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Someone to Watch Over Me

Page 6

by Jerrie Alexander

“In Oak Hill, right where I told you I’d be.”

  “Then why haven’t you returned my calls?”

  “Sorry. I changed phones and forgot to tell you. It’s been hectic here.” She hoped hectic would suffice. She rattled off the new number. “So, how are you? How’s Marie? I don’t have long to talk.”

  He’d gotten angry when she announced her decision to move home. Maybe she could change his mood. “Guess who bought our old home place and turned it into made a horse ranch?”

  “I’m not good at games. Who are we talking about?”

  “You remember Cash Butler?”

  “Of course I know that white trash. Bastard kid’s mama didn’t have two dimes to rub together. How’d he pull off a deal like that?”

  “What a horrible thing to say.” His tone shocked her. He’d always been a bit of a snob, but this was a new side of him. “Cash has worked hard to fix up the place.” She glanced around at the decor of the room. “In fact, I’m here right now.”

  The line went silent. She had enough problems without him being unreasonable. “Hello?”

  “What has he told you?”

  “About what?”

  “Stay away from him.”

  “Why would I? And why are you acting this way?”

  “Butler’s why you left Houston, isn’t he? I’ll not have that bastard worming his way into this family. You get your ass back to Houston.”

  “Stop it. I’m not a kid that you can order around, and I’m not coming back,” Stacey snapped out of frustration. Her father had always tried to pick her friends, but his attitude toward Cash was beyond her understanding.

  He grunted something Stacey could hardly make her mind believe what she’d heard. She picked out the words ‘should’ve sent him to jail.’

  “Wait a minute.” Realization swept across like wildfire. “Talk to me, Dad. What did you do?” Everything thing fell into place. Cash’s negative reaction when the subject of her father came up. Brady’s and Bubba’s comments. They knew something she didn’t. “I mean it. Tell me.”

  “I did what every good father would’ve done. I made damn sure he stayed away from you. I’ll not apologize.”

  “He’s why we moved? Dad, how could you?”

  Her question was met with silence.

  “I can’t talk to you right now.”

  She ended the call and stared out the window not knowing whether to cry or rage against the injustice. Her heart weighed heavy in her chest. All this time wasted. All this time, she’d blamed Cash for running out on her. She dropped her head to her hands and cried tears for the lost years.

  The faint scent of soap and woodsy cologne pulled her attention to the open doorway. His long legs carried him across to her. Concern furrowed his eyebrows.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “I know what my father did to you. To us.” The pain of betrayal swamped her, flooding her cheeks. “He drove you away. Didn’t he?”

  He knelt in front of her and thumbed away her tears. “It’s history. Forgotten. You’re here with me now, and that’s all that matters.” His facial expression revealed nothing.

  “It’s not forgotten. How could you not blame me? I certainly blamed you.”


  The young Cash had been talkative and open. The grownup version seemed unwilling to talk about the past. Stacey had to understand what happened so long ago.

  “I thought you’d abandoned me. Disappeared, preferring the military to me. At least that’s what I was told over and over.”

  Cash stared out the window for a long time. Had she pushed too hard?

  “Will you tell me what happened?”

  He faced her. Thunderclouds stirred behind his gray eyes.

  “He treated my mother like scum. Brought the sheriff out to the house with him and scared the shit out of her. Maybe she wasn’t rich or educated or wise to the ways of the world, but she’d worked hard to take care of me. He intended to trump up a charge against me if I didn’t ‘disappear.’ She begged me to enlist. I was just young and stupid enough to do it.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  He cupped her cheek with his hand and covered her lips with his. A kiss of forgiveness? Understanding? Or avoidance? He increased the pressure, sliding his tongue inside her mouth.

  Her heart did a back flip. She marveled at her body’s instant reaction to him. Her breasts ached to be touched. Her hands itched to run over his chest muscles. His black hair was still damp. The blue button-down collared western shirt and blue jeans he wore outlined every muscle.

  She pulled back, studying his face for signs that he could move forward and prayed she wasn’t giving her heart away just to get it stomped on.

  “You’re looking at me like I’m the blue plate special again. You’re gonna give me a complex.”

  “I am not.” She smiled when he chuckled. A piece of her anger melted.

  A second kiss took her breath away. All she could think of was how much fun it would be to lick him from head to toe. To slowly run her tongue over every inch of his body. How would he react to that?

  “I’d love every minute.”

  “Every minute of what?” Heat raced up her chest and scorched her cheeks. “I said that licking part out loud, didn’t I?”

  “Yeah. Sounds like a plan to me.”

  He stood, pulling her up with him. Nuzzling the side of her face, he trailed tiny kisses up to her forehead, came down her nose until he found her lips. This kiss wasn’t gentle. This kiss demanded surrender. It buckled her legs and she crumbled into his arms.

  “How the hell do you do that?” she asked when they finally came up for air. “You effectively changed the subject. We need to talk.”

  “I prefer action.”

  He’d won this round. But the hurt hadn’t healed and she had to figure a way to help him. On a sigh, she went back for another sample of his lips. She clung to him, needing his body pressed against hers. Feeling him hard against her was intoxicating, powerful and erotic as hell.

  Grasping at what sanity she had left, she tried to rein in her desire. “Thank you for believing me.”

  His fingertips traced the line running down her jaw to her chin. “You’ve haunted my waking thoughts and given me dreams that made me want to sleep forever. I’m glad you know.” He covered her mouth with his and swept his tongue inside.

  Stacey pulled away, pleased by the look of disappointment in his gaze. She closed the door and turned to face him, delighted by his groan.

  His hands slid under her shirt, cupped her breasts, snapping her hormones to attention, followed closely behind by her nipples. He lifted her blouse, tossed it in the chair, and then one-handed the hook on her bra.

  “Oh, Sug.” He pushed the straps from her shoulders, freeing her breasts. “You are definitely not a dream.”

  He leaned down, took her nipple in his mouth, and sucked greedily. A deep rumble eased from his throat, and electricity shot straight from her breast to her very core.

  “Your breasts are addicting. I’ll never tire of touching you, of tasting you.”

  His words melted her heart. It expanded in her chest, pounded against her ribs so hard she wondered if he could hear it.

  “Then don’t stop,” she whispered.

  He kissed her jaw line drawing tiny designs with the tip of his tongue on her neck. Pushing her backwards, they moved one step at a time until she bumped into the bed.

  He finished undressing her. His gaze followed his hands. His lips kissed bare skin. Desire changed to need, weakening Stacey’s knees.

  He pulled at his shirt, but she caught his hands, pushing them to his sides. “Wait. Let me.”

  She kissed the hollow of his neck, trailed down his chest behind each opened button. She tugged at his jeans until he stopped her long enough for him to toe off his boots. Slowly, she looked at him, studied his amazing body. He was perfect. His lean, muscular body looked as if an artist sculpted it from granite, and luckily, the same guy had carved h
is face.

  She dragged him down beside her. Kissing his cheeks, she worked her way down his neck. Her lips roved, her tongue tasted with small flicks while she enjoyed the muscles and texture of his body.

  “Enough,” he growled, grabbing for his wallet and fumbling with the foil packet.

  “Give that to me.” She held back a laugh at his fascination and slid the condom on him.

  He rolled her to her back then positioned his hips between her thighs. He kissed his way downward to her breasts. His tongue left a trail of fire in its path. He reached her belly button, circled it, and drew patterns before he crept lower. The flame of need grew into a raging fire. Her skin started to tighten and burn.

  “Cash.” It was barely a whisper, but she was ready to plead for release.

  His tongue brought about a quake inside her mind, body, and soul. Mercilessly he devoured her until she cried out in an explosion of joy.

  “You’re so beautiful,” he whispered.

  He entered her with a quick thrust. His penetration reached deep into her heat. Sensations ricocheted through her body. Needing more, she began to move under him.

  She grabbed his shoulders and murmured, “Now. With me.”

  He moved faster, harder, driving her deeper and deeper toward the edge. Waves pulled her under, and she surrendered her heart to him. She gripped him tightly, matching his movements until he joined her in the sea of release.

  She smiled when he rolled to the side, taking her with him. “You’re beautiful too.”

  “Men aren’t beautiful,” he protested, but she recognized the gleam in his eyes.

  He tunneled his fingers through her hair. His gaze drifted lazily across her face. A slight lifting of his lips made her curious.

  “What are you thinking?”

  “There’s this look in your eyes when I’m inside you. I can’t describe it.”

  “Is it weird?”

  “Far from it. Your expression is the most erotic thing I’ve ever seen. It’s like having me inside you is where I belong.”

  “Maybe it is.” She leaned over him and kissed the tip of his nose.

  “You may be right.” He licked the tip of her nipple. “Do you have to go to work? I’m fine with staying right here all day.”

  “Yes. We have to stop by my apartment. I’ll jump in the shower and then head to the bar.”

  “You’re not going to go...what did you call it? Ah yes, ‘Billy-Bad-Ass’ on me if I offer to drive you to and from?”

  She rolled away and reached for her clothes. His fingers trailed down her bare bottom, pulling a laugh from her. “Would it do any good?”


  The sound of his zipper drew her attention. His hands were rough, calloused from working, yet gentle when they touched her. She’d always measured men against him, maybe not intentionally, but none had met the standard he’d set as a young man. She’d finally accepted the fact nobody ever would.

  Chapter Seven

  Cash made it all the way to the hood of his pickup before he let the laugh escape. Stacey, on the other hand, appeared to be struck speechless ever since she’d remembered Ginger being in the house. Stacey’s fear the sounds of their lovemaking had been overheard had apparently left her at a loss for words.

  “It’s not funny,” Stacey protested. Pink flooded her cheeks all the way to her hairline.

  “Sug, the kitchen’s too far away from the bedroom for her to have heard anything.”

  “You really think so?” Her tone resonated with hope.

  “Well...” He couldn’t resist teasing her. “You did scream my name.”

  The blow to his arm brought a laugh from them both. He laid his open hand on the passenger side door handle. She touched his face, stopping him. Big blue eyes sparkled in the sunlight. In that moment, the broken pieces of his life came together. With her, two made a whole.

  “Nobody heard. Ginger grocery shops on Saturday.”

  “Is that the truth?” She squeezed his fingers.

  “I’ll always be honest with you.”

  He opened the pickup door, and Stacey lifted a foot to the running board.

  The sound he heard was distinct. Blood curdling. Deadly. There was no other like it.

  The rattle was a warning.

  Time stopped.

  Stacey froze.

  Adrenaline slammed into Cash’s system. The snake struck at the same time he looped an arm around her waist and jerked her behind him. He put a boot on the door and kicked it closed, locking it to keep anyone else from opening it.

  He turned to face her, pulling her rigid body against his. Seconds later, she trembled from head to toe. He tipped her face up to find the color had drained from her skin, and her pupils were dilated.

  “It’s okay. Breathe. I’ve got you.” Afraid she’d gone into shock, he scooped her into his arms and hurried to the porch. “Stacey. Talk to me.”

  “I’m going to be sick.”

  “Go ahead.”

  “Put me down.”

  No way was she getting very far from him. He put her feet on the ground, and she rushed to his shrubs where she lost the contents of her stomach. When her heaves subsided, he guided her inside.

  He helped her to the couch, tucking a blanket around her to stop her shivers. His heart double clutched at the sight. He wanted to hold her, to kiss away the memory of the rattler, but calls had to be made.

  His chat with the 911 operator was brief. Because his ranch was outside the city limits he expected both the locals and a deputy sheriff to show up.

  The next call went to his friend in Houston. Cash wanted firsthand information on Ray Simmons. He’d explain the situation to Ash and get the information needed and more.

  “This the same Stacey you told me about?” Ash never forgot anything, which sometimes wasn’t a good thing. He could ferret out someone’s deepest secrets.

  “Yeah.” Cash smiled at the beauty resting on his couch. Her color had returned. Now instead of frightened, she looked pissed. “Hang on. I’m putting you on speaker.”

  He made introductions and turned the call over to Ash who let Stacey do most of the talking. The longer she spoke the stronger she sounded, so Cash went to his house phone and called the barn, instructing his two ranch hands to come to the house. It was only right to give them a chance to opt out of working for a few days.

  Stacey’s laugher from the other room put a smile on his face. No telling what that dog Ash was saying. Ty decided he’d better get closer to the phone and rejoin the conversation.

  “So, did Cash tell you I was a rescuer of damsels in distress?”

  “He failed to mention that.” She scooted over, making room for him to sit.

  “What else did you tell her?” Cash asked, bracing for Ash’s usual line of bull.

  The room went silent for a heartbeat before Ash responded. “Only that you saved my life.”

  “And you returned the favor.”

  “I’ll see what I can find out on Ray Simmons. In the meantime, watch your six.”

  The line went dead. Never one to talk about his own heroics as a Ranger, Ash had reverted to business.

  Cash stood after hearing voices outside. “I’m going to send Ginger and my men home for a few days. Just until we stop this lunatic.”

  “I’ll talk to them.” She folded the blanket and rose to her feet. “Least I can do is apologize.”

  “Not necessary.” Sirens ended their discussion. “If you’ll explain to Kelly what we found in the pickup, I’ll take care of the boys.”

  “I’ll meet him on the porch.” She stopped at the door and cut him a glance from the corner of her eyes. “No way I’m getting near that pickup.”

  Her smile and wisecrack lightened the weight resting on Cash’s shoulders. This was one tough woman. His respect for her grew daily.


  Tempted to check for steam coming from her ears, Stacey shifted sideways and lifted her feet up beside her on the porch swing. Sergeant Kel
ly had actually told her to stay out of the way. As if she were stupid enough to get within a city block of that snake.

  Creepy crawly sensations skittered around under her skin. One of the sheriff’s deputies was a snake wrangler, catching rattlesnakes for the big roundup in Sweetwater every year. He removed a long metal rod from his trunk and had everyone back away.

  A person had to be insane to catch a viper so deadly and then put it in Cash’s floorboard. A shiver raced through her. If she’d moved a second faster getting into the truck, she’d have been bitten and would be in the hospital fighting for her life.

  A thought hit. Her stomach lurched.

  What if she wasn’t the target? Had the snake been placed on the driver’s side of the pickup? It could’ve easily slithered across the mat.

  Stacey’s heart imploded. She couldn’t put him at risk. Not again. For his sake, she had to stay away from him. Her mind raced in search of a workable plan.

  Cash stepped onto the porch. Picking up her feet, he sat next to her, placing them on his lap. His dark eyes held a hint of anger, but he said nothing. The wind caught his woodsy scent, sending a gentle touch across her skin and calming her. Leaving him would be the hardest thing she’d ever done. His safety came first.

  After this nightmare ended, would he welcome her back? The idea of losing him for the second time filled her soul with darkness. He might not be in her arms, but he’d be alive.

  She dropped her feet to the floor. “There’s nothing left for the cops to ask, so I’m going home.”

  “Come again? I must not have understood you.”

  The look of confusion on his face ripped at her heart. “Please don’t argue. Ray knows I’m here.”

  “And he damn near killed you.” Cash’s harsh tone sent chills across her skin. “There’s not much left of your apartment. You’re not going back there alone. In fact, until this bastard is caught or I kill him, you’re not going anywhere alone.”

  Kill him? Judging from the expression on Cash’s face, he was capable of doing just that. All the more reason to relieve him from the burden of trying to protect her.

  “Don’t tell me what to do. If you’d try being logical, you’d know I’m right.” Unable to face him with anymore lies, she turned her back and went inside.


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