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Courting Danger

Page 7

by Kimberly Dean

  Even harder was the erection she felt pressing against the small of her back.

  Her bare back.

  The dress was gaping open as he took advantage of the access.

  Rielle shifted in his embrace, but only ended up rubbing against him. This was what had been bubbling under the surface between them ever since he’d first set foot inside these office walls. The heat. The pull. The excitement.

  ‘I shouldn’t be letting you do this,’ she groaned.

  ‘Yes, you should. It’s why you called me.’ His teeth closed over the muscle that led from her neck to her shoulder. The dangerous pressure sent a shot of pleasure through her so dark and intense that she caught his hip and held on. ‘It’s why you stayed here late, all by yourself.’

  He’d tired of the dress getting in his way. His words were still spinning in her head as he pulled the shoulder straps down her arms. The bodice folded down away from her, baring her to the waist.

  ‘You need this as much as you want it,’ he said into her ear.

  His gaze ran over the reflection of her nakedness in the window. Shaded as it was, the look was still hot. Rielle twisted as heat flared inside her belly.

  She watched as his hands slid up her stomach and took hold of her breasts once again. Firmly, determinedly. Like he had the right.

  Her knees wobbled, and she leaned back against him.

  Her eyelids went heavy. He was too good at this. He was too confident for her to stop. His touch wasn’t gentle; it was physical. He was a man who knew how to touch a woman, and he didn’t allow shyness. He went straight for what made them both feel good, and she couldn’t fight the pleasure.

  She’d been without gratification for too long.

  ‘That’s it, baby. Let it happen. Last night was frustrating, I know.’

  One of his hands left her, only to begin tugging at the miles of fabric of her skirt. It bunched around her waist as he gathered it up and out of his way.

  ‘You’re a stranger to me,’ she insisted. She didn’t know who she was trying to remind more – him or herself.

  ‘One who would never hurt you,’ he promised.

  Arousal swam through her veins as his coarse hands swept up the sides of her legs. Her body began to shake, and her nails scraped against the wooden window frame. He tugged at her panties and they were soon down around her thighs.

  Rielle couldn’t think. She couldn’t reason. He had her pinned between his big body and the window that looked out over the DC street. Yet there was no panic. Only need.

  Need, need, need.

  His fingers swept between her legs, and a deep sound left his chest.

  She was wet and plump. She was more turned on than she’d ever been in her life.

  His fingers returned, circling her opening until she groaned. Her toes curled into the thick carpeting as he played with her intimately, keeping her right on edge, until he pushed two fingers deep inside her.

  ‘Oh, oh!’ she cried out. Her hips instinctively tilted back and began to pump.

  His hand slapped between her legs as he gave her what her body was so desperately asking for. Their breaths turned harsh in the empty office until he pressed his thumb intimately between her butt cheeks.

  Rielle’s entire body clenched, and she let out a cry so hoarse and hungry, it didn’t sound as if it had come from her.

  His movements became urgent then. Jerky and almost rough. There was the sound of another zipper, and she watched in the window as he pushed his jeans to his thighs. He’d taken his briefs with them, and her eyes widened. That hard bump at the small of her back was as big as it had felt. His erection jutted forward, pushing his T-shirt out of the way.

  That was all she saw of it before she felt it.

  Bending his knees, he positioned himself against her. He slowly straightened, pushing up into her, and her body stiffened at the invasion.

  ‘Relax,’ he murmured, gathering her up close again.

  ‘I am.’ She was there. She was aroused, and she wanted this to happen. ‘You’re just…’


  He was big, and it had been a long time since she’d been sexually active.

  She didn’t have to say it. He got it. She could tell, because the big cock pushing into her swelled even bigger. His hands closed over her breasts, and his mouth returned to her neck so hungrily, she knew she’d have marks.

  The pressure was steady. Inexorable. When he sent one hand around to her front and found her clit, she let off enough moisture to let him slide home hard and deep.

  ‘Ahhhh!’ she cried.

  ‘God, you’re perfect.’ His voice was like sandpaper. He held still for a long, heavy moment. His hips twitched as if he was barely holding back. ‘Good?’

  ‘Mmm hmm.’ So good.


  ‘Ready,’ she managed. They’d both been reduced to one-word communication, if that.

  He pulled back, and the walls of her pussy clung to him. He returned with a hard, jagged thrust, and Rielle was gone. Her fears and concerns flew out of the crystal-clear window in front of her, along with all notions of responsibility or political correctness. She became a purely sensate being as their bodies rocked together. Rocked, swayed, slapped and outright humped.

  She watched them, her eyelids so heavy she could barely keep them open. Their reflection together was erotic. He looked so big behind her, yet so needful in the way he held her.

  In his dishevelled jeans and T-shirt, he looked like a rough blue-collar worker taking a naughty princess. Her dress was falling off and bunched around her waist. As different as they were, their bodies worked in synch.

  Faster, harder, deeper.

  Rielle spread her legs wider and rolled her forehead against the cool plate-glass window. Her fingerprints were already smeared all over it.

  He filled her pussy over and over again. It felt like for ever as he took her, but it was too soon when she felt her pleasure spiralling upwards.

  ‘Almost…’ he grunted. ‘Fuck!’

  She was there. Her orgasm crested, making her cry out sharply. ‘Oh, ohhh!’

  ‘Yes!’ he barked out.

  She squeezed her eyes shut as she felt him come inside her. Hot and wet. Her knees locked as another orgasm grabbed her.

  ‘Holy hell,’ her lover said, the words coming between hard pants.

  His weight pressed against her more heavily as he braced his hand on the window frame above hers. They stood that way for a long, long time, with him buried deep inside her and her breasts heaving.

  His arm swept around her waist, and he spread his hand wide over her stomach.

  He kissed the top of her head. ‘You feel so good.’

  So did he.

  Rielle opened her eyes. Her reflection was only inches away, and it felt like she was staring deep into her own soul.

  He felt too good. Too tempting. And dangerous as hell.

  What had she just done?

  Chapter Five

  ‘Hey now, none of that.’ He saw the doubt come into her eyes where a moment ago there had only been pleasure. She tried to pull the dress up over herself, but there was so much material, it was fighting her. He zipped up his jeans and caught her hand. He backed up until he was at the desk. He settled his hips against it, spread his legs and pulled her close. His skittish little doe was back.

  She found the top of the dress and held it over her breasts. He pushed her hair back from her face so he could see her expressive eyes.

  He understood the doubt and confusion. Hell, he hadn’t been thinking clearly for the past twenty-four hours either. ‘We both know this isn’t a good idea, but how about we forget that for tonight?’

  ‘We play pretend again?’

  Point taken. They’d pushed reality behind them last night, too, but they’d had no problems until it had shoved its way back in. If not for her boss, the cop and his own personal pain-in-the-ass, they probably would have ended up in bed before now.

  ‘Why were you lo
oking for my number?’ he asked. He never should have put his contact information into her phone. It had been an impulse, but damn if he was going to regret it. Especially not now.

  He’d been thinking about her all day. He’d worried about how much heat she was taking. He’d seen their picture in the paper. It probably hadn’t helped her situation with Luxxor.

  ‘I wasn’t looking for you.’ She searched for a shoulder strap to help hold the dress on. ‘I was looking for food.’

  ‘You’re hungry?’ Well, hell. He reached for his back pocket, but it was empty. He saw his phone on the floor. He whipped it up, ready to go hunt and gather for her. ‘I’ll order delivery. What do you want?’

  She looked at him as if he was crazy. She shook her head, but then her stomach betrayed her by growling. He could hear it, even buried beneath all the folds of that dress.

  ‘Pizza it is.’

  ‘We can’t order food. You’re not even supposed to be here, and I –’ She stopped. ‘I have lost my mind.’

  ‘Come on, let me feed you. I owe you that much.’

  ‘We’re not dating. I should have nothing to do with you.’

  He nodded. It was all true. ‘Tomorrow.’

  He dialled before she protested again. She tried to take the phone from him, but her stomach gurgled. He put his hand over it. ‘Battle won.’

  ‘I need a pie with the works,’ he said when the pizza shop picked up.

  She sighed and hooked her hair behind her ear. ‘No green peppers.’

  ‘Without green peppers,’ he repeated. It was a little thing, but she hadn’t been any more forthcoming with personal information than he had. She didn’t like green peppers. He tucked the information away, but didn’t let himself stop to think why.

  ‘Twenty minutes to a half-hour,’ he told her as he set the phone on the desk by his hip.

  She still looked torn.

  ‘It’s just pizza.’

  She looked down at her dress. It was a helluva lot more than that.

  ‘OK, pizza and sex.’ Sue him. He was here, and he wasn’t working. He was pretty much always on-call, but he could think of nothing better than staying with her. Maybe he’d be able to sweet-talk her into letting him touch her again.

  He knew as well as she did that this would be the last time they saw each other.

  The shoulder strap she’d fought so valiantly for fell off her shoulder.

  He caught her wrist when she tried to fix it. ‘Why don’t you just take it off? It looks uncomfortable as hell now.’

  She swept her fingers through the crumpled mint-green material and nodded. ‘I’ll put my clothes back on. We’ll eat, but then you have to go.’

  ‘You mean the bra by the door?’ He ignored the last part.

  Even in the dim light in the room, he could see the pinkness blooming in her cheeks. He liked how she blushed. He didn’t know that people did that any more. The ones he knew were too hardened and jaded.

  ‘Yeah, I saw it,’ he said softly. And he definitely didn’t want her to put it back on. Once that bra was hooked and the blue dress was zipped, her guard would go right up with it. He reached back between his shoulder blades and fisted his hand in his T-shirt. He pulled it over his head and handed it to her. ‘Here, wear this.’

  He’d broken a few land speed records to get here when she hadn’t answered his return calls. He wasn’t prone to overreacting, but he’d been ready for anything when he’d come in that door. No way was he going to miss her bra splayed out on the floor.

  Her eyes widened. She took the T-shirt tentatively, but her gaze was on him. It ran over his shoulders and down his bare chest. His stomach sucked in tight when that cautious, curious gaze worked down to his six-pack.

  If she looked at him like that much longer, he’d have her pinned back against that window with her legs spread wide.

  He couldn’t have been more surprised when she reached out and touched him. His blood poured back into his cock, short-circuiting his brain, when her soft fingertips brushed over his chest.

  Tiny furrows appeared on her brow. ‘You have scars.’

  He stilled. That one was a bullet wound, but she didn’t need to know that. This was not a good topic. ‘I’m clumsy.’

  ‘You’re not clumsy.’ She found the slash on his forearm, too, the cut that had healed but was still red. It shouldn’t leave much of a mark when it was gone, but at her inquisitive touch it felt sensitive. Tingly.

  If that was what the simple brush of her fingertip would do to him, how would it feel to have her hands all over him? Or her mouth?

  It was suddenly something he wanted to find out. Desperately.

  She traced the outline of the tattoo on his chest and explored a scrape he hadn’t even known he had. A sound left the back of his throat, and she became aware of just how tightly he was clenching his muscles. He hadn’t wanted her to stop, but that’s exactly what she did. She jerked her hand back as if she’d touched fire.

  ‘Sorry,’ she said.

  ‘You can touch me any time you want.’

  She held the wadded T-shirt to her chest. ‘I knew you weren’t an accountant.’

  He shrugged, and her gaze fell back to his chest.

  ‘My mother is. You asked me one of the things I’d heard her talk about.’

  ‘So you have a mother.’

  The dryness in her tone drew a smile out of him. Damn. ‘Just put on the T-shirt. Here.’ He caught the material around her waist. The skirt was still hitched up around her, draping down in some spots. It showed off a good length of leg, but he wanted her comfortable. ‘I’ll help you.’

  Her vulnerability called to him. She was almost too aware of her surroundings and her defences were way too high. He began to peel the dress off her. He had it down to her hips before she began to dress in a rush.

  She discovered quickly that she couldn’t hide her body and pull the T-shirt over her head at the same time. Giving up, she flashed her breasts at him as she pulled the soft cotton material down.

  She wasn’t fast enough.

  He stopped her and pulled the T-shirt back up. Her breast was bared and her nipple tightened. He saw it, but that wasn’t what had his attention.

  He turned to snap on the desk lamp.

  His jaw set when he saw it hadn’t been a play of shadows. There were bruises on her ribs.

  He placed his hand on them protectively and stared hard at her face. ‘Looks like I’m not the only one who’s clumsy.’

  ‘It’s from the gym.’

  He dared her to lie to him, but her chin came up.

  ‘It is.’

  He rubbed the fading bruise, wanting to make it go away. ‘It better be.’

  He pushed her dress over her hips and to the floor. He took her panties down with it for good measure. They were stretched and probably ruined anyway.

  He swept his thumbs over her hip bones as he searched for any more marks or welts. A slow burn was rising inside him. She shoved his T-shirt down over his hands, but he took his time checking her out. He was a guy. He was supposed to be tough. Her soft skin shouldn’t be marred.

  There was dampness on her thighs, evidence of their lovemaking, but no bruises. He refused to get distracted and kept going until he found the contusion on her shin.

  ‘What gym?’ he demanded.

  ‘One by my apartment.’

  ‘What are you doing? What equipment?’

  ‘No equipment.’ She shifted uncomfortably. His T-shirt swam around her, but her shape was clear. She had a killer body, but it was more than just dieting. She was strong. Sleek.

  ‘I do Muay Thai.’

  His head snapped back. She couldn’t have shocked him more if she’d said she was a bull-rider. Pilates or yoga seemed more her speed. What was she doing taking a combat martial arts class?

  Her chin rose. ‘I’m good.’

  ‘I bet you are.’ He was glad to hear it. He just wanted to know why she felt the need. ‘Why do you work here, Rielle? Why an esc
ort service?’

  She was a nice girl. Too nice for such a dangerous and potentially illegal field, even if they’d just gotten all sexy and naughty together.

  Her lips pressed flat, and her jaw took on a stubborn set. He wasn’t the only one with secrets, but this one he didn’t like. Her instincts for self-protection were something he applauded, but the reason they were there was something else entirely.

  She stepped back from him and wrapped her arms around her waist.

  He didn’t tell her how it pulled the T-shirt over her breasts and made the shape of her nipples clear.

  They were still stiff. Probably sensitive.

  The zipper of his jeans began to feel too tight.

  ‘Are you ever going to tell me why we were at the White House?’ she asked.


  ‘It was for that woman, right? The one with RBF.’

  He wrapped his fingers around the edge of the desk. She was too sharp for her own good.

  And way too far away.

  He pushed himself to his feet and her breath caught. Her hands opened against his chest as he dipped his head. He had her in a kiss before she could say another word.

  And damn if it wasn’t even better than he remembered.

  He spread his hands low on her hips and pulled her in. He rocked against her, and her nails bit into his chest. He began walking her towards the big leather sofa. It was something else that hadn’t escaped his notice.

  ‘Again?’ she squeaked.

  ‘Probably won’t be the last,’ he warned.

  His lips tangled with hers. Her mouth was warm and soft, but it was the way she responded that made the top of his head nearly come off.

  ‘I like the way you kiss.’ Holding her tight, he followed her down onto the sofa.

  She stretched beneath him and wound her arms around him. ‘Me too.’

  He smiled fast, and kissed her before she realised she’d let him see beneath the surface again.

  She’d just put his T-shirt on, but it was time for it to come off. He worked it over her head and felt her hands pulling at his zipper. He opened the button to turn the denim loose, and she slid her hand inside. His chin dropped to his chest, and his biceps bulged as he held himself still above her.

  At least they weren’t going to fight about this. They took pleasure in each other’s bodies. There was no reason why they shouldn’t.


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