Seven Days: A young black woman makes a deal with a mob boss.

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Seven Days: A young black woman makes a deal with a mob boss. Page 34

by Diana Hoffman

  Neither one could move a muscle, nor did they want to. But Nic soon realized that he was probably crushing her. He tried to roll off of her, but she held onto him.

  "No, don't move yet," she whimpered.

  Nic looked down into her eyes. They were misted over and her mouth was slightly parted, as if she wanted to say something else.

  "I'm not going anywhere, baby," Nic assured her, as he kept their bodies connected.

  She raised up and kissed him. And when she laid her head back down on the bed, she stared up at him. "I love you."

  "I love you more," Nic whispered as he felt his dick stirring again. Yes, they were both going to be sore from this reunion.

  Later that night, after two more sessions of lovemaking, Nic and Victoria lay in bed, still entangled in each other's arms and legs.

  At first, Victoria couldn't tell if Nic had fallen asleep, but every few minutes she'd feel his lips against her forehead, and she knew that he wasn't. She always felt so safe in his arms. Strong arms that held her as though she were some precious gem. Perhaps it was because in this moment she felt safe, or satisfied, but whatever the reason, a calm came over Victoria, and she could no longer deny it. She had sacrificed things all her life, and mostly she didn't have a choice. But now she would make sacrifices for something she truly wanted more than anything else...and it was clearly her choice.

  "Nic, I can handle it," Victoria said, as she kissed the tips of his fingers

  "Handle what, baby?" Nic asked, his sleepy voice betraying him.

  "This. Your job, your lifestyle, everything. I mean, I can't promise that it won't be hard for me, but I will try. I love you and I don't want to be apart from you. And I promise I won't give up on you again," Victoria admitted, lifting her head to gauge his reaction.

  Nic stared down at her. He didn't say anything, but he kissed her. Victoria knew this would be a long road to travel, but for her there really was no other option. She had to be with him. She shifted her body, so that she was straddling him, with her head resting on his chest. She loved the feel of his chest softly rising and falling with each breath.

  "Victoria?" Nic asked.

  "Hmm?" she replied, not bothering to lift her head.

  "Did you still want to know about my brother, Bobby?" Nic asked.

  But this question however, did cause Victoria to raise her head. She hesitated a moment before she said "If you don't want to talk about it, we don't have to."

  Nic exhaled, "No, I probably should. Bobby was...well, nothing like me. All-round nice guy. He had an interesting sense of humor and usually made friends with everyone. But God, could he talk. Never shut up."

  Victoria laughed, as she rested her head back onto his chest.

  "And he never got punished by my mom. She never could, because as soon as she would get mad at him, he'd flash this big smile or puppy dog look, and she was done. Had mom completely wrapped around his finger. Hmm, let me think what else I could tell you," Nic said more to himself, than Victoria. "I guess something else that was interesting about him was that he hated fighting and violence. Didn't even like violent movies, but he never turned his nose up at my father and I, like my other siblings did."

  Victoria laced her fingers through Nic's larger ones, as she continued to listen. It was extremely rare when Nic shared something, and she always felt so special when he did. She almost didn't want to move, so she wouldn't break whatever connection they had at the moment.

  Nic cleared his throat. "I think one of the reasons he was like that, was because of an incident that happened when we were kids. We had gotten my father's handgun and like idiots, were playing with it, even though we had been warned a hundred times. Jimmy was over at our house that day, and said he could tell it wasn't loaded. So Bobby started swinging it around and then pointed it at my mom's favorite vase and shot. That son of a bitch was so loud, I swear I heard it ringing in my ears for days. Bobby dropped the gun and never picked another one up. It scared the shit out of him. But oh, did my father wear our asses out for that," Nic laughed.

  "Oh my God, he should have," Victoria laughed, thinking about the three of them looking devilish in the photo she had observed at Marianna's house.

  Both were quiet as several minutes passed. Victoria wasn't sure if Nic was done talking. She waited a few minutes longer before she said anything.

  "You know, your brother...his personality kind of reminds me of Antonio, don't you think?"

  Nic thought about it. Over the years, he had tried not to think about Bobby, but now remembering a few of his brother's traits...yes, he and Antonio were similar. "Yeah, I guess he does. Always knew I liked that little prick for some reason."

  Victoria giggled again. "He's a good guy. You just make him nervous all the time."

  "Good," Nic whispered, then laughed when Victoria swatted at his arm.

  "He would give anything to be like you. He thinks you're the coolest guy in the world. But don't tell him I told you this," Victoria said.

  "I wouldn't dream of it." Nic thought about how Antonio could help him with his newest project. He needed to set that plan into motion as soon as possible.

  Nic seemed to be deep in thought when Victoria interrupted him. "Nic?"


  "Want to tell me about the last time you cried?" Victoria felt Nic's body tense up beneath her. Maybe she was prying too much. He would tell her more things in time. He didn't have to give her his whole life story tonight while lying in bed. "Never mind, I'm sorry. I'm being way too nosey."

  She felt his muscles relax, and she hugged him tighter. At least he wasn't mad at her for asking. He would tell her when he was ready. She was about to tell him that she was ready for round four, when he spoke.

  "About ten years ago, was the last time I cried. It was the day I had to identify my brother's...remains."

  Victoria looked up at Nic, trying her best not to look so shocked. She shifted herself so that her face was hovering over his. She lowered her lips to his and kissed him. "Baby, you don't have to tell me if you're not ready." She saw him nod his head, but he didn't say anything, which was definitely out of character for Nic. He hated when people did that.

  He opened his mouth, but nothing came out. Then finally after a few seconds, he said "I'm fine. I just haven't talked about this in a long...ever, actually. I've never said a word to anyone, not even Jimmy."

  More silence. Victoria waited, looking into his eyes. He was avoiding eye contact with her, but she knew this was probably one of the most difficult things he'd done.

  "That day I thought I could take it. I wanted so badly to believe it wasn't my baby brother, you know. I always thought I could protect him. But when the police called my father and I into the morgue to identify his hea...fuck."

  Victoria felt his breath quicken and he turned his head away from her. She slowly turned his head back toward her. Although the room was dark, she could see the slight moisture in the corners of his eyes. "Ssh, you don't have to say any more. I love you," she whispered, kissing him again and again.

  It was so long ago, Nic thought it couldn't possibly affect him the same way, but he was wrong. All of those feelings that he had been avoiding for ten years came crashing down on him. And what made it even harder on him was that he still looked at Bobby as a seven year old who wore a Superman cape for almost a year straight. He had worn it to school, to the dinner table, to bed...for a solid year, he wouldn't part with it. It had come with a Halloween costume of Nic's, that he soon regretted giving to his little brother. Or Nic would remember him as the annoying twelve year old who followed him around everywhere he went. At the time it had been frustrating, but he later learned it was because Bobby thought of him as his idol or hero. It took his mother telling him that for Nic to understand. That happened one day when Bobby interrupted a make-out session Nic was having with some neighborhood girl, because he wanted to play baseball. When Nic complained to his mom about Bobby's ever present nature, he left out the make-out session, but g
ot an explanation as to why Bobby was following his every move.

  "He's your younger brother and he loves you. Even though you two are only a year apart, he would love nothing more than to be just like you. And you should be proud of that, Nic. Not annoyed. You're your brother's keeper, you know," his mom had told him years ago. Why the hell couldn't he have kept him safe?

  "Nic, it's not your fault what happened to him," Victoria whispered, bringing him out of the past. He looked up at her concerned, yet loving face.

  "I should have been able to protect him better than that."

  "Don't think about it," Victoria said, laying small kisses all over his face.

  No, he wouldn't think about it anymore. He grabbed Victoria and rolled her onto her back. He was ready to feel her wrapped around him for the...well, he had lost count.

  The next morning, Victoria pried her eyes open when she smelled the sinful aroma of French toast. She freshened up in the bathroom, grabbed her black dress and put it on, then walked into the kitchen.

  "Good morning, beautiful," Nic said, placing her breakfast on the counter, as she entered.

  "Good morning. And do you ever get any sleep?" Victoria asked, as she stood on her tip toes to deliver him a kiss.

  "Sometimes," Nic admitted.

  Victoria looked at her food. "This whole domestic side of you is still such a surprise. I'm trying to get used to it." She placed a forkful in her mouth, and wanted to moan with how good it was, when she noticed he wasn't eating. "Are you not eating?"

  "No, I don't like French toast."

  "Then why did you make it?"

  "Because I know you like it. I'm not really big on sugary foods first thing in the morning," he stated, as he opened the morning paper. Victoria watched him as she ate. He looked as though he had a lot on his mind.

  "Are you okay?" she asked.

  "Yes," Nic answered, but didn't offer any more.

  She nodded as she stuffed more food into her mouth. When she was done, she turned to look at him, and he was observing her. "That...was so good."

  "Glad you liked," he said, although she could tell his mind was still elsewhere.

  Victoria stood up and stretched. "Hey, I didn't even check, but are all the clothes you bought for me still here?"

  "Of course."

  "Okay. I have to get dressed and go into Calamity's and see if I even still have a job."

  That brought Nic's mind back into focus. "What?"

  Victoria started to walk to the back of the condo. "I need to go back to work soon. I have rent. My roommate probably thinks I've moved out...if she's even there. I swear that girl spends so much time away," Victoria yelled over her shoulder as she entered the bathroom.

  She quickly showered and then walked to the bedroom and into the closet, with a small light blue towel wrapped around her body. She began shuffling through the clothes. She looked behind her and noticed Nic leaning against the door frame watching her. Oh, she could be playful. She slowly pulled the towel from her body and dropped it to the floor. She stood there completely naked, with her backside to his open stare.

  "Hmm, what to wear," she said to herself, smiling, knowing he was looking. After a few seconds, she felt his arms snake around her and he buried his face into the side of her neck. She tilted her head back and moaned as he lightly bit his favorite area.

  Nic slid his hands to her breasts and began to squeeze and roll her tight chocolate nipples between his fingers. And the further she stuck her tits out for his pleasure, the more her fleshy, perfect ass pushed into his crotch. Damn, he was already hard.

  Victoria parted her mouth to moan when she felt his hand grasp her neck and tighten. "Nic," she whispered, as she felt his other hand slowly travel down her stomach and stop at the entrance to her essence. His fingers lightly grazed her sensitive folds as he rubbed her clit.

  Victoria couldn't think, she didn't know where to put her arms, so she placed one up and behind her to grip his hair and the other she placed over top of his hand that was exploring her soaking pussy.

  "You want it?" Nic teased close to her ear, squeezing her neck harder as he slowly inserted two fingers inside her. Such sweet torture.

  "Nic...," was all she could manage.

  "Tell me. Do you want it?" he growled.

  "Yes, baby."

  "What do you want?"

  "I—I want you to make me come," she whispered, right before he inserted a third finger and began pumping in and out at a faster pace.

  "Ooh, God, ooohh," Victoria muttered, as her body jerked. But Nic's arms kept her from moving too far, as he continued to lovingly assault her pussy. He wasn't reducing his speed, and he was quickly driving her crazy with his unrelenting attack. She just couldn't take it. And no more sounds could escape her throat as his hand tightened again.

  Her back was pressed tightly to his front, and she loved the feel of being totally naked when he was fully dressed. It made her feel...freaky, and she loved it. She felt herself gasping for air right as her lower region exploded and she saw stars. Her legs felt wobbly and the butterflies in her pussy that traveled to her stomach and up her spine made her entire body feel as though it were on fire. Victoria could feel the sticky, wet feeling between her legs, as Nic released her neck and removed all but one finger. One finger that continued to tease her delicate and overly sensitive clit.

  "Oh, damn," Victoria whispered to herself. When he finally removed the last finger, Victoria turned around and kissed him. She felt his tongue rolling around in her mouth, and still she wanted more.

  When they pulled apart, Nic watched in awe as she grabbed the hand he had made her come with, and began sucking off her own juices. One by one she sucked and licked each of the three fingers which were covered in come.

  "Mmm," she moaned, and then raised up on her tip toes to kiss him again. Nic was so hard, it hurt. He wanted to fuck her crazy. Screw gentleness.

  Victoria watched in anticipation as he quickly removed his shirt and pulled down his pants and underwear. She squealed when he picked her up and roughly held her against one of the closet walls. He braced his arms underneath her legs and held them far apart. Victoria could tell by the look in his eyes, that this was purely lust and about his release only. She braced herself as he swiftly entered her to the hilt. She gasped from the sharp pain of his entire thick member penetrating her so forcefully.

  The wall had no give, so she was forced to take this pounding, and that really turned him on. The look of pain and pleasure written on her face.

  He could feel his cheeks clenching as he pounded into her over and over again, never yielding. He was so close.

  "Do you want me? My come?" Nic asked, breaking her out of her daze.

  "Yes," she whispered, wrapping her arms around his neck and resting her head on his shoulder while his body pumped ferociously in and out of her.

  Her simple answer was all he needed to push him over the edge. He felt that wonderful, well-known feeling as his dick jerked and began squirting his pearly seed deep into Victoria. He groaned as it seemed to last forever and he felt his knees giving. When he was sure he didn't have a drop left, he slowly pulled out of her and let her rest her feet on the ground.

  "Nic, that was--," she started, but he cut her off by kissing her. Her swollen lips tasted so good. Every part of her tasted so good.

  When they finally parted, Victoria grabbed her towel and tried to take a second quick shower, but Nic joined her and 'quick' turned into almost an hour long escapade. They were definitely making up for any lost time together.

  They both finally made it back into the closet to look for clothes. When Victoria was dressed, she turned to look as Nic was watching her again. He had yet to put on a shirt, and only had on a pair of jeans with no shoes. And damn, if he didn't look like an ad for...something sexy. 'Down girl,' Victoria thought, as she was about to walk past him.

  He held out his arm, blocking her exit. "Yeah, about Calamity's...we need to talk about that," he said.

; "Why, what's wrong?" Victoria asked.

  "I don't want you working there anymore. One, it's not safe."

  "I thought that's why you got rid of those now it should be safe, right?"

  Nic stuck his hands in his pockets. "You're right. It should be. So, the real gripe I have is I don't like you working at a place like that in an outfit like that."

  Victoria shook her head. "Nic, you've seen me in skimpier things. Hell, half of them are in this closet."


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