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The Depths of Darkness

Page 5

by Laurie Bowler

  “But,” I stopped, “I thought you liked mortal girlfriends.”

  He laughed, his eyes lighting with amusement, “That’s what I told you to blow you off the scent,” he said. “Another false pretence about me, I wasn’t sure whether you actually believed me or not and you did seem pretty much shocked by the idea of me having a human girlfriend.”

  “I was a little put off,” I admitted, “especially when you asked me for tips on how to date a human. I have no idea what you thought I would know; it’s been a while since I dated anyone.”

  “No way,” he asked shocked, “you haven’t been on a date for ages? Wow, what’s up with all the human men, don’t they see what they have in front of them?”

  I laughed at him; he certainly was incorrigible and outrageous.

  “I guess they don’t see what you obviously see,” I chuckled. “Now, are you planning on showing me your house or not? It’s cold.” I moaned shivering beneath my jacket.

  “Of course,” he said, “sorry I forgot you might get cold.”

  Jingling his keys, he opened the front door and stood back to let me walk through. The front foyer had been decorated with glass windows that were covered across the expanse of the area, the walls painted a natural white with wooden oak floors. The lighting softly glimmered ahead and reflected from the panes of glass, the silver staircase looked huge, spiraling upwards. When I popped my head around the first step I saw the staircase actually weaved itself in gentle spirals all the way to the top.

  It was impressive and way beyond my own imagination and expectations; nothing seemed to be real. The entire world around me had turned surreal and totally unpredictable; one thing was for sure, Luke does not live in a crypt.

  “Very impressive,” I murmured, “how did you manage to get all this?”

  “I have a lot of savings,” he shrugged as he stood watching me carefully. “When you’ve been alive as long as I have, you don’t tend to spend like humans do. So I saved and invested which is what led to buying this place. I tried having smaller places first, but there never seemed to be enough room and as time passed by I had to keep giving them up so I could move to a new place.”

  “And now?” I asked. “Do you still have to move around?”

  “No,” he shook his head, “the agency takes care of the naming conventions of the complex to show that’s it been sold many times over. When I go out I’m always careful of who I see, the only people I can actually call friends are the ones from the agency. Vampires can never make human friends, with the exception of you,” he added quickly.

  “Of course,” I smiled, “but then I’m with the agency as well though so I suppose I don’t count as much as other humans do.”

  “Is it true you’re a witch?” he asked, “You don’t act like one like Lilly does.”

  “I am,” I smiled again, “She’s the high witch so she has a lot more responsibility than I do, and she’s always using her magic to do everything. I like to try and pretend to be a little human, you know like do my own laundry and my own dinner; whereas others use their magic to do everyday things.”

  “You’re incredibly different from the others that I’ve met,” he said. “Until you came along I thought witches were snobs and boring. Then I was asked to watch you, and wow was I surprised!”

  I laughed and took a seat on the bottom step of the stairs; I didn’t want to have to tell him that I was feeling incredibly weak and out of place here in his home. There was no way he’d harm me, and I knew I was completely safe with him.

  “Shall I show you to your room?” he asked gently.

  “Yes please,” I nodded and stood up waiting expectantly for him to walk on ahead.

  Rather than walk, I found myself swooped off my feet and held in his arms; he’d appeared behind me and picked me up.

  “Luke,” I choked from suppressed laughter and anger, “Please put me down.”

  “No,” he said as he walked on up the stairs, “you’re too weak. I should have realised earlier. I could smell it you know.”

  “Smell what?”

  “That you were becoming weak,” he answered. “I should have known and I’m sorry. In the future, I’ll try to pay more attention to the fact that you’re human and need your rest especially after having someone stamp on your head.”

  For a minute there I thought he was trying to tell me I stunk and I had started to discretely sniff my body and my clothes. Although I hadn’t had a bath overnight I didn’t think it was a possibility that I could stink.

  “No,” he said shaking slightly with laughter, “it's not your body I could smell; you smell delicious,” he sniffed my hair and smiled. “I love the way you smell; I know I shouldn’t say that because I am a vampire and I don’t want to freak you out or anything, but you do smell very good.”

  “Oh gee thanks,” I said sarcastically, “but what was it you could smell?”

  “The fact that your body needs to rest and you were getting weaker by the second. I’ll have some food ready for you in about an hour, that is if you’re hungry?”

  My stomach made a loud exaggerated noise of protest; I tried to cover it up with my hand over my stomach. The faint snickering erupted from Luke in front of me, and I playfully slapped his arm in protest.

  “Err...I think that answers your question,” I answered grinning weakly up at him. “How much further to my room? I can walk you know.”

  “No way,” he replied smiling down at me, “I’ll carry you, we’re nearly there anyway. You know I might get an elevator put in place especially for you. I’ll look into it tomorrow.”

  Luke carrying me was honestly wreaking havoc with my insides. Again I found myself longing for the nights and my dreams, hoping one day they might become real, but I knew deep down they could never be. His idiotic play at showing me how powerful he was, seemed to be a macho display of his strength, which I was already aware of considering his ‘dead’ status among the realm and that said a lot about him in itself.

  “Oh for goodness sake,” I groaned, “Don’t be so idiotic. I’m not staying that long so you don’t need to waste your money.”

  “I have too much money,” he said smoothly, “and I don’t have anything or anyone to spend it on. I just figured that if I could make it easier for you while you’re feeling bad, then I will.”

  “I’ll get better in a few days.”

  The man was totally out of his mind, how could he consider throwing away money on an elevator to make my life easier when I was going to get better in a few days: I didn’t know that vampires could go crazy.

  “Ok here we are,” he said steadily lowering me to the ground and opening the door with his other hand. I hope you didn’t mind but I put some of your clothes away.”

  “My clothes,” I echoed feeling stupid, “Where?”

  “On the cupboard over there,” he answered pointing, “is that alright?”

  Chapter Four

  He suddenly seemed uncomfortable and unsure of actions he’d taken earlier which were done with the greatest intentions.

  “That’s fine,” I reassured him, “I’ll just clean up and be down soon.”

  “Please take your time.”

  He turned back when he reached the door, his eyes alert to something new.

  “And if you’re thinking about going after the murderer, I’d appreciate it if you’d let me know so I can at least do my job and make sure I’m watching you and protecting you.”

  “I’ll be sure to let you know.”

  He disappeared and I sat down heavily on the edge of the bed, my legs felt too heavy to hold me up and my headache seemed to have gotten worse since leaving the hospital. Sighing deeply and shaking my shoes off, I slipped further down onto the bed and lay back with my arms folded behind my head.

  The bedroom itself was perfectly normal, a huge four poster bed occupied the middle of the room and shades had been put in place in the window. The room was coloured a light pink telling me it was only used for guests or gir
ls that came to visit, instant jealousy hit me and I had no idea why.

  His dreams flashed through my mind, the nights I’d lain in bed cursed by this mysterious person that had always seemed to be out of my reach and now he was here with me but he was still out of my reach. I would not cross the forbidden line of vampire and witch becoming anything but colleagues and members of the agency.

  “Here we go again,” I mumbled to myself. “Another mystery of my life that I have to try and dissect somehow and make sense of it. How stupid of me not to realise the dreams could only have come from a powerful dream weaver, and to top it all off, it had to be a vampire as well.”

  I heard chuckling somewhere in the distance, but I wasn’t totally sure I’d heard correctly or if it was a figment of my imagination. I tiptoed across the room to check out the closets, and to my supreme shock I found most of my own clothes neatly stacked in rows inside, my shoes had been brought over as well. It was a considerable amount of clothing to have if I was staying for only a few days, this amount justified staying for a few weeks, possibly months.

  “Oh well,” I said sighing again, “I guess I’d better solve who killed Matace and then I can get the hell out of here and back home to my comfortable normal life.”

  Showered and dressed in clean jeans and a clean top, my hair scraped backwards and my eyes fresh; I felt a little normal although the headache seemed to be worsening. Digging about in my bag, I produced the medication given to me by the hospital and popped a couple of pills. I stared at my reflection in the mirror; my eyes seemed to have popped out of my head somehow and my face was pale.

  “Great,” I whispered, “now I look like death, maybe that will attract him more, just what I need.”

  I didn’t mean a word that I’d said, secretly I felt attracted to him but there was no way I’d ever admit it in person or speak it out loud. Once someone else caught onto that fact, we’d be separated and I’d never be allowed to communicate with Luke again. That was not a risk I was willing to take. Besides my parents, he was the only other person in my life that seemed to treat me like a human being; it was something I had wanted to happen for a while.

  Being adopted hadn’t been an easy ride, it had all been secretive and the people I called parents now didn’t understand me. There was no doubt that they loved me and would do anything for me, but they still didn’t understand what I did everyday or the powers that every witch possessed. Matace had been generous and a fantastic teacher; he’d taught me so many things that would come in useful. I didn’t know, but he had wanted better and bigger things for me.

  “Are you ready for dinner?” said Luke from outside the bedroom with a polite knock outside the door.

  “Yes,” I said, “coming.”

  I looked around for the last time and opened the door, to find Luke staring back me; his eyes watched me, his body tensed when I got nearer to him.

  “Come with me, I’ll show you the way,” he said through clenched teeth and marched away, walking faster than I could keep up with.

  Confused and completely thrown off balance, he’d changed his attitude and treated me like a recluse; I hadn’t known anyone to switch feelings as fast as he did.

  “Luke,” I whispered hesitantly, “is there something wrong?”

  “Nothing,” he snapped.

  I shrugged, not sure what it was but certain something had happened in the small interlude of the separation while I got ready.

  He led the way to the dining room, where he’d placed a setting for one person, the small mat for my plate and a glass of water.

  “Water,” I queried, “only one place?”

  “I’m a vampire, Patty,” he reminded me sharply, “I do not eat.”

  His feeding habits must be well controlled for him not to want to feed right at this minute; I wouldn’t have minded if he needed to eat as well. I was aware that he wouldn’t be eating the same as me.

  “Sit down,” he ordered turning away abruptly and gathering the tray of food, “I’ve been thinking,” he said as he busied himself setting sandwiches and hot tea in front of me, “I don’t think it’s a wise idea for us to go after the murderer.”

  “Oh,” I said my with my hand poised half way to my mouth, “Luke,” I said exasperated, “what’s wrong?”

  “Nothing,” he said.

  He seemed angry with me, but for reasons I couldn’t fathom.

  “No, please tell me,” I insisted, “I don’t have a clue what’s made you angry with me. If I’ve said something, then I’m sorry but I don’t honestly know what I could have said that’s so wrong.”

  “You didn’t say anything,” he replied, “let's leave it at that.”

  Furious with his sudden negative and angered response to me, I said nothing. It seemed to be right with the entire situation and there was nothing that I could do; he was acting completely out of sorts. His entire demeanour changed from friendly to enemy in a matter of minutes.

  “No, I slammed my hand on the table and let the sandwich fall to the floor beneath his feet, “tell me!”

  My insistence and show of anger seemed to mellow him and he stood watching me, his eyes mesmerised and shocked. I doubt he’d anticipated my response to his anger or his sudden change of heart.

  “Do you realise how intoxicating you are to me?” he asked gently without humour. “Do you know what I want to do?”

  I shook my head, watching him and trying to anticipate his next move, carefully aware that he could outweigh me in a fight and I needed my wits about me to summon spells. He circled me, dangerously close to where I was. His body swayed slightly but his eyes remained intently focused on me, staring at me and through me. My heart beat rapidly inside my chest; the sweat of fear traveled down my spine. I stood still; running would be giving him the chase, the need to feed from me and there was no way I’d become his prey or his meal, not today and not ever!

  “Do you know what would happen to either of us if your dreams came true?” he asked stepping closer. “Your smell,” he sniffed the air, “is intoxicating and I’m damn close to losing control around you. All the years I’ve spent controlling myself around everyone and then you’ve stepped into my life and thrown it all away. I tried; small amounts of time with you were crucifying me, but now you’re here inside my house; I can smell you everywhere.”

  “Luke,” I said his name shakily, “I don’t mean to smell so good.”

  He circled for the last time, and then all too suddenly he was in front of me. His face inches from mine and his hands gripped my upper arms in a frightening and vice like grip, while his lips twitched and he inhaled deeply.

  He laughed. “Too late,” he said, “Patty, you’d better run to your room and lock the door.”

  “W-w-why?” I asked afraid of his order and the things he could do to me.

  “Because I am losing control around you, having you here with me, smelling you so close and knowing I can take you if I wanted to.”

  I slipped easily from the table, the chair flying backwards and crashing to the floor. My feet stayed put; I was shaking and deathly afraid of what he meant. His eyes captured mine and his lips sneered at me.

  “You don’t have to do this,” I whispered, “control it, Luke,”

  “I can’t,” he snarled.

  He threw himself away in the opposite direction, snarling and shouting for me to run.

  My feet picked themselves up and I ran to my room taking the stairs two at a time, and eventually slamming the door shut and chanting the protective bubble, summoning it forwards to cover and protect the room I was in.

  That way I could make sure he wouldn’t be able to penetrate the barrier and eat me, his lust for blood was taking control. It was unusual for a vampire to act like that, there was only one possible cause and I wasn’t entirely sure what it was. I never bothered studying them as keenly and intellectually as I should have. They’d never interested me, and I didn’t plan on having any involvement with any of them until now.

  I l
istened intently at the door, and waited for his footsteps to charge up the stairs and for him to try and break the door in. It was wooden and wouldn’t stand a chance against the strength of a vampire, but the bubble would hold in place and surrounded me, adding the protection I needed. If he tried to penetrate the bubble he’d end up weakened because it was designed to zap the strength of the perpetrator.

  “Luke,” I whispered when I heard some movement outside the door, “is that you?”

  I waited endless minutes for someone to reply, but I was met with silence. The house seemed to be silent. Sitting on the edge of the bed with my legs curled underneath me, my head propped on my arms, I leaned sideways watching the door, waiting for it to be smashed open. My lids began to feel heavy and my head ached; the uncontrollable pain was making me feel sick. I hadn’t eaten since leaving the hospital either.

  Slowly I fell asleep, promising myself it would be a short doze and nothing more. With a crazy thirsty vampire on the loose, I couldn’t afford to sleep deeply like I needed to.

  Faintly I heard a car start somewhere outside, and the fast screech of wheels as they were angrily controlled and maneuvered, I knew that Luke had left the building and would most likely returned when he was in a better mood and had fed.

  Sighing and closing my eyes, the images of Luke danced beneath my eye lids, the same dreams from before pulled me under their spell. I almost found myself wishing for something different to come from the relationship with Luke but it was an impossibility shown tonight by the power and the need to feed.

  Sleeping heavily and soundlessly until the next day, I found myself awakened by the brightest of sunlight shining directly through the half pulled blinds. My coverlet had been placed around me and my shoes had been set at the foot of the bed, making me realise that Luke must have crept into the room at some point during the night, probably to make sure I was alright.

  “Patty,” he whispered softly from the chair at the end of the room, “are you alright?”

  I yawned, aware that it couldn’t be real and certain I was still sleeping.


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