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The Reckoning

Page 2

by S. L. Morgan

  Levi turned to Javian. “Thank you, Javian. That is all.” He gripped the halter of the horse he never met before. “You know of Bucephalus?” he asked her while studying Areion.

  “You told me all about him. I found it interesting you named your horse after Alexander the Great’s horse, being he was a man from Earth,” she said carefully while petting Areion’s shoulder.

  He looked down at her. “Alexander the Great has always intrigued me. I admired the way he valiantly led his armies. The stories of him and his horse—” Levi stopped himself, unsure why he was opening up in such a way.

  “The stories of Alexander the Great and Bucephalus reminded you of taming your horse,” she finished his sentence. “Levi?” she questioned with sadness in her eyes.

  “Yes?” He sighed. “Forgive me for not properly greeting you.” He reached for her hand. “Although I have no memories of us, I feel as though I must properly make your acquaintance, Miss Bryant,” he stopped himself. “Forgive me, Mrs. Ox—”

  “Call me Reece,” she smiled. “I have learned about your memory loss, and I understand how strange this is for you.”

  You, madam, have no idea, he thought.

  He couldn’t seem to pull his eyes from her smile, which seemed to ignite every flawless feature in her face.

  “If you’re comfortable with it, I can tell you anything you want to know about us.”

  Her eyes were having an unsettling effect on him, and he felt like he was betraying Isabelle. No woman ever had this kind of effect on him, and the feeling was foreign and confusing, given his present condition.

  “Very well, then. May I ask you a question?”


  Her eyes glistened, and he struggled to keep his thoughts straight, “The horse standing at your side is a Guardian horse. How is it you, not being a Guardian, are able to master him?”

  “When he was a colt, it surprised you when he approached me in the meadow all on his own. You used to tease me by saying I charmed him the same way I charmed you. You told me you knew what it must’ve been like for him wanting to be near me every time I was around.” Her soft laugh was cut short when Levi didn’t return her humor.

  “Charmed?” he managed.

  “It was just a silly joke you used to tease me with,” she said with a somewhat shaky voice.

  Levi gripped Areion’s mane. He looked at the woman’s somber expression. “That is odd. I cannot imagine I would ever speak in such a way. Now, if you will excuse me, I must be going. Thank you for taking the time to answer my question.”

  Levi hoisted himself onto Areion’s back and felt the unprecedented power emanating from the stallion. He glanced down to find Reece’s glassy eyes watching him. She was obviously hurt by this unfortunate situation.

  He cleared his throat. “Forgive my behavior, madam. I understand this situation must be difficult for you, but I beg of you to know that I am most overwhelmed at the present time. I do not wish to cause you pain or grief.” He pulled back on the reins, wanting to leave as swiftly as possible as he saw a tear slip down her cheek. “I must be going now.”

  Reece forced a smile as she nodded in return. “Enjoy your ride,” she managed before she turned and led her horse past him to the stables.

  Chapter One

  It had been two days since Harrison watched Levi come out of his coma with the mindset he was still nineteen years old. After he escorted Levi to his former bed chambers, he immediately sought out Reece’s whereabouts. He informed her that given Levi’s current state, he and the rest of the family would be of their best support to give him space while they hoped for Levi’s memories to return. It was obvious Reece was devastated by the news, but she was willing to do whatever she needed to for Levi to be comfortable around her again.

  Harrison relayed to her that even though it would be difficult, it would be in her best interest if she did not show any signs of longing to be with Levi, but let him approach her instead. Levi was an entirely different man at the age he now believed himself to be, and if Reece weren't careful, she would push him away. Harrison was relieved when he saw the confidence return to Reece’s eyes, and she told him she would gladly go along with Harrison’s plan to draw Levi back to her. She would do her best to push her grief aside and remain confident and happy in his presence. Now that his memories were gone, it was everyone’s only hope Levi would fall in love with her again, as he had on Earth.

  Aside from dealing with Levi’s memory loss, Harrison had to stay focused on the fact that Mordegrin was on Earth, and the Guardians needed to find and capture him quickly. Because this very dangerous threat was looming, Harrison had been in constant meetings in the command center. The Guardians were scouring the Earth day and night, looking for any signs of the dark being. Their efforts were returning void, and Harrison was growing increasingly frustrated.

  “This despicable creature is out there somewhere!” he growled. He rubbed his forehead in agitation as he stood from the large meeting table. “Gentlemen, he has the ability to shape-shift into any form he desires. It has never been necessary for us to read the minds of every human we encounter, but now we have no other recourse. Return to Earth as instructed, and this time you will use your mind reading abilities to track this evil being. We will not stop searching until Mordegrin is found.”

  “I want to see us actively searching the other dimensions as well,” Navarre said as he entered the large conference room with King Hamilton at his side. “The leaders of these dimensions continue to remain unaware the portal was opened, so you must enter these dimensions with stealth. Do not raise any issue regarding why you are in their dimensions.”

  The Guardians in the room nodded in unison.

  “Have you decided whether or not to tell the Council of Worlds about this threat, Emperor Navarre?” Harrison asked.

  “They shall not be notified at this time. For now, they are grateful I have been recovered, and they have sought no further explanation about what happened to me.”

  Harrison nodded. “For once, it is in our favor those cowards avoid questioning our guarding The Key and the consequences we have suffered because of it.”

  King Hamilton grinned. “It also saves us from dealing with the fact that not only did we break the treaty by using the stone to open a portal, but in doing so, the gravest threat to all living beings escaped into this galaxy. If they were to catch word of this, I am certain the Guardians would not be held in their highest favor.”

  “This is why we will find Mordegrin and imprison him so Reece can use the powers of the stone to destroy him,” Navarre interjected. “Gentlemen, as frustrating as this mission is, stay focused on our impending victory once he is found. I have no doubt in my mind you will find him.”

  “If there is no other word, you are all dismissed to return to your missions,” Harrison said as he adjourned the meeting.

  Navarre walked over to Harrison. “Nephew, I know it is especially frustrating for you because you do not have the counsel of Levi due to his loss of memory.” He gripped Harrison’s shoulder. “You are an exceptional leader. Levi was wise in his decision to elect you as the commander of the Guardians. I need you to remain focused on this and have confidence in our men.”

  “Thank you, Your Majesty. I should also like to report devices have been set up around the location of the stone, and they will alert us if Mordegrin has somehow learned of its whereabouts.”

  “Thank you for sacrificing your evening for that,” Navarre answered. “Now, I must request you join us for lunch. You have not stopped since we returned from Shallek’s dimension.”

  “That sounds like an excellent idea,” Harrison answered. “I will see you then.”

  “I believe I will check in with Levi and see how he is managing,” Navarre said in a somber voice. “Harrison, it might help if you did spend time with him. Perhaps you will be able to trigger some of the memories he has lost,” Navarre said as he left the command center.

  Harrison looke
d over at King Hamilton and sighed. Before he could say anything, King Hamilton spoke out, “This certainly would be an excellent time to have Levi’s memories back and in our company,” he said as he and Harrison walked toward the exit of the command center. “I know you have spent time with him; has he remembered anything about Reece?”

  Harrison rolled his eyes. “No. And so long as he believes himself to be nineteen years of age, he never will,” he said as they walked into the corridors. “Which not only means he won’t remember Reece, but even worse, now we must all deal with the arrogant, proper, duty and honor, Levi—”

  King Hamilton laughed, cutting him off. “You managed him perfectly well during that time.”

  “I was young and thoughtless during those times. When the man’s pretentious nobility annoyed me, I simply left him to fulfill what he believed were his parents’ desires.” He exhaled. “Now Reece must experience this side of him. Trust me, Your Majesty, she will despise him greatly if that be the case. Of all the times we should have to endure this hardship, it is when we face our greatest threat.”

  “If I hadn’t been witness to their devotion toward each other before Levi lost his memories, I would agree with you. Allow Levi time. He will come around if his memories do not return first.”

  “Until then, we must endure Levi building himself to perfection again, how exciting.” He stopped, prompting King Hamilton to do the same. He turned to face him and lowered his voice. “Mark my words, Your Majesty: this will not be easy for Reece. And I will tell you, having Isabelle at the palace during the time where he believed she was the one woman he should marry to do the right thing will not be helpful either.”

  King Hamilton nodded. “My daughter has been informed that she would be wise to keep her distance from Levi until his memories return.”

  Like that’s going to happen. Harrison forced a smile on his face. “Then we have nothing to worry about, except for trying to find and destroy Mordegrin.”

  King Hamilton clapped Harrison on the shoulder. “Exactly. We will find him and destroy him. This is what we are bred to do, Commander,” he said with a proud grin. “Now, let us enjoy our meal.”

  “Very well, then,” Harrison answered as the men resumed their walk toward the dining hall.

  As much as Harrison desired to have his cousin at his side during this time, he knew it would not happen unless his memories returned. It was bizarre because even though Levi was alive and healthy, his absence was palpable. They had been the best of friends throughout every stage of life, including the stage Levi seemed to have been catapulted back into, yet Harrison felt as though Levi was a stranger. It was difficult to be in his presence while Levi was in this state, and Harrison could only imagine how long Reece would be able to manage this side of him.

  She would now be subjected to the company of a man who would have never appealed to her. This Levi was a much different person than he was before he unexpectedly ended his relationship with Isabelle. After doing so, he found liberation in doing what he desired instead of worrying over the opinions of what the Pemdai expected of him as their next emperor. Harrison would not accept the fact that Levi could stay in this state indefinitely. He would find a way for Levi’s sake, and for the sake of Reece and their unborn child.

  That evening, Harrison retired from the command center early to spend the rest of his night with Angeline. He sat leisurely on the sofa of the sitting room with his arm draped casually on the top of it. Angeline leaned into his side and laughed as she and Elizabeth showed him Mozart’s many new talents. Isabelle and Tomas sat across from them on the sofas situated around the fireplace, both clearly amused by the zorflak’s entertainment.

  Levi stood across the room in conversation with King Hamilton, King Nathaniel, and Emperor Navarre. It was the first time Levi had retired to the sitting room with everyone since he woke without his memories. Harrison was surprised when Levi had consented to join them as opposed to disappearing directly after dining.

  Where is Reece?

  As soon as the question entered his mind, Reece appeared in the doorway. She was a portrait of absolute perfection. It was obvious Jasmeen was doing an excellent job of transforming her into a breathtaking sight for any man to behold. Harrison inwardly laughed when Reece displayed a brilliant smile as she entered the room.

  Make him beg for it, sister.

  Reece wore an exquisite red gown, and her long, golden hair had been arranged to fall down over her bare shoulders and cascade down to the middle of her back. The daring neckline and the way her dress highlighted Reece’s body made everyone take notice.

  Feast your eyes on that, Levi, Harrison thought as he waited for Levi’s reaction once he caught sight of her entering the sitting room.

  Allestaine stood and crossed the room to greet Reece. As Reece struck up a lively conversation with Lady Allestaine, Harrison glanced over at Levi, who was discreetly watching the women interact from across the room.

  To Harrison’s amazement, Levi’s eyes remained locked on Reece. Then, as if snapping out of a daze, Levi’s expression darkened before he turned and brought his attention back to the group of men he stood in conversation with.

  Once Reece approached where Harrison sat, he promptly stood and embraced her. “Good evening. You look quite ravishing tonight.” He stood back and winked. “I was beginning to wonder if you would be joining us after not attending dinner.”

  Reece chuckled as she reached down for Mozart, who was humming a high-pitched violin tune in utter excitement because Reece was in the room. She picked up the zorflak and placed a small kiss on his head.

  “I was pretty tired after the horseback ride the ladies and I took today, so I had Jasmeen send the soup to my rooms,” she said as she ran her fingers along Mozart’s shimmering wings.

  “Reece, you must allow Angie and me a moment to show you the new music Mozart has learned while you all were away,” Elizabeth said as she smiled at Mozart. “We have not had much of a chance to do so, being that the palace has been filled with so many people.”

  “It is very nice it is finally just us again. Yes, please, I would love to know what other hidden talents little Mozart has,” Reece said with a laugh. “He actually learned music?”

  Angeline chuckled. “It amazed Elizabeth, and me as well. He is very intelligent, and he revels in showing anyone who will give him the attention.”

  Reece looked down at Mozart. “Little show-off, are we?” she said as she brushed her fingers over the tip of his nose. “Please, Mozart, show me your new musical talents.”

  After Reece had sat next to Elizabeth, everyone brought their attention to Mozart who proceeded to serenade the group. Reece’s face was radiant as she gleefully watched her pet entertain everyone. Harrison wondered how long it would be until Levi made his way over to where they sat. He peered back at his cousin and found him intently watching Reece as she humorously interacted with Mozart.

  Maybe we are finally going to get somewhere with him! Harrison thought.

  Then, to Harrison’s dismay, Levi turned his attention to Isabelle, who was laughing along with the group. Harrison swallowed hard and became greatly concerned when Levi seemed to be more amused with Isabelle’s current disposition than Reece’s.

  Why must he still believe himself to be attached to that bore of a woman? he thought in annoyance.

  It took Angeline gripping Harrison’s leg to bring his attention back to the group. “Harry, did you see Mozart?” she said with uncontrollable laughter. Angeline looked at him, and her glistening bronze eyes forced all worry and concern from his mind. “Did you see what he did, darling?” she asked again in a cheerful voice.

  “How could I possibly pay attention to a zorflak when I have you by my side?” He brought his arm around her neck, bringing her closer to him so he could place a kiss on her forehead before bringing his lips to her ear. “I would much rather be spending our evening alone.”

  She softly chuckled and stared wistfully into his eyes. “
You are not the only one who wishes for that.”

  “I am curious,” Levi said as he approached the group and took a seat across from where Reece sat humming along with Mozart.

  The group grew silent, yet Reece quietly laughed and patted Mozart on his head before bringing her attention to Levi.

  “Yes?” she said with a confident and radiant smile. “What are you curious about?”

  Levi eyed Mozart, who silently stared at up at him. “How is it a zorflak is so taken with you? Where did you come across this creature?” he asked while looking at Reece quizzically.

  This response should be interesting, Harrison thought.

  Reece smiled. “He found you and me while we were on the vacation you arranged for us after our wedding. You let me keep him because he was orphaned.”

  Levi sat back, observing Reece. “Interesting,” he returned. “And the reason he is so taken with you?”

  “Levi,” Harrison spoke after Reece looked over at him, seemingly looking for help with her answer. “It appears there are many things for you to learn about Reece. The zorflak is not the only creature that has ever desired her company.” Levi’s expression darkened, but Harrison went on. “I believe you learned this for yourself when you encountered her riding a Guardian horse?”

  Levi nodded. “Indeed, I did. I will admit, I was astounded to witness how that horse has allowed her to master him.”

  “It astounds all of us; however, you will see in time why Reece has her own unique way of drawing particular creatures in.”

  “Is this so, Harrison?” Levi looked at Reece with a hint of arrogance in his expression. “I suppose that explains how she inexplicably saved thousands of our Guardians and recovered the emperor on our last mission,” he said with a tone of mockery. “It appears as though you are more talented than any individual we have ever encountered, yet you are still a human.”


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