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Key to My Heart: An Anthology of Sweet Romance

Page 16

by Alice La Roux

  “That seat’s taken!” she blurts out as she tries to hide the blush creeping up her neck.

  “Don’t hide. You have the sexiest blush,” he replies, ignoring her request for him to move.

  This just makes her blush deepen as she mutters to herself, “Why me?”

  The waiter takes this moment to arrive and Matt starts to give him the order.

  “Smoked salmon omelette for the lady and I’ll have the wild mushroom omelette please.”

  Stacey looks from the waiter to Matt as the waiter collects the menus and is sure she sees a look between them before the waiter leaves. This is soon forgotten about though as Matt turns his eyes and attention back to her.

  “So, how is the head?” he asks sincerely. “I always find water and aspirin help me.”

  “How do you… Never mind!” She shakes her head before continuing, “Surely there are other women in this resort you can chase? I’m sure they will be far more willing than me,” she states, hoping to finally give him the message that she’s not interested.

  “Maybe I like a challenge,” he fires back with the most panty wetting smile Stacey has ever seen.

  “What if I’m not interested?” Even Stacey can hear the doubt in her voice, she just hopes Matt can’t!

  “Oh honey, that kiss told me everything I needed to know.”

  Stacey racks her brain trying to recall a kiss. Surely, she would remember kissing lips like that? She catches herself staring and quickly recovers before blurting out, “Now, I know you’re crazy! I think I would remember kissing you!” She then looks away again, trying to hide her blush.

  “Then I had better remind you,” he replies. He is off his seat and around the table before Stacey can properly process his words and grabs her up into his arms. He places his lips next to her ear and whispers, “Let me prove you wrong.”

  Stacey’s eyes dilate as realisation and heat sweep over her body. “Oh God,” she replies as she relaxes into his embrace.

  Matt chuckles. “Not quite what you said at the time, try…” he puts on his best impersonation of her, “Wow, you’re strong.”

  Then he crashes down onto her lips as she melts into his body and returns the kiss, but far too quickly Matt places her back down onto the ground. Weak kneed and wanting more, Stacey quickly sits as Matt slowly walks back to his side of the table. As he sits, images of yesterday begin to solidify in Stacey’s mind and she feels a wave of embarrassment come over her.

  “I…” Stacey jumps up and makes a dash to the exit and the safety of her room. She is fairly sure she can hear Matt calling after her, but since the whole drunken mess has come flooding back to her she is too embarrassed to find out what.

  Back in her room she throws herself onto the bed and curses. How could she have been so stupid? Men are the last thing she needs after her douchebag ex! It’s not long before she hears a soft knock on the door. Stacey closes her eyes and wills whoever it is to go away, having no desire to be near anyone right now. Luck is not her friend today though, as the knocking continues getting louder and more insistent before it abruptly stops and is replaced by a familiar deep male voice.

  “Stacey, I know you’re in there. Open…”

  “Can’t you just leave me alone and find another poor girl to hit on? Trust me, I’m not interested.” She sounds defeated with just a hint of desperation in her voice.

  “Now, where would the fun in that be? Anyway, I have your phone, you left it on the table.”

  Stacey scans the room frantically looking for her phone. She can’t remember taking it down but she also can’t see it anywhere in the room.

  “Great,” she mutters to herself as she walks over to the door. As she opens it she is met with the tall masculine body of Matt and her insides instantly turn to jelly. He has the sexiest smile on his face as he holds out her phone.

  “See, that wasn’t so…” Stacey doesn’t hear the rest as she grabs the phone from Matt and slams the door shut again. She pushes her back against the closed door and slides down to the floor as she hears a chuckle coming from the other side.

  “This isn’t over!” she hears him say as his footsteps head away from her door.

  “Cocky bastard,” she replies to herself as she hits her head against the door and questions how much longer she can deny how much she actually wants him.

  Stacey had been blessed with dreams all night. Dreams she is now replaying in her head as she makes her way down to breakfast. She can still picture his hands travelling over her body and hear his voice telling her exactly what he wants to do to her. She may also have taken a little longer in the shower this morning in order to satisfy the throbbing between her legs that the dream had brought on.

  She had decided, in the shower, to give in to her needs, forget her embarrassment and see if Matt lives up to her dream fantasy version. I mean, she is on holiday so what is the harm in a little holiday fling to clear the ex out of her system? She quickens her pace as she makes her way through the lobby towards the restaurant she had been in with Matt yesterday, hoping that she might see him again. She has dressed to impress in a short strapless floral dress over her black bikini which allows her to show off her legs, which she has always been told are her best feature. As she scans the lobby, her attention is pulled to a couple in the far corner by the lobby’s reception desk. She can’t be sure but the man looks very familiar, so she changes her direction in order to get a better look. Finding a seating area close enough to just about make the people out but far enough away to not be noticed, she takes a seat and is able to confirm that her first thought is correct. She can see Matt with a blonde who is a little obscured from view due to an oversized potted plant. Stacey moves to go over and say ‘hi’ but slows as she witnesses the pair embrace, which is fine she thinks to herself, they could just be friends, friends embrace right? But then they start to kiss. Not needing to witness any more, she quickly makes her way back across the lobby, up the stairs and back to the safety of her room.

  “Screw him,” she mutters as she slams the door. She walks over to the phone and orders enough room service to feed a small army. The food is delivered and she starts to tuck into a large stack of waffles and bacon. After eating what seems like her body weight in waffles she starts to feel a little better. So what if he has a girlfriend? It’s not as if they have actually done anything except kiss and he has always started that. Unless you count what they had done in her fantasies.

  Having decided she needs to lay low for a while, Stacey takes herself out to the balcony to get some sun while she hides. She must have fallen asleep at some point as when she finally wakes, she is a little pinker and a lot more sore than she was when she first went out there. What has stirred her from her slumber is an incessant banging that is coming from the door. As she moves, she begins to feel the definite sting of sunburn. Working through the pain, she finally reaches the door, swings it open and reveals the last person she is expecting or wanting to see.

  “James? How? Why? Oh, never mind!” The door is closed in his face as she turns and slumps against it, wondering what her cheating douche of an ex is doing outside her door.

  “Stacey, come on!” she hears through the door as she wonders how much bad luck, she can have in one day. “It was just one little mistake.”

  “A little mistake! Really?” she shouts towards the door as she stands up straighter regaining her strength. “Banging a colleague is not just a little mistake!”

  “She meant nothing, Stace! It’s you, baby, it’s always been you!”

  “Just go home, James! It’s over.”

  “Baby, come on!”

  “Don’t ‘baby’ me, you two timing piece of shit!” she yanks the door open and fires back. “What are you even doing here? Don’t tell me she dumped your sorry arse already!”

  James just gives her a guarded look. Taking his silence as confirmation, she bursts out laughing.

  “Oh, my God! She did!”

  “It’s you I want, Stace,” he
replies weakly as he steps into the hotel room.

  “Why? Because your little tramp’s had enough of you? Go home James! You’re not wanted here either!” she fires back.

  “Stace,” James pleads as he reaches out towards her and, unable to move in time Stacey is captured in his arms as he moves her into the room and starts to kiss his way up her neck. She tries to push him off, but he is much stronger than her and it is useless. Her struggle only seems to encourage him as he kisses her forcefully on the lips.

  “I think the lady asked you to stop!” James’ pressing weight is suddenly lifted as Stacey is able to breathe again.

  “What?” James stutters but doesn’t have time to continue before he is shoved into the wall and slumps down onto the floor.

  Matt moves to Stacey and takes her shaking hand as he leads her further into the hotel room. “Stacey, are you okay?” he asks as he takes her over to the sofa before taking his phone out of his pocket and heading towards the mini bar. He mumbles something into his phone before he takes out a small bottle of whiskey and pours a glass before he hands it back to Stacey.

  “Drink up,” he demands.

  Stacey lifts the glass and the burning sensation helps her to regain her composure.

  “What if he comes back?” she says, shaking as she places the glass down on the table.

  “He won’t,” Matt replies as he takes her hand and places it in his. “He’s gone.”

  “How can you be…” Stacey doesn’t finish as another thought pops into her head. She jumps up from the sofa and moves away shaking her head.

  “You’re just as bad as him!” she shouts across the room. “You come in here with your smiles and flirting and your knight-in-shining-armour routine when you’re just the same as him!” She starts to shake, but this time it’s not fear, it’s rage.

  “What? How can you…” He doesn’t get to finish before Stacey cuts in.

  “Just get out!” she screams before collapsing onto the floor and starting to sob. Matt quickly jumps off the sofa and is down on the floor next to her. Holding her while she gently sobs, all fight now left.

  It’s some time before Stacey pulls away, eyes puffy and face blotchy through tears.

  “Why are you here?” she asks softly, causing Matt to give her a look.

  “I think I’ve made my feelings very clear Stacey,” he says, caressing her face, while gently rubbing away the final remnants of her tears.

  “I won’t be the other woman.”

  “Other woman?” he replies, confusion evident on his face.

  “Just go, please! I can’t do this.” She moves off him, stands and opens the door. “I’ve seen how this plays out and it never ends well for either party.”

  Matt stands, walks over to Stacey and quietly responds with, “I don’t know what you mean, but I’ll respect your wishes.” He moves towards the door before turning and speaking again. “I’m not giving up on us just yet though.”

  “You have to! I go home tomorrow.”

  Matt looks at her with pleading eyes. “Just tell me you don’t feel the connection?”

  “I can’t!” Stacey sobs as she closes the door on him and retreats into the bathroom.

  By the following morning, Stacey has hardly slept as she has been plagued with nightmares. She packed her bags the previous evening trying to occupy her mind, and is now ready to leave, not wanting to extend her stay any longer than she has to. She had planned to stay around the hotel until her flight was ready to leave, but now she just wants out. She has already called down for room service to come and help with her bags, so she decides to spend her last few moments out on the balcony to gather up the last of her strength and to pray that she doesn’t bump into Matt or James before she leaves. The holiday has been one colossal disaster from the start and she really doesn’t want it to end the same way.

  There is a soft tap on the door, followed by a muffled voice. “Room service.”

  “Come in,” Stacey calls from the balcony. “My cases are by the bed.”

  She closes the balcony door as she enters the room and stops dead staring at the back of the man that had plagued her nightmares and dreams over the last few days, in a hotel employees’ uniform.

  “You work here? No wonder you had your hands all over that woman in the foyer. I bet you try it on with all the bimbos that come through…”

  He turns abruptly and Stacey stutters in surprise as the man, who is not Matt but looks like a younger version of him, stands holding her bags.

  “What’s your problem, lady? Have we met before?” he replies indignantly.

  Stacey blushes as she hides her face in her hands, too embarrassed to look ‘Not Matt’ in the eyes.

  “Oh, God. I am so sorry. You just look…”

  “And that bimbo you refer to happens to be my girlfriend! Not that it’s any of your business!”

  “So, it was you in the foyer yesterday?”

  “Yeah, so, what’s it to…” He stops short, realising that this might cost him his job. “Look I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to… It’s just you started it when you called my girlfriend…”

  “I’m sorry,” she interrupts, “It’s just you look so much like…”

  “My brother!” ‘Not Matt’ looks a little jittery. “Shit, you know my brother? Please don’t tell him I gave you… I’m sorry, OK, I’m already on my last warning.”

  It takes Stacey a moment to take in what ‘Not Matt’ is saying. “Your brother?”

  “Yeah, he owns the place.”

  “So, he’s…?”

  “Mathew Markson, the owner of this hotel.”

  “Oh, my God!” Stacey buries her head into her hands before she mumbles, “I can’t believe I’ve been so stupid.”

  “Wait. You’re not the bird he’s been talking about, are you?” he stares a little closer at Stacey. “Oh crap, you are, aren’t you? Please don’t tell my brother I gave you attitude. He hasn’t ever spoken about a hotel guest before. He’s always said he would never shit where he eats, excuse the phrase. Please, I can’t lose this job as well! My brother only gave it me as a favour to our mother.”

  “I don’t think that will be a problem! I very much doubt he’s even talking to me.”

  Matt’s brother just stares back at her. “Are you serious? He hasn’t stopped talking about you since the moment he set eyes on you a few days ago. Plus, did you see what he did to that guy? Let’s just say he won’t be bothering you here again. Security kicked his sorry arse out of the hotel!”

  “I’ve been so stupid,” she says shaking her head. “Do you know where he is?” she asks hopefully.

  “It’s his day off so he’s probably in his suite.”

  “Can you…” she takes a deep breath. “Can you tell me how to get there?”

  “I can do better than that if you promise not to say anything bad to my brother about me.” He winks and then beckons her. “Come, follow me.”

  They both take off down the corridor to the elevator where they have to wait for what seems like ages. When the doors finally open, Stacey rushes in and turns to look at Matt’s brother who hasn’t moved.

  “You want the top floor. He converted it a few years back.”

  “Wait. You’re not coming with me?” she stutters, panic evident in her voice.

  “You don’t need me. Anyway, I’m meant to be working.” He starts to move away. “Top floor, code 1742.”

  Nervously, Stacey punches the buttons on the control unit and the doors slowly close. As the elevator ascends, the butterflies in Stacey’s stomach turn to boulders. How could she have been so stupid? Why does she always think the worst? OK, so her ex hasn’t exactly helped and it’s not as if Matt hasn’t been hiding something from her, but she has to admit the chemistry she’s tried to deny is off the chart. She has every intention to find out why he hasn’t told her he owns the place, although now thinking about it, a lot of things start to make more sense.

  As the elevator reaches its destination, the
boulders that have taken up residence in Stacey’s stomach turn to elephants as the door opens straight into Matts open plan apartment. She stares as the man himself stands a few feet away from her.

  Hearing the elevator, he turns.

  “Stacey. I thought you had left. I have to tell you something.” He moves towards her. “My brother…”

  “Was the one I saw with another woman, I know,” she says through her blushes as she exits the elevator and moves towards him.

  “I was going to say he should have helped you with your bags,” he laughs. “But yes, I guessed it was him when you talked about the other woman.”

  “I’m so sorry,” she apologises, a tear falling down her cheek as she takes a step closer.

  “Oh Stacey,” he says softly wiping the tear tenderly off her face. “That guy really did a number on you didn’t he?”

  “Let’s just say I have some trust issues,” she chuckles through her tears.

  “You and me both!” he replies. Matt embraces her and Stacey feels the tension starting to leave until she remembers the information he had withheld from her.

  “Yeah, talking about that. So, all this is really yours?” she said while waving her hand around the room.

  “Well, not exactly. I’m part owner with my best mate, Lucas. We spend half a year out here each to run the place.

  “Oh, so where are you the other half of the year?” she asks anxiously, knowing that in just over an hour she will be boarding a plane back to England.

  “Well, that depends,” he smiles sexily.


  “Whether I get my wish and have breakfast with you.”

  “Matt, I can’t. I leave in about an hour for home.”

  “I never said it had to be here.” He scoops her up and kisses her. “My six months is just about up. Lucas got here three days ago. It’s why I’ve had so much free time.”

  “I think I’d like that.”

  “Excellent. I guess I’ll be spending the next few months in England then.”

  Stacey smiles as Matt kisses her again. “A few months?” she asks as he places her back down to the ground.


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