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Alcatraz: A Definitive History of the Penitentiary Years

Page 54

by Michael Esslinger

  9. FORFEITURE OR WITHHOLDING OF EARNED GOOD TIME, STATUTORY OR INDUSTRIAL, in addition to disciplinary action and/or prosecution in the District Court, may result if you become involved in any serious misconduct.

  10. RESTORATION OF FORFEITED OR WITHHELD GOOD TIME will not be recommended unless you can show at least one year of better than average good conduct and good work when you are called for your annual Classification Hearing.

  11. TRANSFER TO OTHER FEDERAL INSTITUTIONS will not be recommended unless you can show a better than average good conduct record for several years at this Institution.

  12. RECOMMENDATION FOR CLEMENCY FOR MILITARY PRISONERS will not be made unless they can show better than average good conduct and good work records for several years at this Institution.

  13. YOUR COMMITTED NAME AND REGISTER NUMBER are used as a means of identification. You will be addressed by your surname (last name) only. Your register. number is also used as the laundry mark on your Institutional clothing.

  14. COMMENDATORY REPORTS may be submitted by Officers who observe your behavior and find it better than average. Such reports are filed and help you to establish a good record.

  15. DISCIPLINARY REPORTS may be submitted by Officers who observe your behavior and detect violations of the Institutional regulations. If you are interested in keeping a good record, you should conduct yourself according to the rules.

  16. CONTRABAND. Anything found on your person, or in your cell, or at your work place, which was not Officially issued to you, or Officially approved and purchased by you, and Officially listed on your property card, will be classed as contraband. Possession of contraband of any sort is a serious offense and will result in disciplinary action. If you steal anything from other inmates or from employees, or from the Institution, you will be punished.

  17. ATTEMPTING TO BRIBE EMPLOYEES by giving, or promising to give them anything, is a serious offense. You must not give or sell or receive or buy anything except through the Official channels.


  19. TRADING, GAMBLING, SELLING, GIVING, OR LOANING your personal property or your government issue items or services, or contraband of any kind is a serious offense. You are expected to keep the things that are legitimately in your possession. If they are found in another inmate's possession, disciplinary action will result for both parties. If anything is stolen from you, report the loss to the Officials as soon as possible.

  20. RECREATION. As a general rule, you will work eight hours a day, five days a week, with Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays devoted to recreation. Movies are shown twice each month. Exercise Yard activities include baseball, handball and various table games. Newly arrived inmates are kept in Quarantine Status for 30 days and are not allowed recreation during that period.

  21. WORK. You are required to work at whatever you are told to do. Usually your first assignment will be to temporary maintenance jobs around the cellhouse. Other maintenance jobs include the Culinary Unit, the Clothing and Bath Room, the Library, and the Yard Detail. By doing good work on your maintenance assignment you earn Statutory Good Time. You may also qualify for additional Meritorious Good Time and/or pay, if your work and behavior are outstandingly good and are of outstanding value to the Institution. If you make a better than average work and conduct record while on your maintenance job, you may be considered for an assignment to a Federal Prison Industry Shop where you may earn Industrial Good Time and pay in addition to your Statutory Good Time.

  22. LOAFING, LOITERING, VISITING, OR UNAUTHORIZED ABSENCE FROM WORK will result in disciplinary action, and may result in loss of your job, and withholding of, or forfeiture of, good time.

  23. YOUR CONSTRUCTIVE SUGGESTIONS OR LEGITIMATE COMPLAINTS if made by you to the proper Officials, will receive careful consideration. However, if you make groundless complaints for the purpose of creating dis-satisfaction and/or stirring up trouble; or if you agitate' or rib' yourself or others into trouble, you will be subject to disciplinary action.

  24. INTERVIEW REQUEST SLIPS may be obtained from the Cellhouse Officer. When you wish to ask an Official for information, for an interview to request some service or when you want to make a constructive suggestion or a legitimate complaint—use an interview slip. Instructions are printed on the slips.

  25. MONEY. You are not allowed to have money of any kind in your possession while in this institution. Use of cigarettes or other items as jail money' is forbidden. Your earnings and whatever funds you brought with you, or which may be sent to you by approved correspondents, will be kept on deposit for you in the Prisoner's Trust Fund.

  26. PRISONER'S TRUST FUND is operated like a savings account in a bank, except that it does not draw interest. With the approval of the Associate Warden, you may authorize the withdrawal of funds from your account for legitimate purposes such as the payment of attorney's fees and/or purchase of text books and educational materials. You are required to save a part of what you earn, and may contribute part of your earnings to dependents.

  27. THE PRISONER'S MAIL BOX in each Institution is designed to provide any inmate an opportunity to write directly, without inspection by institutional authorities, to the Director of the Bureau of Prisons, the Attorney General, the Parole Board, the Surgeon General, Federal Judges, Department of Justice Officials, and in the case of military prisoners to the Secretary of War or Navy, or the Judge Advocate General, or the Adjutant General, regarding any matter of importance to the individual, to the inmate group as a whole, or any matter of importance affecting the institution and its personnel or Officials. The Prisoner's Mail Box is open to all inmates regardless of their status. See Section #41.


  7:00 A.M. Weekdays. . .7:15 A.M. Saturdays, Sundays & Holidays:

  Morning wake-up bell. See Section 30 for instructions in making bed, policing cell, etc.

  7:20 A.M. Weekdays. . .7:50 A.M. Saturdays, Sundays & Holidays:

  Count Bell. Stand up by your cell door, facing out, remain there until the bell signal sounds again, indicating the count is correct. Absolute silence must prevail during all counts.

  7:30 A.M. Weekdays. . .7:50 A.M. Saturdays, Sundays & Holidays:

  Breakfast. When your door opens come out promptly and proceed in single file to the Dining Room in a quiet orderly manner. Do not change places in line by moving forward or backward. You may carry books and magazines to the library exchange table but do not carry books or anything else to exchange with other inmates nor put anything in other inmates' cells.

  The Officer at the tray-dispenser cart will direct you to file past the steam table to the right or left, as he sees fit, to balance the lines. You must follow his instructions without question. See Section #33 for other Dining Room Rules.

  Upon returning to your cell after breakfast, tidy up your cell, placing all trash in your wastebasket. Place this basket outside the cell door at the first opportunity so that orderlies may empty it. If you leave the building for work or recreational activity, put on appropriate clothing. Caps are not worn inside the cellhouse at any time.

  8:00 A.M. Weekdays: Outside Work Call. Industries and other outside details will proceed in single file through the rear cellhouse door to the yard.

  In rainy weather, all outside workers are called out by details. Remain in your cell until your detail is called, then proceed promptly to the West End of the cellhouse. Your detail officer will escort you as quickly as possible to your place of work.

  In fair weather, or when it is not raining too hard, details will remain on the Yard until the Lieutenant gives the signal to line up. You will have a few minutes to smoke and converse. When the line-up bell rings, move promptly to your proper place in your detail and face the South wall. Smoking is not permitted between the Yard and your place of work. Your detail officer will give the signal to proceed through the rear gate to the Work Area. Move in single

  Laundry workers will turn right at the ramp and enter the Laundry. Gardeners and incinerator operator will wait at the Garden Area Gate. If you work in a lower-level shop or outside, proceed to the lower level and stop at the designated lines. Form a column of Twos and await the signal from your detail Officer to proceed.

  When you reach your place of work, change in to your work clothes and go about your work as directed by your detail Officer or Foreman.

  Smoking is permitted in the shops except where there is some hazardous condition. Smoking is a privilege. Be very careful about putting matches and butts in the butt-cans.

  8:25 A.M. Count Bell on Saturdays, Sundays & Holidays.

  8:30 A.M. Saturdays—Main Line Bath. (See Section #29)

  9:25 A.M. Saturdays—Count Bell.

  9:30 A.M. Saturdays—Yard. (See Sections #37 & #42)

  8:30 A.M. Sundays—Religious Services. (See Sections #40 & #48)

  8:40 A.M. Sundays—Yard.

  8:30 A.M. Holidays—Yard.

  8:40 A.M. Weekdays: Inside details will proceed directly and quietly to their places of work. They will confine their activities strictly to their assigned duties and upon satisfactory completion of these duties will return directly and quietly to their cells.

  Culinary Detail inmates have a special schedule of work and recreation hours.

  11:35 A.M. Weekdays: Outside details will stop work, check in tools, wash, change clothing and prepare for return to the cellhouse.

  11:45 A.M. Weekdays: Outside details leave shops on signal and proceed in column of twos to the cellhouse. Do not carry on loud and boisterous conversations. Do not jostle or indulge in horseplay with others.


  11:50 A.M. Weekdays: COUNT BELL.

  12:00 Noon. Saturdays, Sundays & Holidays—Return to cellhouse from recreation Yard. Line up in Yard according to cell block and gallery area and proceed to the cellhouse on signal.

  12:00 Noon. Weekdays: Dinner.

  12:10 P.M. Saturdays, Sundays & Holidays: COUNT BELL.

  12:15 P.M. Saturdays, Sundays & Holidays: Dinner.

  12:30 P.M. COUNT BELL.

  12:35 P.M. SICK CALL. See Section #36.

  INTERVIEWS: You will be notified if you are scheduled for an interview with any Official. See Section #24.

  1:00 P.M. Weekdays: Outside Work Call. Same as A.M. Routine.

  1:00 P.M. Saturdays, Sundays & Holidays: COUNT BELL.

  3:10 P.M. (TUESDAYS ONLY): Return to cellhouse for Tuesday bathline.

  3:25 P.M. COUNT BELL. (Tuesday only).

  3:30 P.M. Bath lines—Tuesday Only.

  3:30 P.M. Weekdays. (Other than Tuesday) Yard recreation period ends. Return from recreation area.

  4:10 P.M. Stop work on outside details.

  4:20 P.M. Outside details leave shops to cellhouse.

  4:35 P.M. COUNT BELL.

  4:40 P.M. Supper.

  5:30 P.M. COUNT BELL. Final Lock-up Count.


  3:45 P.M. Return from Yard.

  3:55 P.M. COUNT BELL.

  4:00 P.M. Supper.

  4:40 P.M. COUNT BELL. Final Lock-up Count.

  RECREATION PERIODS: Saturdays: 9:30 A.M. to 12:00 Noon: 1:15 P.M. to 3:40 P.M. Sundays: 8:40 A.M. to 12:00 Noon: 1:15 P.M. to 3:40 P.M. Holidays: 8:30 A.M. to 12:00 Noon: l:15 P.M. to 3:40 P.M. Movies are shown twice monthly on Sundays and Holidays in the afternoon.

  29. BATH ROOM RULES: Bathing and laundry exchange are scheduled for mainline bath inmates every Tuesday afternoon and Saturday morning. Items of clothing will be exchanged as follows:

  TUESDAY: 1 handkerchief 3 pairs of socks 1 face towel 1 sheet 1 pillow case 1 lt. undershirt 1 shorts or drawers

  SATURDAY: 1 handkerchief 3 pairs of socks 1 face towel 1 B & W pants 1 blue shirt 1 lt. undershirt 1 shorts or drawers

  When you go to the bathroom you will display all items of soiled clothing before the inspecting Officer. You will then deposit this clothing in the proper hampers and take your bath. You are expected to bathe in a reasonable length of time. Go to the issue window and draw your clean clothing. Check each item. Minor repairs and replacements will be made immediately, if possible. If this cannot be done, the Clothing Room Officer will take your name and number and place you "on call."

  Special issues of clothing and equipment will not be handled during bathline. Give your name and number to the Clothing Room Officer and he will place you "on call" for these special items.

  Do not carry blankets, coats, shoes or other articles to the bath room. Special arrangements are made for collection and laundering of woolen articles and for the repair of shoes.

  CULINARY DETAIL BATH LINES: The culinary details will bathe on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays, in two groups as designated by the Steward. Each group will go to and from the bathroom in a body. When the first group has finished bathing and returned to the Culinary department or to their cells, the second group will proceed to the bathroom. Exchange items and days will be as follows:

  MONDAYS: 1 Face towel 1 pr shorts 2 pairs of socks 1 lt undershirt 1 white pants 1 white pants 1 handkerchief

  WEDNESDAYS: 1 face towel 1 pr shorts 2 pair socks 1 lt. undershirt 1 white pants 1 white shirt 1 handkerchief 1 sheet 1 pillowcase

  FRIDAYS: 1 face towel 1 pr shorts 2 pair socks 1 B & W pants 1 blue shirt 1 heavy undershirt 1 lt. undershirt 1 white pants 1 white shirt 1 handkerchief

  On Wednesdays and Fridays, Culinary inmates will draw those other supplies which are issued to the Mainline on Tuesdays & Saturdays.

  30. CELLHOUSE RULES. Caps are never worn in the cellhouse. You may smoke in your cell, in the Library or in A-Block, but not elsewhere in the cellhouse. DO NOT SMOKE OR CARRY LIGHTED CIGARETTES OR PIPES ON THE GALLERIES OR FLATS IN THE CELLHOUSE AT ANY TIME. WALK—DO NOT RUN when moving from one place to another.

  Upon entering the cellhouse, remove your cap and walk directly and quietly to your cell. Loud talking, loitering or visiting on the galleries, stairs or aisles is not permitted. Don't enter any other inmate's cell at any time.

  When you talk in the cellhouse, talk quietly. Don't create a disturbance. Keep your cell neat and clean and free from trash and contraband. Keep your property neatly arranged on your shelves, as shown in the cell diagram on Page #8. Don't leave things stacked on the bars or on your folding table and seat. Don't paste or tack anything on the walls or shelves in your cell. Keep the floor and the bars of the cell-front free from dust and dirt. The only articles permitted on the cell floor are shoes, slippers, trash baskets, drawing boards and musical instruments.

  Your cell is subject to search at any time. Contraband items found in your cell will be confiscated and a disciplinary report will be placed against you for possession of same.

  Any dangerous articles such as money, narcotics, intoxicants, weapons, or tools, found in your cell or on your person, that could be used to inflict injury, destroy property, or aid in escape attempts will result in disciplinary action and possibly U.S. District Court action. The presence of articles of this nature on your person or in your cell will be considered evidence of intent to use them for unlawful purposes. "Extra" razor blades are classed as dangerous weapons.

  At the wake-up bell in the morning you must get out of bed and put on your clothes. Make up your bed properly (as shown in the diagram on Page #8) with your pillow at the end near the bars, blankets tucked neatly under the mattress, and extra blankets folded neatly at the foot of the bed. Sweep your cell and place the trash in the trash basket. Don't attempt to flush trash down the toilet. Don't sweep trash or dirt out onto the gallery or off the gallery.

  At 9:30 P.M. lights out, retire promptly. All conversations and other noises must cease immediately.

  Keep your person, clothing, bedding, cell equipment, toilet articles, personal property, library books, etc., clean and in good order at all times. You must not mark or deface your cell, library
books, furniture, equipment or fittings of the institution. Do not throw anything from your cell at any time.

  Advise the cellhouse Officer when you need hot water and a mop to clean your cell. You will be required to remain in your cell and clean it whenever it is reported for being dirty.

  Loud talking, shouting, whistling, singing or other unnecessary noises are not permitted. You are permitted to hold QUIET conversations and to play games QUIETLY with your adjoining neighbors ONLY.

  Do not tamper with the electric outlets or radio fixtures in your cell. If they do not operate properly, notify the Cellhouse Officer.

  Your cell light must be turned out when you leave your cell except when you go to meals. LEAVE YOUR CELL LIGHT BURNING WHEN YOU GO TO MEALS.

  A - 12 Books (Maximum) B - Personal Papers C - Paint Box etc. D - Radio Headphones E - Ash Tray & Tobacco F - Extra Soap G - Mirror H - Toothpowder I - Razor & Blades J - Shaving Brush K - Shaving Mug L - Drinking Cup M - Face Towel N - Bathrobe O - Raincoat P - Calendar Q - Coat & Cap R - Soap S - Sink Stopper T - Cleaning Powder U - Toilet Tissue V - Extra Shoes & Slippers W- Musical Instrument/Case X - Broom Y - Trash Basket Z - Extra Blankets

  N.B. Extra Blanket is to be folded neatly at foot of bed. Pillow at the head of the bed toward the bars. Blankets are to be tucked in under the mattress. Shoes, slippers and musical instruments & cases are to be under the bed with the shoes or slippers under the leading edge of the bed.

  No fires are permitted in the cell for any purpose whatsoever. Do not attempt to heat water in your cell.

  Cell changes are made only on the approval of the Associate Warden. Submit a written request to the Cellhouse Officer who will forward it to the Associate Warden for consideration.

  Each inmate is given a property card on which the cellhouse Officer has listed all his personal property. UNLISTED articles which are found in your cell will be confiscated and considered as contraband. At no time will you change or alter your property card. The cellhouse Officer will list any authorized additions to your card. In addition to the personal property listed on your property card, you are allowed the following articles in your cell:


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