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The Reckoning

Page 17

by S. L. Morgan

  “Yes,” Levi answered. “I’m here, and my longing to be with you overwhelms me. I could think of nothing more after I first woke.”

  Reece stood on her toes and brought Levi’s lips back to hers in a crushing kiss. His hands sturdily massaged along her back as he responded with as much wild passion as Reece offered him.

  Without breaking their ardent kiss, Levi gently cradled Reece in his arms, taking long strides up to their home. Everything vanished around her, so she was quite surprised when the next thing she knew, they were in their bedchambers as Levi kicked the door closed behind them. Everything she sensed in her husband now was pure, and it proved to her that he was entirely healed of the curse Mordegrin had placed on him. She willingly gave herself over to Levi, having longed for this moment for longer than she could think.

  He gently laid her on their bed as he began to remove his waistcoat and cravat. As Levi climbed onto the bed, Reece directly started unbuttoning his white muslin shirt. After Levi had shrugged the shirt off, he wasted no time removing his undershirt. It had been too long, and Reece wondered how she could have ever forgotten the sculpted image of his chiseled frame. She halted them from going any further by indulging herself and sitting up to bring her lips to his chest. Levi groaned in response to her hands running along his back as Reece’s lips slowly claimed his flawless chest. The aroma of his cologne assaulted every part of her body, leading her to ache for more. She gently lay back against the pillows, unlacing the center of her gown.

  Her eyes were locked on Levi’s dark ones. “You have no idea how long I have waited for this moment,” she said breathlessly. “Don’t make me wait any longer.”

  With garments successfully removed, Levi answered her request as he always had before he lost his memories of her. The atmosphere of the room was euphoric, with Levi and Reece powerfully reigniting a love that had been shattered between them. With every kiss, movement, and touch, Reece found the wounds and scars she had suffered rapidly healing within her. Her husband was back and loving her with every ounce of energy he possessed. Reece responded with the same urgency of emotions that Levi was emitting during this moment of bliss.

  Once again, their intense love and devotion toward each other had conquered a darkness that sought to destroy it. Reece had no idea how much time had passed when Levi kissed her softly on the nose, ending their relentless moments of heated passion. She squinted over at the window, shocked to find the golden, shimmering light of the sun slipping behind the rolling hills that surrounded their estate. When she brought her attention back to Levi, his loving smile left her breathless.

  She traced his lips with her fingertip. “I have missed this smile.

  “I do not deserve such a woman,” he said as he brushed a strand of hair off her forehead. “I am without a doubt the most fortunate man who has ever lived.”

  Reece tilted her head to the side. “I almost lost hope so many times, but somehow, I think I always knew you would come back to me.”

  As Levi shifted his weight off her and lounged on his side, he propped up his head onto his palm while his other hand massaged over the bump of her stomach. “I am so dreadfully sorry for everything that transpired over these past months.”

  His face had shown such grief that Reece felt nothing but remorse for him. “Levi, you know that it wasn’t really you. Mordegrin did this to us out of spite.”

  Levi glanced at her. “It was so bizarre,” he started as his eyes grew distant. “I was there, but it was as if something or someone else was controlling my thoughts and mind. I saw everything, but I was unable to break through the barrier to reach you. It was almost like I was a prisoner within my subconscious.”

  Reece caressed his cheek, bringing his attention back to her. “I knew you were in there somewhere. I can’t imagine what it was like for you to go through so much.”

  “I saw everything. The heartbreak in your eyes, the pain that this strange part of me caused you, I witnessed all of it. I tried to battle it, but whatever had taken possession of my mind fought back brutally.” He rolled onto his back, clasped his hands behind his head, and closed his eyes. “How were you able to withstand any of it?”

  Reece twisted to face him. “It wasn’t easy, but like I said, I knew you had to be in there somewhere. That’s what I held onto. It’s over now, and you can’t fault yourself for any of this. Mordegrin—”

  Levi’s expression turned deadly as he looked over at Reece. “That creature will be captured and will face my wrath for doing what he did to you—to us! When I have finished with that monster, he will be begging me for death!”

  Reece softly sighed. “I wish it were that easy, but it is proving to be impossible to capture him. Anytime a Guardian has spotted him, he vanishes into thin air and is gone. Your father and Harrison have been working tirelessly to find a way to get ahead of him.”

  “He is playing games with us,” Levi seethed. “We will find a way to outsmart him. We will have justice.”

  Reece ran her hands over the velvety stubble on his cheek. “How about we change the subject for now?”

  Levi turned to face her, leaning his cheek against Reece’s hand, softly massaging it. “You are correct. I have waited for what seemed like an eternity for this moment.”

  “We both have. I see that you kept to your word in that other galaxy and didn’t shave this,” Reece said with a smile as she ran her hand along the dark shadow on his face.

  Levi caught her hand and brought his lips to her palm. “Indeed. After that mental darkness had taken control of me and transformed me into that ghastly being, I made it my first priority that when I returned to you, I would be the man you married. Harrison, of course, had his input as well. I am surprised with everything that I have put you all through that he even had two words to say to me,” Levi said with a laugh.

  “Speaking of which,” Reece started. “Everyone was given solid orders that if I listened to them and got out of the palace to remain stress-free about you not waking up as quickly as I thought you would, they would come and get me at the first signs of you waking up.” Reece sighed. “You have no idea how difficult it was to stay away from you. Remind me when we return to the palace that Harrison will hear from me.”

  Levi flashed her favorite grin. “First of all, the person you should have words with is me. After I had awoken to find my father staring at me as if I had two heads, I realized I was a disturbing sight for even me to behold. I demanded that I would be the first to find you, and against their wishes, I was finally able to convince everyone. Once I was presentable again, and after Galleta’s assessment of my mental state, I couldn’t ride Areion fast enough to this location.”

  “You are stubborn,” Reece answered as she placed a kiss on his shoulder. “I should tell you that before you came to me, I had a premonition of you waking up. It was as if I were in the room with everyone. When I snapped out of that daze, I knew I had to get back to the palace. Then, the next thing I knew, I heard the horse. I expected it to be Harrison riding up to our home, but there was nothing more invigorating to find that it was you.”

  “A premonition?” Levi questioned. “That is intriguing. It appears as though the powers of that stone still runs strong within you.”

  Reece smiled. “Yes. I thought I had depleted them while I was trying to get rid of the curse, but it would seem that they’re not completely gone.”

  Levi continued to massage over Reece’s stomach. “I was informed that you suffered complications with our baby. I cannot tell you how it pains me to know that you have endured all these months alone without my caring for you and our child.”

  Reece giggled when their baby kicked against the palm of Levi’s hand. His eyes widened as he brought his cheek to her abdomen. He closed his eyes. “My sweet child, your heartbeat has grown stronger. Grow swiftly, as I long to hold you in my arms.” The baby kicked again, and it resulted in an unexpected laugh from Levi. He opened his eyes and gazed into Reece’s. “This has to be one of the mos
t amazing experiences that I have ever had. I can only imagine what this feels like for you.”

  Reece ran her hands through Levi’s hair as a tear slipped down her cheek. “How is this possible?” She sniffed. “One minute I’m feeling the baby kick and do somersaults, and I’m inwardly begging that you could experience it with me; now, here you are? It’s as if I snapped my fingers and my wish came true.”

  Levi sat up and positioned himself to bring Reece in his arms. “After everything you have been through, I believe you deserve every part of this moment.”

  Reece gripped Levi tightly. “With it all behind us, we can finally move forward with our lives.”

  “Agreed,” Levi answered with a soft kiss to her head. “In light of moving forward, I should inform you that I have already sent for a portion of Pasidian’s staff to take up residence here, as we will only be returning to the palace to visit family. Also, after you and I have enjoyed this reunion to its fullest, I have plans to announce to all the kingdoms that they can begin their celebrations, as the next heir to Pemdas will soon be amongst us.”

  Reece laughed. “I think your mother may be psychic.”

  “Oh? How so?”

  “She mentioned that when you woke up that you would waste no time in moving us out of the palace and into our home.”

  Levi’s embrace tightened. “Too much time has already been wasted. We need to settle into our home and prepare it for the arrival of our infant. I believe it is time that we work on transforming one of the rooms into a nursery.”

  “Your mother beat you to that.” Reece laughed. “She had your crib refurbished and has given our child a gift that you must promise you won’t be jealous about.”

  Levi’s forehead creased in confusion. “Jealous of a child’s gift?”

  “Apparently, when you were a child you had a strong attachment to a particular blanket?”

  Levi chuckled. “That old thing? My mother still has it?”

  “It’s in perfect condition.”

  Levi exhaled. “Our child is one of the greatest gifts that I could ever want. I believe I can part ways with the blanket and will happily pass my treasured piece down to our child.”

  Reece’s growling stomach interrupted their peaceful conversation. Levi sat up. “I noted the arrival of the staff close to an hour ago, while we were otherwise engaged in more enjoyable activities.” He laughed as he reached for his clothing that had been scattered throughout their bed. “I specifically requested tomato basil soup from the Anders. I believe that it will hold you over until they have finished preparing our dinner.”

  Reece sat up with Levi. “That sounds wonderful.” She wrapped a throw blanket around her and started to get out of bed before Levi stopped her.

  Dressed in what appeared to be record time, he smiled over at Reece. “I have no idea what you are planning, Mrs. Oxley, but I must inform you that you are at my mercy now, and I have every intention of drawing you a hot bath while the staff transforms the balcony for our private dining. For now, I only request that you allow me to retrieve the soup.”

  “I can run a hot bath on my own,” Reece teased with an arch of her eyebrow.

  Levi challenged her grin. “I am fully aware of that; however, while in my presence, my wife will not lift a finger. I have not been able to care for you and be wholeheartedly at my wife’s service for far too long. I plan to make up for lost time.” He finished with a wink, and before Reece could respond, Levi disappeared from their bedchambers.

  It’s official! The man I fell in love with is back, Reece inwardly laughed. There was no way to explain how she currently felt at the moment. It was really him, but all of this was so surreal, it sent her heart racing with overwhelming happiness that this dreadful separation was over. Everything felt new again. She brushed her hands along the soft comforter of their bed, feeling utterly fulfilled with love and satisfaction. She turned to arrange the pillows behind her, sat up, and leaned back against them. As she was pulling the covers up to cover her chest, Levi appeared in the room.

  The aroma of the soup she desperately craved every waking minute of every day had reached her before Levi did. As he sat the tray holding the soup on her lap, he stole a passionate kiss that replaced her desire for the soup with a longing to be with him instead. A kiss to her bare shoulder and Levi rose up. “Enjoy that, and when you are finished, I shall have a relaxing bath ready for you.”

  Reece cleared her thoughts, devoured the soup, and was grateful that Levi had a variety of cheese slices and fruit placed on the tray as well. A quick sip of her hot tea and she started in on the cheeses. The food cravings she was having while being pregnant were definitely an interesting experience.

  “I did not believe I was gone for that long?” Levi said as he entered the room.

  Reece popped the last berry in her mouth, leaving no trace of food on the tray, and glanced at Levi with a pitiful smile. “I think we might have the answer as to why your child is growing so rapidly!”

  Levi took the tray, set it on a nearby table, and helped Reece up from the bed. Once he wrapped her robe around her, she was cradled in his arms. “Close your eyes, love,” he whispered.

  She smiled and did as he requested. The aromas of vanilla and lavender filled the room, alerting her to the fact that they had arrived at the bath Levi had drawn for her. “Open them.” Reece gazed around at the enchanting atmosphere of the room. Large candles were placed everywhere, along with a multitude of arranged flowers in vases. Petals were scattered on the marble steps that were lined with more candles, leading up to the lavish tub that was filled with iridescent bubbles that glistened with the light of the flickering candles.

  “Levi!” she managed. “How in the world did you manage this so quickly?”

  Levi laughed. “I would love to take full credit for all of this, but I must admit that I had the staff, along with Jasmeen, help in creating this for you when I first left to retrieve your food. As usual, they have exceeded my expectations, as all of my orders to everyone came quite quickly and unexpectedly to everyone around me.”

  “This is so beautiful.”

  Levi brought his arms around her waist and held out a tiny black velvet box. “For you.”

  Reece took the box from Levi’s hand and turned to face him. “When did you have time—”

  “I had this designed while we were away on our vacation. It arrived at the palace amidst all the chaos we were enduring. I must apologize for not giving it to you then, but it slipped my mind.”

  Reece opened the box to find a thin ring fashioned into an arrow made to wrap around her finger. It was made of the same precious metal as her necklace and bracelet were.

  “As you know what this arrow represents, I hope it will continue to remind you that no matter the circumstances, I will not only be your husband, but I will be the one Guardian who will always protect you,” Levi said meaningfully. “I hope you will let this ring give you hope that I will never place myself in a situation to cause you grief again.”

  Reece studied the ring. “I will always trust that no matter what we go through, I will not lose you again.” She smiled at his loving expression. “I have to admit that after the many different conversations we had, I learned that I was quite fortunate to gain your attention. I kind of took it all for granted until I found out that you never imagined your future with a woman from Earth.”

  Levi stepped toward her, untied the sash of her robe, and let it fall freely to the ground. His eyes roamed over her as his hands smoothly brushed along her arms. “Never doubt my love for you because of all the judgmental conversations I had with you when I was controlled by Mordegrin. I want you to know that from the moment we first encountered you on Earth, I noticed a quality in you that no other woman of my acquaintance possessed. I had never been so intrigued by a woman before. I never once had a longing to be in a woman’s presence, simply to see them laugh or watch them smile.” His eyes seemed to penetrate her soul. “You, Reece Oxley, are the only woman I ha
ve ever known who has the amazing ability to capture my heart and claim it as your own, even before we spoke one word to each other. I do hope you understand that.”

  Reece had no response and had no idea how badly she needed to hear Levi say these words to her. After dealing with Levi’s memory loss and his judgment of her, she couldn’t help wondering herself if Levi had made the right choice by marrying her. “Thank you for that.” She smiled. “I love you so much.”

  Levi brought her hand up and gently pressed his lips against the silver ring, her wedding ring, and finished with a kiss to the back of her hand. “It is I, Reece Oxley, who loves you beyond all words.” He rose up. “I vow to never again leave you as I did.”

  Reece felt tears welling up in her eyes, and she wrapped her arms around him.

  “Now, I believe you haven’t had anyone to assist you in your bathing for quite some time. If it pleases my wife, I would gladly be of service.”

  Reece seductively eyed him. “You don’t even have to ask,” she said as she turned and walked over the petals on the marble steps that led up to the inviting steamy waters.

  Later that evening, Reece and Levi enjoyed a quiet candlelit dinner on the balcony of their room. They remained in uplifted spirits, enjoying nothing more than the company of each other. Once Reece finished her meal, she leaned back in her chair, sipping her cup of tea. The majestic, illuminating foliage that surrounded them couldn’t even replace the beautiful sight of her husband finishing the last of his dessert.

  Levi’s lips rose up in a corner as he swallowed a bite. “Since I know very well that you are taken with the beauty of Pemdas in the evenings, your current fascination with my eating this cake has me guessing that I should send up for more food,” he said as he reached a piece of his cake over to her lips.


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