The Reckoning

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The Reckoning Page 12

by S. L. Morgan

  “There is no way I could possibly expose my body to strangers in this way,” Angeline said, standing up. “This dress is revealing enough.”

  Reece chuckled as she noticed Angeline’s flawless body through the crocheted dress she was wearing. She looked over at Harrison. “I think you should give Angie a break. If she doesn’t want to be out like this, quit forcing her to be.”

  Harrison shrugged and took Angeline’s hand into his. “Would you rather hike through the mountains that surround us? I believe there are waterfalls and pools of water. It would be only you and me. Complete solitude.”

  Angeline smiled with relief. “That, I will happily agree to do.”

  Harrison glanced at Reece. “Will you be okay if we ditch you and Levi for the day?”

  Reece smiled reassuringly. “Yes, of course. Go and enjoy yourselves.” Reece laughed. “Levi’s been rather friendly toward me lately anyway. Who knows, it might do us some good to have time alone.”

  After Harrison and Angeline had left, Reece walked down to the shoreline and stretched out a towel to lounge in the sun. Levi was nowhere to be found, so she slipped off her sarong, lay back on the towel, and closed her eyes. The peaceful sounds of the waves crashing in served to bring her into an almost meditative state.

  “Do you mind if I join you?” Levi asked, startling her.

  Reece’s eyes opened to see him smiling down at her. It wasn’t any ordinary smile; this was the smile, the smile that she knew and loved. The smile that ignited the blue in his eyes gave definition to the tiny dimples in his cheek—the smile he only held for her. She was instantly entrapped and at a complete loss for words.

  She regained her composure. “Not at all,” she said, sitting up.

  Levi laid a towel next to her, sat down, and pulled off his navy blue T-shirt. He propped himself up on both hands while crossing his long legs in front of him. Reece couldn’t help but admire his physique as he sat next to her in nothing but his swim shorts.

  Keep it in check, Reece, she ordered herself.

  Levi gazed out at the ocean, where people were swimming in the turquoise blue waters, some even chasing the white foamy waves as they rolled into shore.

  “Harrison informed me that you grew up at a beach.” As he looked over at her, Reece didn’t miss his eyes taking in more than just the friendly expression on her face. “Do you ever find yourself missing this lifestyle while living amongst us in Pemdas?”

  Reece pursed her lips as she looked out at the open water. “I do. But I have to admit that the shorelines in Pemdas are much more fascinating to me.”

  Levi’s eyes widened in response. “You’ve been to Stavesworth Hall, then?” He shook his head immediately in what appeared to be frustration. “Of course you have. My family always spends their holiday there.”

  “That’s where I was first introduced to all of the royal families in Pemdas.”

  “How did they receive you?” he said with a tone of concern. “Forgive me, I did not intend for it to sound that way.”

  “Don’t worry about it,” she answered. “Most of them were accepting, but there were a few that had an issue with the fact that I would be your wife.”

  “How did I deal with that?”

  “You told me that you didn’t care about anyone else’s opinions but mine.” Reece ran her toes along the sand. “I think I was the one that was more upset about it than you. It was the first time I actually saw you for the important man you were in Pemdas—the first time I recognized I shouldn’t allow our relationship to go on because of the trouble it could bring to you and Pemdas.”

  Levi’s features softened. “It would appear as though I didn’t agree with your opinions about that, or you would not be my wife.”

  “You did not agree at all, but I wasn’t so easily persuaded either.” She stared out into the ocean, recalling that evening together with him.

  “How did I persuade you?” Levi asked with a soft laugh.

  “You used Areion to do all of the persuading, allowing me to master him and his conceding to it.”

  They sat in silence for a moment before Levi spoke. “Reece, I must beg of you to forgive my foolish actions toward you. It is not my nature to treat any being with such disrespect, and unfortunately, I cannot change what I have done.”

  Reece eyed him. His features showed his remorse. She could see the turmoil in his eyes, and for the first time, the longing for her in them.

  “Thank you for saying that. And you are correct, the man I fell in love with is nothing like how you are now with your memory loss. I suppose it goes to show the changes we make as we grow in life.”

  Levi’s lips twisted. “I cannot ask anyone to understand what this has been like. It has been like some strange dream from which I cannot awake.”

  “Levi, I get it,” Reece said dryly. “This is not the life you ever expected to have. You woke up married to some woman from Earth, and now you are forced to accept the choices you made without understanding your logic for doing so.” She looked at him, heartbroken. “Perhaps one day you’ll see why you did fall in love with me, and when that day comes, I know I will have back the man with whom I fell in love.”

  Levi ran the back of his hand along her jawline, his eyes appearing as if he were memorizing her. “I have hurt you with my words again.” He cleared his throat as he studied her lips. “Reece, I believe I may be falling in love with you. There is something that draws me to you, just as there is something that strangely pulls me away from you. I battle it daily.”

  Reece was paralyzed by his words. “Why can’t you just follow your heart?”

  At that moment, Levi’s lips were on hers, his hands cupping each side of her face. Their lips massaged each other’s until Reece let out a small moan. This must have given Levi the courage to further their kiss. Demanding, aggressive, and nothing short of powerful, Levi’s kiss had consumed Reece entirely. Her body shivered as his hand left her cheek, ran over her shoulder, and along her side. She couldn’t breathe, and much to her disappointment, she had to pull away from him.

  Levi pulled away as if she were a stranger and watched her intently. As Reece sat catching her breath, she couldn’t help but laugh at his expression.

  “Forgive me.”

  Reece intertwined her fingers through his, encouraging a smile from him. “There is nothing to forgive.” She exhaled, trying to gain her bearings. “I asked you to follow your heart, and let’s just say you haven’t kissed me like that since before you lost your memories.”

  “Perhaps we may be getting somewhere?”

  Reece lifted her chin. “Perhaps.”

  They both turned to gaze out at the ocean together, and to Reece’s surprise, as they sat quietly, Levi’s thumb gently massaged over the back of her hand. Still studying the waves rolling into the shore, Reece remained perfectly still before closing her eyes. The memory of their passionate kiss and the way he absently massaged over the back of her hand sent memories of her Levi flooding back to her. She inhaled deeply, focusing on letting this moment remove all of the difficult times that she had suffered. She missed him greatly, but somehow he was here with her.

  “Reece?” Levi said in a startled voice.

  Her eyes reopened to find him glancing over at her. “I don’t know how, but I believe I may have remembered—”

  Before he could say anything more, the panicked, high-pitched screams from a child interrupted him. Levi leaped to his feet and jogged out into the water before anyone else could react. Reece watched in astonishment as Levi beat the lifeguard to the young boy that had just disappeared below the surface of the water. Moments later, Levi came up with the boy locked in his embrace and swiftly swam back to the shoreline.

  “My mom and dad aren’t here,” Reece heard the boy strain to tell the lifeguard as she walked down toward the location where they exited the water.

  The fear and upset in the young boy’s face encouraged Reece to walk protectively over to the boy. His expression of fear imm
ediately changed when Reece approached. The lifeguard scolded the young child for trespassing on the private beach of the hotel after the boy told him he lived down the street from the massive resort. Fortunately, Levi interrupted the lifeguard’s interrogation and reassured the man that he would personally escort the boy back to his home.

  Once the lifeguard agreed, he returned back to his post, leaving Levi and Reece in charge of the boy. “What is your name?” Reece politely asked. “Trevor,” he answered with a calm smile. He looked at Levi. “Thank you for saving me.”

  “You are most welcome,” Levi kindly responded. “Next time, you should be more cautious while swimming in these waters. The lifeguard was correct, you have no reason to be out in the water if you are not supervised and do not swim well.”

  The severity in Levi’s eyes seemed to startle the boy. Without warning, he reached his hand up to Reece. “Would you mind walking me home? It isn’t far.”

  His eyes pleaded with her, and Reece couldn’t help but answer yes even though the whole encounter was beginning to feel strange.

  Levi smoothed his wet hair back. “Trevor, if you do not mind, I would rather escort you home.”

  The boy smiled at Levi. “You really don’t need to.”

  Something changed in both Reece and Levi as the boy responded to him. Reece felt instantly protective of the young boy, and Levi lost interest in him.

  “There are plenty of Guardians around. I’ll take him,” Reece answered.

  Levi nodded. “I’ll be waiting here.”

  A strange pull of energy drove Reece to immediately bring the boy home. Strangely, her heart rate picked up, making her uncomfortable. She glanced to her left and saw two imposing men dressed as beachgoers. She exhaled in relief when she noted that even though they appeared to gaze out at the ocean, their eyes were somber and subtly studying her.

  You’re fine, Reece, she thought after noting the men were two Guardians who were watching her walk alone with the young boy.

  She cleared her negative thoughts and regained the confidence that was strangely ripped from her.

  “How old are you?” Reece asked as they walked toward the exit of the private beach.

  “Eight years old.”

  His voice seemed deeper now, and when they disappeared from the resort’s private beach area, Reece was flooded with fear. Her heart raced, and she started gasping for air.

  The sound of a finger snap froze everything around her. “I believe we have some catching up to do,” a steely voice resounded.

  If Reece’s body hadn’t been frozen into place by some force, she would have collapsed when she took in the familiar figure standing in front of her.

  Chapter Eight

  Mordegrin! she thought in anger and confusion. She couldn’t run, she couldn’t cry for help, she had no voice—all she could do was stand paralyzed as the world remained frozen around her.

  “How is that lovely marriage of yours these days?” he asked with a smile that displayed his ashen colored teeth.

  Reece stared into his silver eyes, rage burning like fire within her.

  “You can fight for that man all you want, but he is mine. I was the one who altered his mind and forced the darkness within him.” He reached up and ran his long fingers along her cheek. “Now, I have full control over him. You see, little girl, all I needed to transform him into my personal servant was to make physical contact with him. Now, it is only a matter of time until the dormant seed I planted within his mind awakens.” Mordegrin stepped back and laughed. “Ah, it is truly a beautiful thing: Levi trades everything to rescue his father and hands himself over to me in the meantime. My trap worked flawlessly.”

  Dormant seed? Reece thought as she realized much more was done to Levi’s mind after he walked into the Olteniaus fortress to rescue Navarre than they knew.

  “Yes,” he answered, obviously reading her mind. “Have you not wondered why he is so uncomfortable and strange around you? How he appears to be a different man to everyone around him? That was simply a bit of retribution for what you did to my females. No need to feel upset that you were suffering alone, though, my dear.” He smiled wickedly. “I made sure Levi has been tortured as well. I left just enough of his original feelings for you intact inside his subconscious mind to punish him as well. You might say it is petty of me to have done such a thing, but I do revel in the petty things, as they make existing so much more entertaining; would you not agree?”

  Reece’s mind was reeling as she listened to the deranged entity, and she struggled to make sense of what he was telling her.

  He planted a seed of evil in Levi, and now it’s been activated by coming into contact—

  “Your thoughts are running wild with questions, trying to make sense of what has been done. You should not try to comprehend my power,” he growled. “I will tell you this much: I was able to implant a mental seed, if you will, in his mind after my females weakened it. You see, his mental barriers would not allow us to see his knowledge of where the stone is, so we had to slowly break his mind down and place the seed within it. The process was painful, not only for him but for my Olteniaus queens as well. It nearly killed them during the mental persuasion process. The Pemdai mind was much stronger than we anticipated, and your man fought viciously against our mental probes.”

  Reece recalled that moment where Harrison gripped his head tightly and screamed out in torment before storming into the fortress to save Levi and became nauseated.

  “Yes. Yes,” he smoothly responded with a mysterious smile. “You remember that day well; do you not?” He clasped his hands behind his back and slowly paced in front of her. “Now that he and I have made personal contact, I was able to awaken the darkness within his mind. This new energy grows within him even as we speak, and once the transformation process is complete, the man that everyone knew as Levi Oxley will be dead. His singular burning desire will be to serve me, and he will be in torment until we are reunited. I will soon have everything that I need to gain absolute control over all worlds, galaxies, and dimensions,” he said sinisterly while running his leathery hand over Reece’s abdomen. “Grow strong in that womb, little soldier,” he whispered. “I will come for you soon enough.”

  Reece’s stomach tightened with a strange spasm.

  “Do you wonder why I waited so long for this moment?”

  “I only wonder now how I will kill you for what you have done!” Reece returned, surprised she had her voice again.

  “Kill me?” Mordegrin grinned. “Well, my dear, you will need the stone that Levi will soon bring me to accomplish that feat. So, by all means, lead the way.”

  Reece exhaled in frustration, knowing Mordegrin would follow her to the stone, and by being on Earth physically, she couldn’t trust his powers and his unique abilities if she were to go to the stone.

  “No?” He cocked his head to the side. “Of course you won’t destroy me, and you won’t destroy my servant either. So for my last method to torment all of you, you will take Levi home and hold on to some form of hope that he can be saved. Once you slowly watch him transform into my minion, you will release him to me, because you will not be able to withstand the torment he suffers in my absence.”

  “I promise you this,” Reece growled, “this is far from over. We will hunt you down, and you will heal Levi because the amount of torment you will endure for what you have done is far worse than what you believe Levi will go through.”

  “You speak rather boldly for someone who cannot fathom the amount of power I possess.” He narrowed his eyes at her. “You stand paralyzed at this moment under my control, and yet you believe I can be overpowered?”

  “We’ll find a way,” Reece snarled.

  “Really?” His eyes scanned the frozen atmosphere around him. “Are you so foolish to believe you can so much as touch me without that stone?” He looked at the two frozen Guardians and back to Reece with a wolfish grin. “Your own warriors cannot even withstand my hold over them. You all have yet
to see the extent of my power while in my physical form.” He waved his hand in the air. “Halting time like this? It is but one of my many talents.”

  “If you have such great talents, why don’t you destroy me now and get it over.” Reece studied Mordegrin’s expression. “You can’t, can you?”

  “I won’t!” he snapped. “The torment that you and Levi are about to experience before you release my servant to me will be my final retribution to you and all of Pemdas! Now, go enjoy the last of the man you know as Levi because soon he will transform into my kind, and you are left with no other option but to release him to me.”

  Reece felt the paralysis leave her body, and she instinctively lunged toward Mordegrin, but she fell to the ground as he vanished at that moment. “NO!” she screamed in anger, feeling her stomach spasm again. She sat up and gripped it tightly. Instantly, two of the Guardians who were stationed at the beach picked her up to check on her condition. “Is it the unborn child?”

  “No!” she answered gravely as she stood. “We have to find Harrison, NOW!” she ordered. She looked around, “Levi?” she said in a panic. “We need to get him out of here before Mordegrin—”

  “Mordegrin?” one of the Guardians interrupted as he helped to her feet. “Have you seen him?”

  “You didn’t?” Reece questioned in disbelief.

  “No, you were with the boy.” The Guardian scanned the area. “Mordegrin shapeshifted into that young boy, did he not?”

  “He did.” Reece ran her hand through her hair. “This is unbelievable. One of you needs to go contact Harrison.” She gripped the arm of the Guardian speaking with her. “We need to get back to Levi now.”

  The Guardian was racing back to where Levi would be on the beach at twice the speed Reece could run. When she reached the location, her heart sank. “He was just here.”

  “I cannot sense him on this shoreline anywhere.”

  Before Reece could respond, the Guardian who contacted Harrison approached. “I explained the urgency of the situation to our commander, and he will be here as quickly as possible.” The man took her arm. “With Levi missing, we must get you to your rooms and deploy more Guardians to find him at once.”


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