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Loving Alex (The Alexandra Drake Series)

Page 11

by Sarah Elizabeth Ashley

  James looks through the window of the little shop, “We need to get you a ring.” He says as his arm creeps around my waist.

  “Is there any rush?” I ask.

  He looks at me, “Yes, there is. You’re going to be mine, I know we’re not telling anyone but I want you to have a ring, as soon as possible!” He smiles and places a little kiss on my cheek. “You are so fucking fuc…” He stops when I put my hand over his mouth.

  “Not in the street,” I whisper, “it’s not right…saying that in the street, anyone could hear. And by the way, I’m not going to be yours, I’ve agreed to marry you, not become your property!” I want to nip this in the bud before we progress with our relationship any further, I’ve been there, belonged to someone before, I’ve even got the badges, well sort of, and I have no intention of going back to that way of life.

  He smiles, “Okay, so not really mine. But we will be together, and I’ll be just as much yours!” He brings his mouth directly to my ear and whispers, “You. Are. So. Fucking. Fuckable!”

  “James Aconi, words fail me, you have to have the last word every time!” I gasp.

  He laughs and pulls me along in the direction of the hotel, “Come on Alex, lets get us a car sorted.”

  We’re quickly back at Reid’s and settled in his office. He opens his laptop and searches for hire cars as I stand behind his big swivel chair. After a few clicks and a phone call we end up with a Jaguar XJR, of course it means nothing at all to me but James explains that it has plenty of room to fit all three of us in, and more if needed. He tells me that it has a supercharged engine, whatever that means and eight valves, I know the Audi had ten and I’m unsure what the extra two will do, but he seems pleased, oh! And it apparently does a hundred and seventy-four miles per hour, should we need it to and the most important bit - the colour, it’s black. It sounds very nice and certainly a little more practical than the Audi.

  I spend the next hour just sitting watching James work, one of my favourite things to do “Did you speak with Robbie, about the General Managers job?” I ask, he hasn’t mentioned it.

  “I did” he looks up at me, “he’s going to talk to his wife before we discuss further. He works permanent nights because she goes out to work too, they’ve a couple of kids and he’s there for them during the day, to take and fetch from school, you know. If he takes this job he would need a pay increase to cover the loss from her wage, I don’t think she earns much, maybe fifteen grand a year, but he would love to do it as long as his wife was able to stay at home.”

  “And what are your thoughts on that?” I ask, as far as I’m concerned it’s do-able.

  “I think we’d be much better off paying extra, giving him a good pay increase than looking for someone new. He knows the job, he’s done it for a few years. We wouldn’t have to go through the pain barrier of training someone new, it’s only the personnel things he’d need to learn about and then either bring in a new Assistant Manager or recruit, promote from within our current staff to cover the unsocial hour bit, or,” he shrugs his shoulders, “however Robbie wants to do things.”

  “Good plan, I agree. I can leave that with you to sort then.” I stand, “Right, I’m going home James. What time will you be back? I’ll cook tonight.”

  “Okay. I’ll be home around eight.”

  I walk over to him placing a kiss on his cheek, “I’ll see you later.” I whisper.

  “I mean every word I said.” He mumbles as he grabs me and pulls me into a deep, passionate kiss.

  “Look, I need to go,” I say quietly, “can you give Archie a bell for me, tell him I’m on my way down?”

  “Okay Blossom, I’m on it.”

  I leave his office and make my way downstairs meeting Archie at the front of the hotel.

  Chapter 9

  Archie drops me back home mid-afternoon and after opening the door and helping me out he heads straight back to the hotel, apparently there’s a run to Heathrow waiting for him.

  I head off up my few steps and into my house. I go straight through to my kitchen, kicking off my shoes as I pass through the hall and drop my bag onto one of the stools at the island. I put the kettle on before going upstairs to change into my comfy yoga pants and a plain t-shirt. Returning to the kitchen I flick through the post that Muriel has stacked neatly for me before checking the clock and deciding that it’s about the right time to check in with Anna, she’s back from California in a couple of days and although we did say we’d talk at the end of the week, I do miss her and feel the need to just say “hello”.

  Using the landline I dial her number and after a moment or two the call connects.

  “Hello.” She answers.

  “Hi Anna, It’s mum. How are you?”

  “I’m fine mum, we said we’d talk at the end of the week,” she sounds annoyed that I’ve called her early.

  “I’m sorry, but I’ve missed you. I’m not interrupting anything am I?” Her tone makes me think that I really shouldn’t have called.

  “No, no you’re fine. I’ve just got up, Katie’s still in bed. We’ve had a lie in today. Are you okay to pick me up on Saturday, our flights due in at twelve?”

  “Yes, not a problem. Are Katie’s parents still picking her up themselves?” I ask, needing confirmation.

  “As far as I know.” She yawns.

  I can hear someone else in the background as she talks, shuffling and I’m sure I can hear a deep voice – a boy!

  “Who’s that I can hear Anna?” I instantly regret asking, I’ve always that as Anna is sensible I would always respect her personal space and never pry.

  “No-one, just a friend, joining us for, for breakfast.” She’s cool and calm.

  “Okay.” It really pains me to let this ride, I know I have to let go, I must let go – she has to have her own life, but a boy clearly in her bed! Oh Lord! I was dreading the day this would happen.

  I decide it’s probably best to let it go now. We must have a mother-daughter chat when she comes home, I know she’s sensible, hell I’m one to talk, but I just need to let her know that if she, well, if she uses contraception then I’m cool with that, yes…I’m going to be a cool mum!

  I let her close our conversation and end the call with, “I love you, can’t wait to see you on Saturday.”

  The rest of the afternoon I spend reviewing some of the documents that I have on the many investments that Maggie made, I also start to look at wedding ideas, something I’d told myself that I wouldn’t do, not just yet anyway. But, well I have agreed to marry, I want to marry him, but at the back of my mind I just keep thinking that maybe it’s too soon, too quick. I try to convince myself that I should start to make plans. We need do to talk about this, I make a mental note to discuss this with him.

  Early evening soon comes around and I prepare some pasta for our supper, I put a bottle of white wine in the fridge to chill and make some garlic bread, it will all cook very quickly once I know that James is on his way. Whilst preparing the meal I call him and go straight through to his voice mail. “Hi Bossman. Let me know when you’re on your way home so that I can have dinner on the table for you. Did the Jaguar get delivered? Love you.” I ring off before going upstairs for a long soak.

  My bath is disturbed by my mobile ringing, I scramble from the bath and wrap a towel around me before lunging for my phone which I had abandoned on our bed, I miss the call but see that it was The Bossman, I call him straight back.

  “Hi Lover.” He answers quickly.

  “Sorry I didn’t get your call, I was in the bath.”

  “Were you? So what are you wearing now Blossom?” He growls.

  Oh, I can have some fun with this. “A towel, and some soapy suds,” I whisper, “i’ve nothing on apart from this white…fluffy towel, ooh I wish you were here with me, you could….pull off the white, fluffy towel and brush away the sudsss.” I tease him in my best husky, sexy voice.

  “Stop it Alex. Stop it now!” He laughs, “You’re…making…hell, Alex. Wh
y’d you have to say that?” He whines.

  “What did you want James?” I ask in a totally normal voice, getting him back for the times that he’s teased me!

  “You Alex Drake, are a big tease, wait until I get home!” He grumbles.

  “So, did you get my message? Have you got your car?”

  “I did and I have. I was on the phone to the police when you called, they have CCTV footage of the Audi being vandalised but none show who did it. It looks like it may have been a woman, from the stature, but they can’t be sure. Anyway, they’re going to keep on asking around and checking. I’ve also heard from the insurance company. They’re going to pay for the re-spray and the new roof, so that’s going ahead.” He’s had a busy afternoon by all accounts, but at least the car is going to be sorted, mended.

  “Good. Will you let me know when you’re on your way home? I’ll have supper waiting for you.” I wander back to the bathroom dripping suds as I go.

  “I will.”

  “See you later James. I love you.” I wait for the response, as if on cue, he tells says the words that I know so well.

  “Not as much as I love you!” He says before killing the call.

  I may as well dry myself now that I’m out the bath. I tidy the bathroom and put my comfortable clothes back on before going downstairs.

  The early evening news finishes and at around 6.45 my mobile rings, checking the screen I see it’s James, I answer, “Hi Blossom, I’m on my way.” He tells me.

  “Okay, I’ll get supper started.” I stand and make my way to the kitchen.

  “No, wait until I get there, there’s no rush – is there?”

  “No, no I’ll wait, if that’s what you want?” I move to the kitchen and start to get everything ready, I reach for two wine glasses and get the wine from the fridge. After only a few minutes I hear the front door open and James strides down the hall to the kitchen, whatever time of day, whatever he’s wearing he looks amazing, truly edible.

  He pulls me away from the island and close to him, kissing me deeply, taking me by surprise. He backs away but holds onto my waist, “I said to wait for supper!” He’s firm as looks down at me, his face looking, longing I suppose. I look up into those eyes of his, his pupils are so wide.

  “I was only getting things ready!” I gasp.

  “I thought we could have a starter.” He grins, that mischievous, sexy grin. “God, Alex – you are such a fucking turn on!”

  He lifts me and I giggle at being lifted from the ground, he gently places me on the island, with his forearm he brushes away some post and bits and pieces that had been left rather untidily. He parts my legs with his and stands between them, moving his big hands around my waist. I can feel his arousal straining beneath his trousers, pulling me so close and brushes my lips with his. He kisses me deeply his tongue gently lapping my bottom lip, his hand travelling under my t-shirt and up my spine, gently brushing his fingertips against my skin sending shivers through me. “No bra,” he mutters against my mouth, “that’s good!”

  He moves his hand to my breast squeezing gently, he kisses me again and whilst his thumb brushes over my engorged nipple he whispers, “I missed you.”

  “Not as much as I missed you. I’ve been quite lonely this afternoon.” I say quietly.

  “Well, I’m here now baby.” His voice is so husky.

  His fingers travel down my body slowly until he reaches the waistband of my yoga pants, hooking his thumbs into the elasticated band he gradually eases them over my bum, I wriggle to help him as he drags them down my legs, he kneels pulling them off around my feet. He kisses the tops of my feet and trails gentle little kisses up the inside of my calves and knees drawing himself up until he’s standing, replacing his kisses with gentle touches as his fingertips work their way up the inside of my thighs to my knickers, part my new lacy Elle McPherson set. “I like these…but they have to go!” His voice is so sensual as his hands grip my hips, he holds me close, just holding on so tenderly his lips brush against my neck as he draws my knickers down my legs in the same fashion as the yoga pants were lost.

  “I am so desperate for this Blossom! Hard and fast?” He growls.

  “Is that a question or a statement?” I whisper back.

  He half laughs, “A statement! You ready?”

  “Umm, I am.” I say so quietly, brushing my lips against his ear.

  He takes a few steps back, away from me and quickly loses his trousers and black boxers, tossing them in the same direction as my discarded clothing. Returning, he pulls me to the edge of the work surface, I see that huge length of his pointing directly at me, I swear if it could talk it would be shouting that it was coming to get me!

  “Ready?” He asks, his eyes focussed on mine.

  “Oh yes!” I gasp.

  Wrapping one arm around my waist he gradually guides himself into my core, he finds a gentle rhythm and moves both arms around me, holding on so tightly. He tucks his face into my shoulder and gently kisses my neck, sucking and nipping. His rhythm increases as he begins to pound, I whimper, “God James….Oh James!” I cry out as I lean back, his big hands and powerful arms steady me. I’m ready to explode and moan loudly, whimpering at the edge of my climax.

  “Hold on Blossom, not yet. Wait. For. Me!” He demands between breaths.

  His thrusting continues, as he drives into me, “Now, Alex baby now!” He shouts as we climax together. I grip his arms through his shirt and hold on for dear life as my muscles clench him, drawing him in further.

  My darling James holds onto me for a while before he backs away and bends to collect his boxers. He reaches for my hand, “Shower?”.

  “Umm, please.”

  He helps me down from the work surface and holds my hand as we walk to our bedroom and the en-suite. I clip my hair up before we shower together, he is so gentle, caring and thoughtful, sponging me down with my coconut body wash and rinsing the bubbles away before washing himself.

  I towel myself dry and dress again, “I’ll go and get supper ready.”

  “I’ll be down in a few minutes.” He stands with a towel around his waist just watching me as I leave our bedroom.

  I wander down to the kitchen and pour two glasses of wine before setting about preparing the meal. James follows me after just a few minutes looking delightful as ever in his jeans and white t-shirt, he picks up his wine and walks behind me as I stand at the hob, “Can I help?” His arm draped loosely around my waise.

  “You can put the bread in the oven,” I wave my hand between the garlic bread and the oven.

  Helping in the kitchen is something that Lewis would never have dreamed of, it’s refreshing. He reaches for the garlic bread and places it on a baking tray which he pops into the oven. “Anything else?”

  “No, it’s all sorted.” I stand at the hob, wooden spoon in one hand, wine in the other. The picture of true domestic bliss.

  Whilst we wait for the food to cook he holds me close. “So, what’s the new car like, do you like it?” I ask casually.

  “Really good! I like it, although not as much as the R8 – that is one mean car!”

  “Well, at least we’ve four seats for when we go and collect Anna. We haven’t got to borrow the Mercedes now!” I feel so bad that Lewis, and let’s not beat around the bush, we know it was him, vandalised James’ car. This divorce is nothing to do with James, nothing at all.

  We eat our food and watch a little TV together before heading off to bed quite early. I’ve a busy day tomorrow, although James has no idea what I’ve planned, it’s going to be quite a surprise I’m sure.

  Chapter 10

  I wake wrapped in James’ arms, it’s early and despite it still being summer the late August days are drawing in very gradually, from both ends. It only seems a few weeks ago that the sun woke me at five, now as I glance at the clock I see that it’s gone seven and although light it’s really rather dull out there.

  I peel myself out of James’ arms and use the bathroom. Slipping my ro
be on as I walk back into our bedroom I lift the blind slightly, it’s raining – no wonder it’s so dull, a typical British summer! I glance at James who has shifted but is still very much asleep. Lying on his back he’s breathing so gently, his arm outstretched where I left it, his curls anyhow.

  Walking to the kitchen and make tea and black coffee. It’s a big day for me today, although nobody knows why. Part of me is scared absolutely terrified, worried and another part of me can’t wait!

  I take the drinks upstairs to our room and place James’ coffee on his bedside table, I remove my robe and climb back into bed and sit up against the pillows, as I turn on the TV James stirs beside me, “Morning.” He croaks.

  “Good morning sleepyhead.” I smile.

  “What’s the time?”

  “A little after 7.30,” I bend towards him and place a gentle kiss on his forehead.

  “Come here.” He pulls me down towards him, dragging me back down into the bed, holding me so close. We lie, facing each other, “What are your plans today?” He mutters as he kisses my neck.

  “Well, I have an appointment this morning and then I’m seeing Nial this afternoon, you’re still coming along, aren’t you?”

  “I said I would, so I will. I don’t want you going there on your own.” He brushes a stray hair from my face. “Where are you going this morning?”

  “It’s private. I’ll tell you later, when I’ve been.” I don’t like being secretive at all but this is a surprise and no doubt if I were to tell James where I was going, what I was planning he would insist on coming with me or stop be going altogether. I don’t want that, I want to go and I want to go on my own.

  “No, tell me!” He pushes me onto my back and kneels above me, tickling my waist, I laugh not because I’m ticklish but because of the stupid faces he’s pulling at me as he tries to extract the information of my morning appointment which I flatly I refuse to tell.

  He gives up after a few minutes and after hearing something that attracts his attention on the morning news. Reaching for his coffee he takes a drink before sliding his long legs to the side of the bed and out into the bathroom leaving me sitting there all on my own, contemplating the day ahead. I need to chat with Muriel, something was wrong yesterday, she was totally off. I haven’t a clue what the problem is, I just hope it’s nothing that I’ve done!


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