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Page 16

by Alicia Masterson

  "Even Garret admitted that he had to break it off because Andy was too perfect, whatever that means," Brian retorted bitterly. He started laughing though, when what Corey said finally sunk in. "What are you talking about though, 'you can't turn straight.' That's bull, didn't you practically do the same thing to Brian, except that you turned him gay behind his girlfriend's back?"

  "I didn't do anything to Brian," Corey hissed, surprising himself with how defensive he sounded. "What I meant to say was, Brian decided completely on his own. Plus, no one deserves the punishment of staying in a relationship with that bitch."

  "Oh, of course, completely on his own. The sex had nothing to do with it, then."

  Corey was getting fed up with what he perceived to be personal attacks. "You can think whatever you want. Just as an F.Y.I., Brian said 'I love you' first. He beat me to the punch." He found that admitting that completely changed his mood, a huge smile bubbling up from within him. "That's the other reason I wanted to call you. I really wanted to tell someone, actually, I want to shout it out to the world, but you'll have to do. Brian loves me back! I'd say it back to him for the billionth time, but he might throw a book at me right now. It can't be good for me to be this happy about it. I should share some of the good mood."

  "What do you expect me to do, thank you for your generous gift of allowing me to be in the presence of your good mood?"

  "It's a start."

  "Whatever. But congratulations, nevertheless," he said, and he begrudgingly continued, "I'm happy for you two. Honestly."

  "You might not believe me, but it makes a difference to me that you said that."

  Brian paused, unused to the sentimental nature this conversation was taking. He took advantage of the currently mood, asking something that's been plaguing his thoughts for a while. "Why do we never hang out anymore? I miss being able to talk with you about whatever, like this."

  "Idiot," Corey chastised, his good humor fading like vapor. "You know just as well as I do that we're both screwed if we ever did that. Your precious Christine would lose all trust in you, and Brian would be none too happy that I've kept our old friendship a secret from him for this long. Hey, at least I'd eventually be able to make it up to him for that, but what about you? Are you saying that you'd give up your friendship… and whatever else with Christine to be friends with me again?"

  Brian stared dumbfounded at his phone, totally at a loss for words. 'Why can't I answer, why can't I just say, 'of course not'?'

  "Don't answer, it wasn't a real question. I'm not giving you that option. What's in the past is in the past. Be thankful that we're talking at all. But… it might be in my best interest some day to let my mind slip and be caught talking with you in front of her."

  "You're blackmailing me to keep all of this a secret?"

  "Not blackmail, just extra incentive. After all, you've been doing it so far for nothing. Why would you just stop now?"

  Brian heard the line disconnect, still in stunned silence.


  After the drama of the break up, things returned as close to normal as they were likely to in a few weeks. Andy was still hurt, but he wasn't the type to be resentful. Still, it made him extremely uncomfortable to be around Garret and Christine together, especially if they insisted on acting like a couple.

  But it was nights like these, when Garret was busy or Christine just chose to be nice and not make plans, that he lived for, now that he had to live without a boyfriend, at least. Christine would come over, or he would go over there, and they would just hang out. Like best friends do. They could and would talk about anything and everything, or just go out to a movie, or eat out for dinner, whatever. They didn't eat out too often though, it annoyed Andy how people always automatically assumed they were going out.

  They never specifically told Brian he couldn't tag along, but mostly due to his job, it was understood that these nights were for them. Tonight, specifically, neither of them knew how, but they reached the topic of Brian. Andy himself hadn't really given the guy any thought since the day that Brian checked him out, but for obvious reasons, that encounter was pushed out of his mind. 'Obvious reasons' being that it also happened to be the first time that Garret and he had sex. The thought made him fuzzy and sick at the same time, since he couldn't expect to have that with him ever again.

  Looking back though, Andy remembered how surprised he was to see the spark of decency in what seemed to be an outwardly cold and arrogant personality. Christine didn't sound uncomfortable, so he decided to pry.

  "How long have you known him?"

  "All my life, I think. We've always lived down the street from each other, and our parents said that we hit it off even when we were in diapers."

  "It must have been nice to have… had someone like that. Didn't you ever want to date him though?"

  Christine laughed at first, thinking the question was stupid, but then she stopped, thinking about it again. "I don't know why, but I've never thought of that as an option. Before… recently, he was definitely one of the most decent and sweet guys I've ever met, and he's always looked as amazing as he does now. Maybe we knew each other too well though, maybe it was like we were more suited to being siblings, watching each other's backs."

  "Are you okay to keep talking about it? I'm sorry for prying, it's just that, he was obviously a very different person from what he is now, and I'd like to hear about the old one. He must have been something else."

  "I'm fine. It's about time I talk to someone about it. I have all the luck in the world finding nice guys, I guess. Promise you won't turn on me too?" She joked, but there was a hint of seriousness in her tone.

  "Don't see why I ever would. I've never had a friend quite like you before."

  Christine smiled at the compliment, but she couldn't give it back to him. The truth was, she has had a friend like Andy before. Andy stared at her patiently as she collected her memories, silently reminiscing about the nights she would spend with Brian, just like this, just talking, about everything. She sighed, light returning to her eyes. "Go ahead, ask whatever you want, I'm fine."

  "What happened that made him change?" Andy said, getting himself comfortable for what promised to be a long story.

  "Ha, you're asking the wrong person. I don't know everything. You'd have to ask Brian yourself, but I'll tell you everything that I know…"

  She relayed the events directly preceding his transformation, how she thought that it probably all started when he scored the game winning touchdown that fateful night. She told him about the party at the Towers residence, how Corey had announced that he had somehow guaranteed that Brian was to be their school's new football captain. With a pang of hurt, she told Andy how Brian was when he was drunk, how he was convinced by his new friends Dallas and James to fool around with girls in the pool, how he called her the next day, after he slept with Abigail.

  Andy soaked it all up, almost sorry that he started her on this memory train. Christine continued, telling him about their final day with the old Brian, how it was ended abruptly when Brian lied to everyone and went to Corey's house inexplicably. Or that's where he said he was to his parents the next day, they spent the night frantically trying to figure out where he was, since he'd never done anything like this before.

  "From here on, I can only tell you my side of the story," she explained, trying her best to keep her memories clear. For the next month, Brian would ignore her every attempt to get his attention, he wouldn't return her calls or texts, and he would outright snap or make snide remarks about her some days. Before the break, she found out from Brian's parents that he'd left home, choosing instead to live with Corey.

  "Wait, he lives with Corey now? The blonde that he's always with?" Andy's quick mind was already processing everything that he knew, including how Brian checked him and out and Garret's casual guess that the two of them were probably more than just good friends. 'Garret's not usually wrong about stuff like that… I probably shouldn't tell Christine about any of this th
ough. The least I can do is try and get the rest of the story, and it sounds like either Brian or Corey would be the best people to ask. Once I get all the facts straight, I'll tell her what I know.'

  Christine nodded, not really understanding the situation, but by now accepting that it was the way things were going to be. She saw Andy in his own world, thinking, and she couldn't help but be reminded of how Brian would often do the same thing, especially right before all of this started.

  'Corey's no good, I can't talk with him. I have a bad feeling about him; I don't think he likes me too much for some reason. Then again, how am I ever going to get either of them alone to talk when the two of them are never apart? The pieces of Christine's story don't add up. Who would just leave his friends like that?'


  Andy looked back on that night, when he made that promise to himself that he'd find the rest of the pieces of Christine's story. He sighed as the last period bell rang, running to catch up with a particular person. Those nights were happening less and less often as Christine and Garret's relationship got more serious. She insisted that they hadn't gone 'all the way' just yet, but Andy always got the feeling that Christine tries to protect him from stuff like that, so he could never really know for certain. There was no way in hell he'd deign to ask Garret, at any rate.

  "Brian! Wait up!" Andy called.

  "Huh? Oh, what's up, Andy? I was just about to head out for work, again."

  "I was thinking. I'm kind of low on spending money, and with Christine and Garret, you know, I thought it would be pretty cool if I could apply for a job at the Starbucks that you work at. Never get to spend time with you as it is, I could kill two birds with one stone!"

  "Thanks for comparing spending time with me to murdering birds. But you're in luck; there is an opening I think. Stop by, I'm sure you'll get the job no problem."

  "Awesome, thanks!" Andy said, bristling when he saw Brian and Corey pass by the two of them, talking animatedly. "I'll catch up with you there, I have to do something."

  Brian didn't miss Andy tense up, and he looked over, seeing Andy practically sprint through the thinning crowd to catch up with them. 'He's going to do something stupid. But what… Work can wait; I'd better keep an eye on this…'


  "Brian!" Andy called, flinching when both he and Corey turned around simultaneously at his voice, neither appearing to be amused at the interruption. "Um… sorry if I interrupted something, but Brian, could I speak with you. Alone, if you wouldn't mind?"

  Brian furrowed his eyebrows in curiosity, and then turned to Corey. "I'll catch up with you. I want to hear what he has to say."

  Andy felt his skin crawl unpleasantly as Corey directed a venomous glare in his direction, trying in vain to appraise him. He silently obliged though, leaving the pair alone. Andy waited awkwardly for a few moments for the hallways to clear out, and then signaled for Brian to follow him outside, where it was less likely that someone could overhear them.

  "What do you want?" Brian asked, sounding meaner than he originally intended. The arrogant front he wore at school always took some time to dissipate.

  "I spoke with Christine a while back, about you." At mention of Christine's name, Brian immediately tensed, instantly regretting this conversation.

  "What about me?"

  "Everything about you, I guess. She told me all about how you used to be not too long ago. Then she told me what she knew before you changed into... this, almost overnight," he said, gesturing towards Brian.

  Brian scoffed, irritated that Christine still found some way to get under his skin, even now. "Before this goes any farther, and believe me, if I have anything to do about it, it won't, hear me out. I have nothing against you. I think that you're an extremely talented person, and I really don't want to have any reason to dislike you. In fact, I'm looking forward to having you under me next season. That being said, back off."

  "Like you 'backed off' that day that you checked me out?" Andy asked wryly.

  Brian's face twitched, but he pretended to ignore what he said, choosing to end the conversation then and there. Andy wouldn't have any of that though; it had already taken him so long as it was to build up the gall to attempt this conversation.

  "Why were you willing to destroy such an important person in your life?" Andy asked desperately, knowing that Brian couldn't walk away from a question like that.

  Brian stopped, but kept his back to Andy. "You're making the mistake of assuming that I have to answer your questions. But I'll do it, just because you're still on my good side. She's a strong person, I didn't destroy anyone. She's not important to me anymore though. I hope she's let go by now."

  Brian's arrogant attitude was really starting to grind on Andy's nerves. Where was the compassionate person that he saw for a few moments at that football meeting? He could believe Christine's stories based on what he saw then. But now?

  "Christine. She told me about your parents. They're taking it even harder than she did. Are you just going to brush them aside, too? At least Christine has friends to soften the blow, but when you left them, they lost their only child."

  What happened in the next few moments would be a blur in Andy's memory. Before he could react, Brian turned around and ran directly in front of him, throwing his whole weight into a punch aimed directly at his right eye. And it hit. The surprise and the force of the blow caused Andy to lose his balance, falling flat on onto the pavement, his head softly bouncing off the ground. He managed to prop himself up onto his arms still in shock. He heard a yell, but it wasn't his.

  He looked around, disoriented. Brian was still there, staring at his fist in bewilderment, as if it acted of its own accord. The yell came from Brian, who was running in their direction. He heard more words, Brian yelling something, maybe at him, maybe at Brian, he didn't know. Neither he nor Brian were moving much.

  The simple act of Brian lowering his fist and walking away was enough to shake Andy from his shock. "Brian, one more thing."

  He didn't answer, but he stopped moving again, his back to both of them.

  "You know, despite everything, despite this. Christine doesn't hate you, none of your friends do. Your parents don't hate you either," he stated, nursing the flesh around his eye, which was bound to bruise. "What you just did, I hope it reminds you that you're not as okay as you sound. There was no good reason for that. But I don't hate you, either."

  Brian walked away, still in silence, and Brian and Andy watched as the car sped out of the parking lot, the remainder of the students staring in interest at the scene that just played before them. 'He's not a hopeless cause, I know he's not. I have to believe that he's not a hopeless cause.'

  "Andy, are you okay?"

  He snapped too, seemingly realizing that Brian was there for the first time. "Oh, hey Brian. I think I'm still in shock right now, but that's not necessarily a bad thing. My eye is going to be killing me tomorrow. Can we still go to Starbucks?"

  "I'll drive you. No need for anything worse to happen to you today, where did you get the balls to try something like that?"

  "Less talking please, for now? I need an Advil or something, my head is killing me," he grimaced, massaging where his head struck the ground.

  Brian obliged, helping his friend up, supporting him to his car. 'Corey… what the fuck did you do to Brian?'


  "ANDY! Who the fuck did this to you?!" Christine shrieked the next day. Andy was doing his best to keep her at arm's length, since she was trying to get a closer look at his black eye.

  "Do I really have to tell you?" He asked desperately, pleading silently at Brian for advice. Brian shrugged behind her line of sight, gesturing for him to go ahead and make her happy, or else she'll never quit.

  "Yes, you most certainly have to tell me. I just need a name, then get out of my way, I'm ready to fuck some shit up!"

  Andy looked over at Garret, trying his best not to look bitter. "I'm sure you are. If you're so curious, Brian did it. You'
ll have to trust me, I'm really not sure right now why-"

  "There is no reason in the world for why he should have done this to you," she interrupted, snarling. Her expression exploded from angry to infuriated and settled back down to what was unmistakably cold hatred. "I don't know any Brians right now. I used to, but he passed away a few months ago. Come on Brian, we're going to make these two late."

  "Alright. See you after school, Andy!" Brian called before Christine managed to pull him away.

  "What did you mean by that?" Christine asked casually, her face a perfect picture of normalcy. Brian had to hand it to her, she could hide her emotions like a pro.

  "Oh, Andy applied at the Starbucks I work at yesterday. He pretty much got the job without a second word. Business was slow, so I showed him the ropes right there. He starts today. Oh, Christine, I got promoted to management there, too!"

  "Awesome, Brian!" Christine congratulated, though she couldn't hide her all of her surprise. 'I thought he said he was going to quit. And since when did Andy want to work weekdays too. Is this all because of me?'

  Brian caught on to what Christine was thinking, and smiled inwardly. "Well, Andy won't exactly be working the hours that I am, his schedule is way too intense for that. But it'll be pretty cool to have a friend around," he said, barely concealing his attempt to guilt trip her.

  On any other day, Christine would have chewed him out for trying something like that, but for once, she actually felt like she might have deserved it.

  On the other end of the floor, Andy and Garret walked into their first period room. Most of the people in the room were staring interestedly at the nasty bruise forming around his eye, all except for Brian, who wasn't willing to risk eye contact with him so soon. Andy himself had his body angled in such a way that he wouldn't have to look towards him, either. Garret couldn't help but frown at Brian's general direction, but Andy hit him in the back of the head lightly to get him to stop.


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