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Regency Romance: More For A Duke (The Fairbanks Series - The Familial Adventures) (CLEAN Historical Romance)

Page 12

by Bennett, Jessie

  “I plan to have the men get started on Monday.”

  “Where will you be staying while the work is going on?”

  Jonathan laughed, crossing his arms over his chest and sitting back in his chair. “It is a very large house, my lady. I’m sure I will be able to stay in my room or in another wing when necessary.”

  “Oh! I love this song!” Elizabeth turned her head and abruptly stood. “My card has no name on it and I want to dance. Come on, Michael; let’s leave these two kids to talk. Will you dance with me?”

  “I believe I am supposed to ask you that question, my lady.”

  “Well, why don’t you then?” Elizabeth smiled when Michael stood. He returned her smile.

  “Duchess Elizabeth Worthington, would you care to dance?” Michael bowed deeply to her.

  “I would be pleased to do so.” Elizabeth curtsied for only a moment before grabbing Michael’s arm and pulling him onto the dance floor. As she went, she caught Shawn’s eye and winked. He winked back and turned back to speak to the man he’d been conversing with the entire night.

  Anna watched them with a sparkle in her blue-green eyes. She looked back at Jonathan. “She is a delightful woman, is she not?”

  Jonathan smiled at her. “She is lovely. Shawn is a lucky woman and Michael will be blessed if he ever finds a woman as warm and inviting as our Duchess Worthington.”

  “I agree.” Anna turned her eyes to watch the two spin on the dance floor.

  Jonathan pondered what Michael and Shawn had both been telling him. What if he was only hindering his friend’s search for a husband because he wanted only the best for her? The only man he considered even halfway worthy of her love was dancing with a married woman and seemed to be enjoying it very much. Anna was obviously not interested in Michael.

  Anna looked at him and sighed. “Oh, Jonathan. I can see that you wanted me to be dancing with him, didn’t you?”

  Jonathan moved his eyes to her face, studying her slender, perfect features. “Perhaps I did. I cannot be blamed for wanting my good lady friend to be taken into the heart of my dear cousin. Can I?”

  “Oh no, of course not. But matchmaking is not your forte, dear. And I will do just fine on my own.”

  “I only mean to protect your honor, my lady.”

  “I know.” She reached over and patted his hand. “And you are a dear, dear friend for watching out for me. But I can handle myself.”

  “I want to help you.”

  “You have already helped me. You have bought me this dress. You have supported and encouraged me to attend the season events.”

  “Just this one,” Jonathan snorted.

  “Yes, I may have to lower my pride and wear one of the dresses I have already worn. But there is nothing wrong with wearing a dress twice in my opinion.”

  “Anyone pointing it out in an attempt to rebuke you is not worthy of your attention.”

  She smiled. “That is right. That’s how I will think of it, too. Now leave your sulking behind and allow me to invite you to stay at my home while your house is being renovated.”

  Jonathan looked at her in surprise. “The work may take a month or more, Lady Anna! I could never impose on you that way!”

  “Oh yes you can.” She squeezed one of his hands. “You must! You must come and keep me company! Protect me from my cad of a brother!”

  “Stephen is not a good man, Anna. I have wanted to tell you for nearly a week what I have discovered about him.”

  “Oh?” Anna didn’t look worried. She leaned closer to him in a conspiratorial fashion. “Tell me what you have discovered, Jonathan.”

  “He is a cad and a scoundrel of unfathomable measures.”

  “You have a severe disliking for him, don’t you?”

  “I do. And I have reason to.”

  “Tell me your reasons.”

  “I overheard a conversation he was having with a woman in your home that night I slept in your summer house. The next morning, after I bathed, which by the way, was a wonderful gesture on your part.”

  “Pardon my interruption.” Shawn’s conversation had come to an end, saving Jonathan from having to reveal that he had explored the Lady’s house without her permission and then eavesdropped on a conversation from a hidden passageway. “I also overheard a conversation that your brother had with a friend. I just happened to be in the same tavern.” Shawn relayed the conversation for the two, noting that Jonathan’s face became red with rage while Anna’s darkened in dismay.

  Jonathan proceeded to fill them in on what he had heard.

  Anna’s head was bowed low and her cheeks were in flames when he was done with his follow-up to Shawn’s revelation.

  “He is conspiring against me,” she murmured, choking back tears of sadness and embarrassment.

  “And has been for some time. You yourself describe him as a cad, my lady.” Jonathan made his voice gentle. “Surely this is not something that upsets you because you didn’t see it coming.”

  “I truly didn’t expect something of this magnitude, Jon. I really didn’t. It saddens my heart. Do you know who Stephen was speaking with, Jon?”

  “I did not recognize her voice.”

  “It was a woman?”

  “Yes, my lady.”

  “This is very disappointing. That means there is someone in my home who is just as deceitful as my brother.”

  “Yes, my lady.”

  “Is there anything you can tell me about the woman? Anything they said that might help me know who it is?”

  “She has a gambling problem. She hasn’t told you about it because she owes a great deal of money and is afraid to ask for help.”

  “A gambling problem,” Anna repeated.

  “Yes. And he expressed that she would be given a raise in pay if she helped him conspire against you and against the gentlemen who might come calling, in order for you to be disinherited and receive no money.”

  “And there are others in society who also know of this conspiracy but are keeping quiet, my lady.” Shawn’s voice was slightly angry.

  “I fear that if he is able to get his hands on my inheritance, he would throw me out in the street.” Anna shook her head in disappointment. “We have tried to take him in and love him like a true member of the family, and this is how he betrays us. With deception and lies.”

  Shawn leaned toward her, shaking his head. “Neither Jon nor I will let that happen, my lady.”

  Anna gave him a grateful look. “I don’t know who to suspect. I trust all of my servants.”

  “There is one that you cannot trust, my dear. You must seek her out.”

  “Jonathan, you absolutely must come and stay with me.” When Jonathan opened his mouth, she placed one finger against his lips. “No excuses. You are my friend. At this point, you are the closest friend I have and not just because you live on the next estate over. I can see that you care about me. Say you are willing to help me. I will not take no for an answer.”

  Jonathan wasn’t going to object. He was going to tell her that he would be moving in that night. It only stood to reason that if Anna found a man to marry, Stephen would have every reason to rid himself of the problem once and for all. Jonathan didn’t know if Stephen could murder.

  However, he certainly wasn’t going to take any chances.





  “I will, you will see!” Stephen heard Jonathan’s laughter. It did nothing to soothe his hurt feelings. “There is no chance that Anna will be married in the next week. No chance.”






  With less than two weeks left until her 25th birthday, Anna was becoming a bit nervous. With no evidence to go on, there was no way to discover who was conspiring with Stephen. He was never seen or heard doing anything nefarious as the days passed.

  She was determined to enjoy spending her time with Jonathan. Bo
th of them were present when a suitor came calling and Jonathan did the best he could with his advice to her. Nevertheless, there seemed to be no man he felt was worthy of such a fine woman.

  He stood on the veranda overlooking the lawn and flower garden, watching her walk with Sir Anthony Ashby, one of the men she had danced with. She had not gone to any more events during the last two weeks of the season. Her interviews now took place at her home or on carriage rides. She was not comfortable with the carriage rides, she told Jonathan, because he was not able to go along as a chaperone.

  He leaned against the stone railing around the veranda and peered out toward the couple as they walked down the small path. They were chatting and Anna was smiling.

  This made Jonathan frown. He wondered what Earl Ashby was saying. Surely nothing as funny as Anna made it out to be. He sighed heavily. “You chose this, Jonathan. Stop sulking,” he mumbled to himself. If he wasn’t going to express his true feelings for Anna, he needed to let her find a man that would make her happy. He needed to help her find that man. He refused to be like Stephen and inevitably attempt sabotage to make himself happy, but not the person he cared most about.

  Stephen approached from behind him and watched the couple as well. When he spoke, it made Jonathan jump, as the Viscount had not been aware that Stephen was there. “They look like they are getting along well,” Stephen said in a low, grumbling voice.

  Jonathan glanced over at him. “Yes. They do.”

  “You do not look happy about it.”

  “Of course I am happy about it.”

  Stephen gave him a knowing look. Jonathan turned away from him. “What do you want, Stephen?” Jonathan asked. In the nearly two weeks that he had stayed with the Dunnings, Stephen had shown his contempt for the Viscount’s presence in the home. His dislike was apparent. Jonathan often thought of him as a grown toddler, stomping his feet when someone took away the toys. He whined about everything from the color of the drapes to the temperature of his dinnertime soup. Jonathan was disgusted with him and didn’t understand how Anna could tolerate him.

  She seemed to take no notice of Stephen’s behavior. In fact, she rarely gave the young man the time of day. Over a quiet private dinner, Anna had explained to Jonathan that while they had been close at one time, it was before Stephen became a money-hungry hound like his father had been. She had lost all respect for him when his apparent narcissistic tendencies were revealed.

  Jonathan asked if the young lord had ever physically assaulted Anna, to which Anna had replied a firm “No.” It came as a great relief, because Jonathan feared he might soon be guilty of murder should she have replied positively.

  “You must think of him as a child that never grew up, Jon,” Anna said in a gentle voice.

  “He is older than you are.”

  “Yes, by a year and a few months.”

  “Yet you are much more mature than he is.”

  “Unfortunately, that is the case. And Father understood that, which is why he did not ask the Prince Regent directly for permission to leave his fortune to Stephen.”

  “He certainly does feel entitled to it.”

  “I know he does. It is a shame that he had to turn out as he did.”

  Jonathan realized that Stephen had not answered his question. He turned to the young lord with questioning eyes.

  Stephen shook his head. “I have nothing to do at this time. I am here to bask in the sun and breathe in the clean air.” He moved to a small square deck table and lowered himself into one of the chairs. He crossed his legs and pulled a long smoking pipe from the breast pocket of his jacket.

  “You’ve come out for fresh air, but yet you are smoking?”

  “I understand that you do not smoke.”

  “I do not.”

  “I’ll kindly ask you to refrain from judging me because I do. It helps me relax and think.”

  “I would ask you to keep your thoughts to yourself.”

  Stephen huffed. “This is my home, lest you forget, Viscount Caldwell.”

  “I have not forgotten. But it is also Anna’s home. And I am the lady’s guest. I am also a Viscount, which is a title you will never receive.”

  “You aren’t a Duke or the Prince,” Stephen sneered.

  “That is of no matter. The point is still that I have a title and you are being disrespectful.” Jonathan felt bad for having started a conversation with the young man. He and Anna had already agreed that he was immature and childish. Jonathan was beginning to feel sorry for him.

  “I will say whatever I want in my own home. I don’t know that I care what you or Anna think of it.”

  “You will be lucky if the next lord of this manor allows you to act this way.”

  “I will always be the lord of this manor.”

  Jonathan could see that the young man’s temper was rising. He had the distinct urge to run away. The thought made him chuckle and he caught himself, covering it with a faked cough. He cleared his throat and continued staring out over the lawn, directing his gaze toward Anna and her suitor.

  “I will, you will see!” Stephen heard Jonathan’s laughter. It did nothing to soothe his hurt feelings. “There is no chance that Anna will be married in the next week. No chance.”

  “Why do you say that? She looks like she might be choosing as we speak.”

  “There are no men around her that want her for anything other than her money. If she were foolish enough to marry one of them, she would be very miserable indeed!”

  “I beg to differ.”

  “Oh, I am sure that you do, Viscount. But it is of no matter. You are not the one who will make the decisions. And I will ensure that she does not make that mistake, I promise you.”

  Jonathan turned to look at him through narrow eyes. “And how do you make that promise, Stephen?”

  Stephen flushed. He had said too much and he knew it. He licked his lips. “That is of no matter to you.”

  “It is a matter for me to be concerned about.” Jonathan took a few steps so that he was closer to the young man.

  Stephen unconsciously pushed himself back in the chair, refusing to look Jonathan in the eye.

  “The Lady is my friend. I do not wish for her to be hurt. By you or by any of the men she allows in her life.”

  “I’m not going to hurt her.” Stephen was barely audible. His voice was so low that Jonathan leaned forward. He tilted his head and gave Stephen a menacing look.

  “Pardon me?”

  “I’m not going to hurt her,” Stephen said in a louder tone. “I wouldn’t let any man hurt her.”

  “It seemed to me that you have not been very helpful to her in these last few weeks. I am certain that you delayed her notification of the Prince Regent’s orders until the last minute. I believe that has made things harder for her and has certainly hurt her.”

  The look of guilt and fear on Stephen’s face made Jonathan’s stomach turn.

  He took another step toward the young lord. “If I find evidence that you have been conspiring to prevent Lady Anna from marrying or finding a suitable gentleman, I will give you the thrashing of your life. Am I clear?”

  Stephen’s face had turned a dark red. His eyes were steady on the horizon, never moving to meet Jonathan’s. He nodded without answering.

  “Good.” Jonathan decided he wasn’t going to press the matter further. The young man already looked terrified.

  He turned to see that Anna was coming back toward the house. He went out to meet them, shaking off the bad feeling his confrontation with Stephen had left him with.





  “No, not from boredom. I assure you, the right man is within my grasp. I just haven’t heard the words I wish to hear.”






  He leaned over and filled her glass almost to the rim. “You sure you want some more? You look like you’re
about to fall asleep.”

  Anna smiled at him. “No, I’m feeling fine, Jonathan. I’m glad you are here with me.”

  “Did you have an enjoyable evening?”

  “I did, thank you.”

  “What do you think of the Earl?”

  “Earl Ashby? Oh, he is a fine gentleman to be sure. Unfortunately, I wanted to fall asleep during much of our conversation. It is quite a good thing that I didn’t, as I would have had to fall into his arms and he may have mistaken that for a gesture I did not intend to make.”

  “I suppose you won’t be swooning over him then?”

  “No, I don’t think he’s the one.”

  “You have only a week left. Your birthday is on Sunday. What will you do?”

  “I am still waiting for the right man to sweep me off my feet.”

  “And not from boredom, I assume.”

  Anna laughed, throwing her pretty head back. Jonathan sighed softly, smiling at her. She was an incredibly beautiful woman. He wanted to take her into his arms and give her an intense kiss. However, he restrained himself. He was her friend and he would remain that way.

  “No, not from boredom. I assure you, the right man is within my grasp. I just haven’t heard the words I wish to hear.”

  Jonathan ran through his mind the different men Anna had entertained in the last two weeks, wondering which one she meant. Secretly, he still held out hope that it would be Michael. He knew that the Duke would treat her with great respect and honor. In addition, she would be made a Duchess, which would suit her well, and she would be able to leave this house. Regrettably, that would make it Stephen’s and he would have to live next door to the young man until the day he died.

  “Who is on your mind the most?”

  Anna gave him a wide smile. Suddenly, she jumped to her feet and held out one hand to him. “Let’s explore the house, Jon. Come! Let’s explore!”

  “I can show you the hidden passage I found the day after I stayed in your summer cottage.”


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