The Reckoning

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The Reckoning Page 11

by S. L. Morgan

  “I plan to speak with Reece about it tonight.” Harrison sighed. “Even though Levi has lost his memories, it is extremely uncharacteristic of him to do such a thing. Truth be told, I cannot make sense of it.”

  “Is he remorseful about the transaction?”

  “Indeed. Levi appears to be extremely concerned about why he accepted your sister’s advances. He wishes to apologize to Reece, but I am uncertain if Reece will allow him the opportunity.” He looked over and met Angeline’s bronze eyes. “She is my primary concern in this situation. She’s a good person, and she does not deserve to be treated in such a manner.”

  “Reece has been through too much, to be sure,” Angeline whispered.

  “That is my concern. The patience and fortitude that woman has shown are beyond my comprehension. I would have kicked him to the curb a while ago,” Harrison stated.

  “It is so unfair. If I were to lose you in such a way, I do not know how I would manage. I am grateful that you are willing to talk with Reece. I hope you can convince her to at least let Levi apologize.”

  Harrison brushed a finger over Angeline’s nose. “How is it that I have found myself in the middle of their relationship problems once again? It is beginning to feel like my second job.”

  Angeline kissed his side. “Because you’re an excellent man.”

  A broad smile stretched across Harrison’s face as he sat up. “Speaking of my excellency,” he slipped out of their bed, “I have something for you,” he absently added while reaching for his waistcoat.


  Harrison leaned over and kissed her forehead while placing two tickets in her hand. “You and I have an appointment on Earth.”

  “Earth?” Angeline’s eyes widened with excitement. “Don’t you dare tease me, Harrison James.”

  “My lovely Angeline, I would never. I have our rooms on Earth arranged, an appropriate outfit has been purchased for your arrival—because we can’t have you looking like you wandered in from a Renaissance fair—and everything is ready for our arrival tomorrow.” He grinned. “Of course, when we arrive, you will have the opportunity to shop and purchase clothes for the duration of our visit.”

  Angeline wrapped her arms tightly around his neck. “Harrison, you are the most wonderful man I have ever known. You cannot imagine how happy this makes me.”

  “Is that so?” He brought his lips onto hers, but to his surprise, Angeline politely ended their kiss.

  “I just thought of something.”

  “As did I,” he teased with another soft kiss.

  “No.” Her eyes brightened by whatever idea she had. “What if we had Levi and Reece accompany us? I would invite Elizabeth; however, she has plans to study abroad, and she leaves at the end of the week.”

  Harrison stared disbelievingly into Angeline’s pleading eyes and softly sighed. “You’re kidding, right?”

  “Perhaps being on Earth will somehow spark something between them again. That is when he first became attracted to her, is it not? Maybe it will be a step in the right direction to move them past what happened with my idiot sister.”

  “Angie, it is a lovely idea; however, I am not certain we can convince Reece to be in the man’s presence at this time.”

  “Harrison, we must try something! You have to convince her somehow that Levi might remember her if they are on Earth with us.”

  “Angie, even if Reece were to agree to this, bringing her to Earth is not as easy as you might think.” He sighed. “First, I must approve it with the emperor, and I have to secure enough Guardians to watch over her while we visit the planet.”

  Her eyes sparkled. “I understand that, but I believe this may work. If Emperor Navarre declines, we have no choice but to obey, but we’ll never know if we do not ask.”

  You and your heart of gold, Angeline, Harrison thought before conceding to his wife’s request. “I will agree to this on one condition—actually two conditions.”


  “We will not analyze Reece and Levi’s situation when we have time alone in our rooms on this trip. This vacation was for you, not for repairing hopeless romances.”

  She nodded. “I am not convinced all is lost, but you have my word that I will not speak another word about them while we are alone in our rooms.”

  He brought his lips to her chin as his arm slid down her side and over her. “I believe you know the other condition.”

  Angeline’s eyes darkened. “My favorite condition.”

  That evening, Harrison and Angeline rejoined Elizabeth and Reece for a walk through the city after dinner. Harrison smoothly dismissed himself from Angeline’s company to have a few moments alone with Reece. They sat in a large park where couples strolled arm-in-arm admiring the colorful, illuminating fountains and the bushes that were plentiful with their gleaming blossoms.

  “It appears as though I am forced into rekindling a once profoundly remarkable relationship,” Harrison started as he slanted his eyes down at Reece.

  “What are you talking about?” Reece said dryly.

  “I believe you know exactly what I am talking about, Mrs. Oxley—or should I start referring to you as Miss Bryant once again?”

  “Right now, the latter sounds much better,” Reece returned with a cocked eyebrow.

  “I am not surprised to hear that you feel that way. That is why I am forced to help bring true love back to its rightful place between you and my brainless cousin.” Harrison walked down a row of topiary bushes, seeking more seclusion for their conversation. “Levi informed me about how his and Isabelle’s lips were recently reunited after so many years.”

  Harrison watched Reece’s expression darken as she stopped and faced him. “This is a conversation I am not willing to have with you, him, or anyone else.”

  Harrison crossed his arms. “As I said earlier, you owe me this.”

  “Fine.” She glanced away. “Before you say anything to defend him, you should know that I am done trying. This Levi—” she looked sternly at Harrison, “This is not the Levi I knew and loved.”

  “I understand that perfectly. When Levi informed me about what had transpired between him and the broad he ditched years ago, I was beyond shocked that he would have allowed that to happen.” Reece’s eyes wandered past Harrison again. “Reece, look at me.” She did. “I do not know what is going on in that man’s mind right now, and I can assure you that what he did was something that is entirely out of his character whether he be nineteen or twenty-eight years of age.”

  “So you agree when I say he’s acting like a completely different person?”

  “Yes.” Harrison studied her for a moment. “I understand that you no longer wish to be in his presence, but if I told you there could be a way that we haven’t thought of to trigger his memories of you and bring back the Levi we all remember, would you trust me and go along with my plans?”

  Reece eyed him skeptically. “It depends on what those plans are.”

  He knew he was getting somewhere with her. “I had planned to take Angeline to Earth, given her fascination with your former homeland, and she brought to my attention that perhaps if you and Levi were—”

  “No. Absolutely not.”

  “Allow me to finish.”

  Reece said nothing. Her lips tightened as her eyes bore into his.

  “We believe that since Levi was first attracted to you on the planet, perhaps seeing you dressed in Earth’s fashions and reacting to the destinations we will be visiting will somehow trigger his memory of you.”

  “Really?” Reece snapped. “Haven’t we done everything but get water from the moon to help trigger his memories?”

  “Everything but bring you to Earth.” Harrison grinned. “But if this doesn’t work, my next suggestion was going to be getting water from the moon.”

  “This is ludicrous. You realize this is going to be like Greece all over again, right, only much worse?”

  “Not so much worse for me, since I will have the company of my
beautiful wife.”

  “And Levi and me in our awkwardness to keep everyone in high spirits?” Reece shook her head in defeat. “No, Harrison. We’re not tagging along and ruining whatever good time you both would have if we weren’t there to ruin it. Angeline has always wanted to go to Earth, and I am not allowing our never ending drama to put a damper on it.”

  “Reece, you and Levi will join us.”

  Reece’s eyes narrowed, studying him. Harrison knew he had gotten through to her, and a broad smile stretched across his face.

  “It is only due to the love I have for the Levi I remember that I will agree to this. I want that Levi back, and if this could work, I will do everything possible to help trigger his memories of me on Earth.”

  “That’s my girl!” Harrison enthusiastically responded.

  Reece didn’t bat an eye. “Has Navarre agreed to this? You know the hassle it is whenever I have to be on Earth. And with Mordegrin—”

  Harrison brought an arm around her and proceeded to lead her back to where Elizabeth and Angeline were. “Do not worry about that. I believe the emperor will agree with this plan of action completely.”

  Reece softly sighed. “So where is it we are going this time? Back to Greece?”

  “No.” Harrison grinned. “I actually plan to tour various cities of interest, and I’m confident you’ll enjoy the vacation as well.”

  She wrapped an arm around his waist, securing a hug. “All right. But if it doesn’t work, you promise that you will no longer burden yourself with mine and Levi’s problems.”

  “Done!” Harrison grinned. “Know this, though: if the man doesn’t come to his senses soon, then beating the sense back into him will be my only other option.”

  Chapter Seven

  With Reece and Levi joining Harrison and Angeline on their vacation, Harrison’s itinerary had to be changed, prompting them to leave three days later than he originally planned. Specific hotel reservations had to be made, and multiple Guardians were to be deployed to ensure Reece’s safety. After Harrison had informed Reece of the itinerary and the reasons for the setback, she didn’t hesitate to use it as an opportunity to back out; however, Harrison wouldn’t budge, and Angeline insisted. Despite everything the Guardians had to go through to ensure Reece was protected while on Earth, she conceded.

  Reece pulled on her favorite hooded sweatshirt that she brought with her from Earth and sat on her sofa to put on her running shoes. She was forced to squeeze into her soft yoga pants, as the tiny bump now starting to form on her abdomen restricted her from wearing her jeans. She absently ran her hand over her stomach, thrilled that she was finally able to see the changes her body was making as the baby grew.

  After mentioning to Harrison that Jasmeen already had to make slight alterations to her gowns, he advised her that he had already made it their first priority to ensure that she and Angeline would be able to shop for the proper attire to wear on Earth upon their arrival.

  Reece was quite surprised by all of the destinations they would be visiting and how they would fit traveling to all of these locations inside a month’s time. Her mind shifted to thoughts of being with Levi throughout their vacation. Since her return to the palace, he made an attempt to apologize to her, but Reece could tell it was empty. It seemed as though he was more embarrassed that he had shamed her and his family because of his actions than anything else.

  Reece wasn’t making it easy on him by remaining guarded, and because of that, Levi made no further attempts to keep company with her. She could only imagine how this visit to Earth would turn out, given their current situation.

  I am not in the mood to go through all of this again, she thought, remembering how awkward it was in Greece when she believed Levi was no longer in love with her.

  Fortunately, Angeline and Elizabeth’s arrival to her room interrupted her silent thoughts and reservations about this vacation.

  “I wish I had chosen to make my plans to study abroad for a later date,” Elizabeth said with a pleasant smile. “It has always been a dream of mine to enjoy a holiday on Earth.”

  Reece grinned as the two young women approached and sat on the sofa with her. “I don’t think this particular visit would be that thrilling for you.” She exhaled and looked at Angeline. “I really wish that you and Harrison would reconsider having Levi and me—”

  “The decision has been made,” Angeline smoothly interrupted her. She reached for Reece’s hand and looked promisingly into her eyes. “I will have it no other way. I am excited beyond words, and I am confident that this may help Levi to remember you.”

  Reece twisted a strand of hair. “For everyone’s sake, I hope you’re right. I’m beginning to feel like we’re all spinning our wheels, and I need to stop dragging everyone through this with me.”

  “You are doing no such thing. We are a family, and we cannot stop trying until we have exhausted every avenue,” Elizabeth responded sincerely. “My brother may be stubborn, but you found a way to break down all his barriers when he protected you on Earth, and I am certain you will do it again.”

  The ladies’ conversation was halted by a knock on Reece’s door.

  “Pardon the interruption,” Jasmeen said. “Harrison has sent for a servant to escort you down to the courtyard when you are ready.”

  “Ready as we’ll ever be,” Reece said as she stood with Elizabeth and Angeline.

  Reece walked over to where Mozart was sleeping in the bed Levi crafted for him on their honeymoon. She picked him up and turned to Elizabeth. “Are you sure you don’t mind dealing with this little guy while I’m gone?”

  Elizabeth reached out and took the critter from Reece’s arms. “Do not be silly,” she said as she placed a soft kiss on his head. “Mozart and I shall enjoy taking in some new scenery together.”

  Reece scratched his head. “If all goes as planned, little guy, Levi will be returning, and you will be the one annoyed with him taking all my attention from you again.”

  Ready to depart, Reece stood in the courtyard with Harrison, Angeline, and Levi. Reece smiled as she took in the image of Angeline wearing clothes from Earth. Wearing jeans and a black cashmere sweater, Angeline looked like she had undergone the transformation from a Victorian princess to a supermodel that would ignite the envy of every woman on Earth would be envious of. Her natural, auburn curls were pulled back into a tight ponytail, highlighting the flawless features of her face. Her brilliant bronze eyes glimmered with excitement, and Reece could not help but feel the same way. Reece decided that the best way to make the most of this trip would be to focus on Angeline’s reaction to visiting Earth for the first time instead of worrying about Levi.

  She glanced at Levi, who hadn’t said a word since they arrived in the courtyard, and just as it had been with him over the past few days, he stood intimidatingly rigid at Harrison’s side. He was extremely reserved, and his mysterious eyes were curiously studying her outfit.

  This is what you fell in love with, Your Imperial Highness, so if you disapprove now, you might as well get over it, she thought as she accepted Javian’s help onto Arrow’s back.

  “Harrison, do you think it is wise that Reece attempt to jump the barriers on that horse?” Levi said once everyone was settled on their horses.

  Angeline looked out from behind Harrison and gave Reece a supportive smile. Harrison grinned. “I suppose we shall have to find that out.”

  Before Levi could respond, Harrison tapped his heels to Saracen’s sides, sending him and Angeline swiftly out of the palace courtyard. Levi frowned and guided Areion over to where Reece was preparing Arrow to leave and follow Saracen.

  “I would be comfortable if you should like to ride with me in the same manner that Angeline is riding with Harrison,” Levi said as he cleared his throat and stared pleadingly into her eyes. “If something were to happen—”

  “I know Arrow will handle the jump perfectly,” she said as she patted Arrow on his sturdy shoulder.

  “How can you be so s

  Reece arched her eyebrow at him. “He would not make the jump if had he any doubt I might not survive it.”

  Levi’s eyes narrowed. “How do you know that?”

  “Because you told me so the first time I jumped the barriers with him,” she said with a smug grin. She turned her horse and looked over her shoulder. “Harrison has a pretty tight itinerary. I think we should catch up with him and Angie.”

  Levi studied her for a moment, and with a simple nod, he guided Areion to follow her and Arrow out of the courtyard.

  Over the next two weeks, the couples used one of the Guardians’ personal jets to tour many destinations. Touring the world in this manner was turning out to be quite a treat for Reece, giving her a much greater appreciation for Earth’s different cities and intriguing destinations. Levi remained somewhat reserved with her, but in his own strange way, he seemed to enjoy her company. She’d hoped that since nothing was triggering his memory at all, maybe he could be slowly falling in love with her again. Maybe, if anything, he would be at that point in his life when he realized he never loved Isabelle and that Reece was the one woman he could love.

  Reece walked down to the white sandy beaches of the island they were visiting and met Angeline and Harrison at a cabana that they had reserved. Angeline wore a cover up dress over her swimsuit, and when Reece saw the fear in her eyes and her mild irritation with Harrison, she couldn’t help but feel sorry for her.

  “Reece,” Harrison said exasperatingly, “please explain to Angeline that she has nothing to fear with enjoying a day in her swimming attire.”

  “I’m sure that depends on the swimsuit you picked out for her,” Reece returned.

  “It is nothing less than what you are wearing,” he said as he nodded toward Reece’s triangular bikini top.

  “There’s a reason I have a sarong covering the other half of my swimsuit, Harrison.” She crossed her arms. “It takes a while for some women to warm up to wearing any type of swimwear in public let alone a woman who has worn a gown every day of her life.”


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