Seven Days: A young black woman makes a deal with a mob boss.

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Seven Days: A young black woman makes a deal with a mob boss. Page 35

by Diana Hoffman

  "Yes, but that's different."

  "How so?"

  "Because I'm with you when you wear them. Men know that you belong to me...they don't know that at your workplace."

  Victoria scoffed, "Belong to you?"

  "Yes," he answered matter-of-factly.

  "Hmm, didn't realize I was like a dog. Or cattle," Victoria said, rolling her eyes.

  Nic walked over to her, and stood so close that his body was lightly grazing hers. He stared down into her face, while she tried to resist his charms, by placing her hands on her hips.

  "I thought this was my pussy," he said, as he traced his fingers up her thigh and under her skirt. Victoria didn't answer for fear that her voice would betray her due to the instant connection she felt with his fingers. Instead, she continued to stare at him.

  "And my heart," he whispered, as his fingers trailed from under her skirt, up to her breast and over her heart. "At least I thought they were."

  Victoria opened her mouth to speak, but she couldn't think of shit to say. Damn, he was right.

  When she eventually found her voice, she said, "Fair enough. But Nic, that's my job and those outfits aren't THAT bad, you know."

  "Maybe not on less shapely girls, but on see tits and ass."

  "Okay, you're exaggerating. No they don't," Victoria laughed.

  "Yes, they do," Nic said, not finding the humor at all.

  Victoria backed away from him and walked out of the closet. She went down the hall, and grabbed her purse from the table. Before she could make it to the door, Nic grabbed her arm.

  "Wait, I'm not done talking about this," he said, pulling her towards him.

  "Nic, there's nothing more to discuss. I understand your concerns, but it's my job until I can find one that's better."

  "You do realize that you don't have to work. You know I'll take care of you," Nic whispered to her.

  Victoria pulled away. "You see Nic, that's—that's exactly what people think. I—I," Victoria tried, but couldn't finish. This whole thing could be so frustrating.

  Both of them stood there staring at each other.

  "I forgot to tell you last night, but Detective Marsh came to see me while I was at the hotel," Victoria mentioned, breaking the silence.

  Son of a bitch. Nic exhaled to keep his temper in check. "What did he want?"

  "He just asked me questions about our relationship and if I knew of anything illegal that you've done. Of course I played dumb, but he, well, he insulted me. He thinks that I'm just your girlfriend who you pay to sleep with. And I let him think it so he wouldn't ask more questions, but I—I don't like that people think that about me. And I realize that it started out that way, but I don't want people to continue to think that way," she said, quickly wiping a small tear in the corner of her eye.

  Marsh was an absolute dick, and Nic wanted nothing more than to punch him in his smug face. He could see the embarrassment on her face of dealing with people thinking this way. Marsh, her father, Sonny, Amber...he'll probably more people than he realized because they never said it to his face. They just looked down on her. And she had never said a word about it until now. And this was all because of the way he had treated her. He had no one to blame but himself.

  "Well, job or not, people are going to think what they want, but at least I feel better about myself if I don't sit around your condo all day waiting for you to come and...well, you know."

  Nic knew he would have to lose this battle to win the war. It was his fault and he'd have to deal with it. Plus, he had some other matters to attend to. He slowly nodded and turned to walk toward the bedroom.

  Victoria wasn't sure if she should follow him, or just walk out of the door. She chose to leave, because she at least needed to see if she still had a job. Once she paid the cab driver, she turned and flinched when she walked by the sidewalk where she had ducked down from the glass. She stared up at the new shiny window. You wouldn't have even known there was a shooting over a week ago. When she walked in, she noticed Tracy flirting with a new bartender that she didn't recognize. She headed over to them.

  "Hey Tracy," Victoria said, before Tracy pounced on her.

  "Oh my God," she said in her thick southern accent, as she hugged Victoria. "How are you? Where have you been? Do you still work here?" Tracy shot out question after question.

  "I'm fine. And I don't know if I still work here or not. Is Greg around?"

  "Yes, sweetie, he's in the office."

  "Thanks," Victoria said, as she made her way towards the back of the restaurant. She knocked on the door.

  "What?" she heard him answer.

  She pushed open the door and saw him sitting behind the desk counting money. He froze when he saw her and then smiled.

  "Well, well, look what the cat dragged in. How are you?"

  "I'm good. You?"

  "Can't complain."

  "So, I know I've been gone a little while, but I was kind of wondering if I was still employed here?"

  "Do you want to be?"


  "Then you are," Greg said, looking back down at the money. "I can put you back on the schedule starting"

  "Oh, gosh, thank you Greg," Victoria said. Then she stared at him skeptically. "You don't even want to know where I've been?"

  "No, it's all your business. Well, that and the fact that some guy called me the day after the shooting to say you would be gone for a certain amount of time, but he wouldn't tell me how long or where. He was just a little scary on the phone. Boyfriend?"

  Victoria placed her hand over her face and nodded, "Sorry about that."

  "I figured. All the good ones are taken," Greg smiled at her. Victoria smiled back, and as the uncomfortable moment passed them by, Greg cleared his throat.

  "So, anyhow, you're on at five tomorrow. See you then," he said as he continued to count.

  "Thanks Greg," Victoria said, walking out of the office and closing the door.

  "You sure Nic," Jimmy asked. "You know, there's no going back after this."

  Nic nodded, "Yes, I'm sure."

  "Well, I'm happy for you. I never thought I'd see this day. And over a woman at that," Jimmy smirked.

  Nic was finally setting his plans in motion. He couldn't delay it any further. He knew he was taking a huge gamble, but damn if she wasn't worth it. He loved her and he hoped what he was doing would truly show her exactly how he felt about her.

  "So, just those we have deals with now, right? Anyone else will just eventually get the message, right?"


  "And you sure you want to give me what you did? I mean, I thank you, but it's too much Nic. I wouldn't feel right."

  "It's yours. Tell Isabelle it's a small compensation for keeping you away all these years."

  Jimmy smiled, as he pulled out his cell phone and began making the first of many calls.

  Nic walked back into his office, to find Reuben still busy making and printing documents. He never thought lawyers could be trustworthy, but over the years, Reuben had proven that he could be. But a slight sting hit Nic's nerves. He had thought Eddie trustworthy as well. Even more reason to continue with his plans. He still didn't have all the pieces in position, but if everything turned out like he envisioned it would...then he would be one happy man. A man who probably didn't deserve it, but that was between him and his maker.

  Nic had already spoken with Jimmy and Raymond, only one left and that was Antonio.

  When Raymond brought Antonio into Nic's office, Antonio looked nervous as always. He quickly glanced back and forth between Nic and Reuben.

  "Hi, Nic. You wanted to see me?"

  "Yes, Antonio. Have a seat," Nic said, while he signed documents.

  Antonio felt so anxious. He never wanted to say or do the wrong thing around Nic, which of course he always did. But at least Nic looked calm and relaxed. He wasn't sure who the guy was beside him, but he just hoped that the whacking had stopped with Eddie.

  "Antonio, thi
s is my lawyer, Reuben. He's present today to make sure everything goes smoothly," Nic stated, shuffling a group of papers.

  "If this is about the other night, I feel like I should stop you, before we go any further. I really need to tell you--," Antonio started.

  " not really the time to bring up anything from the other night," Nic warned, narrowing his eyes.

  "I understand. But basically Nic, I just want to tell you that I don't think I'm the right guy that you're looking for. I mean, I thank you for the opportunity you have given me, and maybe in a few months when I'm back at Best Buy I'll be kicking my own ass, but I just can't do this anymore. And I know you called me in here today, but truthfully, I was going to ask to speak to you about all of this. I'm sorry if I've let you down in any way," Antonio finished. He had been practicing that speech all morning and made sure to look Nic directly in the face while delivering the news.

  Nic leaned back in his chair. "You have done everything that I have asked you to do. I have no complaints."

  Antonio exhaled. "Thank you, Nic."

  "What is it that you want to do, Antonio?"

  Antonio smiled. He knew exactly what he wanted to do. "I really, really want to own my own club. I mean, that would be the best. And who knows, maybe in time open up one on the west coast too. Those cool exclusive kind that only let in hot people and celebrities. I have so many plans for it."

  Jesus, this kid did remind him of his brother. Nic nodded, "I thought so. Sign this."

  Antonio stared down at the document. "What's this?" he said, picking up the pen.

  "It's a document that states I'm turning over fifty percent ownership of my club to you."

  Antonio thought his eyes were going to pop out of the sockets. He couldn't have heard that right. There was no way. "Wait, I'm sorry Nic. What did you say?"

  "I'm leaving, Antonio. For good. Jimmy is in the process of giving my clients alternative, trustworthy sources, so I'm out. And there's not really any going back at this point. I'm cutting all ties with the business and pretty soon this city as well. I called you in here today to let you know of my plans. I'm turning over ownership of both of my restaurants to Jimmy. And I spoke to Raymond. He doesn't really want full responsibility, so you two will be co-owners. He preferred to just stay on as head of security for my--well you and Raymond's club if you accept."

  Antonio couldn't believe it. Him?! An owner of a club...which was like a dream come true. "Hell yes!! I mean, yes, of course. Are you sure? I mean, this is me we're talking about. You sure Raymond is cool with this?"

  "If you haven't noticed, Raymond doesn't really like being around people...or talking to them, or dealing with them, so he's just fine as head of security, while you're in charge of operations. So yes, I'm sure. Don't fuck it up," Nic said.

  "No, sir! Of course not. I just...oh, man. I can't believe this," Antonio said, running his hands through his hair. His momma is going to be so proud. Her boy, finally making it in the world.

  "We've had our problems in the past, but you're a pretty good guy and you deserve it. Invest well and it will pay off big time. Reuben will have you sign all the documents."

  Antonio stood up and leaned over the desk to shake Nic's hand. "Thank you so much, Nic. I can't even tell you how wonderful this is. I mean, shit, thank you. I swear I'll name my first born after you...even if it's a girl. Really, thank you."

  "You're welcome, Bobby," Nic said, as he started looking over more documents.

  Antonio wasn't sure who the hell Bobby was, but Nic looked extremely busy. So he hopped up and walked toward the door, but then turned around. "Hey Nic...where will you go? What will you do?"

  Nic gave a small smile, but didn't answer.

  "Honey, I'm home," she heard Nic say as he entered the condo. She jumped up from the couch and ran to give him a big kiss, knocking him back against the wall.

  The past couple of days with Nic had been absolute bliss for Victoria. He still conducted private calls, but he had been spending almost every day with her. And they had come to a compromise with the Calamity's situation. She would continue to work there, but her hours had to be cut back and she had to move in with him. At first she protested, but he had said it was for her own safety, and with her hours cut back...she wouldn't have enough for rent anyway. Victoria soon realized that she had painted herself into a corner. Sometimes she would forget exactly how smart and manipulative her man could be.

  So, the few belongings that she actually owned were neatly packed away in his condo. She had wondered why he didn't want her to move into his house, but he said he had his reasons. At first, it stung...but she had to trust that his reasons weren't anything to do with him not thinking highly of her. She trusted him. And since he practically lived there with her, it helped to ease the sting.

  "If I get to come home to this every night, then I'm sold," Nic mumbled in between her kisses.

  "I'm sorry, I just missed you," Victoria said.

  "Missed me? I've only been gone for a few hours."

  "You've been gone since eight this morning, and it's now six."

  Nic stared at her, before a slow smile crept across his face. She was crazy about him, that's for sure. And he loved it. At least he wasn't in this alone.

  Victoria's eyes widened, "I mean...well, it seemed like a really long time." She tried to back track realizing how insane she probably sounded. But she had missed him.

  "I love you too, baby," he said, patting her on the ass as he walked into the kitchen and sat a bag on the counter. "Don't peek in there."

  Victoria was curious, but she didn't want to ruin his surprise.

  When he emerged from the back room, he was in his navy blue workout pants and a soft looking dark gray shirt. His hair was wet and slicked back, and he looked absolutely adorable.

  "Do me a favor. Go sit out on the terrace and look sexy," he said.

  Victoria was wondering what the hell was going on, but she said nothing. Instead she walked out onto the terrace and sat down at the table. It was a warm night, so she only had on a pair of short cotton shorts and a white tank top. She wasn't wearing a bra, but she figured he would appreciate that. She stared out at the sky. The stars looked as though they had been spray painted onto a black canvas.

  "Beautiful, isn't it?" she heard him say from behind her. She turned and he was staring at her. He had a fancy plate in one hand, two champagne bottles in the other hand and a champagne bottle underneath his arm.

  Nic sat the tray of chocolate covered strawberries on the table, and then quickly poured a glass of champagne for both of them.

  "Nic, this looks...amazing, what's going on?"

  "We're celebrating," he said, handing her a glass.

  "Celebrating what?"

  Nic sat down and took a sip. "New beginnings." He picked up a chocolate covered strawberry and brought it to her lips. She stared right at him and took a seductive bite, and then closed her eyes and whimpered.

  "That's good," she said, opening her eyes.

  The woman can bite a strawberry and send blood pumping through his dick, Nic thought. He leaned over to kiss and lick her lips, tasting chocolate and champagne. "Very good," Nic said, licking his own lips.

  "So, what new beginnings are we celebrating, Mr. Andretti?" she asked.

  Nic leaned back in his chair. "A beautiful virtuous woman once told an unmoving arrogant prick that there is always a place for decency and at the end of the day, money isn't everything and it never was. Well this prick finally listened. I'm out, baby."

  Victoria continued to stare at Nic. "I don't understand. What do you mean?"

  "I'm out of this business. For good. Nothing else illegal."

  "What?" Victoria whispered. "You're—you're..." She couldn't even finish the sentence. "Oh my God!" she screamed as she hopped up and straddled his lap.

  "I'm so happy! Are you serious?" Victoria kept asking him over and over, in between kisses.

  "I'm serious, baby," Nic said, as he gently pulled her b
ack to look into her eyes. Beautiful brown pools that were quickly watering up. God, he loved her so much, and now it was time to show her exactly how much.

  "I love you and I have one more thing to tell you," Nic said, lifting her up from his lap.

  Victoria quickly wiped her eyes. There was nothing else he could possibly tell her that could match the feeling of elation that she felt at the moment. She sat back down in her chair and waited for the other news.

  Nic stood up and pulled something from behind his back. It was a book. When he handed it to her, she knew exactly which one. Her book of 100 Greatest Love Poems.


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