Broken Love

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Broken Love Page 16

by Jillian Dodd


  As soon as the girls leave, I throw the blanket off me, grab my crutches, and peek out the front door. After watching the car pull away, I text Carter. A few moments later, he pulls into the driveway, and I hop in the car with him.

  My mom leans up from the backseat and gives me a kiss on the cheek.

  "This is so exciting," she says.


  "Wow, this house is amazing," Tory says as we pull through the gates and Cash and Ashlyn's new home comes into view.

  "As high up as it is, I bet it has an amazing view," Cameron adds.

  "I can't wait to see the inside," Tory agrees.

  Ashlyn is at the door waiting for us and greets us with hugs. "You'll have to humor me and take the grand tour first. I'm still in shock I even live here."

  "It's beautiful," Tory gushes, noting the intricacy of the beamed ceilings and the iron stair railings.

  As we walk into the kitchen and great room, Cameron points out the windows at the Pacific Ocean and says, "What a view!"

  Ashlyn takes us outside and shows us expansive grounds with a pool, spa, fire pit, and garden.

  As we move to the second floor from one amazing room to the next, Cameron says, "I just have to ask who your decorator is. I need to redo my house in Hawaii, and I love how soft and pretty it is."

  "Cash bought the house without telling me and brought me here on our wedding night. It was his gift to me. Crazy. It's my total dream house, and somehow he knew. His mom worked with her designer to choose everything. Wait until you see the nursery."

  "The nursery?" I gulp. "Are you pregnant?"

  "Oh, gosh no," she says with a laugh. "Cash and I aren't ready for that, but his mother certainly is." She stops in front of a room and opens the door.

  I walk into the nursery, tears building. It takes everything I have to hold it together. It's beautiful.

  "The wallpaper is sheet music for the lullaby Cash's mother used to sing all the kids to sleep to," Ashlyn tells us, hugging herself.

  "It's so perfect," Cameron says. "The soft walls, the oriental rug, the rich velvet draperies."

  "And the chandelier," Tory says. "Love the chandelier."

  "It's opulent and beautiful, but the fabric patterns are so playful. Now I want to have a baby," Cameron laughs. "Just so I can have a room like this."

  Ashlyn laughs too, the sound of it ebbing and fading. A warm sensation envelops me.

  "Are you feeling okay?" Tory asks me, touching my shoulder. "You look white as a ghost."

  I grab the crib for support, feeling dizzy like I could pass out. "I think maybe I'm a little dehydrated."

  "Well, let's go back down to the kitchen and get everyone something to drink," Ashlyn says happily.

  I follow everyone down the steps and into the great room.

  As the girls in front of me peel out of line, I see that we're not alone.

  Cade is standing in the center of the room with Pike next to him, grins on both their faces. They look happy, like they used to look on the ball field after winning another game. My mother is standing next to Cade's parents, and Cash, Carter, and Chloe are flanking them.

  I don't understand. What are Cade and Pike doing standing next to each other?

  Ashlyn hands me a glass of water, and I slurp it down greedily.

  "What are you all doing here?" I stutter out.

  Pike steps toward me. "I apologized to Cade. Told him that I misunderstood you and thought he had cheated on you. He understands now why I had to beat the shit out of him. We're all good."

  Cade takes two strides toward me. I'm frozen, not sure what to do.

  "Last night, I was going to ask you to marry me."

  "I know. That's why I had to leave."

  "I screwed up though, just like I did the first time. Tonight I want to fix that."

  "What do you mean?"

  "When I asked you to marry me the first time, I didn't ask your family for your hand in marriage like I should have. I never should have listened to you when you said you didn't want to tell our families until the time was right. It's something I regret to this day. And I should have manned up and asked your brother before the other night--even though he probably would have said no. So, I'm doing it right this time. You just had me under your spell back then, and all I wanted was to make you happy. But it's not just about you. It's about us. It's about the guy who was my best friend. It's about our mothers who have secretly stayed friends all these years."

  Cade walks over to my mother, takes her hand, and leads her over to Pike. He looks him in the eye, man-to-man. "As the man of the house, do you give me your blessing to marry your sister? I promise to be faithful to her, to love her always, and to take care of her."

  Pike gets teary, slaps him on the back, and nods his head. "Yeah, man, I do."

  Cade turns to my mom. "Mrs. Montlake, can you give me your blessing? Do you think your husband would have approved?"

  Mom hugs him tightly as tears stream down her face. "He would have wholeheartedly approved. As do I."

  "What about you, Mom? Dad?" Cade says to his parents. "What do you think? Should I ask her to marry me?"

  "Third time's a charm, Cade," his mom replies.

  "Just ask her already!" Cash and Chloe yell out.

  Cade struts toward me, and I know what's about to happen.

  And I can't let it.


  While everyone around us looks happy, Palmer looks like she's about to pass out.

  Not the reaction I was hoping for.

  Damn if I didn't about die when I saw her walk into this room, wearing the dress of many fantasies. I took it as divine sign.

  But now I'm not so sure.

  "Uh, if everyone could wait a second," she says, her eyes darting around the room in panic. "I need to talk to Cade in private, please." She grabs me by the arm and drags me out to the patio.

  "You do know I was about to propose, right? And that you just interrupted it?"

  "I know, Cade. It's just that I need to tell you something important before you do. Something that might affect your decision. Something that could change your mind about me."

  "Are you a lesbian?" I ask.

  "No," she says, crinkling up her adorable nose.

  "Are you a criminal?"

  "No, but--"

  "Do you love me?" I ask, taking her into my arms.

  "Yes, Cade, I do."

  "That's all that really matters then." I hold my hands out like it's a done deal.

  She grabs my face, her hands holding my cheeks tight, forcing me to look straight into her eyes. "Cade, I'm pregnant."

  Her words take my breath away. I don't know what I expected her to say, but that was not it.

  "You're what?" I ask. "Are you serious?"

  "Yes, Cade. I am. I knew you were going to propose last night. I took the pregnancy test right before I went to your house." Her eyes fill with tears. "And I just couldn't. Not when you and Pike were--"

  "Pike and I are fine now."

  "But I'm not. I'm pregnant, and I know that changes things, and I don't want you to be with me just because of that. I don't want you to marry me because of that."

  "I didn't know you were pregnant, Palmer. I want to marry you because I love you. But you're right. This does change things." I put my head down, taking it in. Palmer is pregnant.

  "Cade, I--"

  I grab her face and kiss her.

  "You need to just shut up for a second and let me process this." I stare into the eyes of the woman I love. The woman who is carrying my baby.

  "But, Cade--"

  I lean forward and kiss her again, shutting her up.

  "Palmer, I don't think I've heard anything in my life that's ever made me this happy."

  I look at where we're standing, on a stone-paved terrace perched high above the ocean. A different view than the first time I proposed, but like the planned roof-top proposal, we're still up high. That's how I always feel when I'm with her. High.
Like I'm soaring through the clouds. Like nothing can stop me. This isn't how I planned to do it, but nothing with her has gone according to plan.

  But it feels right.

  "Palmer, I've been in love with you since you were fifteen. Not even a curling iron to the head could stop me. I've never felt happier in my life than I do in this moment. I love you so much, and knowing that you're pregnant with my baby makes this that much sweeter." I drop to one knee, take her hand, and gaze into her eyes. "No fancy words this time. No poems or fanfare. Just three important things. I love you. I need you in my life. I want you to be my wife. Palmer, will you marry me?"

  She wraps her arms around me in a hug as I stand up. She's nodding and crying, but still hasn't said yes.

  And that makes me nervous. Is she crying because she's happy?

  I decide to use the jewelry to try and seal the deal. I hold up the engagement ring I gave her six years ago.

  "That's my ring!" she says excitedly through her tears. "I can't believe you didn't hock it."

  "I could never do that." I take her right hand in mine and gently slip it onto her finger.

  She laughs. "It's supposed to go on the other hand, Cade."

  "This ring represents our past. The love I've always had for you." I reach in my pocket, pull out a black velvet box, and open it.

  "Oh, my god, Cade. It's beautiful!"

  "You can't have this one until you say yes."

  She glances up at me, one innocent look speaking volumes about our happiness to come. "Are you sure?"


  "Then the answer is yes, Cade. I can't wait to marry you." This time I take her left hand and slide the ring on it. "It's twice the size of the first one."

  "That's because I waited twice as long as I wanted." I brush my lips against hers as our families start cheering from inside the house.

  "Does anyone else know?" I ask her. "About the baby?"

  "Just you and Pike," she says.

  "Let's go tell everyone we're engaged, but let's keep the other news a secret for a little while longer."

  December 26th


  A month later, on the day after Christmas, our families are gathered in Tahoe for our wedding.

  I can't imagine a more perfect place to start our life together.

  I slide into my gorgeous, blush-colored gown and Tory zips me up.

  "Amazing," she says.

  "It's time," Pike says, knocking gently on the door of one of the upstairs bedrooms where I've been getting ready. "Are you decent?"

  "Yes, come in."

  Pike opens the door and sees me in my dress for the first time. "You look stunning. I can't believe my baby sister is getting married."

  "You look pretty spiffy yourself. Do you think Cade will like my dress?"

  "Cade loves you. Of course, he's going to love your dress." He gives my hand a squeeze and then I follow him out to the catwalk overlooking the two-story great room of Cade's new house. Our house. It looks beautiful. He and his brothers spent the afternoon hanging twinkle lights in rows across the ceiling. The fireplace mantel is decorated in ivory, blush, and gold. And Cade is standing in front of it looking so incredibly handsome that I can't wait to get down there and marry him.

  "I wish Dad could be here to walk you down the aisle," Pike says. "He'd be so proud of you, Palmer."

  "You're going to make me cry," I tell him, wiping little tears from the corner of my eyes, trying not to ruin my makeup. I want to look perfect when Cade sees me for the first time.

  "Honestly, Pike, I think he'd be more proud of you. I can't tell you how happy I am that you and Cade are friends again."

  "Screw friends, Palmer, he says with a grin. "Thanks to you, we're going to be brothers." He gives me a kiss on the cheek. "I'll meet you at the bottom."

  He gets in the elevator and takes it down to the main floor. He's going to walk me down the aisle, crutches and all, but we didn't want to risk the stairs. He announced his retirement from baseball a few weeks ago and is planning to propose to Cameron, here, on New Year's Eve. We aren't going on a honeymoon right away. We invited everyone up to celebrate Christmas together, blending our families. My mom is seated next to Cade's parents. His grandparents are here, as are Ashlyn and her mother, Cash, Chloe, and Cameron.

  Carter is standing up for Cade next to the fireplace, and Tory is walking down the aisle to music played by a string quartet. After she takes her place, the music changes and all heads turn to watch me descend the staircase.

  I feel like I'm gliding on air as my beautiful organza gown floats down behind me. When I reach the bottom, Pike is there to join me, and we proceed down the aisle together.

  "Dad always said you'd be a good man," Pike says to Cade when we arrive at the altar. "He was right. Take good care of her."

  Cade shakes his hand and says, "I will."

  I had hoped I could get through the ceremony without crying, but the gravity of this moment fills me with so much happiness and joy, the tears come. Not only am I marrying the love of my life, my brother is giving me away to his best friend. And, most importantly, he's happy about it.

  Cade takes my hands in his. We promise to love each other forever, and then are pronounced husband and wife.

  We toast, do a first dance, and then lead everyone to the dining room.

  "Before we celebrate our union with an amazing meal," Cade says, "Palmer and I want to share something special with you. As you all now know, we dated secretly six years ago, and we want to share some of those moments with you. Cash, will you start the video?"

  Cash dims the lights as photos of Cade and I together over the years flash across the screen.

  "We were so happy then," I say, blissfully putting my head on his shoulder.

  "We're even happier now," he replies, sliding his hand across my belly. "You know everyone is going to freak out over the last photo."

  I smile at my husband and give him a kiss.

  "Wait for it," Cade says, as the video comes to an end, revealing a photo of us kissing in front of the Christmas tree yesterday and holding out a sonogram photo.

  "Is that what I think it is?" Cade's mother screeches.

  My mother stands up and stares at the photo frozen on the screen, happy tears filling her eyes.

  Both rush to give us hugs.

  "When are you due?" they ask at the same time.

  "July," Cade answers proudly, wrapping his arm around me as the rest of the room erupts in cheers.

  The USA TODAY bestselling series,

  The Keatyn Chronicles(r)

  Stalk Me

  Kiss Me

  Date Me

  Love Me

  Adore Me

  Hate Me

  Get Me






  That Boy Series

  That Boy

  That Wedding

  That Baby

  The Spy Girl Series

  Spy Girl

  The Assassin

  The Love Series

  Vegas Love

  Broken Love

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  Jillian is a USA TODAY bestselling author. She writes fun romances with characters her readers fall in love with, from the boy next door in the That Boy trilogy to the daughter of a famous actress in The Keatyn Chronicles series.

  She's married to her college sweetheart, has two children in college who both help with her business, two labs named Cali and Camber, and lives in a small Florida beach town. When she's not working, she likes to decorate, paint, doodle, watch football or racing, drink good wine, and go to the beach.


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