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Karina's Quest (The Adventures Of Pervikar Book 3)

Page 9

by John Evans

  Karina heard the rasp of ropes behind them and turned to see that a large net had been dragged across the street to block their retreat. Octavia did not take her eyes off the man.

  "Octavia, there's a net up behind us," said Karina.

  "Good bet there's one in front of us," said Octavia out of the side of her mouth. "We might still be able to bluff our way out of here."

  "By now, you've seen the net," said the man in front of them. "We are not robbers. It was the good Lady Karina who sent us here on a wild goose chase through one of her servants. After we had searched around here for her son for a while, we realized that he was not here. We then received word that she was coming here. Maybe if we hold on to Lady Karina, her son would come to rescue her."

  "Assassins!" hissed Karina and the man bowed to her. "The Overlord had the contract revoked!"

  "Yes, he did," replied the man. "Unfortunately for you, our contracts are paid in full at the time of the commission and are only terminated by order of our Guildmaster or upon the death of the subject named in the contract. Since we don't seem to be able to find your son, maybe it's time we made him come to us."

  "Dismount and draw your sword!" Octavia hissed to Karina. "You've no skill for fighting on horseback."

  "Get her!" shouted the man.

  Karina was shocked when Gedda, who had also dismounted, stabbed into the shadow of a building. Karina could have sworn that no one was there, but the shadow wriggled on the point of Gedda's sword and collapsed to the pavement. All of a sudden, there were twelve men coming out of the shadows of the courtyard and all of them had drawn swords.

  Octavia kicked out of her saddle and sent her horse bolting off with a slap from the flat of her blade against its rump. Several assassins had to dive aside from the horse's stampede. Karina found herself face to face with one of the ones who had stayed on his feet.

  She gritted her teeth and swung her sword at him. The man nonchalantly tried to parry her stroke, but was shocked when the force of it tore his sword out of his hands. Karina's training paid off as she recovered and lunged, shoving eight inches or so of her blade into his stomach. The man doubled over as Karina jerked her sword free only to stare at the blood dripping off it.

  "Snap out of it!" yelled Octavia as she elbowed Karina aside and blocked a sword stroke.

  Karina now found herself facing two assassins alone. The two men lunged and slashed at her, forcing her back away from Octavia. Karina desperately parried and countered the men's moves, but could not stop being forced backwards. When her back hit against the wall of a building, the two men stopped and stepped away from her. Karina's eyes widened in fright as the leader stepped in between the two men.

  "Go and help the others," he said. "I'll take care of this one."

  The two men turned and ran towards the fight. Karina's face took on a look of determination and she started swinging and slashing at the leader. Barely moving, he countered and parried each stroke she made.

  "Nice strength," he commented as if speaking about the weather. "If you had some skill behind it, you might even be dangerous."

  Karina swung even more frantically, until the leader, finally tiring of the sport, parried her blade aside and hit her in the jaw with his fist. Karina crashed back against the wall and dropped her sword. Stars flashed in front of her eyes and she shook her head to dispel them. She looked bleary-eyed at the end of the courtyard and could have sworn she saw a horsewoman there. The woman was dressed in chainmail and carried a mace. With a touch of her fingers the rope net shimmered with a silver light and then disintegrated to dust. Karina slumped to the ground, her head swimming and her vision fuzzy, as the horsewoman charged forward striking right and left at the assassins.

  What had been a losing battle suddenly changed as the assassins discovered how dangerous the women were. Now their numbers were equal.

  Octavia, who had been holding off the attacks of three men, quickly eviscerated the remaining two after the horsewoman had bashed the third one in the head. One assassin ran towards the horsewoman, only to find out that her mount was a warhorse as it reared up and crushed him under its front hooves.

  Cendri and Helga had both dispatched an assassin each in the initial rush. The horsewoman spun her horse around and charged through the three men that were fighting Cendri, bowling over two of them, while crushing the third's chest with her mace. Cendri quickly finished off the two on the ground and went to help Gedda as the horsewoman came about on the assassin holding onto Helga.

  The assassin had his sword to her neck and was using her as a shield. He looked about him furiously trying to find a way out. The horsewoman rode up slowly and stopped. "Release her," she ordered him.

  "Go fuck yourself! She's my protection," spat out the man. "She'll... aiiiiiii!"

  The assassin screamed shrilly as Helga, who had slipped a knife into her hand, managed to get it between his legs. With a quick jerk upward, she castrated the man, who collapsed to the ground clutching his destroyed genitals. The horsewoman smiled down and nodded her approval. Now all the women converged on where the leader was standing with his sword sheathed.

  "You could have run," commented the horsewoman.

  "Not my style," replied the leader. "And you're not one to kill when there is no threat."

  The horsewoman sighed, conceding his point. "Go tell your Guildmaster to honor the Overlord's request to nullify the contract. There are other forces at work here. Forces he does not want to be a part of."

  "He won't respond to vague threats or dire predictions," stated the leader.

  "How about this, if Per is killed by an assassin, every worshiper of Adelpha will be ordered to make war upon your guild. That would be bad for business."

  "That is a threat he may listen to," said the leader smiling. He turned and disappeared into the shadows.

  Helga and Octavia rushed over to help Karina up to her feet, while Cendri and Gedda went to collect the horses. "Bring her to the Temple," said the horsewoman before she rode off.

  "Who was that?" asked Karina as she got up.

  "Someone we needed," said Octavia. "How badly are you hurt?"

  "I'm fine, just shook up from when he hit me," said Karina. "Now what?"

  "Now we get out of here," said Gedda, walking back with several horses. "And before we get a noisy patrol that wants to ask a lot of questions."

  They mounted up and Octavia led them to the Temple of Adelpha. The streets became more crowded the closer they got to the center of the city. As they approached the temple, Karina saw four beautiful women standing on the stone steps leading up to the entrance. They appeared to be waiting for them. One of the women was the horsewoman.

  The other three women appeared to be around twenty to twenty-five and each wore a spotless white dress with gold bracelets and necklaces. The horsewoman was closer to Karina's age with long braided blond hair and blue eyes. She had put on a crisp white robe over her chainmail.

  "Hail, Karina, mother of Per," intoned the horsewoman. "I am Ivin, High Priestess of Adelpha. Your arrival has been foretold to us."

  "Um, thank you," stammered Karina, unsure of what to say by so formal a greeting.

  Ivin remained straight-faced for only a second more and then broke out in a smile. "I guess that is enough pomp and ceremony," she said lightly. "If I don't do it every now and then, the people will stop taking me seriously. Come inside. We have food and rooms ready for you."

  "Thank you again. We...ouch!" cried out Karina. A stabbing pain shot through her arm as she swung out of her saddle.

  "Are you alright?" asked Ivin. "You didn't appear hurt after the fight."

  "Just sore muscles caused by a sadistic instructor," said Karina, glaring quickly up at Gedda, who assumed an innocent look.

  "Calla and Donna will put up your horses," said Ivin. "Andie and I will show you to your rooms."

  "Go ahead," Octavia told Karina. "The sadistic instructor and I will help with the horses. Helga and Cendri can take up the saddle

  "I can carry my own bags, thank you very much," retorted Karina and then winched as a pain shot up her arm as she reached for them.

  "Pardon me," said Ivin, who unlaced and slung Karina's saddlebags over her shoulder.

  "Your robe!" exclaimed Helga, knowing the saddlebags to be muddy and smelling of horse sweat.

  "Our purpose is to help others and to spread pleasure and love," said Ivin. "A little scrubbing in the laundry is a small price to pay for helping."

  "Thank you," said Karina, gratefully. "This is Helga and these three are Octavia, Cendri and Gedda."

  "It is my pleasure to meet you all, although I have met Octavia before. I trust you have forgiven me."

  "I understand your Goddess has, so how could I not?" said Octavia. "Especially after what you did for us tonight."

  "Forgiven you for what?" Helga asked Ivin.

  "Follow me," said Ivin, leading the way up the steps and inside the temple. The women who were not taking care of the horses followed her towards the residential. "There was a time when the four of us perverted our teachings. We thought only of our pleasure and lust, not caring about our congregation. We captured slaves for our own amusements. One of the slaves was Per. With the help of his friends, he escaped.

  "Our Goddess had told us to protect and help him. We disobeyed her and, with Per's help, taught us the error of our ways. We have been true to her ever since."

  Ivin stopped in front of a door and said, "This is Karina's room. Your rooms are further down the hall. Andie will show you the way."

  As the others left, Ivin opened the door and let Karina enter into an exquisite bedroom. A large bed dominated the far wall and the cherry-wood furniture gleamed as if freshly waxed. The windows looked out over a park and the vaulted ceiling had been painted to resemble the sky with clouds floating by.

  "It's lovely," said Karina, with her breath taken away.

  "There is a hot bath waiting for you next door," said Ivin. "Let me have your dirty clothes and I'll take them down to our laundress. I'll bring up your food when I come back."

  "Please, don't go to any trouble for me," said Karina. "I can eat when everyone else does."

  "They are being served in their rooms also," said Ivin with a smile. "It's no trouble."

  "Will you join me then?"

  "If you wish, I'd be honored. You can change in there." Ivin nodded towards the door to the bath.

  The water was hot, but not unbearable. Karina could feel her muscles unknot and relax. She realized that she had forgotten to ask Ivin when she would return with the food. Karina washed and got out of the tub. After combing out her wet hair, she wrapped it up in a towel. A cloth robe was hanging on a hook attached to the back of the door. She put it on and tied it at the waist with the sash. As she entered the bedroom Ivin opened the hallway door. She had changed out of her chainmail and was wearing one of the temple's white robes. A young man was standing behind her carrying a tray.

  "Excuse me," said Ivin, a little bit startled. "I thought you would have stayed in the tub a little longer." She turned to the young man and took the tray from him. "Thank you. Please, set up the table over there."

  The man went out into the hall and carried back in a padded folding table and set it up in the area Ivin had indicated. He then left. The table was like nothing Karina had seen before. It was padded all over with a doughnut-like circle at the top. Hinged attachments were connected at both sides and at the bottom. The whole thing resembled a human being.

  "Let me help you," said Karina as Ivin set the tray on a round table. They set out two place settings on the table and sat down. The smell of roast beef in gravy wafted through the air and she salivated at the scent. "What is that?" she asked, pointing at the human-shaped table.

  "It's a table for giving massages," stated Ivin. "I thought you could use one."

  "Sounds wonderful."

  "Oh, it is," smiled Ivin. "Adelpha has revealed your mission to us and Calla, Donna, Andie and I will all participate in the ritual. Adelpha also wants me to accompany you on your quest."

  "She does?" asked Karina startled. "Why?"

  "I don't know, but she has ordered me to do this and I will, if you let me."

  "Did she tell you anything else?"

  "No, but I sensed she was leaving something out," admitted Ivin.

  "Let me tell you what I know and we can compare it to what she told you," said Karina.

  The two women talked and ate. Conversation eventually drifted off the topic of the ritual and on to other things, and Karina felt herself warming up to Ivin. A knock on the door interrupted them.

  "Come in," called out Karina.

  The door opened and the other three priestesses entered the room, each bearing a bottle.

  "Time for your massage," said Ivin, standing up.

  "What should I do?" asked Karina, also rising.

  "Take off your robe and lie face down on the table," said Ivin. "Lay your face in the circle and place your arms and legs on the supports."

  Karina did so, and Calla and Andie adjusted the arm and leg supports to fit her body. "Comfortable?" asked Calla.

  "I suppose so."

  "Relax," said Ivin. "We're using warm oil. Andie will be massaging your arms and Calla and Donna on your legs."

  Karina felt a warm liquid dribble on her back and then felt Ivin smear it all over her before starting to knead the muscles in her back. Calla and Donna's slippery hands started to work on her feet and calves. Andie rubbed some oil in her palms and kneaded the sore muscles in her right arm.

  Karina tensed as her muscles ached at first from the probing and rubbing fingers. Gradually, she relaxed as her muscles loosened up. Ivin had started in on her shoulders and neck and had moved down to the small of her back. Karina sighed in contentment as she massaged and smoothed out the knotted muscles there. Her right arm had stopped aching and Andie had moved over to the left one.

  Karina stiffened as Ivin went lower to massage warm oil of her buttocks. Calla and Donna had moved up from her calves and were working on Karina's thighs. As they massaged her upper thighs, Karina felt a warmth blossom between her legs.

  "Roll over," Ivin said softly. "Carefully now."

  Karina rolled onto her back. Ivin smiled and went to work on her shoulders, spreading more oil on her skin as she went. Calla and Donna moved back down to massage Karina's feet and shins. Andie used an exquisitely light and gentle touch to massage her face. Karina closed her eyes and lost herself to the wonderful sensations. She did not even stiffen when Ivin's hands slid down to massage her massive breasts.

  The priestess's oil-slicked hands gently kneaded and caressed the firm, yet soft flesh underneath them. Calla and Donna had worked their way back up to Karina's thighs. She sighed from the stimulation as Andie stroked her face. Ivin poured a little more oil on Karina's stomach and began spreading it around as she worked the muscles there.

  Karina's passion burned as fingers massaged her inner thighs, coming within an inch or two of her cunt, but no closer. She tried to refrain from squirming as Ivin's hands traveled over her stomach and abdomen, but never came in contact with her pubic mound. Karina's whole body was covered with oil. She felt warm all over and was getting hotter. Her breathing became heavier as her pussy became wet. Finally, she could not stand it anymore. As one of Ivin's hands grazed her pubic hairs, Karina grasped it. "Lower, please."

  Ivin smiled back at her. "Our goal is to please you. Roll back over."

  Her body tingling, Karina rolled back over onto her stomach. Andie adjusted the arm supports so that they were now curved up over her head. Calla and Donna moved the leg attachments so that her hips and knees were bent at right angles and her legs spread further apart. While the others had been making the adjustment, Ivin had poured more oil on Karina's buttocks, but instead of passing over her ass crack as she had before, she now rubbed her fingers continually over the puckered hole.

  Karina moaned in anticipation each time Ivin's fingers slid
over, but never violated, her asshole. Her breathing became heavier as her passion rose. Karina was amazed, though, that she had not succumbed to her lust, even in her aroused state.

  Someone moved behind her and Karina felt two soft hands moved down over her ass to either side of her cunt. She gasped as the thumbs gently pulled her outer labia lips apart to expose the red, wet flesh inside. Karina's body quaked as a soft, talented tongue began to lick slowly and gingerly over her clitoris.

  Karina did not know who was licking at her pussy, but it felt wonderful. She moaned as whoever it was mashed their mouth against her cunt and swirled their tongue around inside it.

  Karina was panting when two women moved up to stand by the table just under where her arms were. She felt the table lift slightly at her chest and heard two loud clicks. Karina inhaled sharply as two panels swung away from underneath her. Her shoulders and stomach were still supported, but now a padded bar ran between these parts, allowing her huge breasts to hang down free. Karina could feel the gravity pulling them down as they hung heavily off her body.

  The licking tongue moved away from her pussy and Karina groaned in disappointment. She then gasped again as the table was lowered until her nipples were only six inches or so off the ground. The back end of the table was then raised up slightly. Karina wondered what was next and sighed lustfully as the tongue resumed licking her cunt.

  A rustle of cloth distracted Karina slightly and then her eyes snapped open as Calla and Donna, both naked, lay down on their backs and scooted under the table. Karina realized that it was Ivin who was giving her the delightful tongue-lashing.

  "Oh, yes!" cried out Karina, as the two priestesses below her each grasped one of her hanging tits and began sucking on the hard nipples. Electric shocks jolted up through her breasts and down to her stomach to explode against the shocks coming up from her pussy.

  Karina's passion soared. Her cunt was leaking so much that it was actually rolling down her legs. She gasped for air and her body squirmed for the release of her sexual tension. She felt Andie's hands move down her body to her raised buttocks. She hissed in air as Andie spread her asscheeks apart and began licking her rectum.


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