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Dark Conquest - Rosa (Vampire romance) (Erotic romance)

Page 3

by Henderson, Nell

  “I want you to be mine,” he intones again running his luscious lips down my neck. The touch of his mouth is wonderful, sensual and sexy and makes me growl with hunger.

  “Make love to me, Anton,” I say. “I want to feel, to know what it’s like this time, so please don’t let me sleep,” I beg.

  He laughs and shakes his head. “Don’t you remember how it was before,” he asks, his eyes dancing over my body. “I stripped you, laid you there,” he nods to a cushioned bench.

  Yes he did, didn’t he, and now I don’t seem to mind. But I couldn’t remember the detail. I have only sketchy impressions of our time together. My mind suddenly fills with pictures, with sensations and I cry out with need. I can see him fucking me, lunging in and out in a steady rhythm. How can that be, how can I suddenly recall this? Then for one crazy moment I get the distinct impression that this gorgeous enigmatic man has put that image into my head. But ordinary men don’t have that power, do they?

  “You are lovely naked, Rosa. I loved the look and feel of your breasts and I loved how your innocent vulva responded to my tongue and my hands.”

  I blush, vulva, who calls it that these days.

  “Take off your clothes for me,” he asks loosening the belt of my jeans. “Give yourself to me willingly and I won’t disappoint you.”

  God he’s hot, smouldering in fact from those deep, dark eyes and all down that well honed masculine body. I look at the tight fitting denims he’s wearing and see the bulge between his legs. I know what’s in there is huge and I feel a pulse of blazing heat shoot right up my pussy, right where I want that cock of his.

  I grab hold of the hem of my tee shirt and yank it over my head shaking my long hair back into place as I throw it to the floor.

  He slips the straps of my bra and slides his hand under the cups. I squeal, he’s circling and pulling at my nipples and sending the most delicious feelings down my belly to my clit. I’m desperate, I struggle with my jeans finally hauling them off my legs and standing before him with my bra round my waist and my white, cotton knickers stuck to my body with my dampness.

  “Remove everything,” he orders.

  I obey throwing my underwear the same way as the all rest. He lifts me onto the bench and spreads me wide. He must see the damage he caused the last time but it makes no difference he slams two fingers deep into me and I scream out.

  “Quiet sweet Rosa,” he demands sweeping his thumb over my clit. “I want you silent.

  He’s loosening his jeans then I watch as they slip to floor and he steps out of them. His boxers are snug fitting. Shit, he’s big. I groan - a bit more foreplay wouldn’t go amiss. But he’s obviously not in the mood. He stands between my open legs and his fingers work me, spread me massaging into my wetness.

  He slips his boxers down and the monster springs free. I’d worked out that he was big but there was no way I was prepared for this. His penis was like a huge swirling snake with a life of its own. The head alone was several inches in diameter and his balls were large and hung uncomfortable low below his rapidly swelling dick. This wasn’t normal – wasn’t human. There, I’d thought it. I’d finally admitted to myself that, incredible as it was, Anton wasn’t quite human.

  I wanted to scream but I was somehow rendered speechless. I moved my mouth but no sound came out. Anton laughs and places the crown of that hideous thing at my entrance then rubs it hard along the length of my sensitive, slit. I felt him nudge my anus then along my entrance between my still swollen pussy lips to my bruised clit. He rubs furiously against my nub and I close my eyes trying to blot out the humiliation as he grins at me.

  Horror, pain, passion and need all combine inside me and turn me into a quivering mass of lust. Despite what I think, despite my pussy being so sore, I need him to fuck me. I want him to fuck me more than I’ve ever wanted anything in my entire life.

  Then he’s there, pushing that thing into my hole. I tense, I wince then he slides inside me, all the way in, balls deep and I wail with a mix of pleasure and pain.

  Anton leans forward and grips my arms holding them above my head as he thrusts into me. I can’t move under him, all I can do is lift my legs and straddle his waist. This has the effect of forcing him deeper, knocking the crown of his dick against my cervix. He’s merciless taking his pleasure, using me again. But I don’t care.

  “You’re close,” he rasps. “You’re going to cum for me, Rosa.”

  How does he know that? Confident sod! How does he know I’m not lying here outraged by his actions?

  “Cum for me now, child,” he demands thrusting into me hard and slavering over my neck.

  I feel him hard and deep and my vagina convulses with delight. He’s right, I am going to cum, any second now I’m going to explode in a mess of sexual gratification. He’s heaping kisses over my throat, licking at the scratches. It has the effect of intensifying what’s happening down there.

  I can’t stand it, the pleasure’s too much. I feel his teeth graze my skin and scream into his hair. His penis plunges in and out fast and furious and his teeth sink into the soft skin of my neck. I raise my hips and lose it. I’m hovering on the edge of oblivion, a tidal wave of sensation and emotion rocks my very core as I float off into a dreamy orgasmic state. Seconds later I feel him shoot his hot, sticky seed high into my passage and drift off to sleep.

  Chapter 4

  I’m deliriously happy. Anton lifts me tenderly from the bench and cradles me in his arms like I was a mere infant.

  “You will stay here with me.” He kisses my mouth lightly as if to seal this bargain.

  I nod but secretly know that I can’t. I have a job, a flat, a life and then there’s still the problem of Jane.

  He carries me up to the sitting room and it’s sparkling again. The French doors are open and the lace curtains waft gently in the summer breeze. This is unreal.

  “I came here with someone,” I tell him. “My ex, Jason, we were looking for Jane.”

  Anton laughs and strokes my brow. I’m lying all relaxed in nothing but a fluffy robe on the sofa.

  “That was a long time ago, sweet Rosa,” he soothes lying me flat and tugging at the belt of the robe. “You have been sleeping, you’re confused,” he tells me spreading my legs wide.

  I gasp, his head is between my thighs and he uses his thumbs to open me.

  “I love the taste of you,” he groans as his tongue starts its work.

  A long, slow stroke from my entrance to my clit makes me wail with delight. He pushes two fingers into me and slakes his tongue over my eager bud. Fireworks and electricity fire through my body. I love this man, I love what he does to me and I am his.

  It won’t take long, I’m a mass of need and he fulfils all my desires. His tongue thrusts into my core as his fingers tease my backside. He wants me there too and I raise my hips for him. He growls and bites down on my bud causing flurries of wild lustful shrieks to escape my lips. I shriek again as he buries a finger deep inside my anus. The sensations are glorious and I want this to last forever.

  “You are close,” he grins stretching my pussy lips wider so he can spike my core with his tongue. I buck and roll and feel the growing sensation of orgasm as it hurtles to claim me.

  I gradually regain my senses. He’s pouring himself a glass of deep red claret as I lean up to watch him.

  “I did come here earlier today,” I repeat holding my brow. “Before me made love in the cellar earlier,” I add hoping he’d help me out here. But he didn’t

  “No, you are mistaken. That was months ago,” he assures me with a gentle smile.

  I’m not daft, misguided and stupid where he’s concerned but not daft. I know we came here today, earlier, I was with Jason and the house was different, I thought looking around puzzled at the change.

  “Don’t I get some wine,” I ask petulantly watching him sip at the deep ruby liquid. A drink, a long think then I might be able to decide what to do about this mess.

  “No you don’t,” he tells me
firmly. “You shouldn’t drink, not in your condition,” he smirks.

  Condition, holy shit! What does he mean, what’s going on?

  I look down at my swollen belly and feel the movements inside. I’m pregnant! How did that happen? Well not how, but how so fast?

  “Soon our child will be born then you can drink wine, my sweet,” he chides gently. “In fact we’ll have a celebration. But until then I must look after you, cherish you carefully.”

  “I don’t get it, Anton. What’s happened to me? What’s happened to the past months, have I been here all this time?”

  My head was utter confusion. It had happened again, the not remembering thing but on a much, much bigger scale.

  “Yes my love,” he purrs at me. “And I have been taking care of you, of you both,” he adds stroking down my belly tenderly.

  “What happens when the baby comes, have I seen a doctor? Have we got things organised?”

  “Yes, so don’t worry. When this baby comes it will be the most cared for infant in the land. She has been talked about for decades past and you are privileged to carry her.”

  “Her?” I question. “Does that mean I’ve had a scan? Do we have a picture?”

  “No Rosa, enough questions now. Take my word for it our child is female and her name will be Marielle,” he tells me firmly.

  So I get no say in the matter. Mind you that’s the least of my worries. I’m confused, pregnant and I don’t know what’s happened to me over the past few months. It’s obvious that, yet again, this man has worked some alchemy and used me for his own ends.

  “I need some fresh air,” I decide rising to my feet. But I’m woozy and sway and just in time Anton scoops me in his arms and plonks me back on the sofa.

  “Just stay put,” he insists. “You’re close and we don’t want any mishaps.”

  “How close?” I ask looking down and trying to assess how pregnant I might be.

  “Any day now,” he confirms.

  I lie back and close my eyes. I want to sleep but if I do am I likely to wake and find I have a teenager on my hands! Is this magic he weaves that powerful I wonder?

  Magic, you’re joking aren’t you, some semblance of common sense tells me. But no, no I’m not. There is definitely something going on here, in this house, and I don’t understand it.

  I’ve dozed but thankfully when I wake up I’m still pregnant so no great chunks of time have passed without me noticing. Anton’s gone too so I’m alone.

  I take the opportunity to look around; I’d like to find my stuff for a start. When I got here that day with Jason, whenever that was, I had a bag and it has my mobile in it. I could ring him, see if he’d found Jane.

  Everywhere was dark and I stumble down the main hallway and up the stairs to the bedrooms. The upstairs landing is festooned with cobwebs and I have to bat them away to get through. More mystery, more confusion, what is it with this house? Why does it lurch from one state to another in the space of mere hours?

  I walk past Jane’s bedroom and push the door open. It creaks and groans, no one has been in here for ages. The room is dusty and grey and the window is caked with grime. I cover my mouth with my hand; the smell is dreadful and turns my stomach. I had to find out what it was. I wish I had a torch!

  I almost fall over something on the floor and reach down to feel for what it is. A bag, thank heavens. But it’s not mine, it’s Jane’s and this just adds to the mystery. If she did leave that day like we thought then what’s her bag doing here?

  All her stuff is there but of course her ‘phone is dead. But I do find her cigarette lighter, silly mare I’ve told her time and time again not to smoke.

  I spark it to life and look around. The room is devoid of furniture except for a bed. I creep closer, there’s a shape and I approach with terrified curiosity.

  There was no way Jane would sleep in here, not in that bed, not voluntarily anyway. But perhaps she isn’t sleeping. I inhale and grasp my throat, my neck hurts and I wonder why those scratches are still there after all this time. I’m trying to take my mind off what I’m about to find because inside I know, I’m resigned to it.

  I hold out the lighter and scream silently into the dark. It is Jane, or what’s left of her. She’s nothing but a dry, crumpled corpse grinning inanely at me from the very depths of Hell.

  He’s killed her, and some time ago. I stumble back and feel for the door, I need to get out of here, from this room and from this house. Jason! Has Anton killed him too? I look around before I leave and see another heap of dead flesh on the floor. There was my answer.

  I can barely believe what I’ve just seen, shock I suppose. The two people I was closest to in the world, apart from my parents, have been murdered by the father of my unborn child.

  I rub my belly, she’s moving. What am I going to give birth to, I wonder. How much of Anton’s gene pool will she inherit?

  I stagger back to the sitting room; it’s grey and unkempt again. What is it with this place there’s no way can I give birth here. No one comes, I’m alone again and that’s a blessing. I grab the blanket from the sofa, shake off the dust, wrap it around my shoulders and quietly creep down the hall to the front door. I’m leaving and I’m not coming back, ever.


  Well that was the plan, but several weeks later I can’t help myself. I park my small car in the space at the bottom of the dirt track and peer through the trees to the house beyond.

  Is he there? I shouldn’t care but I do. I shouldn’t even be here but it’s her. I look at the sleeping bundle in the car seat and smile. Marielle, why not? She’s Anton’s daughter too and given he won’t get the chance to bring her up, I can at least, let him choose her name.

  I scratch at my neck, there’re healing now and that bother’s me. I’ve been doing some more research. I think I now know what Anton was – is. The truth is unbelievable but I have to believe it because I’ve lived the reality.

  He’s a vampire, a real, live blood sucking vampire. He’s not the - can’t go out in the sun or scared of garlic type - that’s just the stuff of horror films. No, Anton is a true vampire. He can live among his own kind or among humans and appear normal. He really is the stuff of nightmares.

  I gaze at Marielle and kiss her cheek. I can’t imagine what I’ll tell her and even worse I don’t know how she’ll be when she’s older. There is a type of being, a mix of vampire and human, a crossbreed and she is one of these. The chances are, if we’re lucky, that she’ll be shunned by them and we’ll be left alone.

  I look at the house again and whisper goodbye. If he’s there, if he still reads my mind then he’ll know how much I wanted him, how much I once loved him. But that’s all I can give so it will have to do.

  I start the car and pull away, I won’t come here again. Dorlan Grange can go to Hell where it belongs and I’ve no intention of ever speaking about the place to my daughter either.

  End of Part 1

  The story continues …

  Part 2 of the Dark Conquest Series - Marielle - is out now




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