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Losing Emma (A Divisa Novella) (Divisa Series)

Page 3

by Weil, J. L.

  She smiled sweetly at him, everything about her was sweet. “Absolutely. Let’s get out of here.”

  “Have you been to the Village Diner? We could get some pie.” he asked as they weaved through the bustling halls.

  “That sounds amazing.” And every calorie would go to her butt.

  The Village Diner was the most popular hangout for Hall High students and homage to the American teenager. There was a very good possibility that the place had been there since the beginning of time. No joke and it showed. But that was all part of its appeal.

  She barely noticed the chill in the November air, not when her entire body was humming. Unable to take her eyes off him, she noticed how he moved with such a carefree ease. A good foot taller than her, she felt so small beside him, and safe. He made her feel like nothing in the world would hurt her.

  Holding the door open, her pattering heart sighed. The only guy who ever made such a gesture had been her dad. It would take a lot more than being a gentleman to get her dad’s approval.

  Taking a booth in the corner, she couldn’t help but notice that all eyes were on them, and the lively chatter had died.

  Oookay. That was strange.

  A very plain and round woman greeted them dryly. “What can I get you?” she asked, pulling a pen out of her messy bun. Her crooked nametag read Betsy. Well Betsy was dull and surly.

  Travis didn’t seem to notice. “You have got to try the peach cobbler, best in the state,” he suggested.

  “Hmm, that sounds good. I’ll have one of those and coffee also,” she ordered to a frowning Betsy. What was with this place?

  “I’ll have the same,” he stated without even looking up. He kept his eyes affixed on her. Totally hot, and probably suited the huffy Betsy who turned on her heels to put the order in.

  “She’s not going to spit on our food or something?” Emma asked as soon as Betsy was out of earshot.

  Travis laughed. “I don’t think there is much going on up there. Our food should be safe.” But how safe was Emma? He couldn’t seem to stop staring at her face. Such perfect complexion, her cheeks colored from the wind and her eyes bright green like rolling meadows.

  Tilting her head, she met his gaze dead-on. “Weird. The last time I was here, I thought everyone was so friendly.”

  If she only knew.

  Cripes, he could look at her for hours. And then she would think he was a freak. Forcing himself to tear his eyes from hers, he glanced around the room. He didn’t want to scare her off. “So where did you live before moving to Spring Valley?”

  She was disappointed when he broke the trance. “Everywhere.”

  Burrowing his brows together, he waited for her to elaborate. There was defiantly a story behind that one word, and he didn’t have to wait long.

  “My dad’s job is constantly relocating him. I have lived in twelve different states and have been to seven different schools if you can believe that.”

  He could hear the sadness and longing just under the surface. The moving around wasn’t something she enjoyed, and he couldn’t say he blamed her. He had lived in Spring Valley his entire life. “What does he do?” he asked, curious.

  “The million dollar question. Would you believe that I don’t really have the foggiest idea? It’s very hush-hush. After awhile I stopped asking and just resented the fact that it always took me away from any friends I was finally able to make. I can’t help but hope that Abi doesn’t grow up like that.”

  “Abi?” The smile came easily on her lips. He could immediately tell how much she cared for Abi. It showed on every line in her face.

  “Oh. Abigail is my little sister. She’s three and such a little monkey.” There was affection in her tone. “I just want her to be able to have a normal life.”

  Oh he could relate. He never thought they would have anything in common, looked like he had a lot more to learn about her than what was at the surface. “I feel the same way about Lexi,” he said. Then he realized what he said, she made it easy to drop his guard. He needed to be much more careful for Emma’s own good.

  “You do? I think I have an art class with Lexi, but I’ve never really talk to her.”

  Luckily Betsy came back with their pies and coffee saving him from having to reply. Loading her coffee with cream, they both reached for the sugar at the same time, and the electric current that went through his system was unexpected.

  Clearing his throat, he stirred his coffee. “So how long have you been dancing?” he asked, swiftly changing the topic.

  She swallowed a bite of peach cobbler. “Since I could walk,” she replied, waving her fork. A piece of crust flung on the table. “Sorry,” she giggled. “I get a little animated over food. This is really good.”

  “Best in the state,” he repeated, grinning. “So you dance at the studio in town?”

  “Yep. You should come and watch sometime. I give lessons also afterschool.”

  She blew on her steaming mug, and his stomach tightened. Her lips were begging him to kiss them, or so his body was telling him.

  Focus, he scolded himself. “Are you implying that I could use a lesson?”

  “If the shoe fits…” she teased, loving the light in his sea colored eyes.

  “You’re probably right. I could use a few pointers.”

  She laughed. “Somehow I doubt that. That smile just has way too much confidence in it for you to not be good at everything.”

  “Was that a compliment?” Somehow during the exchange he had unconsciously linked their hands. Glancing at their join fingers, he was jolted with heat, and he could feel his demon bubbling to the surface. Touching her was hypnotic. “When do I get to see you again?” he asked, drawing lazy circles with his thumb. He watched as her forest green eyes darkened.

  Just his thumb was enough to drive her to crazy diversion. Her body was singing. “Tomorrow at school,” she said, her voice clouded with emotion.

  His fingers fiddle with hers on the table, watching her eyes change. “That doesn’t seem soon enough.”

  She let a whoosh of air. “You’re telling me.” The room was thick with the tension building between them. Her hormones were on total overdrive, and he hadn’t even kissed her. And boy did she want him to kiss her. She didn’t even care if it was in the middle of the diner with the whole town watching, she just wanted to lose herself in him.

  “I’m really glad you bumped into me Em,” his tone was seductive.

  If he only knew. “Me too.” She absolutely loved hearing her shortened name on his lips, intimate and exclusive to him.

  She was far from ready to leave as he walked her to her car. It felt like it was ending before it really had a chance to begin. Leaning against her little red Eclipse, she struggled how to end whatever this was. A date?

  Reaching around to open her door, he trapped her body against his. Instantaneously her mind when blank, but her body came alive. She had never been this hyperaware before.

  And God, he smelled like sex on a stick. Yummy.

  When he pulled back, their bodies were still touching, and she watched fascinated as his turquoise eyes flicked gold. She didn’t know how he did that, but it was hot, really hot.

  Travis thought he could handle this. Boy was he wrong. Dead wrong.

  Not only was every fiber in his being screaming for possession, he wasn’t certain he would be able to control it. Control had always been Lex’s thing.

  He leaned into her close, unable to resist the temptation she offered. Her lips parted.

  She swore her body shimmered with need. She never experienced need before, at least not this all-consuming and raw need.

  “See you tomorrow Em.” He brushed a tendril behind her ear, when what he wanted to do was bury his face into the mass of silky strands, and dive his fingers through it. She was ripe and edible, and he was aching for a taste. Starving.

  Without waiting for her to answer, he pealed himself away from her and bolted to his car using too much demon speed.

nbsp; Shit.

  He was never so careless or rude. Rude was all Chase.

  Alone in her car, she waited a minute to steady herself. That had been exactly what she was missing, what she dreamt of as fairytale love.


  She could easily fall in love with Travis. It would be utterly effortless. Already she was grieving his absence. That couldn’t possibly be normal, but when had anything in her life been normal?

  Looking at the clock, she noticed that it was later than she thought. Her mom would be wondering where she was. Crap. Putting the idling car in gear, she headed home.

  “How was practice?” her mom asked when she walked through the door.

  Emma paused at the banister with her gym bag over her shoulder. “Exhausting.” She was far too good at lying. “I think I’ll go to bed early,” she informed. What she wanted was the privacy of her room. She couldn’t get Travis out of her head, or the gleeful feeling she was still riding on.

  Her mom’s hazel eyes got the motherly glow. “You work yourself to hard Emma.”

  I wonder why. Could it be because her dad pushed her to be the best? Get the best grades. Be the best dancer. Be the idea daughter.

  “I’m fine,” she insisted, climbing the stairs. Actually for the first time, she was better than fine. She was ecstatic.

  “I’ll bring you a snack later,” her mom called from the bottom of the staircase.

  “Thanks mom,” she returned.

  Behind her bedroom door, she plopped on the pink and lace bed. Emma was anything but tired, she was charged. Tossing in her earbuds, she pumped out a playlist on her iPod and daydreamed about Travis. His alluring eyes and the little things she was just remembering.

  There was something different about Travis. And it wasn’t just his good looks.

  Chapter 5

  Outside Travis waited until he saw the low burning light in her window. He took a deep gulp of the frozen night air. She was safe. Making his way back to the car he parked on the side of the road, he kept a careful eye for anything demon related. It looked like a quiet night, just how he liked it.

  The ride home was short and would have been quicker if he had run. But he tried to stay as humanly grounded as possible, not wanting to give any more power to his demon so to speak. It was bad enough he had to live with it. Constantly using those perks felt like losing parts of his human self and sort of cheating.

  And he desperately wanted to be normal.

  Pushing open the front door, he inhaled the familiar scents of family and home. Here was the only place he could truly be himself and let go. No worrying about accidentally slipping up, doing something at uber speeds or hiding the hurt of rejection. Here with Lex and Chase, he was Travis without labels.

  “And where were you?” Lex asked, watching him shed his coat. “Wait I already know. Creeping around Emma Deen’s no doubt.”

  “No,” he replied, grinning. “Well not the whole time, and I’m not creeping.”

  She folded her arms and pursed her painted lips.

  His sister could be such a pain in the tushie when she wanted to be. “Fine, whatever, so I’m a peeping tom now.”

  “Really Travis. And dad says I’m the dramatic one. I heard a rumor today,” she taunted him in her singsong voice.

  Running an irritated hand through his hair, he replied.” Lex I don’t have time for your games.”

  She turned, putting her arms on the back of the couch loving every second she tortured him. “Oh but this one is about your little obsession.”

  “Lexi,” he growled.

  “For God sake,” Chase rumbled from the stairs. “Everyone at school is buzzing about Emma asking you out today. Apparently the two of you were seen at the Village Diner.” He lifted his brow, daring his cousin to deny it.

  Lexi pouted. “Chase,” she whined. “You stole my thunder.”

  “It was nothing,” Travis grumbled.

  “Real-l-y,” Lexi dragged out. “So you didn’t almost kiss her in the parking lot?”

  “What is with you two?” Travis complained.

  Chase leaned against the arm of the couch smirking. He loved to see his cousin squirm but enough was enough. This had to stop before it got out of control. “Look now you have had your little fun. It’s time to let it go before things get dangerous.”

  He knew his cousin was right, but the idea of not seeing her again was like asking him not to breathe. There was just no way he could do it. It was probably a good idea to keep that little bit to himself. Who the hell knew what his cousin would plot.

  “I told you it was nothing. There is no need to get all parental,” Travis insisted.

  Lexi didn’t believe a word he said. She knew her brother, and he wasn’t about to let this go. You don’t spend the last six months spying on a beautiful girl for nothing. What a wad of crap. Either her brother was stupid or lying.

  She was going with liar.

  And she wasn’t the problem. Chase was going to be Travis’s obstacle here, not her, and she definitely didn’t want to be around when that demon storm struck.

  Zipping to his room, he left the two of them scowling behind him. He knew they meant well and worried about being discovered, all Divisa’s were. With Emma, his gut was telling him that she was different; she was more than just some girl.

  Today was a day he never thought would happen. Not once had she shied away from him, she wasn’t afraid. Never had this happened, not that he had ever heard of. Divisa’s do not intermingle with humans. They were too afraid of the demon that lived within them. There was an internal warning that made people leering of them. It affected Lexi the most. His sister longed for people interaction, and it broke his heart that she was so lonely.

  Staring at the ceiling, he cursed the all demons from hell and for being crapped on by them. Not only did they not give two shits about them, they also frequently tried to kill them. Talk about dysfunctional family.

  Fisting a handful of sheets, Travis realized he had to find a way to be with Emma and keep her safe. The alternative tore him to pieces.


  Emma felt a zing brush over her shoulder and spread through her limbs. Glancing to her right, she almost dropped her tray as her eyes stumbled into Travis’s gemstones.

  “Here let me take that,” he offered, taking the unsteady plate from her grasp.

  Her eyes widened in surprise. A nice surprise. “What are you doing here?”

  Balancing one in each hand, he maneuvered around the tables, choosing one in the corner away from all the cafeteria noise. “I had to see you,” he grinned, rocking her world.

  She needed to sit before she fell off her feet. Her legs had suddenly gone to water. Dropping into the seat, she fumbled with the stem on her apple, giving her jumping heart time to relax.

  It had been only an hour since she had seen him at the end of study hall, but she knew what he meant, just being near him felt right. Like the universe was in perfect alignment.

  “You skipped class to see me?” Her voice sounded astonished. She was flattered and extremely happy he had.

  “I hope you don’t mind.” There was this rushed feeling inside him ever since study hall. He just had to see her face. See her smile. Smell her. Now that she was right in front of him, he wanted to be anywhere but here, in front of hundreds of prying eyes. A quick scan of the room, and he was shot flaming daggers by Chase, and Lexi just looked pleased.


  He was going to get an earful from Chase tonight, something to look forward to. At least his evening wouldn’t be boring.

  Mind? Emma thought. Who was he kidding? The more time she got to spend with him the better. There weren’t enough hours in the day as far as she was concerned. “No not at all. Aren’t you going to get into trouble?”

  He smirked confidently. “Are you kidding? Not a chance. I have shop with Mr. Burke. Half the time he isn’t even there.” He also used his mad skills in persuasion, best to keep that little tidbit to himself.
/>   She played with her food, pushing it around the plate, suddenly aware of how many eyes they had on them. It always seemed that no matter where they went, people were staring. Was it that unusual for them to be together? And that got her thinking… “How come you’ve never talked to me before?” The question had been burning on her mind since yesterday. They had gone from stolen glances to skipping classes within twenty-four hours. That was definitely an about-face, though she wasn’t complaining. This was more than she had wished for.

  His eyes twinkled. “I didn’t think you noticed me.”

  She choked on her water. Not notice him. Was he insane? There wasn’t a girl at Hall High that didn’t notice Travis Winters. “You’re joking?” She had only spent the entire forty-five period of study hall for the last fourth months eye raping him.

  He shrugged. “You’re different than what I thought.” Okay so it wasn’t utterly untrue he knew she watched him, it was more that he thought she wouldn’t want to be near him. She was different.

  Watching him pop a fry in his mouth, she thought that he had the most delicious mouth on the planet. “You are impossible to ignore,” she said softly.

  He grinned at her, and his dimples lit up the room. “Yeah I get that a lot.”

  No doubt.

  Picking a french fry off his plate, she tossed it at him. “I just bet you do,” she replied, smiling.

  Stretching out his legs under the length of the small table, he asked. “What are you doing after school?”

  “Umm.” His leg brushed up against hers, and she lost her train of thought. Heat scorched through material, and the blood started to swim her veins, all from his legs leaning on hers. What was the question? She fumbled in her thoughts for an answer. Dancing. That’s what she was doing. “I have to go to the studio,” she finally managed.

  He watched as the tiny flecks of green in her eyes deepened and darkened, he was pleased. It wouldn’t be fair if he was the only one suffering here. Not when he was fighting the urge to lean over the table and take possession of those pink lips. With difficulty he refocused his thoughts. “What about this weekend? There somewhere I want to show you.”


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