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Tarizon, Conquest Earth, Tarizon Trilogy Vol 3

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by William Manchee


  Tarizon: Conquest Earth

  Book 3


  William Manchee

  Top Publications, Ltd.

  Dallas, Texas

  Tarizon: Conquest Earth

  Volume 3


  William Manchee


  Top Publications, Ltd.

  3100 Independence Parkway, Suite 311-349

  Plano, Texas 75075

  ISBN 978-1-935722-37-3

  Library of Congress Control Number 2010921364

  No part of this book may be published or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or information storage and retrieval systems without the express written permission of the publisher.

  This work is a novel and any similarity to actual persons or events is purely coincidental.

  The Prophecy

  When the sun and the moons align,

  amongst the Earth children will come

  one wise and pure in heart.

  A man of humble birth,

  who'll tame the savage rhutz,

  unite those who'd have liberty

  and justice restored to Tarizon,

  and rid it of its evil tyrant.

  Known as The Liberator,

  he'll restore the Supreme Mandate

  and free from bondage

  The Mutants, Seafolken, and Nanomites.

  Chapter 1

  On Holiday

  Leek Lanzia had only seen a clear sky once since his abduction to Tarizon. It was the night of the super eclipse, his first night on Tarizon. Now, he longed to see a clear blue sky and feel the sun’s warm embrace again.

  Sitting under the huge transparent dome that protected the resort city of Marlais Beach from Tarizon’s toxic atmosphere seemed strangely wrong to him, but he wasn’t complaining. He smiled at the two babies and their mothers building a huge sand castle nearby. It was the first time he had been able to get away with Lucinda and Tehra since the war had ended. There had been so many details to attend to in conjunction with the surrender of the TGA and the transition to the new Loyalist government, that Leek had seen little of his family. It wasn’t that he really had that much to do himself. Lorin Boskie, the new Chancellor, and the command staff were coordinating most of the effort.

  The problem was his popularity. The press followed him everywhere he went and wouldn’t give him a moment’s peace. And, of course, all of the politicians in the capital wanted the Liberator at their functions and affairs. It was a matter of honor and prestige to have the savior of the planet in attendance.

  All that adoration was fun and exciting at first, but it quickly became so boring and tedious that Leek could barely stand it. He longed for some time alone with Lucinda and his baby—the mate and child he’d thought he’d lost but who had miraculously been returned to him. In all the time he’d been on Tarizon his days alone with Lucinda could be counted on his fingers. Now, he needed time with her without distraction, so that the wounds that had been inflicted on their relationship could heal—if that were even possible after what they’d been through.

  Finally, after Leek threatened to resign as commander general of the 3rd Army, Lorin granted his request for an extended leave. They’d come to Marlais Beach because it was the only resort Leek had ever visited or known of since he’d come to Tarizon. Lucinda was familiar with it, too, so she jumped at the idea of going there when Leek mentioned it.

  Lucinda stood up, picked up her newborn son, Tokin, and began walking toward Leek. “I think he’s had enough sand. I know I have,” she said.

  Leek smiled. “Okay, how about some dinner? You must be hungry after all that construction work.”

  Lucinda nodded. “I am.” She turned and looked toward Tehra and Sophilo, who were still hard at work. “Hey! Let’s get some dinner.”

  Tehra looked up. “Okay,” she said and stood up. She reached down for Sophilo’s hand, but he turned away. She frowned at him and then looked at Lucinda. “He’s already got a mind of his own.”

  Leek laughed. “Yeah, well I know where that came from.”

  “Right,” Tehra said, nodding. “Dear old Dad. He was rather single-minded sometimes.”

  Leek still found it hard to believe he had a brother on Tarizon. Tehra had been sent to Earth as a guide and had ended up as a legal assistant for Leek’s father in Dallas. When the war started she returned to Tarizon, found Leek, and told him about his father’s heroics on Earth and her pregnancy. The shock of it had blown him over, but it had also given him a feeling of attachment to Tarizon. Suddenly he had a stake in the Tarizon Civil War: He had a child to protect—a good reason for wanting the Loyalists to win and to see the Supreme Mandate restored.

  Sure, it was nice to be the subject of a prophecy and the champion of the mutants, the seafolken, and the nanomites, but they weren’t his own blood. When Lucinda was captured by the TGA and held in prison, Leek thought she and his baby were as good as dead. He tried to believe they could be rescued but knew in his heart it was unlikely. Still, during those moments of utter depression, the thought of someday being reunited with them kept him going and gave him hope.

  Leek wondered if Threebeard had been right to make him think Lucinda had died in Pritzka Prison at the hands of Videl Lai. It was an incredibly cruel thing to do and Leek would probably never forgive him for it. But had he known Lucinda was alive he might not have been able to continue his role as the Liberator.

  He’d avoided Threebeard as much as possible since the war had ended. But it was hard to be angry at anything or anybody when the woman you love and thought dead had suddenly rejoined you in life. Yet he still couldn’t face the three-headed genius who’d been the architect of the Loyalists’ victory. Leek had even severed the telepathic connection between them. He’d built such an impenetrable barrier in his mind that even Threebeard couldn’t breach it.

  “I’ll feed Tokin and Sophilo,” Tehra said. “You two go find a good restaurant on the Boardwalk. Then go to a show or do some gambling. Brina and I will take care of the children. Stay out late and have a good time.”

  “Are you sure?” Lucinda said. “Brina can watch the children and you can come with us.”

  “No, no. This is your vacation. I just came along to help. After we get the children to bed, Brina and I will order some room service.”

  “All right,” Lucinda said. “We won’t be too late.”

  “Don’t make promises you can’t keep,” Leek teased. “Once I start drinking and gambling, there’s no telling what will happen.”

  “Is that true? Should I be worried?” Lucinda asked.

  “Well, with a military escort, I guess I can’t get into too much trouble. They’ll carry me back to our room if I’m too plastered to walk.”

  “That would be embarrassing. Don’t even think about letting that happen.”

  “Don’t worry. I have some anti-inebriation pills that I can take to sober me up if need be—something Mothers Against Drunk Driving would kill for back on Earth.”

  As the five of them approached their hotel, their civilian-attired military bodyguards encircled them. Leek frowned. “At ease, Yok. Back off a little. We’re on vacation and I don't want people to notice us.”

  “Yes, sir,” Yok said and passed on the order though his v-com.

  “And put a smile on your face. Act like you’re a tourist.”

  “Yes, sir,” Yok said, forcing a smile.

  “That’s a little better.”

  The huge hotel, with its white marble facade, had an Persian look that reminded Leek of the Taj Mahal. The main dome
stretched skyward over 300 feet and glowed like a light bulb. Leek was gazing upward and didn’t see the hover taxi coming right at him. Yok pulled him back and then yelled some obscenities as the taxi passed by and then settled into the transport ring near the front entrance.

  “How do they keep these hover taxis from running into each other?” Leek asked. “Is there some kind of air traffic control?”

  “No. They can’t hit anything,” Yok said. “Their programming won’t allow it. They have vital radar and perfect response. That’s why I’m not over there beating the driver’s head in: He isn’t driving. He’s just there to collect the fare and provide security for the passengers.”

  “Security? Is that really necessary?”

  “Yes. Since the war there have been groups of marauding ex-TGA soldiers reported. They’ve robbed some of the local merchants and even kidnaped members of their families.”

  “Hmm. We can’t have that. I'll call General Zitor and have him look into the situation. We’ve got to maintain order.”

  “That would be much appreciated, I’m sure. The local governor has been complaining about it.”

  As they entered the lobby the hotel manager rushed over to them. “Commander General, I trust you enjoyed our beach,” he said.

  Leek nodded. “Yes, it was quite pleasant. Now we are going upstairs and clean up for dinner. Can you recommend a place on the Boardwalk for Lucinda and me?”

  “Yes, the Pluminage is exquisite. I’ll make reservations for you, if you’d like.”

  “Yes, thank you. Give us about an hour.”

  The manager rushed off and Leek turned to Lucinda. Suddenly, he realized that a crowd was forming around him. Yok and his men blocked them from getting too close. Suddenly, someone started to clap. Others joined in.

  “Long live the Liberator!” another yelled. Leek smiled, waved, and then started walking toward the lift. Lucinda smiled proudly at Leek.

  An old woman stepped directly in front of Lucinda and took her hand. Yok pulled out his pistol but Lucinda waved him off.

  “You are alive!” the woman said. “They told us you were dead.”

  Lucinda smiled appreciatively, and a tear trickled down her cheek. She wiped it away quickly.

  “Yes, I know. I thought I was going to die, too.”

  “You poor child. They tortured you, didn’t they?”

  Leek pulled the woman gently away from Lucinda. “Yes, thank you for your concern, but she’s okay now and Videl Lai won’t be torturing anybody else.”

  “Thank God and Sandee!” someone yelled.

  Yok and his men cleared a path, allowing the vacationers to escape the crowd. Leek breathed a sigh of relief when the lift door finally closed.

  “Well, so much for a quiet little holiday,” he sighed.

  “I’m afraid privacy will be a scarce commodity for you, Leek,” Tehra said.

  “Unless we go back to Earth. Nobody would pay any attention to us there.”

  “You’d want to leave Tarizon after all that you’ve accomplished?” Tehra asked.

  The elevator door opened and they were escorted to their suite. They stepped into a large living area with two white leather sofas and chairs, lush carpeting, a small table and a huge VC. Brina met them at the door and took Sophilo from Tehra. Leek took Tokin and sat on a sofa with his son in his lap. Lucinda sat beside them. The security staff made a sweep of the room and then left.

  “So, would you leave Tarizon?” Tehra repeated as she fell back into one of the soft chairs.

  “Yes,” Leek said. “The Prophecy has been fulfilled. I miss my family, and it would be nice to see a clear blue sky.”

  Lucinda frowned and Leek quickly added, “Of course, I would only go to Earth if Lucinda and Tokin came with me. We’re a family now and nothing is going to separate us ever again.”

  “Do you want to go back to Earth, Lucinda?” Tehra asked. “You were born there.”

  Lucinda shrugged. “I don’t know. I haven’t given it much thought, but I would like to meet Leek’s family. He’s told me so much about them.”

  “Even with Videl Lai dead and the war over, life here will still be extremely difficult,” Leek said. “Even if you disregard the toxic condition of the atmosphere, you still have a world where half of the infrastructure has been destroyed, several million soldiers are unemployed, and half a million of them are in need of serious physical rehabilitation—to name just a few of the problems. I don’t envy Lorin’s challenges over the next few cycles.”

  “Don’t you want to stay and help her?” Tehra questioned. “She really needs you.”

  Leek sighed. “Haven’t I done enough? This isn’t my planet, for godsakes.”

  Lucinda took Leek’s hand in hers and smiled at Tehra. “Leek is still bitter over Threebeard’s treachery, and he’s still recuperating from his gunshot wound. He’s extremely tired and needs some time off. Give us that and then we will carefully consider all options.”

  Leek nodded. “Right. I really do want to help Lorin, but I also want to go back to Earth. And you should come with us.”

  “Tarizon is my home,” Tehra replied.

  “And Earth is mine,” Leek reminded her.

  Tehra stood up. “Right. Well, you two need to get ready for dinner. I’ll take care of Tokin.”

  Leek lifted Tokin and held him out to her. Tehra took him. “You guys have fun.”

  “We will,” Lucinda said as Tehra left the room.

  Leek sighed. “Alone at last. Shall we check out the new bed before we take a shower?”

  Lucinda frowned. “And get sand on the sheets! I think not.”

  “Okay, then I’ll have to ravish you in the shower.”

  Lucinda shook her head. “I’m hungry so I won’t be lingering in the shower. But you can ravish me tonight.”

  “Hmm. Then I’ll have to watch what I drink. You know booze puts me to sleep.”

  She laughed. “That's what I’m counting on.”

  Leek smiled, but he was disappointed to learn that Lucinda seemed to have lost interest in sex. Since being reunited they’d made love only a few times, and Leek could tell that Lucinda hadn’t enjoyed it. He’d talked to her doctor about it and was advised not to rush her. She’d been through unimaginable trauma, and it could take cycles for her to heal emotionally. They discussed a memory erase for her, but that was, at best, an imprecise procedure, and there was a chance that too much memory would be wiped away. Leek feared that she might not recognize him when the operation was over.

  After they’d showered and dressed, they took the short walk along the crowded Boardwalk to the restaurant. The temperature under the dome was carefully regulated and thus was always quite pleasant. Leek was relieved that, in the low light and amongst the crowd, nobody seemed to recognize them. He had told Yok to back off and give them some breathing room, and the security team’s leader had reluctantly agreed to do so.

  A huge yellow neon sign identified the Pluminage. A line of hopeful diners wound out the front door and extended twenty strides down the Boardwalk. Yok rushed ahead and pushed his way inside. A moment later a side door opened, and Leek and Lucinda were escorted inside and taken to a secluded booth. Two waiters and the maître d’ hovered over them, explaining the menu and beverage choices.

  “Wow! What service, huh?” Lucinda said.

  “Yup. One of the perks of the job,” Leek said, smiling.

  “They wouldn’t treat you like this on Earth.”

  “No. The government hasn’t been willing to publicly acknowledge Tarizon’s existence. So, if we went back, we’d just be ordinary citizens.”

  “What would you do back on Earth?”

  “I don’t know. Go back to school for starters. I’d still like to be a lawyer.”

  “How could you possibly do that after leading the Loyalist Army to victory? You have it made here on Tarizon. Your life back on Earth could never compare to what it will be here.”

  “It could be as good if the governme
nt would just acknowledge Tarizon’s existence. Then I could be the Tarizonian ambassador to Earth. That way we could live on Earth and go back to Tarizon from time to time. We could stay in touch with all of our friends and family.”

  “That would be nice, but do you think there is any realistic chance of that happening?”

  Leek sighed. “No, it’s not likely, but I want to go back and see my family at least. My sister and brothers think I’m dead. I’ve got to make that right.”

  Lucinda leaned forward and took Leek’s hands in hers. “Of course. I want to meet your family, too. We can go visit for a while and then return to Tarizon. While we are there you can make contact with your CIA and see if there is any chance of establishing relations between the two worlds.”

  Leek took a deep breath and let it out slowly. “Well, a lot depends on whether the Intergalactic Fleet surrenders. If it does, then your plan might work. But if it doesn’t and the Fleet leaves Clarion to invade Earth, I’ll have no choice but to return without you. I’m not going to jeopardize your life again no matter what.”

  The Intergalactic Fleet had been built on Clarion, Tarizon’s largest moon, because the huge attack cruisers being built there were not designed to enter a planet’s atmosphere. They’d been built specifically for FTL travel, and to achieve that they had to sacrifice conventional drive systems and spaceship design.

  “If you go,” Lucinda said firmly, “I'm going with you.”

  Leek stifled the anger that was beginning to well within him. He didn’t want to argue with Lucinda. Not while they were on holiday.

  “Let’s just hope they surrender,” he said. “There is no use worrying about it now.”

  The thought of the Intergalactic Fleet poised to leave its base on Tarizon’s largest moon made his stomach turn. Now he’d lost his appetite. The last he’d heard, the negotiations with the command staff on Clarion hadn’t been going well. The new Tarizon government promised amnesty to the officers and personnel on Clarion if they’d surrender the Fleet to the government, with the exception of Evohn Cystrom. He had already been charged with high treason by the special war crimes prosecutor and amnesty was out of the question.

  So far, however, there had been no surrender. It was assumed that Evohn Cystrom wielded significant influence within the command staff and was personally blocking the surrender.

  A three-handed mutant waiter appeared with their first course and a bottle of tezazi. Leek picked up his glass and eyed it warily. “Is this stuff any good?” he asked.

  Lucinda nodded. “Yes, but don’t drink more than one glass, or tomorrow you won’t know what you had for dinner.”

  “That good, huh?”

  After two glasses of tezazi Leek had forgotten about Evohn Cystrom and the Intergalactic Fleet. His appetite had come back with a vengeance, and he and Lucinda stuffed themselves until they could hardly move. After dinner they went to a show and then to the casino to play tin tan. Finally, just before dawn, they returned to their suite and slept through most of the next day. When Leek woke up late in the afternoon, Lucinda was sitting on the edge of the bed, watching him with a wry smile on her face.

  “I told you not to drink too much tezazi,” she reminded him.

  He rolled over and sighed. “Right. I’m glad I didn’t listen to you. That was quite a party we had.”

  “Oh, yeah. Do you actually remember any of it?”

  “Sure. I remember you dancing on the table.”

  “I did not!” she protested.

  “Yes you did. You just don’t remember it.”

  She laughed. He took her hand and pulled her down on him. They kissed passionately for a moment and then Lucinda pulled away. “Don’t get any ideas,” she said. “General Zitor is going to be here in a loon.”

  “General Zitor? What’s he doing here?”

  “I don’t know. You said you wanted to talk to him about the ex-TGA soldiers marauding around Pogo Island.”

  “I didn’t mean for him to come visit me, for godsakes! I was going to call him on the GC.”

  Lucinda shrugged. “You better get dressed. He’ll be here soon.”

  Leek reluctantly rolled out of bed and stood up. He wobbled a bit and had to steady himself on the bedpost. “Oh, geez. Is the room spinning by any chance?”

  Lucinda took his arm and pulled him gently toward the bathroom. “You’ll be all right after you take a shower.”

  “If you say so,” Leek mumbled as he followed her into the bathroom.

  Ten loons later Leek emerged from the bedroom, showered and dressed. Lucinda and General Zitor were talking and drinking sankee. General Zitor stood up when he saw Leek.

  “General,” Leek said. “Please sit down. How are you?”

  “Fine, Commander. I trust your holiday is going well?”

  “Yes, so far, but it’s barely begun.”

  “I know. I hated having to bother you, but something rather urgent has come up. I’m afraid you’ll have to cut your holiday short.”

  Leek looked at Lucinda guiltily. She got up and stormed out of the room. He turned to General Zitor and shook his head. “I was afraid this was going to happen.”


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