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The Reckoning

Page 7

by S. L. Morgan

  Levi glanced over at his cousin’s blank expression. “You must know that even though a month has passed since I woke up without my memories, it truly feels as though I woke up into a strange, alternate reality.”

  “I do pity you. I really do.” Harrison looked at Levi, his eyes set with purpose. “But this is not an alternate reality. This is your life. You fell in love with Reece once before, and you can do it again. Now snap out of it, and start living your life. Make new memories to fill the void of the ones you have lost.”

  Levi ran a hand through his hair and shifted in his saddle. “I believe that this is the wisest advice I have received since waking up.”

  Harrison grinned. “Of course it is; I gave it to you. Now, I am done enabling this whole memory loss issue. We are all moving forward from here.” He leaned over and jabbed at Levi’s arm. “And what better way for you to begin making memories with Reece than at a magnificent celebration?” he finished with a laugh.

  After they had reached the palace, Levi dismissed himself from Harrison in search of his father. Even though Harrison’s advice served him well, he remained daunted by the idea of embracing this reality. Not only did he have to find a way to accept Reece as his wife, but he also had to accept that Harrison was a changed man. Everything felt off, and he struggled every day to accept that nine years were stripped from his life.

  “Levi?” Navarre stood from his desk as Levi entered the room. “Can I help you with something, son?”

  Levi subtly grinned. “Can you snap your fingers and give me my life back?”

  Navarre crossed his arms. “We all know that you are struggling, but you are a stronger man than this.”

  Levi gripped his chin. “There is a question that is driving me insane.” He looked directly into Navarre’s eyes. “What made you and mother agree to my ending a relationship with Isabelle and eventually agreeing for me to take Reece as my wife?”

  Navarre studied Levi. “It troubles me that you continue to battle with your relationship with Reece.”

  “You have no idea how much it troubles me that I entered a relationship with her and I know not why.”

  “I believe I have an idea.” Navarre gripped Levi’s shoulder. “Come with me.”

  As they walked toward the stables, Levi rolled his eyes. “I just returned from a horseback ride with Harrison.” He gazed at his father. “It didn’t help.”

  “I am most certainly not Harrison.” Navarre grinned.

  Levi followed his father on an aggressive ride that ended at the top of a mountain. Something was familiar about this place. Levi dismounted Areion, absently walked toward the edge of the mountain, and studied the ocean before him. He held strongly to the emotions of knowing this place felt important, yet he didn’t know why.

  “Do you have a recollection of this place?” Navarre questioned as he stepped next to his side.

  “This place feels so strongly familiar to me.”

  “It is where I first brought you after you ended your relationship with Isabelle. You were concerned that your mother and I were upset about that decision, and I used this location to explain to you why we were not.”

  “Why? Why did it not upset you? She was a perfect choice for the next empress.”

  “Levi, you courted her out of duty. Your mother and I knew that after you ended the relationship. I told you then, and I will tell you now, your mother and I do not wish for you to enter into a relationship that you believe must take place due to your future position in this world. We want you to be happy in your life. That, my son, is the only way to be a successful emperor.”

  “And if I cannot find love with Reece?”

  “That is something you must work on within yourself. I will tell you that you served as an excellent emperor in my absence, and Reece confidently stood at your side, not only as an outstanding empress but also as a fearless warrior.”

  “It is so strange to hear as much.”

  “Perhaps if you opened up more instead of fighting so hard, you will soon see why Reece not only stole your heart, but she captivated most of Pemdas as well.” Navarre gripped Levi’s shoulder. “Give her a chance. Give yourself a chance. You were happier with her than I ever thought possible, and you can be again.”

  “I know this sounds weak, but I am not sure how. I will admit that I feel drawn to her at times, but then a negative feeling enters my thoughts, and I am troubled again.”

  Navarre nodded. “Follow your inward feelings and hold firmly to them. There is a reason you are feeling this way.”

  “And the negative?”

  Navarre grinned. “You have the mindset of a Pemdai warrior. Use it to force that emotion away.”

  “Simple as that, eh?” Levi laughed, somewhat relieved by his father’s advice.

  “Simple as that.” Navarre stepped back. “Now, I believe we should return to the palace, as we leave first thing for Sandari tomorrow.”

  “Wait,” Levi said as he gazed over at a small mound of grass. “Is there something more to this area other than you bringing me here?”

  Levi looked at his father in confusion, only to have Navarre grin in response. “Is there?”

  “I cannot place it.” He growled, “Why can I not simply remember?”

  “Levi, relax,” Navarre interjected. “This is where you proposed to Reece, and she accepted. It is also where your minds connected in some interesting way and her mind transferred the map to the stone into yours.”

  Levi exhaled. “Ah.” He walked over to Navarre, and both men hoisted themselves onto their horses. “If only I could remember.”

  “Until you do, quit doubting your internal feelings and trust them instead.”

  Levi turned Areion to leave but couldn’t resist a last glance at this location. “You are correct. Perhaps if I relax, some memories may return.”

  “That is all of our greatest hope for you, son.”

  That evening, Levi ignored all of the scrutinizing gazes he knew followed him. He allowed himself to take everything in instead of blocking his emotions. He noticed that even though Reece appeared to be in great spirits, there was also a hint of agony in her eyes. His eyes wandered around the group. The only person who didn’t appear to be enthused to be amongst everyone was Isabelle. Isabelle looked over to Levi, and her eyes met his with longing in them. Levi swallowed hard in response to the expression she held for him, reminding him of their last conversation together.

  She is no longer yours, Levi. Keep your thoughts straight, he reminded himself.

  With a polite nod toward Isabelle, Levi brought his gaze back to Reece.

  He remained silent as he watched her, entirely ignoring the conversation that his father was having with the group of men Levi opted to join. She was a remarkably beautiful woman. Her eyes seemed to sparkle whenever she laughed, and she appeared to be excellent company for the group surrounding her. He listened as she playfully hummed a melody with the zorflak. He watched as Harrison teased her, and for the first time, he became mildly jealous of others having her attention. A strange sensation tugged at him, and he felt overwhelmed by the desire to have her interact with him. Following this aching need, he stood abruptly and dismissed himself from the group of men.

  “Ah, Levi, I was beginning to wonder if you would ever join us tonight,” Harrison said.

  Levi ignored him as he locked eyes with Reece. “Mrs. Oxley,” he acknowledged her with his name proudly, and for the first time.

  Reece’s mouth dropped open in astonishment, which caused Levi to smile in response. He desperately wished he could determine what was playing in her thoughts, as her expression halted his breath at that moment. He watched her recover herself and lift her chin.

  “Mr. Oxley?” she said teasingly, satisfying the desire he had to interact with her.

  “Would you and your zorflak care to join me for a stroll in the gardens?”

  He didn’t know if the entire room had grown quiet or if he had successfully tuned everyone and everything ou
t, as he was utterly entrapped by Reece’s eyes the moment he asked the question.

  “I would love nothing more,” she answered, her eyes never leaving his.

  Levi extended his hand down to her, and as she rose up, he couldn’t resist the urge to bring the back of her delicate hand to his lips. When he rose up, he watched as she gazed at him with disbelief.

  “You look utterly enchanting this evening,” he said, forgetting anyone else was in the room.

  “Thank you, Levi,” she said, watching him with a delightful smile on her face. “I must say that you look quite dashing yourself.”

  Levi grinned and became overwhelmed with pleasure to share this small interaction with her. Levi drew Reece’s arm up into his and brought his attention to the rest of the group that had been watching their entire interaction play out.

  “If you all do not mind, I believe I will steal my wife away for the evening.”

  “Don’t stay up too late. We leave first thing tomorrow morning for Sandari,” Harrison said with a wink.

  Apparently, nothing has changed in nine years with that man, Levi thought as he ignored the comment and led Reece from the room.

  As they walked through the corridors, he remained silent and tried to search for something to say.

  “Levi?” Reece called out timidly.


  “Has something triggered your memories about me?”

  “Unfortunately not,” he answered. “However, I had a few discussions earlier today, and they made me realize that I have not taken the opportunity to get to know the woman I fell in love with as I should. I have been selfishly worrying about my memory loss, and I have not even attempted to learn about the woman I married.” He paused and exhaled. “You have been unbelievably patient with me, and after everything I have put you through, I would not be surprised if you no longer wished to be my wife.”

  “Please, don’t talk like that. I love you, and it’s through my memories of us that I’ve managed to survive this. I’m glad you are willing to talk with me because, frankly, I didn’t know how to approach you anymore.”

  She was almost too kind and considerate of him. “Forgive me for that. As I said, it was me being selfish over my own losses and not considering yours as well.”

  As they walked arm in arm and strolled through the gardens, Levi felt the familiarity of this moment.

  Is this truly familiar, or does this simply feel right? he thought.

  “Have we ever taken evening walks as we are now?” He softly sighed. “Pardon me. That is a foolish question, of course. I am fairly sure that if you and I were attached, we would have.”

  Reece glanced up at him and smiled. “Attached?” she asked with humor in her voice.

  He gazed at her in confusion. “I am sure we had courted for some time before I was convinced that I desired your hand in marriage?” Reece’s face instantly saddened, prompting him to speak out. “Please tell me that I courted you properly.”

  “Yes. We have walked through the gardens in the evenings together many times. If that is what you refer to as courting a woman, then yes, you properly courted me,” she answered in a distant voice.

  Way to ruin the mood, Levi, he thought as he guided her to sit.

  He sat next to her; however, not too close. He needed to keep his thoughts straight and not let her consume his senses again, so he decided to bring his attention to the zorflak. He reached over and patted the critter on its head. The creature’s eyes changed from appearing to be frightened of him to that of being pleased. He fluttered his wings, and Reece laughed the most adorable laugh that Levi had ever heard from her.

  “You mentioned I agreed that you should keep this creature,” he said while looking into her glistening eyes.

  She nodded. “I’ll admit, you gave me a hard time for it, but in the end, I won the argument,” she answered with a playful grin.

  Their eyes locked, and once again he was emotionally drawn to her. His attention was immediately brought to her perfect lips, desiring to place his on them again. He forced himself to concentrate.

  “I must have loved you very much, as that is something I am not known for doing. I am not so easily overcome—”

  The zorflak interrupted Levi with his humming, and Reece couldn’t restrain her laughter. “He is a rude little creature, is he not?” Levi said with a smile.

  “I should tell you that you and Mozart have had your share of disagreements. I’m pretty surprised you even let me keep him after he annoyed you like he did.”

  Levi chuckled. “Why would a zorflak take issue—”

  Levi was stopped again when the zorflak began humming even louder. It was difficult enough to maintain his focus and search for words to have a proper conversation with Reece without a creature interrupting him.

  Reece stood up and brought Mozart over to some bushes. “Go on and play, Mozart,” she said as the zorflak hopped off and disappeared into the bushes. She sat back down and smiled at Levi. “Mozart was extremely jealous of you. He used to compete with you for my attention.”

  Levi was entrapped by her eyes. “I cannot blame him. I, too, have found myself desirous of your attentions as of late.”

  He could no longer resist not feeling the softness of her face, and therefore he proceeded to follow his emotions and gently run his hand along the perfect lines of her face. Reece’s breathing picked up, and he knew he should not be doing this to her again. He really didn’t trust himself with these particular emotions, so how could she trust him?

  “I believe I shall be one of the most privileged men in all of Pemdas to have such a beautiful woman on my arm over the next few days of celebrations,” he said in a low voice.

  Reece gently removed his hand from her face and held it in both of hers. “Levi, I haven’t had an opportunity to discuss this with you, but I won’t be going to Sandari.”

  “Reece, you must. Harrison and Angeline will most assuredly be saddened that you are not in attendance.”

  She smiled sweetly at him. “I’ve already discussed this with your mother and with Angie, and they understand my reasons for not attending.”

  “I know perfectly well that I have been most disagreeable since I awoke, and I know I am probably the reason why you may be uncomfortable attending, but please, I am trying to change. I want to spend more time with you. I need to learn about you—who you are. This entire time, I have been resisting you, and it was wrong of me to do so.”

  “Levi, I need you there as my husband—the Levi I know and love. The man who always made me feel comfortable in situations I had never been accustomed to. I’m not comfortable going to some strange place, staying in a room all alone, and being forced to interact with people I don’t know. Not with everything that is going on with us anyway.” She reached to caress his face, and his flesh burned in response to her tender touch. “I know you aren’t at that point yet, Levi, and I’m not going to ask you to force yourself to be that man if that’s not who you are right now.”

  He reflexively took her hand and turned to place his mouth in the palm of it. He inhaled deeply of the sweet fragrance of her skin as he pressed his lips into it.

  “Please,” he softly urged. “Give me another opportunity. I will do my best to attend to all of your needs and ensure that you are comfortable. I will also arrange for us to reside in the same rooms.”

  She exhaled. “You’ll be comfortable doing that?”

  He would find a way to make this work. The thought of staying in the same room with Reece was a little unnerving, but he would manage. The rooms were large at the Hamiltons’ estate, and he was sure that the Hamiltons would make special arrangements for him and Reece.

  “I will be perfectly fine. As I said, I will be more concerned with ensuring that you are comfortable.”

  Reece studied Levi’s promising expression. “Everyone has already been making preparations to leave, and I’m not sure—”

  “I’m fairly confident Jasmeen can have your items packed
and ready to depart before the night is out.” Levi stood, prompting Reece to follow. “All we need to do is inform her that you plan to attend if that is your wish.”

  Reece smiled warmly at him. “Okay,” she conceded.

  Levi offered his arm. “Allow me to escort you to your rooms so you can notify Jasmeen of your change of plans.

  The zorflak hopped out of the bushes and over to where Reece leaned over to pick him up. She tucked him into one arm and held onto Levi’s with the other. She wasn’t sure how this would all play out, but if she didn’t go, she would be giving up on Levi, and that was the last thing she wanted do.

  Chapter Four

  The atmosphere was euphoric, and for the first time ever, Harrison marveled at the exquisiteness of a ballroom. The Hamiltons spared no detail in the décor, and everyone in attendance wore expressions of amazement as well. With the help of his aunt Allestaine and her expertise in decorating for such lavish events, the enormous room was spellbinding. It was the final evening of a week of celebrations, and everything had been playing out flawlessly. Harrison could not be more proud of his young and beautiful bride, and he still found it arduous to share her company with the extensive amount of people in attendance. Either way, he used it to his advantage, continuously enjoying the image of her exquisite beauty as he watched her interact with all of the guests.

  It was relieving to see that Levi was making an effort with Reece. He, for the most part, was attending to her needs and escorting her around the estate. It was obvious he was going through the motions of being a dutiful husband to his wife, and the smug glances from the other young women in the room were proving that they were satisfied to see that the emperor’s son was not so taken with his bride any longer. Even though Levi attended to Reece’s every need, it was apparent that he was not in love with her and was only assisting her because she was his wife and it was what a true gentleman would do.

  Fortunately, the desperate women kept their distance from Levi, but that was only because he was aloof and completely unapproachable. His constant serious expression, and his being withdrawn from most in the room, reminded Harrison of when his cousin despised these events. When Levi was not standing protectively at Reece’s side, he remained in the company of Emperor Navarre and King Nathaniel. It was easy to see that Reece was having some form of an effect on him, and Harrison hoped that Levi would find the attraction for her as he had done before.


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