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Chasing Love's Wings

Page 1

by Zoey Derrick



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  A Back Story...

  A Back Story...

  A Back Story...



















































  About Zoey

  No Prince Charming Nook

  Master of My Mind Nook

  More Books By Zoey on Nook

  Cover completed by Rachel Rivera of Parajunkee - with the help of BigStock Photos and Rachel’s MAD MAD Skillz!

  This book was edited with the help of Sione Aeschliman, Owner of Sione Aeschliman LLC out of Portland, Oregon. Sione has been my rock, my constant and the light that has kept this project moving forward, without her, this book would not be in your hands. You can visit her on Twitter at or on her website

  Copyright © 2014 Zoey Derrick

  All rights reserved.

  ISBN-13: 978-0991525393

  All rights reserved. Without limiting rights under the copyright reserved above, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored, introduced into a retrieval system, distributed or transmitted in any form or by any means, including without limitation photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law. The scanning, uploading, and/or distribution of this document via the internet or via any other means without the permission of the publisher is illegal and is punishable by law. Please purchase only authorized editions and do not participate in or encourage electronic piracy of copyrightable materials.

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  Check This Out

  Dear Reader -

  I can’t even begin to thank you for your dedication and desire to read my stories because just a simple Thank you is hardly enough.

  You’re AMAZING and I would have written this story if it wasn’t for you!

  I hope you enjoy Chasing Love’s Wings.

  If you haven’t had the chance, I highly recommend reading Finding Love’s Wings - Though Chasing Love’s Wings is a stand alone, like most series books, they are better together.

  Available across all major e-retailers.

  Thank you again for all your LOVE and AMAZING Support!


  For Barb & Walt - may all your dreams come true together.

  June 20th, 2012

  “How long are you planning to keep this up?”

  “Keep what up?

  “Are you ever going to tell anyone else?”

  “No, things are just fine the way they are.” Little does one of the men on the phone know, it’s all about to come unraveled, at least in one aspect.

  “She’s your daughter, you can’t keep doing this forever.”

  “I don’t see any logical reason why not, isn’t it better this way?”

  “I highly doubt it’s better this way. You should’ve seen her two weeks ago. She was a complete mess. She kicked your headstone, for crying out loud. She deserves far better than this. For the life you put her through, she at least deserves an apology.”

  “Enough, Vincent!” His voice is a harsh growl crackling over the phone.

  But Vincent knows he can’t stop now; the man needs to hear this. “She’s taking over the business.”


  “That’s what you wanted, isn’t it? You left her no choice in your will, you forced her into it.” Vincent is losing his patience.

  “It was, but I expected her to find some loophole out of it. She never expressed any interest in what I did, at least not until college.”

  “Wake up and smell the damn roses. You pushed her away for so long, and she fought and fought hard for you to see her. She got a degree in public relations, exactly what you did. She followed in your footsteps whether you wanted her to or not. If you can’t see that—”

  “I get it,” he snaps. “What makes you think that I have any chance of making this right with her? She is going to be even more angry with me when she finds out I’m alive after all this time.”

  “She doesn’t have to find out, but dammit, Bobby, the guilt I feel, knowing this secret, is beginning to weigh heavily on me,” Vincent says. He is doing this for Bobby because he owes Bobby his life and everything it has become. Robert Enders sees something in him that no one else has seen, has offered him an opportunity that he would’ve never had. Bobby has given him a career that he loves more than anything in this world. He lives and breathes his job. But something about the way Bobby is talking is nagging at him. “She’s already going to find out, isn’t she?”

  “She’s turned twenty-five, Vin, that package is on its way to her. I may have added a few things, so yes, she is going to find out. It is just a matter of when.” Bobby’s voice comes across the line with a sadness in it. “I can’t make her open the package, I can’t make her read or watch anything in it, so it could be days or years, if ever, before she figures it out.”

  “She’s been in Tarah, how is she going to get it?”


  “Mick knows you’re alive too?” Vincent can’t hide the surprise in his voice. When he committed to doing this, it was on the grounds that no one else should know about it. If Bobby’d had his way, Vincent wouldn’t know about it, either. The fewer the people who knew, the less likely it would become public knowledge.

  “No. The estate lawyers received a package from an Enders family friend, to be delivered to his next of kin. Mark was very clear that he wanted nothing to do with anything, which is why Cameron was named next of kin and head of the estate. The package will go to her.”

  “I hope you’re right.”

  “I have a duplicate if it doesn’t.”

  Vincent rolled his eyes. “Why am I not surprised.”

  “Just relax and give it some time. Nothing in that package indicates anyone else’s involvement. Everything that happens at this point is between her and me, no one else. End of story.”

  May 26th, 2011


  Robert “Bobby” Enders


  “Mr. Enders, thank you for coming in,” the tall, fit man says to me. A pathetic apology for the way I’ve been treated, considering.

  “You didn’t give me much of a choice.”

  “This is true, we didn’t, and I apologize about that. I’m Special Agent
Markensen. We understand that you have some information that pertains to an open investigation regarding the Mendoza family.” The man is dressed in a white shirt and blue tie and is wearing an FBI jacket.

  “I just came here to talk to the LAPD.”

  “I understand that, but the information you have uncovered is a very strong lead that we can use against the Mendoza family. Have you ever heard of them?”

  “I have. Though I am sure my information is far less accurate than your own.”

  “They are one of the largest U.S. and Mexico drug traffickers. Your information is more important to my office than it is to the LAPD. Which is why you’ve been waiting and why I’m here.”

  “How can you be so certain that the information I’ve given the LAPD is what you’re after? Or, better yet, how do I know the information I repeat for you will be kept safe and my life not put in danger?” I ask the question. I have to know.

  “Mr. Enders, we’re more than willing to provide you with any protection you need. Whether it be agents assigned to you or other, more drastic measures.”

  “What would constitute ‘drastic measures?”

  “Well, federal witness protection, if we feel it is necessary, but we can’t make certain that protection like that is warranted until we know what you know.”

  “What I stumbled into was purely by accident. I believe that it was very fortunate that I managed to get away, hopefully undetected, but I can’t keep spouting off the things that I know without knowing that there is some type of protection that can be put into place. I understood the risks when I got here, though I never expected it to be as dire as you’re making it out to be.”

  “Mr. Enders, let me assure you that we can and will do everything within our means to protect you from any ramifications that arise from your being here.”

  I begin telling the agent what I know and how I know it. The longer we talk, the more concerned Special Agent Markensen becomes. He’s completely blown away by how I stumbled into this mess: compliments of Aaron Iverson, one of my clients, an actor, a very well-known one at that. As soon as I drop that name, Markensen immediately begins to question who I am.

  “I am Robert Enders, owner of Bold International.”

  He really doesn’t like my response. “Mr. Enders, you’re a well-known public figure in this community. Are you certain they didn’t know who you were?”

  I let out a strained chuckle. “If they didn’t know, I am certain that Aaron and whoever his buddy was will take it upon themselves to notify whoever they need to about the potential for exposure, and in doing so they will reveal who I am, if for no other reason than to save their own skin. It won’t take a rocket scientist for this Mendoza to find me. And I’ll take it upon myself to assume that Mendoza is a man of action: Shoot first and ask no questions later.”

  “Well, Mr. Enders, this changes things.” He stands up and walks the three steps to the door. “Please excuse me a moment?” He leaves the room without allowing me to answer his question.

  Panic starts to set in. This isn’t good.

  I start to think about all the things that have happened over the last few months. Just when I think I have what I need to get somewhere with Cameron, this shit has to happen. What the hell am I going to do now? I am going to have to walk away, at least if I want to stay alive. But is death really so bad?

  I can’t shake the memory of watching her walk across that stage in her maroon gown, and I was even prouder when I saw her master’s hood. My baby girl, all grown up.

  The reality of what Evelyn put me through when my children were younger finally has new meaning and a new purpose. Because of her I’ve managed to keep my fatherhood a secret, and I have no doubt that there will be no reason Cameron needs to get involved in all of this. At least I hope not. But I’m suddenly scared for her. If I stay here or flee under witness protection, where does that leave Cameron and my family?

  If these men are as dangerous as Special Agent Markensen is implying, they will stop at nothing to bring me back to them, including, but not limited to, killing my daughter.

  I continue to ponder ways to protect Cameron until Special Agent Markensen returns. This time he is not alone. “Mr. Enders, this is Agent Elizabeth Tod. She is one of our agents who specializes in witness protection.” We exchange handshakes. “I’ve explained to her your situation regarding who you are, and she is going to discuss some options available to you at this time. Due to the nature of witness protection, all the microphones and cameras have been turned off in this room, and I will be leaving you with Agent Tod. She will inform me of your decision and the steps we need to take.”

  Uh, what? “Sure,” I say, despite the fact that my hands have gone cold and clammy and my heart is trying to pound through my chest. Losing my cool is not something I’m used to, but I am no longer in control. I can’t control this situation, unless of course I want to end up dead. Which just might happen anyway.

  “Mr. Enders?” The pretty Agent Tod is working to get my attention. I look over at her. “I want to first let you know that I do not know the nature of the information you’ve shared with Special Agent Markensen, only that we need to establish some type of immediate protection. We can give you no more than twenty-four hours to get your personal affairs in order before we need to find someplace for you to go.”

  “Twenty-four hours? That’s it?”

  “Yes, sir. We can protect you for the next twenty-four hours, after which point it becomes difficult to remain conspicuous. Given the nature of who you are — and I do know who you are — we need to figure out the best course of action to take. We can protect you as long as you’re out of the public eye. After that, we would be hard-pressed to keep you under wraps.”

  “What exactly are you suggesting here?” I knew I should’ve just left this shit alone. More than likely, I’m being paranoid and nothing will ever come of this, but dammit.

  “You need to disappear. Completely. If you have the means to leave the country, I strongly suggest that you do. We can help you with passports and identification to get you out of here. Unfortunately, if you leave the country, we cannot protect you. However, leaving the country anonymously should help.”

  “What if I don’t want to leave the country?”

  “Again, Mr. Enders, I do not know the nature of the information you’ve shared with Special Agent Markensen, but his recommendation is out of the county, and not to Mexico or any countries within Latin America. Otherwise, the world is your stage to go where you want. Is there somewhere you can go that cannot be traced back to you?”

  I don’t even need to think about it. “I have a ranch in Montana.”

  “Do you own it?”

  “I do, but it is not now, nor has it ever been, under my name.”

  “Can the home be traced back to you in any way, shape or form?”

  “Look, Agent Tod, I am a man of Hollywood. Everything in my life is subject to the same scrutiny that my clients face. So much of my life is public knowledge, and there are very few things that I have that allow me to maintain some level of my privacy. That ranch is one of them.”

  “What else?”

  “My daughter.”

  “You have a daughter?” She doesn’t succeed in hiding any level of shock she feels in response to that information.

  “Yes, but I don’t think she likes me very much.”

  “Will she be a problem for those we are hiding you from? Since that piece of information isn’t common knowledge, can she be traced back to you?”

  “She can, but the paper trail is very long and I’m not sure there is a vendetta big enough to make that worth the effort. I tried my hardest to protect her from Hollywood and what I face on a daily basis. No one knows she exists.” Sometimes I wonder if she even knows I exist, but I don’t need to bring that up right now.

  “What about your business? What will happen if you walk away? I’m assuming, based on your public stature, that you’re an integral part of your business?” />
  “I am, but just up and leaving my life, personal or professional, will cause major problems. I am a very active contributor to my business; if I just up and disappear, that will not only cause business problems, but it will make the news. Bringing attention to the fact that I’ve disappeared is not what you or the FBI want to deal with. Not to mention the fact that, because of the news, they — the bad guys — will know that I’ve consulted law enforcement, forcing their hand to more drastic measures. Agent Tod, let’s be frank for a moment. The only way I can walk away from my life and make a clean break from everyone and everything is if I die.”

  I watch as she considers my options. “Mr. Enders, faking a death is not something we believe in doing. We prefer to pull you away quickly and quietly.”

  “Agent Tod, my leaving my job and walking away from my life will do a multitude of things. One, my business will fold, and therefore my thousand-plus employees will be out of their jobs. Two, my daughter will be exposed for who she is, my daughter, thereby making her a target for the people you’re trying to protect me from. That would be counterproductive, don’t you think? Third of all, if one and two happen, all of my assets will be frozen in the big Bold business blunder and my daughter will walk away from all of this with nothing. I have not worked myself thin for the last thirty years to establish a business as successful as mine to watch it fold in front of my eyes, and I would then have—” I stop myself. “I would have someone to blame for that. Do you see where I’m going with this?”

  She nods.

  “Good. Now, if I ‘die,’ my daughter gets her inheritance, my business stays afloat, and I can walk away from everything I’ve just outlined, keeping everyone safe. Now, let me tell you again, if you want to protect me and my family, I need to die.”

  May 27th, 2011


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