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(BEAR SHIFTER Erotica (BBW)): BEAR-ly a Brother (Paranormal Werebear Romance Polar Heat Book)

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by Grace Valentine

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  BEAR-ly a Brother

  (Bear Shifter + Stepbrother Erotica (BBW))

  By: Grace Valentine

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  Chapter One: Party Favors

  The sun beamed down on the beautiful city of Carmel, Indiana. It was Fourth of July weekend and parties popped everywhere throughout the city. Nova Harper and Jeremy Beemer sat on a peach colored bench that sat in Nova’s father’s backyard. He had just gotten married to Jeremy’s mother the week before, so it was time for double the celebration. The house and backyard were filled with people, all dancing and carrying on. Jeremy and Nova were exhausted from the week before, because of all the wedding arrangements. This was time for the two to breathe, after being relieved of their maid of honor and best man duties.

  Nova talked about how badly she wanted to sleep, rather than party anymore. “These two have partied, like fourteen times since they tied the knot,” groaned Nova. She stared at her dad, who had his hands grasped tightly around Lula’s ass cheeks. Lula, of course, was Jeremy’s mother. She was a pleasant woman that made her father happy, which made her happy in the end. Nova hoped to find love similar to Lula and her father Henry’s. She was even happier for her father, due to the non-existent relationship that occurred with her mother. She had left when Nova was very young, which left Henry to care for Nova on his own.

  The same went from Jeremy. His father had left at a young age, forcing Lula to raise him as a single mother. Jeremy’s feelings about the marriage were quite different than Nova’s. Needless to say, he wished he had never made the two meet. Before Lula and Henry met, Nova and Jeremy were camp counselors together for an entire summer. It was Jeremy’s favorite summer to look back on. The two were only eighteen at the time, and had a lot in common. They shared similar music and movie tastes. Their favorite place to be was outside and they both loved painting. Jeremy always admired Nova’s artistry, which became a big reason why he fell in love with her.

  Nova never knew of his feelings, even after their parents met when coming to visit them at the camp. After this occurrence, it was quite obvious Lula and Henry were going to get together. They constantly called each other and asked their children from gossip about one another. While Nova began being happy for her father, Jeremy became upset and frustrated with the entire situation. As their parents got closer, his feelings for Nova only got stronger.

  What couldn’t he love about Nova? She was a curvy, blonde bombshell that beamed with confidence and happiness. Nova loved everyone and they all loved her back. Some more than others. After four years of dating, Lula and Henry tied the knot with their two early-twenty year olds standing by their side. Jeremy’s nightmare had officially come true. Telling Nova that he loved her now would only make things awkward and tense throughout the family, and he knew Nova deserved better than that.

  Night fall emerged and the parties thrived on. A few miles away from Lula and Henry’s party, a man ran through a field in a panic. He was drenched in sweat, while yelling, “Help! Help!” Another man ran closely behind him, inching himself closer and closer to the other man. Suddenly the attacker pounced on the victim, causing him to let out a loud yelp. The attacker delivered heavy blows to victim’s face, before being interrupted.

  In the meantime, Jeremy sat getting more and more uncomfortable. Something was bothering him, besides the constant beauty of his now step-sister. Suddenly, Jeremy jumped from his seat in terror. He could hear things the other party guests could not. “What’s wrong,” Nova questioned as Jeremy sprang from his seat. She never got her answer, as Jeremy ran from the backyard as soon as he was fully standing.

  The attacker felt a piercing pain in his back, while in the process of delivering another punch to the victim’s puffed and blood filled face. The man let out a loud scream, which echoed throughout the field. While the attacker fell to the ground, the victim had the chance to get up and limp away. The bear walked over to the attacker and stood over his lifeless body. One swift blow to the back was enough to kill the man and the bear took pride in this.

  Suddenly, the bear grew in size and formed into the shape of a man. Dark blonde hair spurted from its head, tan skin replaced all the brown fur, and a beautiful face took over the intimidating bear face. Jeremy Beemer replaced where the bear once was. He watched over his victim’s body. A large smirk plastered itself across his face. “You deserved it, bitch,” he laughed as he gave the body a final kick.

  Jeremy made his way back to party, loving what he had just done. A thief lost his life besides an innocent man, and Jeremy could sleep peacefully tonight. He knew something had been wrong and he wouldn’t have been able to calm down until he found of what it was. Luckily, he got to the scene just in time to stop the attacker. This wasn’t Jeremy’s first “life-saving”, rather he had done it time and time before. Many innocent victims had been spared, thanks to Jeremy. He was becoming your everyday Batman, in bear form.

  Nova sat, entertaining guests and talking about her father’s marriage. She worried as Jeremy ran from the backyard, however she kept her cool. No one else at the party was making a scene, so Nova believed that Jeremy was going to be okay. She didn’t realize what Jeremy had gone to do, or the fact that he could shape-shift into a bear. It was obvious that Nova had a lot to learn about her brand new step-brother; especially that he had always had feelings for her. Things were about to change in Nova’s life and, really, everyone’s around her.

  Chapter Two: Knight in Furry Armor

  The television light reflected itself upon Nova’s pretty face. It was early, the morning after the party. Nova was the only one that was up. She wanted to start breakfast for her family, so she decided to wake up earlier than them. The morning news had just started and quickly caught Nova’s attention, because of the headlining story. The normal intro music played and the anchors sat staring into the camera. It focused in on the anchorwoman, and she began to speak. “Breaking news this morning: A body was found in the empty field on 11th Street.” Nova’s stomach practically fell to her feet. 11th Street was only a few miles away from where she was, it was too close for comfort. The anchorwoman went on to explain the situation, saying that the victim was originally robbing another man. The original victim, who had his life spared thanks to Jeremy, went straight to the police to report the incident. He had never seen what attacked the other man, he escaped as quickly as he could.

  “Investigators had confirmed that a large ani
mal was responsible for stopping the robbery and ending the attacker’s life,” the anchorman explained. “Please stay clear of the local wooded areas and fields. Be sure to watch for any larger animals. Do not approach them, if they are seen, rather call animal control immediately,” he concluded. After hearing the whole story, Nova flipped through the channels until she found her favorite morning talk show. She listened to it as she prepared her wonderful breakfast. She cracked eggs, grilled bacon and pour waffle-mix into the maker. Some of the jokes from the show would have her chuckle or gasp, but all of her attention was on breakfast.

  Nova was an artist at heart, so any project she took on, she made it her best. Any meal, painting, song, poem, you name it that she worked on, she made it amazing. Especially when it came to her school work. She was enrolled in her last semester at the local community college. She had focused on her artistry and took the proper credits to be able to transfer to one of the best art schools in the country, which was located in New York. It was her dream to go to New York and display her artwork for all the best critics to see. Hopefully one day, she’d get there.

  “Breakfast,” Nova yelled up the stairs. Shortly after, three sets of footsteps made their way down the steps. Jeremy, Henry and Lula walked into the kitchen, all with smiling faces. The family sat down and enjoyed their breakfast. Henry and Lula gloated and went on and on about their new marriage. Nova sat happily watching her father. Jeremy, on the other hand, was feeling sick to his stomach. He wasn’t sure if it was the fact that he killed a man last night or that the woman of his dreams was now his step-sister.

  Nova excused herself from the table early, washed her dishes and ran upstairs to get ready for her day. She had a long day ahead of her, between being a judge at the art showcase at school, along with her classes. She made her way out of the house and to the local community college. The room where the showcase was being held was full with people already. Nova walked around, viewing all the wonderful masterpieces people had made. She loved looking at other works of art and getting inspiration from them. That’s why she signed up to be a judge in the first place. The final winners were announced and Nova made her way to her evening class.

  It was one of her favorite classes too. Her professor was one that she had taken over and over throughout her time there. He thought her such valuable things and she couldn’t imagine not having a class with him. She was currently working on a mural with several other students. It was of a beautiful beach Nova had drawn. They used breathtaking pinks and oranges for the horizon, dark and light blues for the ocean and beige and tan or the sand. This mural screamed color and Nova loved every part of it.

  The class was dismissed and the students made their way to their vehicles. It was well passed sun down, so Nova tried making it to her car quickly. As soon as she got close to her car, she felt a cold hand on her arm. “Nova, you look so great,” a cold voice blurted out. Nova knew that voice and wanted nothing more than to get in her car and speed off. “Cole, please leave me alone,” Nova asked as she turned to see her ex-boyfriend. She and Cole had recently broken up. They had been on and off for years, until Nova realized she deserved much better.

  Cole wouldn’t leave her alone. He grabbed her arms, butt and hips. He insisted that the two got back together, however Nova wanted none of it. She pushed him off, yelled from him to stop and even hit him with her keys. He wouldn’t stop. He began pushing her, yelling at her and even kissing her cheek. Finally, Nova was screaming for help, but no one was around. She had parked far away and everyone around had left in their cars. It was just Nova and Cole. Nova began to panic, all she could think was that he was going to harm her.

  Suddenly, Cole took his large hand and wrapped it around Nova’s petite neck. She gasped for air, while trying to yell for help. Cole began chuckling, “Oh, Nova. You’re wasting precious air.” Nova began really panicking, flinging her arms and legs everywhere. She was trying her best to hit Cole, but she wasn’t successful. She couldn’t breathe, her vision grew blurry and her body felt limp.

  The next thing Lola knew, she was lying on the ground. Her neck was sore and she couldn’t stand. She heard Cole’s screaming in the distance. She picked her head up to see a large grizzly bear mauling Cole’s entire body. Nova thought she was dreaming, there were no bears in Indiana. How did one get to where they were? Suddenly, the bear picked Cole’s mangled body up and dragged it to the wooded area located nearby. Nova tried quickly to get up, she feared she was the bear’s next victim. She climbed into her car, drove to the other side of the parking and called her father.

  Chapter Three: Yes Please

  Nova sat in her father’s living room. Her neck was badly bruised and her head felt very funny. “You can’t go back to your apartment in this condition,” Henry demanded. Nova lived a few miles away from Henry and Lula’s with a couple friends from school. “You have to stay with us tonight,” he continued. Lula walked into the room with a tray filled with things to help Nova. “Here, honey,” Lula said as she handed Nova a cold towel. Nova smiled and thanked Lula as she handed her juice, cookies and some medicine. Nova was in shock, not to mention the pain she was in as well. She lay on the couch and slowly drifted to sleep.

  Jeremy walked through the door to see her peacefully sleeping. A sense of relief went throughout his body. He discussed how she was doing with Henry and Lula. He had told them that he was out with some friends when he received the call from Lula. “She’s pretty sore, but is in good spirits. That asshole got what he deserved,” Henry angrily announced. Jeremy felt overwhelmed with power when he realized he had killed someone, who caused Nova so much pain.

  The next morning, the police were at the house talking to Nova. She told them every detail that occurred the night before. It shocked the rest of the family, but Nova was remaining very strong the entire time. She discussed what she had seen with the bear and what she had done after. Once the police left, Henry and Lula left to get some things for the market. This left Nova and Jeremy alone.

  He took care of whatever she needed and also gave her some pick me ups. Jeremy wanted to tell her everything; however he knew the implications of those actions. Either Nova would think he was entirely crazy or she’d freak out completely. He sat with her while she unloaded about the events that occurred. “Did they catch the bear,” Nova questioned Jeremy. He became pale, “The authorities haven’t said anything,” he hesitated.

  The evening news flashed on the television screen, while Jeremy and Nova sat upstairs in the guest room. The two awaited the story regarding the bear. Henry and Lula made their market trip an all day trip and decided to stay out for most of the night. Of course, always checking on Nova throughout the night. She and Jeremy sat having a good time together. Nova was feeling much better with Jeremy around, of course Jeremy was always feeling great while he was around her.

  She rested her head on his chest and complimented him on how awesome he was being to her. She thanked him for everything and told him how much she loved hanging out with him. Jeremy beamed with happiness. He loved being so close to her. She picked her head up and flashed a huge smile at Jeremy. Suddenly, he leaned in and kissed her plump lips. Nova didn't stop him. They began making out, touching each other's faces, chests and backs.

  Nova pulled away, "I'm so sorry," she cried. Jeremy pulled her back and continued his actions. The two sat, passionately kissing and laughing in the process. Jeremy couldn't believe that he had the nerve to do what he did, and the fact that Nova was allowing it.

  "Nova!" Henry's voiced echoed throughout the home. Jeremy practically jumped off of the couch when he heard Henry's voice. He immediately ran to see if the two needed help with anything. Nova sat with excitement and confusion building in her being. "What just happened," Nova mumbled to herself. She didn't know, but she kind of liked it.

  She changed her focus to the news that was still on the TV when the story about her came on. The anchorwoman discussed the details of Nova's incident. “It is confirmed that a bear is
responsible for this murder, along with the man on 11th Street,” the anchorwoman explained. She went on to tell the audience to keep their eyes open and call authorities immediately, if the bear was seen.

  For the next few weeks, things were odd between Nova and Jeremy. The two went back to their own homes and went about their normal lives. He texted her here and there, and they small talked each time. Nevertheless, the two continued to think about each other as the days passed. All Jeremy wanted to do was talk about the events that occurred, however he was terrified of what Nova would say. He wanted nothing more to be with her, however he understood how difficult that would be.

  Jeremy made his way over to Nova’s apartment. He didn’t know if she was there or not, but he didn’t care. Sitting and thinking about what Nova was doing was too much for him. He climbed into his red Jeep Wrangler and sped off down the road. His mind was going much faster than the car. What was he going to say? How was Nova going to respond regardless of what he said? Jeremy pulled up to Nova’s apartment building and put his car in park. He didn’t get out of the car at first, rather he stared at the door that led to Nova’s apartment. “Just do it,” Jeremy egged himself on. His palms grew clammy and his legs began to shake. Just a few hundred feet away, Nova sat comfortably watching TV. He climbed out of his car, walked to the door and pressed the button that notified Nova that someone was there.

  “Hello?” Nova’s voiced beamed through the intercom system.

  Chapter Four: Quick Run

  Jeremy sat on Nova’s red couch. She was fixing some tea for the two of them. She went on about her day. “I’ve started a new painting, I can’t wait for you to see it,” Nova beamed. Jeremy loved hearing about her works of art. He always believed that she had the most beautiful paintings he’d ever seen. She used such beautiful paintings to express how she felt and Jeremy loved that about her. In the beginning, that’s how Jeremy started falling for her. At Camp Kensington, where the two met, Nova showed him one of the first paintings she ever did. He was immediately inspired by Nova and wanted to paint and draw just like she. Jeremy, however, went down the tattoo road and start putting sketches together and studying the art of tattooing. He always thanked Nova for his motivation and success with art.


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