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Midnight Reckoning

Page 27

by Rebecca Deel

  “Understandable, Micah. I wouldn’t have trusted me either, not after your history with Sierra.” She wrinkled her nose. “My sister didn’t inspire confidence in her honesty.”

  “Is it okay if I come in?” Brent called from the hallway.

  “It’s fine,” Micah said. He clasped Sophie’s hand in his as his boss sauntered through the doorway.

  “Gabe told me the terrible twosome were just here. Anything new happening?” He stopped on the left side of Sophie’s bed, arms crossed over his chest as he studied first her expression, then Micah’s.

  “That was one very expensive bear you brought,” Micah said.

  Brent’s eyebrows rose. “Yeah?”

  “Sierra cut a hole under the bear’s heart patch and stuffed all the missing jewels inside.”

  He whistled. “So she did steal them.”

  “She didn’t have a choice,” Sophie said, a bite to her words. “Abbott blackmailed her.” She summed up the information Sierra had relayed in her last message.

  Brent’s eyes glittered. “Too bad he’s beyond hurt now. I’ve got no use for men who prey on women, whether physical or emotional. Abbott was too much of a coward to do his own dirty work. His actions led to David and Sierra’s deaths. Did anybody check Abbott’s location the day they died?”

  Micah’s head jerked upward.


  Another brisk knock echoed in Sophie’s room. Lily breezed into the empty doorway, a broad smile on her face. “You look a lot skinnier than the last time I saw you.” She turned her head and smiled at her boss who lounged in the corner with a chair he’d snagged from another room. “Hey, Brent.”

  “Looking good, munchkin. I hear Remy watched over you all night.”

  “He wouldn’t leave even though the doc assured him I was fine. I told him I already had a mother and he wasn’t pretty enough to take her role.”

  With a soft chuckle, Sophie motioned the private security contractor to the chair Micah had just vacated a few minutes earlier. “How are you, Lily?”

  “A little headache and goose egg on the back of my head.” She sniffed, her expression one of disdain. “The doc should have let me go home last night. Instead, I endured nurses checking on my welfare, asking the same stupid questions, and monitoring my vitals all night. I hate hospitals. Can’t rest in these places. And don’t even ask me about the vampires coming in to steal my blood at ungodly hours.” She shuddered, color leeching from her beautiful face.

  Sophie grinned. “Not fond of needles, huh?”

  “Don’t tell my teammates, but I’d rather deal with bullets or knives than a needle. But just so you know, the smallest needle they use in this place is like twelve inches long.”

  A laugh escaped from both Brent and Sophie, causing Nathan to stir and make disgruntled squeaky noises. “Sounds like you have personal experience to draw from.”

  “That’s an understatement,” Brent said. “G.I. Jane’s the reason my insurance premiums are so high.”

  “Ha! The guys are way more accident prone than I am. I’ve only been shot once and knifed twice.” Lily dropped into the chair and stretched out her legs. “So how are you feeling? Brent said you had surgery.” She craned her neck a little to get a better angle on the baby. “The guys said Junior’s okay but none of them have kids. Is he all right?” Worry clouded her gaze.

  “Nathan’s great. Impressed the doctors with his size and lungs.” Sophie tipped her head to the resettled baby in her arms. “Want to hold him?”

  Lily’s face lit up. “I’d love to. Jackson’s been bragging to the rest of the team about his prowess as a baby holder.”

  “And on that note, I’m out.” Brent strode to Sophie’s side and planted a smacking kiss on the crown of her head. “I’ve got boss stuff to do. Figure Lily’s good for a couple hours since she got so much beauty sleep last night.”

  The petite security agent scowled at her boss. “Right. I’ll remind you of that next time you’re in this place.”

  With a grin and a wave, Brent left Sophie and Lily alone. Lily bounded to her feet and reached for Nathan. A look of awe settled on her face. “He’s so little,” she whispered. “I feel like I might break him or something.” She returned to the chair and settled back, her gaze glued to Nathan’s face. After a moment, Lily reached behind her back and placed her gun within easier reach by her thigh.

  “You’re on guard duty?”

  “Yeah, but don’t sweat it. We’re all fighting to spend time with you and Nathan. Won’t be long before bodyguards won’t be necessary. Oh, man, look at his tiny hands.” She sighed. “I think I’m in love. You don’t have anything against Nathan dating an older woman do you?”


  Micah ended his call as Brent walked into the hospital lounge, a cup in each hand. He hoped that cup held robust coffee. He stretched his leg, massaged the aching muscle. What he wouldn’t give for another of those foul-smelling capsules. Getting one, however, meant leaving the hospital and that wasn’t happening. Maybe one of her employees would bring him a bottle.

  “What did you find out?” Brent handed Micah one of the cups.

  “Who’s with Sophie?”

  “G.I. Jane. Feds know anything?”

  “They’ve got zilch.”

  He nodded. “Time to turn my tech geeks loose. If there’s anything to find, they’ll uncover it. If I was a betting man, though, I’d lay my money on Abbott doing the deed himself. A middleman would increase the risk of discovery or reverse blackmail.”

  “Ironic for the blackmailer to be afraid of blackmail himself.” He took a sip of the hot brew. “Doubt the computer techs will find anything.”

  “That’s why I’m planning to send Wolfe and Smith to search Abbott’s place. Used to be SEALs. Metro’s finest won’t know they were in the place. If there’s information linking Abbott to David and Sierra’s deaths, they’ll find it. Won’t bring them back, but the knowledge will close the circle for you and Sophie.”

  “What’s next?” Micah examined Brent’s face, his eyebrows shooting up at his boss’s smug grin in response to his question.

  “We’re going into the film business tomorrow.” He paused, narrowed gaze on Micah. “If Sophie’s released tomorrow, how do you feel about a quick trip into D.C.?”


  The next morning dawned cold and clear. Sophie grasped Micah’s hand for leverage to climb from the wheelchair, her breath misting. Lily strode to her side, cuddling a well-bundled Nathan. Her eyes searched the patient pick-up area. Cold chills that had nothing to do with the weather surged across Sophie’s skin. She felt as though a target were plastered on her back.

  “We’re covered, baby,” Micah said.

  He wasn’t kidding. They were surrounded by Brent’s security team. Bullets aimed their direction would probably hit one of six burley, alert guards. Sophie also hadn’t missed Lily basically surrounding Nathan with her arms. A bullet proof vest had been draped over her shoulders, covering every inch of her son.

  Micah helped Sophie into the backseat of the idling SUV. Jackson smiled at her before once more scanning the surrounding area. To her left sat a car seat for Nathan. Lily slid in on the other side and, once the door closed securely behind her, loosened the vest. She shifted the baby into the seat, secured him with the five-point harness, and draped the bullet-proof vest over the car seat.

  As soon as Micah climbed into the front passenger seat, Jackson set the vehicle in motion. Two other SUVs fell into line, one in front, the other behind. Sophie knew all the agents were well armed.

  “Where are we going, Micah?”

  “Brent arranged a safe house for a few days. We’re working on a plan to take care of the contract on my head.”

  “How far is it?” Sophie knew her voice had a sharp edge, but she felt like the Kings had someone watching them with a rifle scope pressed to his eye. The sooner they got to wherever they were going, the happier she’d be. “What will we do if someone takes a shot at
us while we’re driving?”

  “The SUV has armor plating and the windows are bullet resistant,” Jackson said. “Nathan is more protected than the rest of us. We rigged his seat with extra shielding in addition to the vest. If we see anything suspicious, Lily’s priority is the baby. She’ll do whatever is necessary to protect him, including take a bullet for him.”

  “We’ve prepared for as many contingencies as we could dream up,” Lily said. “Trust us to do our job, Sophie. We’re the best. You and Nathan belong to all of us now. You’re family. We’ll take care of you both.”

  Guilt pounded through Sophie. “I didn’t mean to imply you guys weren’t capable.” Her gaze shifted to the covered seat beside her. “I’m so afraid I’ll lose him.”

  Micah reached back and rested his hand on her knee, giving it a gentle squeeze. “The safe house is about thirty minutes from here, but we’ll take the scenic route to make sure no one is following. The longer drive will give us a greater chance of spotting tails.”

  Sophie threaded her fingers through her husband’s. She slid her other hand under the vest and laid her hand on Nathan’s foot, connecting her small family. Nothing was going to tear them from her life if she could help it.


  The SUVs cruised down the long driveway with snow crunching under the tires. Micah studied their surroundings, hand on the grip of his weapon. The snow surrounding the house and drive remained pristine. He knew from Brent’s last transmission three more agents patrolled inside the residence while one manned security screens. They didn’t put patrols outside, wanting the house to appear normal.

  His boss’s voice sounded in his ear piece. “Agents report all clear. Give us a minute before you move the packages from the vehicle.”

  “Roger that,” Micah said. “Sophie, wait for me to open the door. We have to be sure the area’s clear.”

  They drew to a stop at the back of the house. Jackson kept the engine idling while they waited for Brent’s signal. Brent’s team exited from the trailing SUV and swept the area. At the ten-minute mark, satisfied they were still secure, Brent gave the hand signal to move inside.

  With a last visual sweep, Micah threw open his door. Seconds later, he helped Sophie from the vehicle, gathered her close, and hustled her through the now open back door. Lily followed close behind, surrounded by agents from the other SUV.

  Micah urged Sophie into the living room off the dining area. After settling his wife on the floral-patterned couch, he piled a pillow on her lap and motioned for Lily to hand her the baby. After Sophie cuddled their son close, tension left her face. Seeing her reaction made him all the more determined to get rid of the contract hanging over him. He could live with the threat. Sophie and Nathan couldn’t. Now that he had them, he wasn’t letting go of them or allowing anyone to take them from him.

  Brent’s voice came over the wireless. “Immediate vicinity is secure. Team 2, stay in position until Team 1 clears the surrounding area.”

  One by one, members acknowledged Brent’s orders. Micah headed to the windows covered with blackout curtains and eased them aside to survey the area, learn the lay of the land, noting all the possible places for someone to use as a blind. His boss chose a great place with easily defensible exits. He moved from one window to another, pleased with Brent’s security measures to protect his family.

  “Is everything okay?”

  Sophie’s soft voice drew his gaze from the surrounding neighborhood. “We’re safe, baby. I’m memorizing our surroundings, learning entrances and exits.”

  She smiled, despite the worry lingering in her eyes. “Is there a panic room here too?”

  “Yes.” Brent walked into the room. He rubbed his hands together and blew warm air across his white fingers. “Code’s the same as the one at your place, Micah. You had enough on your mind along with too little sleep.” He inclined his head toward the hallway. “Come with me. I’ll show you the room. Tight fit, but if you need to protect your family, it’ll work.”

  Micah brushed his knuckles down Sophie’s and Nathan’s cheeks before following Brent to the master bedroom.

  “If we come under attack,” Brent murmured, “I want you in that panic room with your family.”

  He bristled, not one to sit on the sidelines. He wanted an active role in protecting his wife and son. Though injured, he was more than capable of defending them. He didn’t believe for one minute Brent would let someone else take risks to protect his own family.

  “Hear me out,” his boss said, hand raised to stop the protest he suspected was coming. “You haven’t worked with any of the teams yet so they don’t know what you can do. We don’t need a team that can’t function efficiently, especially when the stakes are so high. Plus, Sophie needs you now more than ever. I may not have kids of my own, but I know from my sisters that if they panic, the kids lose it.” Brent shot a glare over his shoulder. “And I’m not having my new nephew upset because his mother is worried about losing her husband. From watching the females in my family during pregnancy and post-birth, Sophie’s got serious mom hormones going. She’s fierce and I’m not taking her on. If you’re smart, you won’t either.”

  Micah forced his irritation aside. He got it. He didn’t like it, but he understood. He also appreciated not being reminded yet again he didn’t have full range of motion. “Show me the room.”

  A soft laugh drifted over Brent’s shoulder. “You can throw this back in my face one day if my future wife is at risk.”

  “I plan on it.” He eyed his friend, curious about his enigmatic statement. “Is there a woman in your life?”

  “Nope. Haven’t found one yet who thought it was normal to be on call all hours of the day and night.” He nodded to another of his team members coming from a room filled with surveillance equipment. Leading Micah to the bedroom closet, he demonstrated the process for getting into the safe room and punched in the code.

  The room was set up almost exactly like his own. He noted the computer and large screen segmented into eight squares. “ID and password?”

  “Same as your cabin. The tech geeks set it up this morning before we left for the hospital.” Brent turned to Micah. “I should have all my assets in place day after tomorrow. We can get the recordings in one afternoon. Can Sophie handle you leaving town for a few hours?”

  Micah’s first instinct said she could. Be a wise idea to check before he committed. “Who would stay with her?” he asked instead.

  “Lily’s team volunteered. No one will get by them. Don’t tell the rest of my operatives, but that team is the best I’ve ever worked with aside from Wolfe and Smith. I’d trust Lily and company to protect my own mother.”

  He nodded. Brent’s recommendation was good enough for him. “I’ll get back to you after I talk to my wife.” Sophie had been through enough and he meant to start his marriage off the way he planned to go forward. He refused to make the choice without consulting her.


  Micah settled back in the cushioned black leather plane seat, relaxing for the first time in days. The roar of the Lear’s engines and vibration under his feet were as familiar as his own face in the mirror. He’d spent years in the air in his time with the Secret Service. “What’s the plan?”

  Brent handed him the list of targets. “We divided his family and friends between the four teams. Each team will locate and record movements by the targets and rendezvous at the plane by 18:00 hours. We’ll burn the CD when we return to Nashville.”

  “You think this will work?”

  His friend’s face hardened. “If it doesn’t, Hall will regret it. The film shots make it clear what will happen if he refuses to scrub the contract.”

  “We’ll burn down the homes of all his family members?”

  He shrugged. “We don’t normally operate that way, but to protect one of our own, count on it. I contacted some of the black ops guys you worked with who are in country. They’re already on the ground and more than happy to film and deliver the package wh
en we’re ready.” Brent grinned. “Even had a couple volunteer to neutralize Hall if this doesn’t work.”

  Micah dragged his hand down his face. He didn’t want to put his friends in that kind of position. It was one thing to take out a target in a war zone, quite another to do it on American soil during an unsanctioned op. He prayed the plan worked.


  A soft kiss woke Sophie from a fitful sleep. She forced heavy eyelids upward. Despite the darkened bedroom, enough light shone from the bathroom to recognize Micah. Even without the light, she would have known her husband anywhere. His touch and masculine scent of soap and aftershave were branded into her memory. They felt and smelled like love. Perhaps a fanciful thought, but no less true.

  “Hi,” she whispered. “We missed you.”

  Micah brushed her lips with his again. “Something tells me Nathan didn’t know I was gone. But I’m glad you noticed.”

  “Did you get what you went to D.C. for?”

  “Oh, yeah. You feeling okay?”

  “Sure, considering I had major surgery a couple days ago.” She smiled. “Don’t worry. Lily and her team wouldn’t let me lift anything heavier than Nathan. And I actually didn’t even lift him. They took turns doing everything for him and me.”

  “Can’t say I’m surprised. After all, Lily’s team takes credit for helping bring him into the world.”

  Sophie leaned into Micah’s shoulder. “What time is it?” Squinting, she peered in the direction of the clock, but his broad shoulders blocked her vision.

  “Just after midnight. A couple of the teams had difficulty tracking down their targets. We went wheels up a little later than planned.”

  “Come to bed, Micah. I know you have to be tired. You haven’t slept much in the last week. If we’re lucky, we might have a couple hours before Nathan wakes up for his next feeding and diaper change.”

  “Give me a couple minutes.” He rose and made his way across the room to his duffel bag. Grabbing his night clothes, he limped to the bathroom.

  She tugged back the covers for him and waited. When he returned to the room, his limp was more pronounced. “There’s a bottle of Valerian on your nightstand. Jackson stopped by my shop this morning.”


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