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Karina's Quest (The Adventures Of Pervikar Book 3)

Page 4

by John Evans

  She began panting as her passion rose. She shoved two fingers in and out of her dripping snatch in time to Tenan's thrusts. Karina bit down hard on the pillow as her orgasm skyrocketed upward and exploded.

  Karina's entire body shook and her juices gushed out over her fingers. Her asshole clamped tighter onto Tenan's cock, but he did not miss a stroke as he plunged his prick again and again into her butt. Karina orgasmed again and again each time his cock entered her ass. Suddenly, Tenan shoved his cock in deep and Karina felt it pulsate as it spurted its load of hot, sticky cum into her bowels.

  They stayed locked together like that for what seemed to be an eternity. Soon, however, Karina felt his cock shrink inside her as and slide out. Tenan moved back from Karina and collapsed onto his back.

  "That was magnificent!" he exclaimed trying to catch his breath. He looked over concerned. "I didn't hurt you, did I?"

  "No, dear,' replied Karina, touching his cheek. "It was magnificent. Let's get cleaned up. I want to snuggle."

  The next morning Karina was awoken to the smell of bacon. Stretching, she opened her eyes to see Tenan standing nearby with a covered tray in his hands.

  "Good morning," he said cheerfully. "I'm still trying to make up for yesterday. Breakfast in bed! Am I forgiven?"

  "That depends on what you brought up for breakfast,' said Karina sitting up so Tenan could put the tray on her lap.

  "Behold!" exclaimed Tenan with a flourish as he whipped off the cloth covering the tray.

  Karina looked down at the tray. Eggs over easy, toast with butter and honey, crisp bacon, sliced fruit and cold milk adorned the tray.

  "You're forgiven," said Karina, giving Tenan a quick kiss.

  "Eat it while it's hot," he said. "I'll meet you in the study after you've dressed."

  Karina wolfed down her breakfast after Tenan left. She had no idea she was so hungry. After finishing off the last piece of fruit, Karina set the tray aside and got out of bed. She dressed and went down to the study to find both Tenan and Helga were there.

  "You look lovely," said Tenan. "Please, sit down both of you. I do want to help, but I understand that that is your decision to make. Helga has been hedging around a topic all morning without coming out and actually asking me."

  Karina looked over at Helga, who was staring at the floor and blushing furiously. She looked back at Tenan with a raised eyebrow.

  "Helga's been asking about Melinar and Nyrandurril. I know they came up to see Per in his room when they were all here. Both women went to the Capitol. Nyrandurril went to study magic, so she'll be easy to find at the Academy. She can probably put you in touch with Melinar."

  "You mean you're going to let me go to find these women?" asked Karina suspiciously.

  "The decision is yours to make," stated Tenan matter-of-factly. "I'd like to help, but the decision of what to do will have to be made by you."

  "Gar will be back at the farm in eight days," said Karina. "That gives me three days to get to the Capitol, one day to find them and four days to get to the farm. As Per's mother, I am responsible for ensuring the ritual takes place and is correct. I have to do it. If I am delayed, will you meet with Gar and have him wait?"

  Tenan smiled. "Yes, dear. Now, go get changed. You'll have to leave immediately if you are going to get back in time. I'll see to the horses and meet you in the courtyard."

  "Wonderful. Now, Helga, what are you sitting there for?" admonished Karina. "If you're not dressed and packed by the time I come down, I'm leaving you behind!"

  "What? You mean I can come with you?" stammered Helga.

  "Yes, unless you're not ready in time."

  Helga jumped up, hiked up her skirt and tore out of the room.

  "Thank you for taking her," said Tenan.

  "I was planning on taking her all along," said Karina innocently.

  "I feel better knowing someone is with you," said Tenan. "It might also be good to get her out of the castle and all the bad memories it has for her. You had better hurry or she may leave without you!"

  Karina hurried back to the bedroom, changed and packed. She went down to the courtyard to find Helga already there. Tenan and a groom brought out their horses and a pack horse from the stable. The groom was then dismissed.

  "There's food and supplies in the packs," said Tenan. "There are also one hundred sauers in the food pack and fifty in each of your saddlebags. If you're not here in seven days, I'll go to the farm to meet Gar."

  "I love you," said Karina, kissing him.

  She then mounted up and headed down the road with Helga riding beside her.

  Chapter 3: Karina's Quest Begins

  They rode hard for two and a half days before they reached the Capitol. Karina wasted no time, but headed straight for the Academy of Wizardry. Once there, she and Helga were escorted to a waiting room. They waited fifteen minutes and, after the rush to get to the city, the delay chafed at Karina. Presently, the door opened to allow an old man with a long, gray beard into the room.

  "I apologize for the delay, but I am not able to move as fast as I once used to," he stated with a sincere smile. "My name is Asmosa. What may I do to help you?"

  "I'm Lady Karina of Dosser, the wife of Baron Tenan. I am looking for a student here, Nyrandurril."

  "Ah, yes, so they told me. Unfortunately, Mistress Nyrandurril is engaged in study at this moment. She will not be free for another hour or so. Please, make yourself comfortable here. I will send her here as soon as she is available. Food and drink will be sent up. Do you require anything else?"

  "I, uh, thought you just conjured up everything you needed," said Helga hesitantly.

  Asmosa laughed a deep, rich laugh in contrast to his thin frame. He waved his hand over the table and mumbled a phrase. A flagon materialized on the table.

  "The trouble with conjuring food and drink is that it never tastes as good as the real thing," he explained to Helga. "It fills and nourishes you, but always lacks something. A colleague of mine has put forth that it has to do with memory. I think it has to do with the subtly of spices. Compare this to the wine I will have sent up."

  Asmosa left and a servant soon appeared with the food and wine. Karina and Helga compared the wines and, true to Asmosa's word, the wine he had conjured was inferior in taste to the real thing. Karina and Helga relaxed in comfortable chairs as they waited.

  "This was easy," said Helga as she nibbled on some cheese.

  "Finding Nyrandurril was easy," agreed Karina, "but we still have to convince her to go through with the ritual. At least we know who she is though. What worries me are the women who have greatly influenced Per. Who could they be?"

  Helga sat silently, mulling over the question. She suddenly sat up straight and gasped. "I know someone who has influenced him enough to be in the ritual," she said white-faced. "You won't like it."

  "Who?" asked Karina with trepidation.

  "Queen Shara."

  "That bitch!" There could be no doubt that the Queen's actions had influenced Per. Her death warrant had forced him to leave home and go adventuring.

  "That is going to be a problem," said Karina, reluctantly agreeing. "I have to admit that the sleazy whore has influenced Per's life a great deal. But how I'll ever convince her to make love to Per is beyond me. For right now, let's concentrate on finding the others."

  A soft rap on the door interrupted the two of them. "Come in," called out Karina.

  The door opened and a lithe female elf walked into the room. "Hello, Helga," said the elf, who then turned to Karina. "I'm Nyrandurril. You sent for me, milady?"

  "I'm Karina, Per's mother. I need to talk to you privately."

  A look of astonishment passed over Nyrandurril's face before the look was replaced by a smile. "I am honored to meet you. Per has been a true friend to me. Shall we go to your inn or do you have a place here in the city?"

  "We came straight here and have not been to see to an inn yet," said Karina.

  "Then both of you must stay at our ho
use," said Nyrandurril.

  "Our house?" asked Helga.

  "Yes, I share a house with Melinar."

  "Melinar!" exclaimed Karina. "We needed to find her, too. We would be delighted to stay with you, but we do not have much time."

  "Then come," said Nyrandurril.

  She quickly led them through the streets to the house she shared with Melinar. They dropped the horses off at the nearby livery stable and walked up to the house. They were met at the front door by a young woman who was almost as stacked as Karina was.

  "Helga!" cried out the woman. "It's been a long time. How are you?"

  "I'm fine, Melinar. I would like you to meet Karina, Per's mother. She needs to talk to you and Nyrandurril."

  The same look of astonishment that had passed over Nyrandurril's face also reflected on Melinar's face. After a couple of seconds, she shook herself back to reality. "I'm sorry," she apologized. "I never expected to see you."

  "You probably had a different image of me, I suppose," said Karina with a smile.

  Melinar looked serious. "Yes and no. Anyway, come inside. We can talk over dinner."

  "Melinar, I asked them to stay with us," said Nyrandurril.

  "If that is a problem, we can stay at an inn," replied Karina.

  "It's not, if you two don't mind sharing a bedroom," said Melinar. "Please, come in. You know you just missed seeing your son by two days."

  "What? He was here?" asked Karina, a little startled.

  "Yes, he took off after the kidnappers of Queen Shara," said Melinar.

  "The Queen was kidnapped?" exclaimed Karina, now in shock.

  "Hadn't you heard?" asked Melinar.

  "No, we pushed our horses to get here to find you. We've been on the road for over two days and didn't stop to talk with anyone. I was wondering why the gate guards were searching everything that left the city thoroughly," said Karina. "How did Per get involved?"

  "He saw the abduction take place and is now chasing after them," said Nyrandurril.

  "It appears that we both have stories to tell," said Melinar. "Why don't you get settled in and wash up. I'll show you to your room."

  The room was delightfully furnished, with a bed big enough for both Karina and Helga to sleep on. After the two of them washed up, they went downstairs to have dinner with Melinar and Nyrandurril. Melinar filled them in on what had transpired during the abduction and how Per had chased after the kidnappers two days ago.

  "So what did you need to see us about?" asked Melinar after she had finished telling her story about Queen Shara's kidnapping.

  Karina bit her lip before summoning up the resolved to continue. "Per's father, Gar, was given a vision by his god, Ahhspah. In about a year, Per may attain a rank similar to subchief in an ogre tribe. There is a ritual associated with achieving and keeping the rank. As Per's mother, I am responsible for making sure that the ritual is fulfilled."

  "What is this ritual?" asked Nyrandurril.

  "The ritual lasts seven days," explained Karina. "During that time, Per must mate with every female he has made love to as well as those women who have affected him greatly. On the seventh day, his warrior exploits will be proclaimed by Gar or Tenan. Then there is a festival where everyone drinks something called B'borak. I'm sorry, but I have to ask. Have either one of you two made love to my son?"

  Melinar and Nyrandurril looked at each other and Karina got her answer when they both blushed bright-red.

  "Please, don't be embarrassed," said Karina. "The ritual is extremely important."

  "Why is it so important?" asked Nyrandurril. "It's sounds to be just a simple ogre ceremony."

  "As I understand it, Per's soul is half-ogre and half-human," explained Karina. "He has to obey the rules of both races or he will die."

  "Die!" shouted a shocked Nyrandurril. "He can't!"

  "Take it easy," said Melinar, calming her friend down. "Per is not going to die."

  "That's right," joined in Helga. "All we have to do is successfully complete the ritual. Will you two do it?"

  "Yes! Of course!" said Nyrandurril firmly. She then looked questioningly at Melinar. "Won't we?"

  "Of course," said Melinar. "Now, why don't you go and see if dessert is ready?"

  After Nyrandurril had gone into the kitchen, Melinar leaned over to the other two women. "She's in love with Per. It may be a little hard at first for her to accept other lovers besides myself, but once the initial shock is over, she should be fine. I'm under no illusion that Per has loved other women."

  "Can you two come to my farm near Dosser?" asked Karina. "Gar is meeting us there in five days. We are going to discuss more on the ritual and how to find any other women we need to find."

  "We can talk to Per's companions," said Melinar. "I found them yesterday. I had started searching for them when Per was here. They're staying at an inn in the south part of the city."

  Nyrandurril came in at that point carrying a tray. "Per's friends?" she asked Melinar.

  "Yes, and we do need to talk to them," answered Karina. "They should know all about Per's adventures. Can we see them tonight?"

  "No, there are still too many skittish patrols on the streets after dark," said Melinar. "We'll see them in the morning. Nyran, Karina wants us to come to her farm near Dosser. She has to meet Per's father there in five days."

  "We'll have to leave tomorrow or early the next day then," said Nyrandurril. "Tomorrow, take Karina and Helga to see Per's friends. I'll contact Dareen and let her know what is happening. I'll also have to contact the Academy to let them know I'll be away."

  "Sounds good," said Melinar. She then turned with a mischievous smile to Karina. "I'm curious, Karina. Do you live on the farm and have Gar visit there from time to time?"

  "Melinar!" exclaimed Nyrandurril.

  "Well, she pried first," protested Melinar.

  Karina laughed. "No, I have two friends who run the farm for me. I live at the castle where all of you met."

  "Really? Why?" asked Melinar curiously.

  "Because my husband lives there."

  "Who is he?" asked Melinar. "Do we know him?"

  "Probably," said Karina, reeling in her fish. "He didn't live there when you were there, but since he is the current owner, you may know of him."

  Melinar's eyes grew wide and Nyrandurril burst out laughing. "Baron Tenan?" stammered Melinar. "You're married to Baron Tenan?"

  "Yes, I am," said Karina. She noticed that Helga had her head hung down and seemed upset. "Are you alright, Helga?"

  "I'm fine," she said, looking up. "I guess I'm just tired. Will you please excuse me?"

  "Of course," said Nyrandurril and Melinar together.

  "Have a good night's sleep," said Karina as Helga headed up the stairs. "I'll be up shortly."

  "We'll just put the dishes in the sink and let's all get a good night's sleep," said Melinar. "I think the next five days will be very busy."

  The three women rinsed and stacked the dishes in the sink and then headed upstairs. They all stopped in the hallway by the door leading to the room where Karina and Helga were staying. The sound of crying was unmistakable.

  "Helga? Helga, are you okay?" asked Karina, rapping softly on the door. Getting no answer, Karina opened the door. "Helga?"

  Helga had thrown herself on the over-sized bed and was sobbing into a pillow. The three women walked over to the bed together. Karina sat on the bed, pulled Helga up and held her close. Nyrandurril sat down beside Karina and began to rub Helga's back. Melinar went to the far side of the bed.

  "Shh, Helga, shh," cooed Karina. "It's okay."

  Helga's sobbing lessened.

  "What's wrong, dear?" asked Karina.

  "I'm sorry," sniffed Helga. "My emotions are all mixed up. I want you to know that I love you."

  With that said, Helga leaned forward and kissed Karina passionately on the mouth. Karina's mouth opened in startlement and Helga's tongue darted in. Karina felt a fire begin to build in her loins and her nipples hardened again
st the fabric of her blouse. Helga broke the kiss and touched Karina softly on the cheek.

  "Uh, perhaps we should go," stammered Melinar, her cheeks bright red.

  "Please, don't go," said Helga, turning to her "Karina is the first person who cared about me. Cedric used me as a reward for any man who did him a favor. I don't want to be alone tonight. Please?"

  Nyrandurril smiled softly, cupped Helga's face in her hands and then gave her a soul-searing kiss. Helga moaned and returned the kiss with equal fervor.

  Melinar and Karina looked at each other, smiled and shrugged their shoulders at the same time. Karina reached over and began to unlace Helga's riding dress. The bed shifted as Melinar slid across it and then Karina felt her hands caress over her breasts before beginning to unbutton her blouse.

  Karina completely undid Helga's dress. She then pulled it down off her shoulders to her waist, trapping Helga's arms at her side and exposing her breasts. Helga and Nyrandurril did not break their lip-lock. The elf moved her hands off Helga's face and down to cup her up-thrust breasts, rubbing her thumbs lightly over Helga's stiff nipples.

  Karina felt her blouse peel apart and then felt Melinar's hands reach around to massage her massive melons. Her passion rose as Melinar tweaked her hard nubs and pressed her own large breasts against Karina's back. Karina looked over her shoulder and smiled. She then pointed at Nyrandurril and nodded her head slightly. Melinar broke into a big smile and, with a final squeeze, let go of Karina's tits.

  Karina stood up to take off her blouse, pants, and boots. Melinar moved over behind Nyrandurril to begin unbuttoning the back of her dress. Helga had managed to slip her arms out of her dress and was caressing Nyrandurril's breasts through her dress. Karina, now naked, started undoing the buttons on the back of Melinar's dress.

  Nyrandurril stood up as soon as Melinar had unfastened the last button. She quickly stripped off her dress and shoes. Nyrandurril then gently pushed Helga back on the bed and pulled off her dress and boots.

  Karina finished with Melinar's dress and Melinar quickly stood up to pull it over her head. After kicking off her shoes, Melinar went around the bed and sat down on one side of Helga as Karina and Nyrandurril sat down on the other.


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