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Primal Impulse (Censored Edition)

Page 13

by Johnson, James

  It showed her a world that until then she thought was only fantasy. Only in the poetic penmanship of Joan Dixon could there be such a thing. Only there could this utopia reside. Surely these were dreams that only dwelled between the covers of her takeaway prose. There was no way real romance could leap from the pages and spring to life. There was no way true love like that could ever be real. It was literally too good to be.

  And then it happened. He happened. Steven walked into her life and the world turned upside down. He wasn’t a character that took her away during a late night reading. He wasn’t a dream that faded the next morning. He wasn’t a lonely girl’s escape in a literary world of love and lust. He wasn’t a paragraph or a chapter that heated her up like a volcano ready to explode.

  No, he was real! Steven was flesh and blood. He wasn’t words and sentences. He was a true prince, a real save-the-day knight in shining armor. He was a real cowboy who roped hearts and souls. He was an honest-to-goodness Joan Dixon hero. And he was so fucking hot.

  Chapter 39

  One hour—that’s as long as they spent in James Café. Once again the lure of each other had carried them away. One whisper into his ear was all it took. Drinks and Super Bowl hype fell by the wayside as lust kicked in. Suddenly the only thing that mattered was sharing their love. They yearned for the touch. They ached for the fire. They longed for a taste of each other.

  Steven had her blouse off within seconds of entering the apartment. Then he shed his own shirt. He pressed himself tight against her and kissed her deeply. Jena felt his skin burn into hers. It was the heat of passion, the fire of desire.

  It was a flaming torch that only came alive when they did. It crawled out of its dark cave with the first touch. It started to glow with the first kiss. It hungered for the spark that would set it ablaze. It sought the lust that fueled the fire. It carried a promise of pleasure to those who would set it free. It was a raging inferno of passion, a wildfire of lust. Those who fed the fire of ecstasy would revel in its glory. They would be consumed by its pleasure.

  Jena had to feel the skin, all of it. She wanted to feel the heat of her man. She unbuckled him and pushed his jeans down to his thighs. Her hands found his ass and took in his cheeks. They were hard and tight and the skin so smooth. Steven kissed her deeper as she squeezed the treasure that so turned her on.

  “Get naked, baby,” whispered Steven. “I gotta feel you.”

  Within seconds they were stripped of their clothes and the world around them. Once again it was only them. All that mattered was the passion inside. They would share each until the fire had its fill. They would satisfy their hunger as the blaze engulfed them. They would burn up the pleasure until there was nothing left inside. They would char their senses to the elemental bone. Nothing would remain but the smoke and ashes of their fiery desire.

  Steven led her to the sofa and gently laid her down. He lay down upon her as their bodies came alive. This is where they belonged. This is where they were meant to be. They were two lovers who were caught up in their dream. And their dream was each other.

  Steven kissed her neck. His warm lips ran over her shoulders and xx xx xx. He gently xx xx xx. He felt xx xx xx. Her xx xx xx. Jena was delicious.

  Steven let his body slowly slide off the sofa. Now his knees were on the floor. Beautiful Jena was laid out before him. His hot, sexy baby was his, all his. She was magnificent. Her body was a piece of art and he was the artist. He would paint her in pleasure. He would bring out the colors of her heated passion. He would splash her in ecstasy and watch it run down her body. He would admire his creation as she screamed his name.

  There wasn’t enough time in the world to give lovely Jena what she deserved. Every little piece of her was a delectable treasure to admire, to touch, to taste. Her body and her mind and her soul were all one big basket of sensuality. She was so fresh and pure and full of life.

  Jena was a bird flying free looking at the world below. She was the beauty of nature spreading its wings. If she came down and landed beside you it was because she chose so. If she granted you a peek inside then you were lucky indeed. If she opened the door and took you in then you just received the greatest gift.

  Accept it. Accept her. Revel in the essence of such rare magnificence. Behold the beauty of nature’s most wonderful creation. A woman who gives her body also shares her soul. A little piece of her is yours for all eternity. Her flesh is but a product of what resides within. It is fruit from the seed of spirit. Her body is the glitter of the treasure that’s buried inside. It’s the face of her emotions.

  To make love to a woman is to touch her soul. She’s raw and exposed and baring her all. She’s parted the seas for you to walk in. You walk amongst the pearls that lead you to their source. You stand in the center and gaze at the beauty that’s engulfed you. You kiss the Mother Pearl and roll her between your lips. She signals the waters to come back home and they do with a fury.

  Waves of pleasure and emotion pour over you both. She’s xx xx xx. She’s awash in ecstasy as the water caves in upon you. She’s swimming in the pleasure that’s flooding her senses. She’s a pearl in an ocean of sensuality as heaven rolls in. The glow of her soul lights up the waters. Her lustrous beauty illuminates the sea.


  Jena took a deep breath. Her body was open for the oncoming flow that would surely come. There was nothing to block the waves of raw passion that would soon roll through her body. There was nothing to stop her hot blood from racing through her veins. It would be carrying ecstasy and the touch of her man throughout her flesh.

  Steven was going to take her to the top. The primal impulse would have its way. Ecstasy would swallow her. It would invade her brain and all other thought. It would force everything out and fill it with sensation. He would scorch her senses with his fire. There would be only the here and the now and the tongue and lips and fingers of her hot man. He would overload her with pleasure as he so knew how to do.

  “Are you comfortable, baby?” asked Steven. His voice was the epitome of sensuality. It seeped out raw sex.

  “Yes,” answered Jena. That was the only word she could muster. Anticipation had overwhelmed her.

  Jena looked into his eyes. They gleamed with the hue of passion. The multi-colored rays were a piece of his soul revealing their sensual secrets. They were blue and green and brown and yellow beams of lust. They were the sunshine of his sensuality. Behind them lay the generosity of a giver. The pleasure would be hers.

  Jena watched his eyes as they took her in. They spoke to her. They told her that she was the most beautiful woman in the world. They told her to embrace her body for it was perfect. Forget about that tiny scar from years past. Forget about that little layer of fat that you worry about so. Forget about how you may smell or taste. Stop the worrying. You’re wonderful. You’re beautiful. You’re special.

  Tear down those walls that shield the joy. Break down those barriers to enjoyment. Release those imaginary enemies into space and send them on their way. Put it all behind you and leave it in the wind. They never were issues to begin with. They were only creations of the self-conscious. Empty yourself of your inhibitions and let your soul run free. Open up and let it all go. Be confidant and be free. Love yourself and your sensuality. Lay back and take your pleasure for you deserve it. You are the One.

  Steven let the tips of fingers slide down her thighs and over her knees. Jena felt the trail of heat behind them. Steven then leaned in and slowly inhaled her. She could feel the tingle of his lips touching her pubic hair. Then came the heat of his breath as he slowly exhaled his treasure of her scent. Once again she had been placed upon the pedestal of adoration. Once again she was a Queen.

  A scene from Naked Emotion flashed before her. Joan Dixon had described this very moment with her words. She had expressed the sensuality that had taken her over. She had penned the emotion and passion that was now circulating in her head. She had captured the lust and desire that heated her core. Jena was a real
life character riding out a fantasy.

  Jena had experienced this moment before in the pages of a novel. Now she was living it. Joan Dixon was in Steven’s head. And Steven’s xx xx xx. And the two together were the essence of ecstasy.


  They reveled in the essence of each other. They drank in each other’s pleasure. They bathed in the light of the lust. They wallowed in the juices of love. Theirs was a salute to the miracle. It was a celebration of the magic of their union—the magic of Steven and Jena.

  Chapter 40

  Steven waited as his computer booted up. His head was all over the place. Actually he was quite anxious. He wasn’t the type of person who normally became distressed. And he certainly wasn’t a person who worried a lot—far from it.

  Work, writing and money issues were all part of it. But it all revolved around one central concern—Jena girl. Never before had his heart ruled his head. Never before had emotions overpowered every other aspect of his life. Never before had he been in love.

  Jena was still sleeping. His sweet baby was all wrapped up in her blanket and holding her pillow. He loved seeing her like that. When she was knocked out and recharging her batteries she was at peace. She looked so sweet, so appealing—so damn cute. Jena had a hold on him like nothing before. She was truly special.

  Finally the computer screen appeared. Steven took a deep breath. It had only been a day, but he had to know. How many books had he sold? Had any of his hard work paid off in dollars? Had a miracle occurred overnight that would allow him and his baby to stay together?

  Steven clicked onto Amazon’s author page. He typed in his name. He clicked onto the latest sales report. One long second later it opened.

  He quickly calculated the figures. Damn! Only forty books had sold in the previous 24 hours. That was a respectable number, but it certainly wasn’t the miracle he needed. Nope, he needed a big score. He needed a home run. He needed a last second swish through the nets of love. He needed his hot Jena girl.

  Reality began to set in. Tomorrow morning he would crawl out of bed. Jena’s warm body would no longer be by his side. He would get dressed and walk out the door. He would get in his rental car and head to the airport. He would fly far away from the touch of his baby. He would leave her kisses behind. He would drag his lonely heart back to Texas.

  Home wouldn’t be home without his baby. Her charm, her laughter, the smile on her face and those beautiful green eyes—oh, how he would miss them. No longer would her touch be a reach away. Her sensual body would be a torturing image that would surely drive him mad.

  Steven took another deep breath. They had twenty more hours before they parted. He damn sure wasn’t going to spend that precious time moping around. And that wasn’t Jena’s style either. In some ways she was more positive about the situation than he. She always had that spark of optimism that lifted them both. It was the essence of her spirit. It was the sparkle behind her eyes. It was hope and faith and trusting in fate. It was knowing that love would find a way.

  Suddenly he felt her touch. Her arms wrapped around his shoulders. He felt her warm kiss on his neck. Steven turned into his baby.

  “Good morning,” said Jena.

  Her smile was as bright as the sunshine streaming through the window. Her eyes gleamed with the presence of a higher power. His baby’s beauty melted the madness that threatened him. Nothing mattered but here and now. He could see her, hear her and touch her. He could wrap his arms around her. Her breath warmed his skin. Her energy seeped into his soul. That was his Jena girl.

  “Good morning, baby,” answered Steven. His voice was tender and sincere. It seemed to smile.

  Steven took her into his arms. Her essence had already captured him. He was a slave of her heart. There was no escape and nowhere to run. He was a prisoner of love. Jena was his baby. Jena was the One.

  Jena felt her baby’s emotions. His embrace triggered the fall of the wall. The barriers once again fell to the ground. She felt the warmth of his heart and the heat of his soul. She entered him as he entered her. Their spirits danced to a song of their hearts. They were truly each other in every sense. They were two in love. They were one.

  “Baby,” said Steven on a soft voice. “You wanna know something?”

  Jena raised her head and looked up at him. “Yeah, baby, what is it?”

  Steven kissed her on the forehead. “I love you.”

  “Oh, Steven. Oh, baby.”

  Jena was at a loss for words. It didn’t matter for there was no reply necessary. They both knew what they had. It was the real thing. Steven knew what was going on in her head. He knew how much she cared for him. She didn’t have to say it.

  A single teardrop fell from her eye. Steven wiped it off her cheek. He captured it on the tip of his finger.

  “You know what that is, baby?” he said. “That’s a drop of pure love. That’s what that is. It’s not a tear of grief or suffering. It’s not even a tear of joy. It’s bigger than that. This is us, baby. This is you and me. This is our love.”

  “Oh, baby,” said Jena. Her voice was shaky with emotion. “I love you more than you could ever imagine. You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me. We’ve gotta make this work. Please, baby, I need you so much.”

  “We’ll make it work, baby. I promise you. This is too big to let it slip away. It’s too damn good. We’re meant for each other. We won’t let the world tear us apart. No way, baby.”

  They held each other tight and let it flow. It was that magic, that energy, that something that was bigger than them both. It empowered them and filled them with confidence. It instilled hope and a belief that all would come to be. Its invisible power raced through their flesh and blood. It bore down through the skeleton of ignorance and whispered the secret as it passed through. And the secret was love.

  Steven and Jena were created for each other. They knew it way back then. Long ago their torch of love was lit. They were mere kids, but they both knew it. It was already burning inside of them. For twenty long years the flame stayed alive. For two decades it flickered with hope. It survived the coming and going of the pretenders as it waited on the real thing. It burned through marriage and the illusion of happiness. It kept a dim light glowing through the pain of divorce. It persevered as time ticked away.

  It was a candle of love awaiting the One. It was a flame of passion that couldn’t be extinguished. Nothing could smother it for it was meant to be. It was an eternal flame of love and lust, a raging blaze held captive in their hearts. It was two halves holding out for each other for as long as it took. It was two candles ready to melt into each other and become one.

  When fate finally delivered them to each other the fire would roar. It would burn down the past and blaze into the future. It would sever the pain and usher in the pleasure. It would scorch them both with happiness and joy.

  They would burn in the white-hot fire of pleasure. They would revel in the glory of sex. It was a fire of animal passion and primal lust. It was a sensual inferno that would consume them both, burning their flesh into each other. Its fiery pleasure would have them screaming in ecstasy.

  Yes…they knew it a long time ago. There was a magic between them, a chemical connection that was beyond description. It was chemistry of the creator—a perfect fit of souls. It was a matching of DNA that was one in a zillion.

  They were blessed and they knew it. They were lucky lovers who had it all. Someone or something had given them the greatest gift, a priceless treasure of invaluable worth. Mountains of gold and diamonds and money couldn’t buy it. Kings and queens couldn’t obtain it. Presidents and prime ministers would never find it. It was the gift of each other. It was Steven to Jena and Jena to Steven.

  Jena gazed deep into his eyes. At the same time she looked deep inside herself. All she saw was joy and happiness. All she saw was them. All she saw was love.

  “Come with me, baby. There’s a place I want you to see.”

  Chapter 41

sp; “Turn here, baby.” Jena pointed to a small clearing.

  Steven pulled the car into the narrow space. It was just large enough to park one car. Actually it wasn’t even that big. The backend stretched precariously onto the roadway. Jena was reading his mind.

  “Don’t worry about the car,” said Jena. “The odds of anyone driving up here are slim to none. If they are they’re doing about five miles an hour. We’re okay.”

  They stepped outside the car. The quiet was the first thing Steven noticed. They were inside San Bernardino National Forest. It was one of Jena’s favorite places.

  Jena breathed in the fresh air. “It’s beautiful up here, isn’t it?”

  “I can’t believe it,” said Steven as he took in the surroundings. “And this is only an hour or so drive from your place. That’s amazing.”

  “I thought you’d like it,” said Jena. “This isn’t the southern California most people hear about. You won’t be seeing many cars or people up here.”

  “That’s for sure,” said Steven. “Especially today—everyone’s at home watching the Super Bowl. Hey, it’s chilly up here.”

  Jena laughed. “I guess I forgot to tell you we’d be over 7000 feet in elevation. I should have told you to bring a jacket.”

  “That’s all right,” said Steven. “I’ll be okay.”

  “This place gets loads of snow in the heart of winter. They actually ski right over there.”

  Jena pointed to a narrow clearing in the trees. Beyond it was a view of a nearby mountain range. Steven took in the stunning scenery.

  “Damn, baby. That’s an incredible view. I still can’t believe that all this is so close to Los Angeles. I never would have believed it.”


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