4

by Anderson, Julian

  “No, Violet it was my idea.” I said. She looked up at me, in shock. Her eyes starting to fill up with tears.

  “I'll still get to see you during the week, don't worry about it.” I replied positively.

  “Well, fine.” She replied softly. I felt guilty, and I feel like I've made a mistake. I don't want to do this, but what would Adam and Kim think if I back out of this now?

  “Are you alright?” I asked, dumbly. She scoffed and narrowed those big blue eyes at me.

  “ I'm just fine, I can do just fine without you.” She stated coldly. That hurt me dearly, I never thought she would have said that to me.

  “Well, of course you can. Your very independent Violet, I guess I should be leaving now.” I said, trying to hold back my tears.

  “No, Billy you were going to stay for dinner.” Adam said. He glared at me, his eyebrows together, a questioning look on his face.

  “I'll be alright. I'll see you all of you on Friday.” I replied. I turned around quickly, and made my way out of the door. As soon, as I felt the cold air outside tears ran down my face, as I hurried to my old jeep. I slammed the door, and laid my head on the steering wheel, my body shaking from my sobbing. I finally stopped sobbing enough, to pull out of there rocky drive way. I floored it, teeth clenched not really caring what happened to me. I reached town, and many beeped at me, cursed at me probably, they also flicked me off. I could careless though, I just want to get home.

  I finally reached my apartment complex and I parked my jeep and made my way in. I unlocked my door, and walked inside. Why were all my lights off? I swore I left them on when I left. I saw shadows on my wall, flickering back and forth. A strong smell of lavender filled my small apartment. What the hell is this? I thought. I walked into my room, and my eyes fell across Sara, completely naked standing in the middle of my bedroom.

  “ Do you like?” She asked seductively. I covered my forehead with my hand and sighed. She pressed her lips together, and nodded her head slowly. She quickly grabbed her clothes.

  “This was all a mistake, I should have never-” I pulled her close to me, and kissed her lips, she grabbed me around the waist and dug her nails into me. Which made me smile. Are tongues touched, and I laid her across my bed, and crawled over, to be on top of her. She smiled at me, and ran her fingers threw my hair. All threw it, I don't know why but I couldn't stop thinking about Violet, and how I'd feel inside her. She'd be so amazing, I just couldn't stop thinking about what she would look like naked, her breasts her body. I finally snapped out of it, after Sara had a orgasm.

  “Sorry, did I not do good?” She asked. I suddenly didn't feel attracted to her, and I felt bad about that.

  “No, you were perfect.” I lied. I leaned down, and kissed her lips, slowly tenderly, still somewhat thinking about Violet.“Well, when will I get to see Violet during the week?” I asked.

  “Well, I'm going to get our counseling classes back again, I'll call our psychiatrist tomorrow morning.” She said.<


  Chapter 5

  Violet's Pov> I stared at my clock, it read 12:00 am. I couldn't sleep, all I thought about was how, inconsiderate Billy was to me tonight. Why would he do this to me? Now I feel even more alone. Tears ran down my face, as I wiped them away. I turned to my side, and I thought of that boy I met after school the other day. He was real funny, a little bit on the cocky side though. That day of course my mother was late, so I socialized with him for a while. In just about 15 minutes of talking I learned a lot about him. His names Daniel, he's 17 and he works at a library in town, he loves to read and he writes horror novels. He has the most amazing smile to, and dazzling green eyes.

  He's very sweet to, almost as sweet as Billy. I closed my eyes tightly trying to forget what happened tonight. I flipped over, and laid on my stomach my face in my pillow. Why now? Why is he doing this now? So what if I'm 15, he knows I need him in my life he's always been here for me. What happened? Tears moistened my pillow as I cried, I turned my head and stared at my door. Wouldn't that be nice if he would waltz in here? As my night and shining armor? I smiled, I remember calling him my prince when I was younger. He always blushed when I called him that, he's very shy surprisingly more shy than me.

  I don't know why though? He's amazing he's handsome the most handsomest man I have ever met. Sure, I'm 15 and there's a million guys out there but he's the only one, literally that I want in my life. Sadly I want him ,I want him to be mine.

  I flipped over again, on my back I stared at my ceiling. What is he doing right now? Is he sleeping, is he with Sara? I swallowed a lump in my throat, and anxiety ran threw me. Does he truly love her? I asked myself. Once again, tears fell abruptly from my eyes.

  I awoke the next morning by my mother knocking on my door. Today's Thursday, so I figure Billy will be coming over, yet he said he'd just see me Friday, so I don't know what's going on.

  “Violet! Are you going to school today or not?!” My mother exclaimed. I stared at the door for a while, sleepy.

  “Violet Louise!” Exclaimed my mother.

  “Yes, mother?!” I yelled.

  “Didn't you hear me? Are you going to school? I'll take you.” She responded irritated. I walked over to the door, unlocked it and opened it a crack just enough for me to see out with my left eye.

  “ Your taking me to school? Why?” I asked.

  “ I want to make things better between us, so please get ready and I'll take you.” She said kindly. I nodded slowly, I never spent time with my mom or dad alone or with them for an actual good conversation. Hopefully things might get better, I don't think they will though.

  “Alright, I'll be down in a bit.” I replied, closing the door. I made my bed, and sat down on it. Maybe Billy not seeing me anymore is a good thing? Maybe things will be different.

  I quickly regretted that, because that made me feel like I was abandoning Billy, even though I'm not. I finally walked over to my closet, I stripped out of my clothing, put on a better bra. I slipped on a black lace tank top, and baggy jeans. I finished it with a green jacket that Billy gave me, last year.

  I slipped on my shoes I wore yesterday, that I usually wear every day. I love these shoes, my father bought them for me and I just adore the little red roses on the top. I made my way out of my room, to the bathroom. I pulled back my hair, and brushed my teeth. I washed my face, and I let my hair down.

  I brushed, my dark hair and pulled have of it back and made a pony tail. I looked at myself ,for a long time in the mirror. My dark black bangs fell over my eye, I blew the hair out of my face. I frowned. A couple of scarlet zits sat on my chin, and dark circles sat hopelessly around my blue eyes. I laughed, don't I look pathetic.

  I was on my way to first period, the car ride with my mom was pointless because she didn't say one word to me, just smiled at me a couple of times. Which made me put my ear phones in my ears, and drown out her awkwardness. I was trying to switch songs on my mp3, when I slammed into someone, I fell backwards hard.

  “F***. What the hell is your problem?!” I yelled. I was sitting up, rubbing my head when I saw it was Daniel. I instantly was embarrassed, people stopped to stare, laugh and teachers heard what I said, but they were to afraid to say anything.

  “Daniel, I'm so sorry.” I whimpered, picking up his books off the floor. He stood up, he looked down at me smirking.

  “Hey, it's alright.” He replied nicely. I smiled softly, and handed him his books.

  “No, I should of controlled myself I have such a potty mouth.” I said awkwardly giggling. He smiled, and laughed.

  “ Hey so do, I you should see me when I get eaten by a zombies I rant and rave for hours.” He stated, smiling his eyes fixed on mine.

  “What video game is this?” I ask.

  “ Resident Evil” He replied. I nod slowly. We stood there looking at each other awkwardly. What am I suppose to say now?

  “I best be getting to class, do you think we could I don't know go out tonight?” He asked me, his
eyes wondering to the side.

  “What?” I replied softly. His face flushed, as he turned away from me, but I caught a hold of his arm, and turned him right back around to face me.

  “I'm sorry, I just didn't think you would actually ask me out.” I said nervously.

  He stared at me, an expressionless look on his face, which made me blush and look away.

  “ Why haven't you noticed that I like you?” He asked, with an eyebrow raised.

  “How can you truly tell a person “likes” you, unless you tell them?” I smarted off. He grinned, and looked to his side and laughed.

  “Your cute.” He replied.

  “ Your not so bad yourself”. I replied. He smiled at me once again, but this time I could see something in his eyes, and it made me sick to my stomach.

  “Well, I'm already late for class see you later?” I mumbled as I hurried away. As I reached the other hallway, I leaned up against the wall and closed my eyes. I felt like crying. What am I doing? I love s/span>

  “May I ask why your late, Violet?” She asked. I shift my eyes over towards me seat, just wanting to sit down and work on my painting.

  “I got sick, may I sit down now?” I reply hesitantly. She shook her head, thank god she shut up I thought as I hurried to my seat. I sat down, and sat their thinking about what the hell I'm suppose to do today, I won't get to see Billy.

  “Violet? Violet?!” I heard the teacher exclaim, I felt embarrassed for getting lost in my thoughts, once again.

  “Yes?” I announced, I heard girls giggling.

  “Where's your painting, honey? You should be working your painting it's due this Friday.” She nagged.

  “Sorry.” I said, getting up from my seat and walking towards the back of the room to my cabinet. I don't even want to celebrate my birthday now, I thought. I pulled out my canvas, and sat it down on the counter. I pulled out my black, red and green paint. I sat them down softly, next to my canvas on the counter. Last, I pulled out my two paint brushes. I decided just to stay by the counter, because I like being away from these people. I looked out, and stared at these people. They all were yelling, talking laughing they all became a blur to me and I just felt sick.

  These people are heart less they don't care about anyone, I don't have any friends in this class. Their all to stuck on themselves to care about anyone else.

  I guess they see me as a downer, oh well. I stared at my canvas, all I had drawn was my rose, a pretty rose that I tried to draw like the ones on my shoes. I smiled at my canvas. I opened my paint, and grabbed my small paint brush I started to paint my roses stem with green paint, it was a dark green. I focused on my painting trying to drown out the loudness of the juveniles around me.

  I painted softly and carefully, time went by and I was almost done with my stem, and I was starting to paint my rose. I outlined my rose, with dark red paint. I than started to paint, with my thick brush. My teacher walked over towards me, and her eyes grew large as she looked at my canvas.

  “Why, Violet this is amazing! Your very talented. What are you going to do for the background?” She asked.

  “I really don't know. I think I'll just paint it black.” I whispered. She cocked her head to the side, and looked at my canvas once again.

  “I believe that will work, anyways your doing a great job.” She replied, as she walked away. I painted my rose, staring up at the clock it was almost time for this class to end.

  I was making my way to my locker, to grab the rest of my books for the day and to get my water and the sandwich I made this morning. I slammed my locker and made my way towards the cafeteria. I heard someone tap on my shoulder, I turned to see Daniel smiling at me. I smiled back.

  “Will you sit with me today? If you don't mind?” He asked nicely. I smiled and nodded. Well, this is sweet, I guess he actually likes me. We walk down the hall way, and made our way into the cafe.

  “I'm going to go get my lunch, would you like a cookie or something?” He asked. I bit my lip.

  “No, I'm fine but thank you.” I replied softly. He made his way into the line, and I sat there awkwardly unwrapping my sandwich. Annabelle sat down across from me. Her eyes rimmed with black eyeliner, and her blonde hair pulled into a messy bun.

  “Vile, so are you liking this Daniel guy?” She asked me, a smirk came across her face.

  I bit into my sandwich, and shrugged.

  “Come on he's precious, are you going to date him? He's totally crazy for you.” She nagged.

  “Well, he did asked me out.” I replied. I looked over him walking out with his tray, he caught me looking and he smiled. I quickly turned around and blushed.

  “Oh my god, he is so cute.” She said smiling. He sat down beside me, no one said anything and it started to get awkward, I coughed.

  “Your Annabelle, right? I think I have history with you.” He mentioned softly.

  “You do, and your the one in the back listening to your music and making drum sounds on your desk?” She said laughing. He blushed and nodded.

  “ I love my music, and your the one popping your gum obnoxiously in the front.” He replied. Annabelle proudly got up and bowed proudly. I rolled my eyes. I slowly peeled the crust on my sandwich.

  “She loves being obnoxious, it's her fort-ay.” I said. He looked over at me and smiled. Annabelle gave me her “look” which means in this situation go out with Daniel, I don't know I don't feel comfortable with this, but I do think he's attractive and sweet.

  “Daniel, I would like to go out with you tonight. If you haven't changed your mind?” I mentioned softly, not looking at him in the face.

  “I didn't change my mind, why would I change my mind? I'll pick you up tonight.”

  “No, I don't want you to meet my parents.” I said sternly.

  “Hey, they can't be that bad?” He joked. I turned and glared at him.

  “It's not a joke, if you want to take me out tonight it's going to be at midnight or no date at all.” I said getting up from the table. I threw my trash away and made my way back.

  “Come on Violet, I've met your parents they won't embarrass you.” Annabelle stated reasonably.

  “I don't want them to meet Daniel, they'll think it's all serious and s*** it's just going to be one date.” I frustratedly replied. I looked over at Daniel, he suddenly became very quiet. Well it's true? Were not serious.

  “Midnight or I can't see you tonight.” I said, this time looking at him. He turned his head.

  “Midnight it is.” He accepted.

  I am not dating Billy, why do I feel like I’m cheating on him? I'm tardy I already know this, so I take my good old ' time getting to class. As I reach my first period class, which is Art I open the door and walk inside. Mrs. Ellis frowned, looking over her large glasses at me.<


  Chapter 6

  Billy's POV

  I looked at the clock on my night stand, it read 8:30. I couldn't sleep now my insomnia is coming back. I decided to take some sleeping pills (Even though they do nothing.) I walked slowly out of my room, and found Sara sitting on my couch Just wearing my old t-shirt and underwear that I loaned her the other night.

  “What's wrong?” I asked nervously.

  Her make-up was running, so she was here crying for a long time. I sat down beside her, and put my arm around her. She pulled away from me, she brushed her hair behind her ear and started sobbing more.

  “What? What did I do?” I asked. She turned around to face me, she stared into my eyes and it made me to uncomfortable, I looked away. She jumped up, and that made me jump.

  “Fucking look at me Billy! You don't love me at all, and I know who you do love.” She spoke precisely.

  “What the hell is that suppose to mean? You think I'm cheating on you?!” I raised my voice, I don't believe in cheating.

  “Well, no but I know you don't love me. I can tell Billy.” She said, looking down.

  “I do love you.” I replied softly. I leaned over and kissed her on her forehea

  “Than why the hell are you so distant from me? If you want someone else just tell me? I can do better.” She replied, which made me stand up. She quickly realized what she said.

  “ I didn't mean that, I've been drinking-” I interrupted her.

  “Sara, I know you could do better why don't you just leave?” I asked. She stood up, she finally stopped crying. She took off my shirt, folded it and sat it down on the couch.

  “I believe your right.” She stated. She walked over to my door, took her coat off of the hook which was by the door and quickly put it on and left. I looked down at her shoes that she left behind.


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