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Midnight Reckoning

Page 23

by Rebecca Deel

  Sophie’s cheeks reddened. “I’m not taking Brent into the bathroom with me. And you know I almost live in there these days.”

  “Angel’s just down the hall,” Brent said. “She’ll go with Sophie.”

  Angel Ramirez. Bodyguard extraordinaire. Micah had contemplated asking her out a few months back. He was glad the timing never worked out. He couldn’t imagine anything more uncomfortable than having his wife meet a former date. “Angel will take care of you, baby. If anything happens, do everything she says, no questions.”

  “Fine.” Fear sparked in her gorgeous eyes. “Aren’t I safe here with all these security people?”

  “You’re safe. However, no security is foolproof. All we can do is raise the odds against a breach. I won’t be long.” Micah straightened and eyed Brent. No words, but a clear directive to keep his woman and son safe. After receiving a solemn nod, he left.


  “Do you need anything, Sophie?”

  “A bladder bigger than a thimble or a crane for leverage would be nice.”

  Brent laughed. “I’m fresh out of both, beautiful.”

  “In that case, I would appreciate help out of this woman-eating couch and an escort to the bathroom.”

  “Sure thing.” Brent grabbed his phone. “Angel, my office please.” He dropped the handset in the cradle and rounded his desk.

  Sophie clasped his extended arm and let him pull her from the depths of the couch. Once she was balanced, she released Brent’s arm.

  Before she stepped away, Brent grabbed her left hand and lifted it to inspect her rings. “New bling, beautiful?” His twinkling gaze met hers. “I assume Micah has a matching one.”

  She nodded, face burning.

  “Congratulations, Sophie. I wish you and Micah all the best. He’s a very lucky man.”

  A brisk knock sounded. Brent’s door swung open to reveal a tall, slender brunette with long hair flowing down her back.

  “Angel, this is Sophie Winter, Micah’s wife. Accompany her to the restroom. Stay with her. Protective detail.”

  Angel nodded, shifted her curious gaze to Sophie. “This way, Mrs. Winter.”

  In the hallway, her escort constantly scanned the surroundings, right hand close to her holstered weapon. “You married our favorite Secret Service agent?”

  “You know Micah?”

  “Our paths crossed a few times. Great guy.”

  Sophie smiled. “He’s amazing.”

  “How long have you and Micah been married?”

  “What time is it?”

  Angel looked startled for a second. “A little after six.”

  “Five hours, then.”

  “I don’t understand.”

  Sophie laughed. “Micah and I have been married for five hours.”

  “Oh, wow. Congratulations. And the baby’s due soon?”

  “Not soon enough.”

  Angel grinned as she opened the bathroom door. “That’s what my sister says. She’s carrying twins.”

  Sophie’s heart squeezed. She would give almost anything to share this conversation with Sierra. Times like this reminded her of the enormity of her loss. She always believed Sierra would be her maid of honor. They vacationed together, shopped together, shed tears together when Sierra realized she and David would never be able to have children of their own.

  “Hey, you okay?”

  Sophie glanced at her escort. “Yeah, sorry. I lost my twin sister a few months ago in a car accident. At times like this, I really miss her.”

  “I’m so sorry.” Angel grimaced. “Must be rough, especially since Micah lost his brother a few months back.” She walked into the bathroom ahead of Sophie and checked to make sure the stalls were empty before she allowed her into the room. “I’ll wait in the hall. Take your time.”

  Sophie stared at the closed door for a few seconds. Evidently, Angel didn’t know David and Sierra were married. She caught a glimpse of her face in the mirror. The sadness in her heart reflected on her expression. Nathan picked that time to squirm, as if reminding his mother of all she had to look forward to in the near future.

  She shook off her melancholy mood and turned away from the mirror. She had much to be thankful for. She might have lost her sister, but she’d gained a family in Micah and Nathan.


  Micah stared at his wife, stunned at the transformation. He’d always thought Sophie beautiful, but nothing prepared him for the breathtaking woman walking through Brent’s doorway, followed by Angel who carried a bag.

  Brent whistled his appreciation.

  Sophie smiled at his friend. Her gaze shifted back to Micah, uncertainty glittering in the depths of her eyes. He’d heard his mother and sister talk about women glowing during pregnancy but didn’t understand the concept before now. His wife’s radiance rendered him speechless, but he needed to find words fast to express what he thought. Although unsure what they might face tonight, Micah knew his wife needed every ounce of confidence she possessed. And that was his job right now.

  Micah crossed the office to her side, his gaze taking in the sequined maternity top, pants, and flats, all in black. He didn’t know what she did to her eyes, but they seemed larger, more luminescent with some kind of smoky color on her lids, her jewelry simple and elegant. A zing of satisfaction swirled through him. His choice of wedding band and engagement ring was perfect for her hand. That she loved them pleased and amused him in equal parts. As her husband, he wanted to warn other men off his mate. He was amused at himself for being so pleased that he’d provided his cat burglar a diamond she appreciated for its aesthetics and sentiment.

  He lifted her left hand and kissed her just above the rings he’d placed on her finger a few hours earlier. “You are breathtaking, Sophie. I’ll have to stay by your side all night or the other men attending this party might steal you from me.” He leaned close and whispered in her ear. “And I don’t share, baby.”

  She smiled. A flush of pleasure at his words pinked her cheeks.

  He retained her hand in his and turned to Brent. “What’s the plan?”

  “Lily is bringing her car around. She’ll fall back and see if she spots a tail. She’ll find you at the party. I’ve already contacted Mrs. Graham and obtained permission for Lily to attend.” Brent grinned. “She won’t hold a candle to Sophie, but she cleans up good.”

  “The rest of your team?”

  “We’ll be there if you need us.”

  Micah took Sophie’s bag from Angel. “Thanks for watching over Sophie.”

  “No problem. Good luck to both of you.” With a smile at Sophie, she left.

  Brent strapped on his shoulder harness, slipped in his Glock and grabbed his jacket. “Time to rock and roll, kids.”


  Music and laughter drifted into the starry night as Micah escorted Sophie up the stairs to the Graham’s three-story cabin. The front door opened. An elderly gentlemen smiled and waved them inside.

  “Come in, Sophie, dear. You look lovely tonight. Nelda will be so pleased you’re here.”

  “Thank you, Mr. Graham. You’re sweet to say that.”

  He bent down and bussed Sophie’s cheek. “We were sorry to hear about Sierra,” he said softly. “She will be greatly missed personally and professionally. We considered her to be almost a daughter.” A slight smile curved his lips. “She and I had similar tastes in certain areas.”

  She smiled. “You do have exquisite taste in jewelry, but your finest acquisition is Nelda.”

  A chuckle from their host. “Very true, my dear. Now, who is this young man? I don’t believe we’ve met.”

  “This is Micah Winter, my husband.”

  Graham extended his hand. “Nice to meet you, Mr. Winter.” He studied Micah’s face. “Winter. Is the last name just a coincidence?”

  “No, sir. David was my brother.”

  “Then allow me to extend my condolences to you as well. Always such a great tragedy when we lose loved ones, especially when
they’re young. Please, both of you come in and speak to Nelda a minute. You’ll find her on the second floor in the banquet room. She’s been anxious for Sophie to arrive.”

  He had to hand it to the guy. He did old world charm better than Micah’s father. No wonder society movers and shakers ignored Graham’s predilection for lifting fine jewelry. Micah escorted Sophie past Graham and scowled. People packed the mansion. Security was a joke. This was a jewel thief’s paradise. Glitters everywhere and no guards in evidence. Anybody could walk off the street and crash this party without anyone being the wiser.

  “I don’t like this,” he said in Sophie’s ear. “No way to keep track of who’s coming or going.”

  “Guess you’ll have to stay close.” Sophie grasped the handrail and began the climb to the second floor.

  He had no intention of straying more than a few inches from her side. Already he’d noticed more than one man tracking Sophie’s progress across the crowded floor and ascending the staircase. Micah cupped her elbow to provide extra stability as she climbed. One woman moved too close and he inserted himself between his wife and a potential threat, even if the threat was to Sophie’s balance.

  On the second floor landing, he wrapped his arm around Sophie’s lower back and tucked her against his side. “I shouldn’t have worried about you walking off. You can’t take two steps without running into somebody in this place.”

  “You probably could, but it’s impossible with this belly. How will we find Lily with all these people?”

  “Don’t worry. She’ll find us.” Micah pulled out his phone and texted their location to the female bodyguard. He scanned the crowded hallway. People milled around, pausing to visit a group of other people for a few words, then moving to another. Despite the groups shifting around them, a steady stream of foot traffic flowed in and out of the double doors at each end of a large room. Must be the ballroom.

  Big band music drifted from the room, mixing with laughter and conversations in the large hallway. Another staircase at the other end of the hall must lead to the third floor. The heady aroma of flowers and perfume swirled in a whirlpool. He could almost see waves of heat rising from the glossy hardwood floor so great was the press of bodies.

  He leaned close. “Let’s find our hostess.” The sooner they dispatched that duty, the better he’d feel. He suspected Nelda’s party was just getting cranked up and Sophie shouldn’t be standing for long periods of time. So far, he hadn’t seen many places for her to sit and rest. He didn’t want her feet and ankles to swell. Besides, the back of his neck itched, a sure sign someone other than Brent’s people had them under surveillance.

  In reflex, he tightened his grip on Sophie’s hip. Micah ushered his wife into the ballroom and guided her to the side against the wall. He quartered the room. Frustration built. Wall-to-wall people laughing or talking. In the center of the room, couples danced to music popular during World War II.

  “Is something wrong, Micah?” Sophie’s eyes were shadowed with worry.

  Micah bent and placed a gentle kiss on her lips. “Someone’s watching us, love.”

  Her eyebrow rose. “How can you tell with all these people?”

  “I feel it.” He perused the room again. And there, in the right corner, stood William Abbott, gaze fixed on them. He nodded at the glowering detective, then raised Sophie’s hand to his lips. “Look at me and smile, Sophie.”

  “Do you see them?”

  “Abbott’s in the right corner, watching us. I want you to focus on my face, baby.” He hated the fine tremble rolling through her body. “Lily should be here soon. When she arrives, she’s going to act as if she’s a friend who hasn’t seen you in a while. We’ll greet Nelda together.”

  “Is Abbott working security tonight?”

  “If he is, he’s doing a lousy job. More likely, Abbott’s hoping for a lucky break.”

  “What kind?”

  “If we’re wrong and he’s clean, he’ll watch people interact with Nelda, note names and observations for an interview later. He may be looking for a chance to talk to us again.” Wouldn’t be easy in a press like this. Can’t say that disappointed him. Micah didn’t like what he’d seen earlier in the day from Abbott. Suspicion he could deal with, but animosity and that heated look in his eyes when the detective contemplated searching Sophie set off alarms in Micah’s head.

  “Maybe we should talk to him, give him the chance to ask whatever he wants. I don’t want him coming after you too.” Sophie flinched and pressed a hand to her stomach.

  “You okay?”


  His heart jumped into his throat. “What?” Micah laid his palm over hers. “You’re in labor?” He needed to get her out of here. He’d had the requisite first aid and field medic training, but he didn’t want to deliver his own son. Just the possibility made him ill. With the roads refreezing, the journey to the hospital promised to be a long one.

  She shook her head. “Braxton Hicks contractions. They’re practice ones for the real event. I’ve been having them on and off for days. I’ll have more the closer I get to delivering Nathan.”

  “We should take you to a hospital to be sure.” His face burned, anxiety searing a hole in his gut. Where was Lily? How fast did babies make an appearance? Every story he’d ever read about women having babies in vehicles by the roadside raced through his mind. And this was early. What if Nathan had problems, breathing issues or something?

  “Micah.” Sophie’s soft hands bracketed his face. “I’m fine. The contraction is already gone. No regular pattern. If that changes, you’ll be the first person I tell.”

  Micah pressed his sweaty forehead to hers and dragged in a steadying breath. “I’ve faced snipers, terrorists, and home-grown thugs without much rise in my heart rate. But this father business might do me in.”

  Quiet laughter soothed his ragged emotions. Not ragged nerves. He’d been a Secret Service agent for over a decade. He didn’t suffer from ragged nerves. Ever. Must be some other explanation for his shaking hands and unsteady breathing.

  “You’re going to be a fantastic father.”

  “Are you kidding? The first time Nathan falls or skins his knee, I’ll probably break every speed law getting to Vanderbilt for a bandage. And you might have to hold me back the first time a kid throws a punch at him.”

  “What about the first girl to break his heart?”

  His eyebrow shot up. “He’s a Winter. He’ll be the one breaking hearts. Women don’t stand a chance against our charm. I won you over, didn’t I?”

  Sophie grinned. “That you did, against all odds.”

  “Hey, guys. Interesting discussion. How’s it going?” Lily’s wry voice alerted them to her arrival. She gave Sophie a quick hug and Micah a platonic kiss on the cheek. Amusement danced in her eyes.

  Micah didn’t know what he’d expected from the small dynamo, but it wasn’t the little black dress with sky-high heels which accentuated her killer legs. Her hair drifted in a soft wavy cloud around her face and shoulders. Brent hadn’t exaggerated. Lily fit in with all the glamorous women in attendance tonight.

  “Hi, Lily.” Sophie smiled. “You look incredible.”

  “I feel like a Barbie doll.”

  Micah didn’t want to tell her within striking distance that she looked like a miniature Barbie. If some guy made a move on her tonight, he’d get a painful surprise.

  “These shoes already kill my feet. Give me fatigues and boots any day over this costume. Why do women do this to themselves?”

  Sophie laughed. “Think of it as camouflage. You fit in among the glamorous so you can watch over me and Nathan.”

  Lily scanned the room, noting exits, band placement. A subtle shift in her body to more fully cover Sophie told him she identified Abbott though she didn’t react in a way the detective would notice. Finished with her visual circuit, she addressed Micah. “Has he approached you?”

  “A matter of time or opportunity. I don’t want him to have e

  “Agreed. What’s the plan?”

  “Introduce you to Nelda Graham and keep people between Sophie and Abbott. If that’s impossible, we need an evasion plan.”

  Micah guided Sophie away from the wall. Lily positioned herself on Sophie’s other side. He circled the room away from the detective, peripheral vision on Abbott as they navigated the sea of people at the edge of the dance floor.

  They approached their hostess, seated at a round table. Her lavender dress sparkled under lights from three ornate chandeliers illuminating the room. On her white hair rested a sparkling tiara. Were the beautiful gemstones in the tiara real? If so, the wealth resting on her head was beyond his ability to calculate.

  “Sophie, Micah. So glad you made it. And just in time. Let’s unveil Sierra’s portrait.” Nelda rose and signaled the band leader. After receiving an acknowledgment, she clasped Sophie’s hand. “Would you like to help me with the portrait, dear?”

  Sophie looked to him, a question in her eyes.

  “It should be safe,” he said. “We’ll be close.”

  She smiled at the older woman. “I’d be honored. Thank you for allowing me to be part of Sierra’s gift.”

  “Come this way.” Nelda led Sophie to a cloth-covered easel in front of the raised platform where the band ended their latest number to scattered applause and a general clearing of the floor.

  Micah and Lily flanked Sophie. He kept an eye on Abbott. Sophie didn’t need a confrontation in front of hundreds of witnesses.

  Nelda thanked her guests for coming and introduced Sophie. Together, they lifted the covering from the portrait. Gasps of appreciation sounded throughout the ballroom, followed by applause. A bittersweet moment for Sophie had her fighting tears if the glassy sheen in her eyes was anything to go by.

  The band began another number at Nelda’s signal and couples once more swept around the hardwood floor. Micah escorted Sophie and Nelda off the platform where they were greeted by a handful of guests expressing their condolences.


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