The Age Of Love

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The Age Of Love Page 5

by Anderson, Julian

  I sat down and covered my face with my hands, frustrated. She was right, I didn't love her. It makes me feel bad to. I remembered what I came out here to do, and I walked into my small kitchen. I opened the cabinet, that sits over my sink. I opened the sleeping aid drugs and took 4 of them. I don't really care if I woke up or not, I'm tired of my life.

  Chapter 7

  Violet's POV

  I was pacing back and forth across my bedroom floor, It was midnight and Daniel hasn't showed up yet.

  It's really starting to make me nervous. He was suppose to shimmy up my tree outside my window to let me know he's here.

  If he stood me up, I swear to god he won't have any chance with me at all, I thought. I heard a little knock on my window. I quickly ran to my window. There he was, sitting on the branch leaning over smiling at me. He actually did show.

  I opened the window slowly, worried it was going to make a sound.

  “You came, I didn't think you were going to show.” I said. He brushed his hair out of his face.

  “Hey, I'm very forgetful I forgot how to get to your place.” He said. I raised an eyebrow. He sighed.

  “I was nervous, I was worried we'd get in trouble.” He said softly looking away.

  “ I could tell you were lying, I always know when someone lies to me, and don't worry about it. I'll make up for everything.” I said leaning out of my window. He gave me his hand, and I jumped on the tree branch. He made his way down from the tree to the ground. I slid down the tree, and I grabbed his hand.

  “RUN! Damn, I want to get away from here!!” I exclaimed. We laughed as we ran from my home, into the night.

  We made our way down Madison avenue, the street to town.

  “So where are we going? Anything in mind?” Daniel asked.

  “Why don't we go back to your place?” I asked slowly and softly, taking his hand.

  “Violet! It's past midnight now? How am I going to sneak you into my house?!” He questioned. I smiled at him.

  “The way I sneaked out of course.” I replied. He sighed. Apparently he never met a girl like me before.

  “I don't have a tree we can shimmy up, Violet.” He said.

  “Is your front door locked?” I asked.

  “Of course.” He replied.

  “Well, I have a lock picking kit.” I said smiling. He looked over at me unbelieving. I rolled my eyes, and pulled out my bobby pin.

  “That isn't a kit, but I can see how it would work.” He said. So we walked, holding hands all the way to his house. Him occasionally looking over, and smiling at me.

  “Why do you keep doing that?” I said roughly. He blushed and looked away.

  “Your so beautiful in the moonlight.” He said.

  “Oh shut up, that sounds like a cheesy line from a movie.” I replied giggling, but secretly flattered by what he said. He stopped in his track, he looked down at my wrists as he started to massage them.

  “Sorry if I'm cheesy ,but I really like you Violet.” He spoke softly, now looking into my eyes, I saw how beautiful his eyes were. I actually forgot about Billy for once. He brushed my long hair, behind my ear.

  “Your really sweet, Daniel.” I replied. Than ran off. I ran up towards his house and stopped. He finally caught up to me.

  “Shh! Don't make any sounds, I'll get my ass beat if they find out I'm bringing a girl into the house.” He replied hastily.

  “What? You haven't sneaked a girl in yet?” I asked, laughing. He blushed and scratched at his head.

  “Well, no all the girls I've been with weren't like you. So adventurous and mysterious.” He said.

  “You think I'm mysterious?” I asked amused.

  “Well, yeah you never let anyone know whats on your mind.” He said, sitting on his front step.

  “Maybe what's on my mind is private.” I stated.

  “You know, your mind can be your worst enemy.” He told me. I walked over to him, and brushed his hair out of his eyes.

  “Can I call you Danny?” I whispered. I seen him swallow, and his face blush.

  “Sure.” He replied. I wrapped my hand around his neck, and I bent down and slowly kissed his lips. He kissed back, and wrapped his arm around my waist. We stayed that way for I don't know how long. When we stopped kissing, I smiled and giggled.

  “What?” He asked nervously.

  “That was my first kiss, and it was amazing.” I replied. He smiled at me.

  “Do you still wanna sneak in?” He asked. I looked up tp>

  Chapter 8

  Billy's POV

  I was waiting outside Violet's window, I tried calling her earlier and she never answered. I wanted to make sure she was alright. I heard footsteps coming up the drive way, I quickly hid behind the tree. She was with this boy, I couldn't make out his face, but he had long hair. She was holding his hands. Who the hell is this guy? My heart sank into my stomach. I saw her move towards him, I swallowed a lump in my throat. “Please don't kiss him..” I thought. She leaned in and kissed him on

  Sorry if my writing isn't very good.. I'm trying my hardest to learn better grammar etc. If you like, please click on the button or w/e that lets you know when I'm contributing work..thank you <3

  the cheek, oh thank god.

  He told her something, than pulled up his hood and hurried away. I saw her coming my way, with a smile on her face. So, now she has a boyfriend? She's to young to have a boyfriend. As she got closer, she stopped because she seen me move.

  “Who's there? Don't make me call my parents!” She warned. I stepped out of the shadows.

  “Billy?!” Her eyes light up. She ran over to me and gave me a hug. Her hair smelled like raspberries. I wrapped my arms around her waist, and held her tighter to me. I feel safe now.

  “I thought you weren't coming back until tomorrow?” She asked softly.

  “I changed my mind, I missed you.” I said sadly. She stared at me, smiling.

  “ I get to stay home from school today since it's my birthday and all. We're going out to eat, your coming right?” She asked eagerly. I looked down at her and smiled. She's so sweet, I love the way her hair falls over her eyes and the way she blushes when I look down at her.

  “Why yes, I wouldn't miss it.” I replied. Her eyes lightened up as she gave me another hug. I love her being in my arms. I brushed her hair behind her ear and I smiled at her, which made her blush more. Her pale cheeks now a bright scarlet, it made me grin a lot more, she's so precious.

  She glanced at my lips, and I slowly stroked her face. She slowly closed her eyes as she brought her hand to touch mine.

  “Would it be alright, for me to kiss you Violet?” I asked softly. She quickly opened her eyes and stared at me as if in shock. I quickly pulled my hand away from her face. I turned away, that was stupid and childish of me.

  “Billy, I- I'm sorry I just was surprised. I always dreamed of kissing you.” She spoke clearly and truthfully, I turned around.

  “You have to?” I questioned, narrowing my eyes at her. I didn't think that it was possible. She nodded. She moved towards me and wrapped her arms around me, and rested her head on my chest, I wrapped my arms around her to.

  “Can you tuck me into bed?” She asked innocently, which made me blush. I nodded quickly. She quickly grabbed onto the tree and made her way up to her room. I watched as she slowly opened her window. She made her way inside and she motioned for me to come up. I jumped up, and grabbed onto a branch, and quickly made my way inside her room. Not even caring she started to undress in front of me.

  I quickly glanced away to give her, her privacy.

  “Didn't you watch me undress?” She asked.

  “Why no? That would be rude.” I responded.

  “I wanted you to see though.” She spoke. I gawked confused, why would she want me to disrespect her like that?

  “Don't make me out as a sick man Violet, because I'm not. If I like a woman, well in this case a girl, I won't disrespect her in anyway. Actually, I believe I'm in love with
you Violet, ever since I met you I thought you were someone special. I won't ever betray you.” I confessed. She looked at me unbelieving, and I started to feel embarrassed.

  “I think you mean what you say, but you know how it is around here you can barely believe anyone. My dad doesn't spend anytime with me when he says he will, my mom says she'll take a few days off to do something fun but she won't they promised they would get divorced and stop the fighting but they haven't. I'm tired of lies, so please promise me you won't betray me?” She asked, while she sat down at the end of her bed and crossed her legs.

  “ I promise you Violet, I won't ever betray you.” I stated honestly, with no doubt in my mind. Than she smiled very big, showing her beautiful dimples. The one's I thought were so adorable when she was young. It's been a while since I truly saw her smile like that, and I don't know why but I couldn't control myself. I leaned over her and curled my hand strongly behind her neck, which made her gasp I leaned over and softly kissed her lips, leaning her back on her bed.

  “Billy- What are you doing?!” She exclaimed breathlessly, showing how she enjoyed me embracing her. I slowly kissed down her chin and jaw and made my way down her neck.

  “I'm doing what I've always fantasized.” I said, my voice sounding rough.

  Chapter 9

  Violet's POV

  I awoke to the smell of waffles and butter, and I looked over to find Billy laying beside me, peacefully sleeping. I smiled at the sight of his messy hair and him being beside me, finally.

  Than I realized he's 27 and I'm 16 today, that is illegal obviously and I already know this, but I never thought about the consequences. I could get Billy in serious trouble plus if my parents knew oh god,I'd be dead. I shoved Billy on his shoulder, to try to get him up and he moved closer and wrapped

  I'll add more chapters as soon as I write them, thanks for reading.. I know it's not the best written one..but I'm trying.

  his arm around me covering my bare chest.

  “Billy, get up it's morning!” I gasped. He opened his eyes hazily and he remembered. He jumped up naked and looking for his boxers which was hard to find since he scattered his clothes all around my room. I sat up, my chest bare and showing but not caring.

  “Billy?” I whispered. He looked over at me, pulling his boxers up.

  “Do you think last night was a mistake?” I asked looking down, covering my breasts. He glanced at me while doing his belt on his pants and when he finished tightening it he went over to me and kissed my forehead than smiled at me which made me smile.

  “Honey no, why would it be a mistake?” He responded. I shook my head unbelieving, getting out of bed and standing naked in front of him.

  “I'm sixteen! I'm not even a woman! Look at my body! It's like you had sex with a child!” I exclaimed tears running down my face.

  “Shhh! Violet, your a women to me and your body's beautiful why do you feel this way?” He questioned narrowing his eyes at me, looking into my eyes so deeply I had to look away.

  “I'm not a woman your a man, your only supposed to make love to a woman.” I stated. He grabbed his shirt, and he wrapped it around my naked body. He sat down and covered his eyes with one hand, he sighed.

  “I just couldn't wait any longer Violet, I didn't want to hurt I'm sorry. You feel the same way as I do, I just wanted to be with you.” He said sadly. I looked at him, he meant what he said, he doesn't have a problem with me being only sixteen. I heard a knock on my door and I jumped up, and laid back down in bed with my covers up, I pretended like I was sleeping as Billy made his way down my tree.

  I heard my mother walk in, she brushed my hair out of my eyes.

  “Good morning baby, happy 16th birthday!” She exclaimed. I wanted to roll my eyes. I pretend to open my eyes like I just woke up.

  “Oh, Hello mom.” I spoke sleepily.

  “Come on and get ready you need to open your presents baby doll.” She said, opening my closet door, which I wish she didn't.

  “Alright mom, I'll be right down.” I replied. She smiled at me as she closed my bedroom door. I slowly got out of bed, and sat there for a minute. I was thinking strongly about last night, how it felt. At first it was uncomfortable, but it eventually felt extremely amazing and Billy was so passionate,I don't even know how. I was still wearing his shirt, I brought the sleeve up to my nose it stilled smelled like him. I smiled, I love Billy.

  I slipped off his shirt, where should I hide this? Surely our secret would be out if my mother found it or my father did. My mother doesn't make my bed I thought, I do so if I slipped it under my pillow, she shouldn't find it. Wait, maybe I should put it in my pillow case, near the back? That would be perfect.

  I walked into my closet, not knowing at all what I should wear. My birthday really isn't anything special, well to me it isn't. My mother and father make such a big deal out of it. With birthday cake, presents, going out to eat and shopping for to expensive clothing. If I even complain though they will think that I'm ungrateful blah blah blah. I thought that would make them happy that I don't want them to spend so much money on me, but I think they feel guilty that's why there doing this.

  I put on a dark blue tank top, and I put on my raggedy black sweat shirt. It smelled fresh, like lavender I love the scent of lavender. I slipped on some baggy jeans. I didn't feel like showering, I still smell like Billy I don't want to take that away. I looked at myself in the mirror, my dark circles under my eyes that are always there, make my eyes look dark and lifeless. Why would Billy want to sleep with me? Why would did he stare into my eyes for so long when they look terrible? I remember how uncomfortable I felt when he was doing that, and I blushed.

  I washed my face, and brushed my teeth. I ran my fingers threw my hair and put it up, I don't care what I look like today.

  Xx Later that evening Xx

  We were going into town, I was in the backseat trying to fall asleep, I'm so tired. My mother nagging me, as I try to block her voice from my mind.

  “Violet would you please stop ignoring me?!” She exclaimed.

  “Sorry mom, what is it?” I asked.

  “Were here at Clarice's.” She said. I hate shopping, I honestly do. I'm not a girly girl I don't always want new clothes. My mom's like that though, another reason why were total opposites.

  “Mom, when are we going out to eat? After this?” I asked casually. I didn't want her to think something was going on.

  Chapter 10

  Violet's POV (Continued)

  She glanced over at me, while making the way threw racks of clothing.

  “Yes dear, you hungry?” She asked.

  “Kinda.” I replied, making my way towards where she was. She pulled out a bright pink mini skirt, and I frowned.

  “No mom, you know I hate pink.” I stated. She rolled her eyes at me, and put it back on the rack. Why can't she just let me shop for the things I want? I hate wearing skirts, I'd only wear them if they are long. I don't enjoy

  Hmm, well .. I'm kinda getting discouraged with my writing again but I will try to finish this if you guy's want me to <3

  slutty looking clothing that she wears, yes my mom IS a slut, I'll admit it.

  I walked away from my mom as I made my way down the aisle I spotted my friend Annabelle, I smiled as she turned to look at me. She was alone like usual. Annabelle just lives with her mom and she work's all morning and gets home at midnight. She can mostly do whatever the hell she wants, she's quite lucky.

  “Vile! I missed you at school today, and so did Daniel. He asked where you were today, I told him you always skip on your birthday.” She said. I almost forgot, Daniel what am I going to say to him? I slept with Billy last night for god sakes.

  I swallowed, wondering what I'm going to do about Daniel. Sure, I care about him but I don't “love” him.

  I grabbed her by her arm and pulled her over into one of the dressing rooms, she pulled her arm from my grasp, I didn't know I held onto it so hard.

  “What's your damage?!” She excla
imed. I sighed, and I knew my face was getting hot, I needed to tell someone, and she is my best friend.

  “You know Billy? My babysitter?” I softly bring up. She sat down and nodded, becoming serious. I backed against the wall and slid down it slowly, oh god she's going to be so ashamed of me. I covered my face with my hands.

  “I had sex with him last night.” I whispered. I didn't want to see her reaction, so I didn't look up. I heard the rush of her footsteps as she ran over to me. She grabbed my arms, and tore them from my face, tears gushing from my eyes.

  “WHAT?! You did WHAT?!” She exclaimed. I grabbed her in my arms, hugging her so tightly, I know what I did was wrong and illegal but I didn't know what else to do. She pried me off of her and grabbed my face, she looked into my eyes.


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