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Key to My Heart: An Anthology of Sweet Romance

Page 27

by Alice La Roux

  Sometimes I just sit and listen to Mateo talking about his dreams and what he wants to do with his life. He’s always wanted to work with animals, which is probably why we get on so well.

  My aim is to become a veterinary nurse one day. I love animals. His family expects him to help with the family business and can’t afford for him to go to college, even though that's his dream.

  I’m getting the feeling that the business isn't doing as well as my grandparents’ and that they are struggling.

  The weeks have gone quickly, and I don't want to go back to Scotland. I want to stay here, but I know that will never happen as I have to go back to school there. I don’t speak enough Spanish to go to a Spanish school. It's improved but not that much.

  The day I have to leave has arrived. I've slowly packed my stuff up. My flight is five pm, so I have all day to say goodbye to everyone, and I'm grateful for that as its gonna be hard, especially to Mateo. We have become so close that I can't stand the thought of leaving him, even though it’s already been decided I will be back next year.

  I've already started counting the days.

  I go to sit in our favourite spot on the wall when I feel someone behind me. I already know its Mateo without him talking.

  He sits down beside me, sadly looking at me. “I’m going to miss you, Louisa. I don't think I’ve ever had a friend like you before, or one that's a girl.” He chuckles and so do I as I feel exactly the same way.

  Chapter Three

  Over the next two years, I go to Benidorm for the school holidays and help out in the family’s restaurant. Mateo and I grow closer every year, and it gets harder every year to leave him and my family. My dream is for my parents to get back together so that she can move over here and we can all live together.

  Mateo’s family’s business seems to be struggling more, so I can hear Abuela and Abuelo and pap talking about it. Next year when I come, I will turn sixteen and after the summer hopefully start college as a veterinary nurse.

  I’m practicing my Spanish even more as my dream would be to move to Benidorm to be with my family and Mateo once I’m qualified.

  Sitting in our favorite spot, I think all the locals now know who we are and that's where we sit as they pass by saying “Hola” every time we are there.

  My abuelo keeps teasing me that I amor Mateo. Of course I do; he's my best friend.

  Secretly, I do believe my feelings for Mateo are getting stronger. I just hope that his are as well. I’d be heartbroken if they aren’t the same.

  When I’m in Scotland, all I can think of is the golden sands with the crystal blue water and the heat. It's all missing here. My mum is making me concentrate on school, but Mateo and I have Facebook that we talk over daily, and it feels like I'm there with him. We also video message through messenger a few times just so we can see each other. He’s so sweet and goes and sits in our favorite spot on the wall in front of my grandparents’ restaurant so I can see them busily rushing around in the background.

  School is over now. No more exams, well at least until college. Just waiting on the results.

  I’m on my way to Benidorm again. I can't wait to celebrate with my family and Mateo and of course, it’ll be my sixteenth birthday.

  I’m not sure if I'll be able to come next year as I’ll hopefully be at college, depending on the results of my GCSEs. When Papa picks me up, he's quiet—too quiet.

  “Papa is anything wrong?”

  “No sweetheart. Just thinking of new ideas for the restaurant.”

  I know he's lying. Something is up and he's not telling me. I’m hoping it's not my abuela or abuelo. They are getting older and work hard in the restaurant all day but I didn't think they were that old or ill. Surely they would have told me before I came over.

  As soon as I get to the apartment, I go looking for my grandparents to check they are okay and look well. I find them in the restaurant getting ready for the lunchtime rush.

  “Louisa,” my abuela says, squeezing me. So does my abuelo

  “I've missed you, my little one,” he says quietly.

  Now they have me really worried.

  I look out to my favorite spot on the wall and see Mateo sitting there with his head down. He looks upset.

  “Go to him,” Papa says.

  “Is there anything I should know before I go down there?” I ask sadly. The vibe I'm getting isn't the best.

  “He wants to tell you, little one,” Abuelo says.

  I love that he calls me his little one in English. I always do, but today I feel like he’s saying it so much more sadly than usual.

  As I walk down, I know that like me he can sense when I'm there.

  “Sit, please,” he says softly.

  “What’s wrong Mateo? You are all scaring me. Something bad has happened.”

  “I’m sorry. Something bad has happened. I'm leaving.”

  “What?!” I shout much more loudly than I think it.

  “Unfortunately, my family has to leave to go back to Valencia. My abuela isn’t well and we need to go help out.”

  “But why do you have to go? Why can't your parents just go to help?”

  “Don't be silly, Louisa. Of course, I need to go as well. My grandparents own a huge hotel there. My parents can't handle it all on their own. Especially not now.”

  “What do you mean not now?”

  “My mama is pregnant with twins.”

  “Wow. You’re getting siblings. You’re nearly eighteen.”

  “I know but my mama has had troubles, so she is lucky to be pregnant again with two,” he says happily for her with such love in his tone.

  My heart is breaking here and I'm trying to be supportive of them all, but I can't help the tears that start falling.

  Mateo grabs my hand. “I'm sorry. I so wanted to be here for your birthday and exam results.”

  “You’re leaving before then.”

  “Yes,” he says bowing his head.

  “When?” I ask through the sobs.

  “Tomorrow,” he says with as much sorrow as I’m feeling.

  “So today is our last day together ever.”

  “Not ever,” he says hopefully.

  “How about we meet here on my eighteenth birthday, in two years time?”

  “Louisa I don't know if I will be able to.”

  “Please, Mateo. We can still talk online as well,” I say with my fingers crossed.

  “I will try but I can't promise,” he vows.

  Chapter Four

  I’m lying in bed in my papa's apartment. I haven't slept all night. All I've done is cry. I thought I’d cry myself to sleep, but that hasn’t happened.

  “Morning, sweetheart,” my papa says as he sticks his head around the door. “Sweetheart, why are you crying?” he asks gently.

  “I can’t believe I’m not gonna see Mateo again.”

  “You love him, don't you?“

  “Yes, papa. Him leaving has made me realize it even more than I thought I did.”

  “Sweetheart, everyone can see how close you have both grown.”

  “But what do I do now?”

  “If it's meant to be, then it will be,” he says mysteriously.

  “What does that even mean, Papa?” I whine.

  “If he loves you, he will come for you when the time is right,” he says lovingly.

  Oh, I think. Is he right? Does Mateo love me back? Will he come back for me? All I can hope is our promise on my eighteenth and that he turns up.

  My family has let me mope about all day. I've walked up and down the beach, chatting to locals I know, trying to be normal.

  I sit in our favorite spot and watch the world go by. People are smiling and laughing and playing games. Families are playing with their children in the sea, and I feel like I should stop moping around. No one is hurt, well except for my heart.

  I need to get my act together. My exam results are two days after my birthday, but first, it's my sixteenth birthday, which is tomorrow. I’m excited
and anxious all at the same time, hoping that I get the right results so I can get in college.

  I go up to the restaurant to help out with the evening meal rush. I’m happy for the distraction of the restaurant. It's kept my mind off it all. I've even had a few laughs with the customers and my family.

  “You are smiling, my little one,” my abuelo says sweetly and sounding happy that I am.

  “I am. I need to think of my birthday tomorrow and my results and focus on that for now.”

  “You do. He will be back. Of that I'm sure,” he says confidently.

  “I hope so,” I say not so sure of it all now.

  He smiles at me and nods his head with enthusiasm. My abuela is the same. She keeps rubbing my arm affectionately and smiling sweetly.

  At the end of the night, as we are clearing, the conversation turns to my birthday and what I would like as my birthday tea. Of course, I choose paella—my abuelo’s is amazing and is the best of course—and chocolate cake. You’ve got to have a chocolate cake.

  I wake to a chorus singing of “happy birthday to you“ by my papa and grandparents. I smile, rubbing my eyes as they sing and wait for them to stop so that I can get up and hug them. When they stop, I rush out of bed and hug them, excited that my birthday is here.

  The dining room is all set up with different dishes already made on the table with banners and balloons everywhere. I’m so grateful to be spending it here with them. My mum will FaceTime in a bit. I know she’s just coming off her night shift and no doubt it was a busy shift. The hospital she works at is huge and is always busy with something going on and with it being the school holidays, no doubt there are lots of accidents: kids playing where they shouldn’t be and challenging each other to do things they shouldn’t. Not that I blame them. Sometimes holidays are boring with nothing to do, and when you're young, you don't think you’re gonna get hurt and push the boundaries. That is why I’d rather work with animals. They usually get hurt by silly humans and not through their own fault, most of the time.

  Someone needs to show them love and affection.

  My mum thinks I’d make an amazing nurse to children to follow in her footsteps as she works with children and loves it. I’d love to take in animals to see the children who can't be at home with their own or have never had one. I think animal therapy works and makes people smile.

  When I'm dressed and ready for work, I am told that I don't have to today but I want to. I have to keep busy and I know they are gonna do an amazing meal for me while people are enjoying their own meals. They’ve asked for extra help so all my family can be here with me to enjoy it.

  My grandparents have given me a beautiful necklace of my name and my papa has gone together with my mother and given me a new phone, which is already set up for me so my mum can FaceTime me. When she does, she’s all emotional and crying, upset that she can't spend it with me and apologizing for not being here.

  I get that she’s upset, but I will spend an amazing second birthday with her when I get home and I still have my results to come yet.

  My birthday meal is the best meal I've ever had, and all the customers sing happy birthday to me when my Aauela brings out my chocolate birthday cake which tastes so good.

  Chapter Five

  Today is the day that my results are delivered to my mum’s. I’m waiting on her FaceTiming me as she opens them so I can see what I got. I feel sick, excited and nervous all at once. I've never felt like this before.

  I have my phone set up against a bowl of fruit on Papa's dining room table, waiting on it ringing from her. When it does suddenly go off, I'm all jumpy so my papa has to click accept for me.

  “Hi, Mum. Has it come?” I ask nervously.

  “Yes, sweetheart. I have it here.” She’s waving a brown envelope in front of the camera.

  “Okay, open it please,” I plead.

  She starts to rip it open and my stomach fills with dread when I see her face fall.

  Oh no, I've failed them.

  “What’s it say? Samantha?” my papa asks, nearly shouting.

  I think my mum has forgotten we are here, waiting on her talking, which is just like her.

  “Four As and three Bs,” she says eventually.

  “I passed them,“ I say unbelievably.

  “Yes, sweetheart, you have the results you need. I’m so happy for you. I wish I was there to celebrate with you all.”

  All I can hear is everyone shouting and screaming and I'm shocked. I have what I need to get in. I can't quite believe it.

  “Congratulations,” my mum says again as my grandparents and Papa squeeze and hug me. They open a bottle of champagne that’s obviously non-alcoholic as I can't drink yet legally.

  I say goodbye to my mother and message Mateo straight away to tell him I've passed. We haven't been messaging as much as I thought we would. I thought he would message daily but he's hasn’t, and I haven't either. I think he's too busy helping out his parents and grandparents and I’m busy here.

  You forget when you’re so busy and try to have some ‘you’ time as well.

  There are times I forget to answer back my own mother because I'm too busy doing stuff and catching up on reading and family.

  It's soon time for me to go back to Scotland, and I don't want to go. Like usual, I want to stay here, but going back means a whole new adventure of college and doing what I love best. I don't even know if I will be here next year or not as I might help out in a shelter in the UK to help towards my overall end of year exams as volunteering helps count.

  Saying goodbye is always sad, but they know I will be busy and I've told them that I'm coming back for my eighteenth birthday. I just hope that Mateo turns up.

  My life has been busy and hectic for the past two years. Doing my coursework and helping out at the center has given me a hands-on experience, which I've loved every day. It's made me think that I made the right choice, choosing the course that I'm doing.

  I hear from my papa every week and my grandparents have even started FaceTiming.

  Sadly, Mateo and I have not been messaging as much as I’d have liked, but I've told my mum all about the promise, and she’s agreed I go and spend it with my papa and grandparents.

  As I board the flight, I’m nervous. It's my birthday in four days. I’m anxious, scared and excited all in one go.

  When I get there, the first thing that I do is walk the beach. With my shoes off, as I always do, I dip my feet in the crystal blue water and reminisce on all the times that I've walked along this beach with Mateo or on my own. I love this place so much, and one day I will move here to do what I love the most. If only I can convince my mum to move here as well.

  My grandparents are excited as usual to see me and even better, my aunt Sofia is here as well, seeing as it's my eighteenth. I’m so excited to see her and catch up. She’s talking and talking and all I can do is smile and nod while she rattles on and on.

  For the next few days, I do what I usually do and help out in the restaurant with the family. It feels like I've done this forever and it’s natural to me.

  I wake on my birthday to the family singing, exactly like they did on my sixteenth, and I have to wait on them finishing so I can get up. Like always, the birthday breakfast is laid out with banners and balloons and champagne—only real champagne this time as I'm eighteen now and legal.

  I don't want to drink too much as I’m scared that Mateo isn't going to turn up. I've told my papa and grandparents that I'm gonna sit in our favorite spot all day waiting. They look at me sadly, most likely thinking that I’m gonna waste my time. They might be right but I have to try.

  I nervously eat breakfast and have one glass of champagne then shower and get ready to go sit on the wall. My abuela smothers me in cream, even though I have Spanish colouring and dark eyes and hair. If I'm gonna sit out all day, I need cream on.

  It's just past dinner time, and I can see the rush on all the restaurants going on. My abuelo brings me down some lunch and sits beside me.

  “He’s not coming is he?” I ask sadly

  “Give it time,” he says. “It might be traffic or flights,” he says enthusiastically.

  By seven pm, I've sat here all day so far with locals coming up and speaking to me. I’m starting to give up: he's not gonna be here.

  Just as I'm about to give up, I feel something that I suddenly remember when he is near.

  “Hola, Louisa.”

  I freeze, not sure that I want to turn around or not. I do and my breath is stolen from me.

  There stands Mateo, looking older. He is a man now and more handsome than I remember him being.

  I’m struggling for words.

  “Hola, Mateo. I didn't think you were going to come,” I say nervously.

  “I was always going to be here. Happy Birthday,” he says, kissing my cheek and hugging me.

  My heart melts. This is what my papa means: you know when it is meant to be.

  “I’ve missed you,” he says.

  “I’ve missed you too and am so happy you are here.”

  “You’re my primer amor, beautiful. We are meant to be.”

  Primer amor. First love.

  It was right then that he knew he loved me just as much as I love him.




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