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by A. J. Langguth

  Stark posted men: Coffin, 12.

  “. . . you will be slain.”: Forbes, 279.

  “I have no command . . .”: Coffin, 15.

  “. . . whites of their eyes”: Fleming, 245.

  dead thick as sheep: Coffin, 13.

  Howe’s deployment: Ibid., 9–17.

  Putnam and Gerrish: Ketchum, Decisive, 165.

  “. . . let me die in peace.”: Ibid., 172.

  Pitcairn speaking about duty: John Clarke, 18.

  “. . . might have led them up.”: Coffin, 33.

  Warren’s death: Frothingham, Warren, 517; Cary, 221.

  John Dutton’s death: John Clarke, 8.

  Otis at battle: Starrett, 154; Fiske, “Eve,” 376.


  “A few such victories . . .”: Ketchum, Decisive, 209.

  “. . . sell them another hill . . .”: Fiske, “Eve,” 377.

  losses: Forbes, 281; Murdock, Bunker Hill, 32.

  “. . . seven times seven years.”: Washington, Writings, ed. Fitzpatrick, III, 294.

  “. . . embarked on a wide ocean . . .”: Ibid., 30 June 1775.

  Washington named for Eskridge: Cunliffe, 23–24.

  Washington description: Hodges, 18.

  Washington copied rules: Cunliffe, 26n.; Hughes, 29.

  verses on true happiness: Haworth, 5–7.

  Mary Washington: Flexner, Forge, 19.

  blanket with fleas: Whipple, 785.

  romped with neighborhood girl: Hodges, 15.

  Sally Fairfax: Cunliffe, 30.

  wrote four times: Fleming, Yours, 16.

  Mary Washington objects to military service: Turner, 184.

  “As to the summons . . .”: Freeman, II, 368.

  French assured Washington privately: Cunliffe, 35.

  pay of eightpence a day: Alberts, 5.

  “. . . charming in the sound”: Fleming, Yours, 18.

  Washington signs confession: Flexner, Forge, 104.

  Indians joining French or neutral: Alberts, 44.

  “He would not say so . . .”: Cunliffe, 37.

  Washington famous for incompetence: Flexner, Forge, 108.

  Washington exceeded authority: Alberts, 25.

  Sally Fairfax asks Washington not write: Flexner, Forge, 123.

  a gentle rebuke: Fleming, Yours, 27.

  “Honoured Madam”: Bellamy, 19.

  Washington at end of column: Cunliffe, 39.

  “I take this early opportunity . . .”: Whipple, 786.

  “Your honor will, I hope . . .”: Cunliffe, 42.

  Washington slow to praise: Freeman, I, 370–71.

  favors to Fairfax sons: Ibid., III, Appendix II.

  Washington’s teeth: Haworth, 13–14.

  Washington to Martha: Fleming, Yours, 32.

  “. . . this lady is known to you.”: Ibid., 33.

  confused firing in woods: Freeman, II, 357–58.

  price of Fort Necessity: Alberts, 57.

  slave named Will: Kitman, 155.

  servants afraid to deliver note: Turner, 220.

  “. . . the irritability of some of us is enough to—”: John and Abigail Adams, 106.

  Dickinson cuts Adams: John Adams, Diary, II, 173.

  Samuel Adams taught to mount: Warren, I, 110–11.

  country folk gape at Hancock: Fowler, 194.

  Hancock’s gifts to Dorothy Quincy: Hancock, 203.

  Congress debates move: Burnett, Letters, I, 113.

  “I, poor creature . . .”: John and Abigail Adams, 92.

  Randolph’s death: Fowler, 199.

  “. . . sentimental effusions . . .”: John and Abigail Adams, 100–101.

  British slaughtering cows: Fleming, Yours, 58–59.

  “. . . amazing good natured.”: Thatcher, Hewes.

  “exceedingly dirty and nasty people”: Washington, Writings, ed. Fitzpatrick, III, 433.

  Washington did not whip slaves: Kitman, 54.

  cider confiscated: “Orderly Book of Camp at Cambridge.”

  “The general does not mean . . .”: Ibid., 6.

  “He is a queer creature . . .”: Willard, 46.

  Church’s treason: Freeman, III, 545–48.

  Church examines Attucks: Sibley, XIII.

  “. . . or I perish.”: Freeman, III, 548.

  Church’s sister: French, 151.

  Church claims to be gleaning information: Goss, I, 207–8.

  Revere saw Church: Tourtellot, 227–28.

  Hutchinson’s report on Church: Sibley, XIII, 384.

  Church allowed to ride: Forbes, 285.

  Army pay: Kitman, 29.

  holdovers away on furlough: Lecky, 232.

  “the mild general”: Ketchum, Decisive, 213.

  Howe had written home: George III, Correspondence with North, II, 13.

  “Sir William, he . . .”: Ketchum, Decisive, 36.

  LEE: 1775

  Arnold’s expenses disallowed: Boylan, 46–47.

  Catholic population: Pemberton, 233.

  a new Inquisition: Wandell, 42.

  “Let us run together . . .”: Freeman, III, 536.

  “The Great American Congress . . .”: Ibid., 533.

  “the sweepings of the streets”: Wandell, 44.

  “You will die . . .”: Ibid., 45.

  eating dog: Arnold, 67.

  eating duck: Ibid., 57.

  Greer’s wife: Ibid., 66.

  sickness drops men to 650: Ibid., 60.

  “. . . force and energy?”: John and Abigail Adams, 113.

  “To the storming . . .”: Arnold, 80.

  “We shall be in the fort . . .”: Wandell, 50.

  Burr tries to drag Montgomery: Lomask, 41.

  “. . . enter it in triumph.”: Arnold, 84.

  “I will not execute you now.”: Dorson, 46.

  “I tremble . . .”: Alsop, 32.

  Bonvouloir: Ibid., 14–24.

  “Mr. Straham . . .”: Ronald Clark, 276.

  “Everyone here is a soldier. . . .”: Alsop, 31.

  “America is the hope . . .”: Ibid., 35.

  “England is the natural enemy . . .”: Ibid., 32.

  Washington on Ethan Allen: Scheer and Rankin, 127.

  “Men, I do not know . . .”: Ibid., 113.

  “bring on a rumpus . . .”: Fleming, Affectionately Yours, 80.

  Washington had read Burgoyne’s letter: Ibid., March 31, 1776.

  Washington writing about parapets: Ibid., Feb. 1, 1776.

  Barrels filled with dirt: Heath, 32–33.

  “. . . committed suicide.”: Montross, 134.

  “. . . dog in a dancing school.”: Scheer and Rankin, 194.

  “Naso”: Burke Davis, Washington, 18.

  “Boiling Water”: Patterson, 40.

  “Sir, I will never give Your Majesty . . .”: Walpole, I, 404–5.

  John Adams on Lee: Miller, Triumph, 70.

  Lee borrows 15 pounds: Alden, 73.

  “We want you at N. York . . .”: Lee, Papers, I, 312.

  “Colonel, I see . . .”: Ibid., 154.

  JEFFERSON: 1775–76

  Paine’s mother a shrew: Edwards, 5.

  God was too good: Conway, I, 11.

  the Headstrong Book: Connell, 18.

  Paine’s eyes and women: Hawke, Paine, 14.

  Elizabeth Paine: Edwards, 16.

  “. . . husband or an oppressor”: Conway, I, 45–46.

  “I rejected . . .”: Paine, 44.

  Paine longed for independence: Wills, 330.

  “O ye that love mankind! . . .”: Paine, 50.

  Paine and John Adams: John Adams, Diary, III, 333–34.

  “a better hand . . .”: Scheer and Rankin, 168.

  Jefferson receives Common Sense: Malone, I, 217.

  “The blood of the slain . . .”: Paine, 40.

  Paine donates royalties: Conway, I, 69.

  Regulators: Montross, 134.

  South Carolina sentiment turns: Conway, I, 78.

instructions: Malone, I, 217.

  Harrison’s joke: Montross, 131.

  “Defeated most ignominously. . . .”: Ibid., 139.

  “created as ourselves”: Maier, Old, 189.

  Lee’s mutilated hand: Wills, 3.

  Rutledge hoped for delay: Burnett, Letters, I, 476–77.

  Adams-Jefferson exchange: Ibid., 541n.

  Jefferson carried by slave: Randall, I, 11.

  Jefferson’s inheritance: Malone, I, 32; Page Smith, Jefferson, 9.

  “filled the college with children”: Ibid., 15.

  Jefferson did not allow cards: Randolph, 30.

  Fauquier used ice: Malone, I, 77.

  “I do wish the devil . . .”: Nock, 19.

  Jefferson’s travel plans: Ibid., 21.

  “This should be . . .”: Ibid., 22.

  “When young and single . . .”: Malone, 1, 449.

  coat of arms: Ibid., 156.

  Jefferson wrote “spinster”: Curtis, 32.

  Jefferson willing to sink island: Brodie, 130.


  Jefferson’s Virginia draft: Jefferson, Papers, I, 33ff.

  Jefferson wrote in “self evident”: Wills, 181–82.

  Jefferson on property: Page Smith, Jefferson, 96–97.

  meaning of “pursuit”: Schlesinger, “Lost Meaning,” 323–25.

  New Yorkers had petitioned: Force, 24.

  South Carolina’s assembly moved: Fisher, 274.

  blacks outnumbered whites ten to one: Brodie, 41.

  one third of Virginia was black: George Howard, 20.

  Bland was denounced: Brodie, 103.

  Jefferson did not permit whipping: Ibid., 22.

  Jefferson advertised and sold slave: Ibid., 104.

  Jefferson as lawyer: Ibid.

  John Adams objected: Meigs, 233.

  Adams considered denunciation best part: Becker, Declaration, 213.

  Witherspoon on ripeness: Trevelyan, II, 158.

  Dickinson on delay: Wells, II, 432.

  Adams felt like actor: John Adams, Diary, III, 397.

  “It ought to be commemorated . . .”: John and Abigail Adams, 142.

  Jefferson on Northern merchants: Brodie, 144.

  Franklin’s hatter anecdote: Jefferson, Works, X, 120.

  Hutchinson degree: Bailyn, Ordeal, 356.

  chancellor was North: Malone, I, 229.

  Jefferson asked Lee to judge: Burnett, Letters, II, 2.

  George III buried in Savannah: Brodie, 146.

  Virginia’s deletions: Frank Moore, I, 266.

  Jefferson’s journal: Brodie, 148.

  “There! John Bull . . .”: Hazelton, 210.

  “Most willingly . . .”: Chamberlain, 277n.

  “. . . all hang separately”: Van Doren, Franklin, 551.

  Evening Post: Bond, Aug. 10, 1776.

  Morning Post: Aug. 12, 1776.

  “A reply . . .”: Morning Post, Aug. 20, 1776.

  “Here they enumerated . . .”: Gazetteer, Aug. 17, 1776.

  “. . . a dignified contempt.”: Morning Post, Aug. 20, 1776.

  “the despised Americans . . .”: Bond, Public Advertiser, Sept. 11, 1776.

  400,000 blacks: Middlekauff, 28.

  slave fans speaker: Hazelton, 277.


  usefulness of assassination: Wells, II, 438.

  Hopkins impatient to leave: Burnett, Letters, II, 78.

  Franklin’s plan rejected: Pleasants, 5–6.

  Samuel Adams on state sovereignty: Miller, Triumph, 426.

  governments of colonies: Nevins, 2.

  Massachusetts bloodlines: Ibid.

  Virginia on excluding blacks: Jensen, Making, 25.

  Rutledge’s goals: Jensen, Articles, 128.

  George Washington as king: Ibid., 112.

  Pacific 100 miles from Atlantic: Ibid., 154.

  John Adams on Swiss model: Montross, 182.

  no Northern surpluses: Ibid.

  “It is of little consequence . . .”: Burnett, Letters, II, 56.

  Britain’s greatest force: Ketchum, Decisive, 126.

  “Let us drub Howe . . .”: Miller, Triumph, 118.

  Hickey and Lynch: Freeman, IV, 115.

  Mary Gibbons: Ross, 1, 197.

  all clergy cutthroats: Freeman, IV, 120.

  forest of trimmed pine trees: Burke Davis, Washington, 87.

  Washington’s deployment: Coakley, 46.

  George III statue: Freeman, IV, 134.

  molded into 42,088 bullets: Ketchum, Decisive, 127.

  Washington and Howe letter: Freeman, IV, 140; Brooks, 59.

  “. . . something exceedingly mysterious . . .”: Washington, Aug. 19, 1776, in Writings, ed. Fitzpatrick, V, 458.

  Howe on “criminal’ action: Maldwyn A. Jones, “Sir William Howe,” in Billias, Opponents, 53.

  Greene’s background: Theodore Thayer, “Nathanael Greene,” in Billias, Generals, 109.

  Franklin’s propaganda: Burke Davis, Washington, 97.

  “Lord Stirling”: Trevelyan, III, 177.

  Washington rejected cavalry: Burke Davis, Washington, 100.

  Clinton had lived in New York: William B. Willcox, “Sir Henry Clinton,” in Billias, Opponents, 74.

  Jamaica road guards seized: Irving, 216.

  “But we’re here . . .”: Burke Davis, Washington, 102.

  “I will not ask . . .”: Scheer and Rankin, 186.

  “Good God! . . .”: Burke Davis, Washington, 105.

  Stirling fought like a wolf: Trevelyan, II, 280.

  NEW YORK: 1776

  Scammel’s blunder: Scheer and Rankin, 193.

  Washington left old cannon: Trevelyan, II, 290.

  George III knighted Howe: Maldwyn Jones, “Sir William Howe,” in Billias, Opponents, 52.

  Connecticut militia drops: Flexner, Indispensable Man, 83.

  “Would to Heaven . . .”: Rodney, 112.

  “I wish that the first ball . . .”: Charles P. Whittemore, “John Sullivan,” in Billias, Generals, 145.

  “A decoy duck . . .”: Burnett, Letters, II, 70n.

  Franklin on colds: John Adams, Autobiography, III, 418.

  Adams approved of meeting site: Ibid., 420.

  Adams’ impression of Lord Howe: Ketchum, Winter, 117.

  “Mr. Adams is a decided character.”: Burke Davis, Washington, 122.

  “General Howe is either . . .”: Ibid., 117.

  Greene on Francis I: Trevelyan, II, 295.

  Germans sang hymns: Burke Davis, Washington, 124.

  “Take the walls!”: Freeman, IV, 193.

  Germans stabbed Americans: Ibid.

  “dastardly sons of cowardice”: Miller, Triumph, 134.

  Greene thought Washington willing to die: Trevelyan, II, 300n.

  “Good God, have I got . . . ?”: Freeman, IV, 194n.

  woman hoisted Britain’s banner: Serle, 104–5.

  “You can hardly conceive . . .”: Freeman, IV, 203.

  Washington to Lund Washington: Washington, Sept. 30, 1776, in Writings, ed. Fitzpatrick, VI, 138.

  “Providence or some good honest fellow . . .”: Scheer and Rankin, 212.

  Hale hanged: Mackenzie, I, 62–63.

  TRENTON: 1776

  Howe outflanked Americans: Middlekauff, 350.

  British took 19 days for 74 miles: Miller, Triumph, 142.

  “They will neither fight . . .”: Scheer and Rankin, 231.

  Washington complains about New Jersey support: Washington, Dec. 18, 1776, in Writings, ed. Fitzpatrick.

  Paine and Gates: Patterson, 65.

  “These are the times . . .”: Paine, 75.

  Lee is paid 11,000 pounds: Miller, Triumph, 70.

  “I do not mean to flatter . . .”: John Shy, “Charles Lee,” in Billias, Generals, 35.

  Lee’s troops looting: Dwyer, 131.

  “I am told . . .”: Burke Davis, Washington, 153.

  female screaming: Ibid.

  “Entre nous . . .”:
Lee, Papers, II, 345.

  “With this sword . . .”: John Shy, “Charles Lee,” in Billias, Generals, 40.

  “Here, sir, are the British cavalry!”: Dwyer, 145.

  Honeyman escape: Keller, 18–19.

  Howe’s officers not enthusiastic about winter campaign: Channing, III, 232.

  Catherine of Russia refused soldiers: Bolkhovitinov, 6.

  Prices of mercenaries: Lowell, 5.

  Hessians described: Azoy, “Merry,” 484–85.

  Rall drank: Miller, Triumph, 155.

  Rall persuades Howe: Dwyer, 151.

  Rall doesn’t build defenses: Channing, III, 233.

  “Let them come! . . .”: Burke Davis, Washington, 161.

  “Christmas Day at night . . .”: Patterson, 110.

  Washington’s plan: Freeman, IV, 308.

  “What a time . . . !”: Ibid., 309.

  Gates does not join: Stryker, 131.

  “I am determined . . .”: Ibid., 132.

  “Shift that fat ass . . .”: Fast, 120.

  “Then tell the general . . .”: Stryker, 140.

  Washington’s near-fall: Dwyer, 248; Burke Davis, Washington, 166.

  “Press on! . . .”: Stryker, 143.

  Hamilton’s speech: Baldwin, 29–30.

  Hamilton pats cannon: Burke Davis, Washington, 165.

  “You, sir . . .”: Freeman, IV, 313.

  “Fiddlesticks! . . .”: Dwyer, 221.

  Rall is warned: Stryker, 123–25.

  “What’s the matter”: Ibid., 154.

  “You need not be frightened. . . .”: Ibid., 162.

  soldiers’ hands over touchholes: Keller, 22.

  “Colonel Rall, there is yet . . .”: Burke Davis, Washington, 171.

  “Alle wer meine Grenadiere . . .”: Stryker, 173.

  “I pity you.”: Ibid., 174.

  “. . . I will blow you to pieces.”: Ibid., 184.

  “This is a glorious day . . .”: Dwyer, 263.

  “Hätte ich dies . . .”: Stryker, 192.

  Hessians burned furniture: Dwyer, 262.

  PRINCETON: 1776–77

  Occupations of Hessians: Stryker, 196.

  Washington looking sly: Ibid., 210.

  I will remain if you will: Sergeant R—, 515.

  “How dreadful the odds.”: Dwyer, 294.

  Hessians seemed satisfied: Stryker, 213.

  Hessian evaluation of Putnam: Dwyer, 298.

  Assunpink Creek possible to ford: Custis, 179–80.

  “. . . We’ve got the old fox . . .”: Azoy, “Happy,” 225.


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