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Loving Alex (The Alexandra Drake Series)

Page 3

by Sarah Elizabeth Ashley

  I break the silence, “Why James, why is he doing this?” I ask.

  “He’s not Alex…I checked with Benito on the way here. Lewis is still laid up! It’s either nothing to do with him or someone’s doing it for him! Are these the pictures?” He points to the photographs scattered on the floor.


  He lets go of me for a moment, muttering as he looks through the images, I’m sat concentrating on breathing and not letting this get the better of me when he sits back beside me, I’m expecting a tirade of expletives but he remains incredibly calm simply thumbing through the images. “I think we know who’s behind this,” He sounds angry, “it has to stop Alex, he can’t keep going on like this, the texts and turning up at the hotel, assaulting you…it can’t go on. I’m calling Benito!” He snaps.

  “What will he do?” my voice trembles.

  “Well, for a start we can find out for definite where he is. If he’s still in hospital, which I doubt, but I would expect him to be laid up he can’t possibly be up and about just yet, not after both legs being broken! If it is him, then most definitely he’s asked someone to do this, must have!” He stands, pacing around the living room constantly looking through the pictures. “He’s fucking deranged Alex! Does he know that Anna’s away?”

  “I don’t know…I haven’t spoken to him and Anna said she won’t! I don’t think he knows Katie’s parents, well not to speak to anyway so he wouldn’t have found out that way.”

  “Do you want a drink?” He asks me, a look of concern on his face.

  “There’s some wine in the fridge. I could murder a glass.” I look down at the floor. I feel as though my privacy has been invaded that someone has violated the personal space around me, and of Anna and James.

  He leaves the room and returns after a few moments with two large glasses of wine, he hands one to me and sits down again beside me, dumping the photographs on the floor he leans to one side removing his phone from his pocket. I watch this beautiful man, whose face is twisted, contorted and angry as he jabs at the screen of his phone brining it to his ear. He takes a deep drink whilst waiting for his call to connect; I hear only one side of the conversation.

  “Benito. Need your help mate… Can you come around to Alex’s? … yeah, now… see you in twenty… Thanks.”

  He all but throws his phone on the coffee table and reaches for my hand.

  “He’s coming here, he’ll sort it.” He pulls me towards him, allowing me to rest my head on his chest and he just holds me.

  “Why won’t he just leave me alone?” I think aloud.

  “Because he’s a fucking bastard of the first order that’s why!” He squeezes my shoulder, “Well, this time he’s over stepped the mark. I thought he may have learnt his lesson, but no! The fucking retard needs to be told again!”

  I hold onto the diamond pendant around my neck, the one that The Bossman gave me, it means everything to me.

  “You okay?” He asks as he plays with my hair.

  “I’ll be fine, just give me a few minutes and get rid of Lewis for good!” I mumble.

  “It can be arranged!” He grins broadly.

  “No, no I was just thinking out loud, I don’t want him killed – anyway, that would be an easy option, he needs to suffer!” I half laugh, the wine clearly having an effect on how I’m feeling.

  My James laughs with me, “You’re definitely Ramiro’s daughter!”

  He pulls me closer and we cuddle, just holding onto each other, I feel so protected, so safe in his arms.

  “Who’s looking after things at Reid’s?” I lift my head from my place on his shoulder, looking up at him, he still looks anxious and concerned.

  “No-one - well, I told Marcus I was popping out, any problems he’ll deal with,” He huffs, “I hope.”

  We sit, waiting for Benito, James still has his arm around my shoulders my head moved to his chest, his firm chest. I can hear his heart beating slowly, steadily, God I love James so very much, please let this be more than just a fling!

  “This is nice.” I muse, running my hand over the white cotton of his shirt.


  “Just sitting here, cuddling.” I mutter, feeling so much more relaxed now that I’m not on my own.

  He pulls me closer, “I shouldn’t have left you, the last time I left you Lewis assaulted you. I said I’d never leave you again.” He sounds so angry with himself, almost as if he’s chastising himself.

  “But you can’t be with me 24-7!” I sigh.

  “No, but I sent you home to an empty house on your own. If I’d have been here you wouldn’t have been by yourself when you opened that parcel.” His hand drifts across my shoulders, up and down my back, the exquisite touches so welcome. But, I can tell by his tone, by his face that he’s so angry with himself, I lean into him and see his other hand screwed up into a fist, his knuckles are white. There is so much pent up anger there, heaven help Lewis if they were in the same room together. Lewis is big but it’s all fat, I suspect no match for James if they came to blows.

  The door bell rings and he extracts himself from me, standing he walks with purposeful long strides out of the living room. I hear the front door open.

  “Benito mate. Thanks for coming round.” I hear James greet his friend, there’s some muttering and what sounds like back slapping before James followed by Benito walk back into the living room.

  “Alex,” Benito looks at me, “are these the pictures you got?” He points to the floor.

  “Yes, there’s a few!” I frown at the pile of photographs left in disarray on the floor.

  He picks them up and flicks through them. “They’re amateur, look there’s no zooming, someone’s used a point and click, a basic camera. A professional would have got a close up of you in some of these, look,” He points to an image of Anna and I in the hotel restaurant, “this is just a snap, if he’d recruited an investigator, a proper one, they’d have zoomed in on you there. No, these are….well,” He pauses “but why did he want pictures of you, he knows what you look like, knows where you are and Anna so why? It doesn’t make sense!”

  “I..I think he wants me to know that he’s watching me, that’s all,” I stammer, “I think he wants to make my life hell!”

  “Do you know where he is?” James asks.

  “The last we knew he was at home, he can’t get about on his own. But, that was a couple of days ago. I’ll have someone check again, make sure he’s stayed put. I think he’ll be out of action for at least another couple of months, maybe longer, but if this is him, and I suspect it is, he’s probably got someone else involved to watch you for him.” Benito flicks through the photographs again before looking at James, he raises and eyebrow a look of concern. James looks down, raising his hands he runs his fingers through is hair, shaking his head. I hear him mutter, “Fucking bastard.”

  “But who? Who got into the hotel and photographed me and Anna?” I raise my voice “Who’s watching me, us? Me, I can live with but Anna, she is not to be involved with this at all, no way. She’s home this weekend and I do not want her involved.” I say firmly, getting myself all worked up and into a flap again, “she’s not to be involved. I have to protect her, keep her out of all this.” I feel tears welling up again, “James, Anna can’t be involved, she’s too precious.”

  James moves towards me sitting down next to me, he places his hand on my knee, “It’ll be okay, we’ll look out for Anna, won’t we?” He looks at Benito, the huge mountain of a man in my living room.

  “Alex, I will do everything I can to make sure that both you and Anna are safe. You understand me?” His voice is so very deep and somewhat menacing.

  “Okay, how are we going to play this?” James questions, looking up at Benito.

  “I think you ignore the package. I know it’s difficult, but if you don’t do anything that may just wind him up enough to do something, really stupid, something bad enough that he can finally be arrested and not released.” He’s looking at me.

  “I can do that, but I don’t want Anna involved!” I stress the point looking at James and then at Benito.

  James nods his acknowledgement at me, “Alex, Blossom – we’ll do all we can to keep Anna out of this. I’ll speak with Roger and Thomas, ask them to be extra vigilant around the hotel. Look out for people taking random pictures,” he paces the living room, “and I don’t want you to be on your own Alex!”

  “Great, you’re the one that sent me here on my own this afternoon!” I snap.

  He holds his hands up defensively, “Okay, okay you’re right. You win.”

  “Does that mean you’re accepting the promotion?” I say bluntly, with just a little smile.

  “Promotion?” Benito looks at James, his head slightly on one side, a questioning look.

  “Yeah. She wants me to take on a director role at the hotel. More sensible hours, managing the managers.” James shrugs his shoulders in a non-committal way.

  “Wow James, so you’re taking it?” Benito asks, he looks at me and then again at James, clearly aware that there is tension between us surrounding this subject.

  “He’s not sure,” I butt in, my tone sarcastic, “It appears that my lover likes being away from me and likes working all hours God sends!”

  “Then James my friend, you are an arse!” Benito slaps James on the back.

  I can see the cogs in James’ mind whirring; he’s contemplating what to say next, he rubs his fingers through his curls.

  “Okay, okay – You win, again! I’ll do it. Anything for you Blossom!” He smiles at me, a big broad sexy smile. I walk over to him and give him the biggest hug, “Thank you.” I whisper to his neck.

  Benito looks a bit like a spare part as he stands there looking at us hugging.

  “Congratulations mate!” He says before turning towards the living room door, “I’ll be off, but I’ll keep in touch with you about these.” He points to the photographs.

  “Please, and thanks for coming round. If you hear anything about him, you’ll let me know?” James asks.

  “I will. You two enjoy what’s left of your evening,” He says with a wink, “I’ll see myself out.”

  Chapter 3

  James grabs me around the waist and pulls me down onto the sofa. I’m on his knee one arm around his neck. Pulling me closer he nuzzles my neck, placing little kisses across my collar and down towards my chest. With his free hand he works his way up my flank to my breast playing with my nipple through my clothes.

  “Did you mean what you said?” I ask quietly.

  “About what?” He grumbles.

  “Handing over, letting someone else take the reins on a day to day basis. Taking a directors role.” I look up at him, into those dark eyes.

  “Yes. But I have to hand over to the right person, I’m not letting go until then.” He breathes heavily as he rolls my nipple through my top, his mouth sucking and kissing my neck. Moving his hand towards the hem of my top he gradually works his way under the soft fabric, I feel his hand gently move north towards my breasts, he works his expert fingers under the wire and cups my breast, all the time his firm yet soft lips caress my neck, my jaw and my lips. He has the knack of bringing me down from wherever I am, calming me, controlling the panic, rescuing me from the horrible places that my mind takes me.

  “Stand!” He commands and in my normal obliging fashion I do, although I’m not particularly gracious about doing it.

  He expertly undoes the button of my jeans and eases the zip down, he slips his thumbs into my waistband and eases them over my hips and down to my knees, delivering tiny kisses across my stomach as he moves the denim further down, past my calves, I hold onto his shoulders for support as he lifts my one foot and then the other casting aside the garment. He repeats the process with my knickers until I’m standing there in front of him, stripped from the waist down. Inside I’m quivering, my stomach flipping, my heart racing. His face level with my sex, he kisses the once bald area which is now slightly prickly from the re-growth, he pulls away. “You’re going to take care of this?” He growls.

  “Going to get waxed – need to book.” I gasp as I throw my head back, his warm breath alone making me feel so alive.

  “Good.” He looks up at me, smiling mischievously.

  He gets back to what he was doing, I feel so hot, so turned on as he kisses and licks. His hands gradually work their way up the inside of my thighs, I gasp, moaning as his fingers brush against my labia, gently prising my lips apart he brushes my clit, “James.” I whimper, feeling as though I could crumble as I stand in front of him, my knees weak.

  He stands and turns me around, my back to the sofa. He places a gentle kiss on my lips as he guides me to sit down my face now level with his the zip of his jeans. Kneeling in from of me he places his hands on my knees, which he gently pushes apart until he’s between my legs, he leans into me, he’s kissing, lapping and nibbling at my most intimate, private place. The feeling is intense, explosive, making me want more, I gasp as he backs away and stands. Quickly undoing his own jeans, stepping out of them and casting them aside, the boxers are discarded too as he returns to kneeling.

  With his large hands he firmly grabs my backside and pulls me towards the edge of the sofa. He smiles at me, that huge sexy smile, “I love you Alex Drake.” His deep voice rumbles.

  He pulls me closer towards him, I can feel him pushing against me, gradually entering me, filling me completely. Holding onto my hips firmly he moves slowly into me his movements are unhurried as his hands work their way from my backside to my hips and towards my breasts. He bends forward taking a nipple into his mouth, he suckles gently, then grazes the engorged pearl with his teeth gradually sending me further and further towards the edge. He looks at me before increasing his thrusts, we’ve progressed from slow and leisurely to urgent. That look he gives me, looking into me but his face contorted, “Oh Alex. I. Love. You!” He shouts before he explodes within me, I feel him shudder as he collapses upon me, his head resting on my breasts; he just lies there holding so tightly.

  I run my fingers through his curls as his head stays on my chest. We stay like that for what feels like forever, he touches me so gentle, so lightly with his fingertips, across my collar bone and my neck, reigniting the feelings within, I whimper at the excitement coursing through me, the wanting the need for him to be within me again.

  “I take it you liked?” He speaks so quietly, his lips brushing against my cheek.

  “Umm, veerry much!” I whisper.

  “Baby, it’s all about pleasure and I’m here, here to love you, and protect you.” His voice is husky as he continues to holds on so tightly.

  Eventually he stirs, moving from the edge of the sofa before standing and reaching for his clothes.

  “Do you want another drink?” He asks as he dresses.

  “Please. Have you got to go back?” I whine.

  “Really, I should. Why don’t you come with me? You can curl up in my office, then we can both rest tomorrow.” He smiles.

  “Umm. I don’t really want to be here on my own – I suppose so.” I muse. Yes, I think that would be best idea.

  I follow him into the kitchen pulling my jeans up as I go, I watch as he rifles through the fridge, “No strawberries!” He looks at me, his mouth turned down, “You’ve no strawberries!” He reiterates looking like a child that’s had his sweeties taken from him.

  “No, that’s because we came home from Italy this morning and as yet I haven’t had the opportunity to go out and get any. In fact there’s very little in, of anything!” I apologise for the fact that we’ve little fresh food in the cupboards and certainly no strawberries.

  “Come on!” He grabs my hands and drags me along the hall.

  “Where are we going?” I gasp.

  “Shopping, there’s a twenty-four hour Tesco only a couple of miles away. Get your bag and shoes!”

  He waits as I slip on my flats and pick up my bag, before grabbing my hand again and pulling me along an
d out of the house. He jabs at the alarm as we leave and keeps hold of my hand as we walk down the steps. He points the key fob at his Audi as we cross the footpath and opens the door for me. I slide in as he walks around the back of the car and eases himself into the driving seat.

  As starts the engine the car springs to life, the sound going through me, I know very little about cars, in fact hardly anything and only bought this one because I thought it was pretty, now it belongs to James, but the sound the engine makes, well it does things to me!

  He pulls away from the kerb and expertly navigates his way through the dark streets, his unruly curls a complete mess, the result of our lovemaking, the top three buttons of his shirt undone, the double cuffs rolled up and that beautiful golden olive skin, he is truly desirable and as I look at him, the concentration on that perfect face. I still cannot believe how I managed to end up with him. I know the feelings are mutual, he tells me so, frequently, but why? It’s the question I ask myself daily along with a few pinches; just to make sure it’s real!

  He glances at me as he enters the car park of the superstore, grinning as he manoeuvres the car into a space.

  “And we’re just here for strawberries?” I ask.

  “Yup – need some, haven’t had any for…how many days has it been?”

  “About two!” I laugh.

  “Well, we need some. They’re good for you, you know that!” He grins as we both ease ourselves from the car.

  “So you keep reminding me.” I smile back at him.

  He clicks the car shut and we walk to the store entrance grabbing a hand basket as we go. He heads straight for the fruit and vegetable section and proceeds to load his basket with three punnets of their best strawberries. “These are the best ones.” He tells me as he inspects the clear plastic punnet from the bottom as well as through the cellophane top.

  “Cream, we need cream and ice cream, and chocolate sauce!” He sounds so excited at the prospect of his strawberry fix.

  He grabs my hand and we charge at what feels like warp speed to the chilled section where he selects double cream, I then get marched, or more like dragged to the frozen food aisle where he selects a tub of Cornish cream ice cream and finally I’m dragged further to the ambient area where he locates a sachet of Belgium chocolate sauce.


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