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A Gentleman's Curse: The Tainted Series

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by T. L. Tate

  A Gentleman’s Curse:

  The Tainted Series

  By T. L. Tate

  Copyright 2017 by T.L. Tate

  Distributed by Smashwords

  Cover Photo Copyright of Roman Samborskyi/Shutterstock

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

  May the Fates guide you!

  Table of Contents:

  Main Story

  About the Author

  Fantastic Future Readings

  Connect with Me!

  A Gentleman's Curse

  The Tainted Series

  I loved the feel of her small wet tongue as it glided across my chest. I knew where she was headed as she quickly twirled her tongue around my nipple and then descended towards my navel. Rachel and I have been married for 7 years and in that time I could probably count, on one hand, the number of times she’s given me head. Our current sex life was nothing like the way it was when we first met. Personally, I still found her attractive and I’ve worked hard to keep up my physique so that I didn’t fall victim to the stereotype of the lazy husband; nonetheless, our sex life left a lot to be desired.

  Rachel and I were introduced through a mutual friend. When we first started dating it was like living in a porno. Our sex life was outstanding, adventurous and always left me wanting more. However, it seemed like the moment we said our vows, all of that disappeared. Granted, I didn’t marry her for the sex. She really was my best friend and I wanted to spend my life with her. The sex was just a fantastic bonus. For this reason, although our sex life had cooled off, I’m still just as in love with her as I was at the beginning.

  Just as I expected, as her tongue descended towards my navel she hesitated. After twirling her tongue around my bellybutton, she headed right back up north, towards my lips. I’ve tried talking to her about my disappointment brought about by the changes in our sex life but it was to no avail. According to her, she was satisfied and she thought that I was being too picky and claimed that she was just as adventurous as she had been before we got married.

  So, as she crawled back up my body, I wasn’t surprised by the lack of foreplay on her part. But that lack of surprise didn’t stop the fire in me from dwindling just a bit.

  “I want you, baby. I can’t wait.” Her voice was seductive but that wasn’t enough to stop me from wanting a little more attention.

  She rolled off of me, her legs spread and her arm stretched out towards her nightstand, reaching for the lube. I rolled on top of her and placed my hand on top of hers. “Hold on. Let me take care of you.”

  She kissed me quickly on the lips, “I don’t want to wait, Jake. Lets just use this.”

  I knew arguing about it would ruin the little bit of a mood that we had going on, so I silently acquiesced.

  I didn’t say anything but I was beginning to feel like she just wasn’t attracted to me. The lack of passion between our bed sheets made me feel like her sleeping with me was little more than transactional. It was as if sex was the price she had to pay to be married and she loathed paying. No matter how straightforward I was with my needs, or how creative I tried to be, nothing seemed to bring back that old spark. I guess I just had to get used to the idea of that this was going to be my life now. Only 29 and I was already looking down the barrel of a long sex-starved marriage.

  The sex wasn’t much to write home about. Rachel lied on her back with her legs spread moaning as I delivered the quick performance she wanted.

  Wham. Bam. Thank you ma’am. We were done.

  After we were finished, just like clockwork, she picked up her phone and spent the next hour tooling around the Internet. Some nights it felt like she was more interested in her phone than she was in me.

  With nothing more to do, I closed my eyes and waited until I drifted to sleep.

  The next morning I awoke at 5, went for my normal run, practiced yoga and then started breakfast. She climbed out of bed sometime after 7, her hair tousled from a night of tossing and turning in her sleep. This all started about 4 months ago. Until that point, she had always slept like death. However, now she hardly gets a full night of sleep without crawling all over the bed. She wakes, never feeling rested and some nights I even catch her talking to herself in her sleep. I asked her about it and at first she got upset and accused me of being creepy by watching her sleep. Now, I know better than to ask.

  Stumbling into the kitchen, and pulling herself up to the island, she sat down with a “Humph.”

  “Good morning, sweetie.” I poured her a cup of coffee and sat a plate of bacon and toast in front of her.

  “Morning. Thanks.” She sipped her coffee while I continued making our lunches for the day.

  There was a time when she would get up and we would workout together. We would cook together. We would laugh and sometimes we would even make love in the morning. But now I was lucky if she didn’t growl at me. I’m not sure what I was doing wrong. All I’ve ever tried to do was treat her like a princess but somehow, no matter what I do, I feel like we’re getting further apart.

  Once our lunches were done, I kissed her on the cheek and then headed into the shower. I was still sexually unsatisfied, so while she stayed downstairs nursing her coffee, I took a few minutes to get myself off. At least then I wouldn’t be heading into work with a loaded weapon.

  I worked at a marketing firm. I was a junior associate but I was expecting a promotion any day now. These last two years I have been killing it. It was only a matter of time until I was bumped up to an office and out of the cubicle jungle. My health, finances and career were going great. The only problem existed in my marriage but I would continue to fight for that until the cows came home.

  I felt eyes watching me before I heard a sound.

  “Morning, Jacob.”

  Even if I didn’t recognize the voice immediately, I knew who it was just by the fact that she called me by my full first name, Jacob. Most people just called me Jake. I turned in my chair to see a cute brunette with a heart-shaped face and shapely hips, smiling in my direction.

  “Morning, Toni.”

  Toni was Rachel’s younger sister. I helped her get hired here a year ago and now she was one of the up and coming stars of this office. She wasn’t close to my level, but those hired at the same time as her couldn’t match her talents and success. She was an asset to the team.

  She sauntered into my cubicle. Her red blouse showed a bit more cleavage than what she should have but I wasn’t complaining. I watched her hips sway in her charcoal grey skirt and wondered how it was possible that her and Rachel were actually sisters. Rachel was beautiful. There’s not doubt about that. But her features were sharper whereas Toni’s were plush. Toni’s body could be described as voluptuous whereas Rachel’s body was petite.

  Listen, I know what you’re thinking but I promise all this talk about Rachel and Toni doesn’t mean I had any romantic or sexual feelings for Toni. She was my little sister-in-law, for goodness sake. All I’m saying is that she’s attractive and I can appreciate it.

  She stopped inches away from me with her left hand behind her back. She smiled, “I’ve got a surprise
for you.” She pulled a small turquoise box from behind her back with a flourish. Ever the show-woman. “I know it is a few days early but I wanted to give you this. Happy birthday!”

  I was floored. I wasn’t expecting a gift. As a matter of fact, even Rachel hasn’t said a word about my 30th birthday, which was Saturday. I reached forward and took the gift. Without opening it I stood up and pulled Toni into a tight hug. “Wow! Thank you so much. I really appreciate it.”

  She laughed, “How can you appreciate it when you haven’t even opened it yet?”

  Taking my cue from her, I removed the bow and peeled back the top of the box. Within the box, wrapped around a pillow, was a Cartier watch. I looked back at Toni. She was smiling from ear-to-ear. This watch had to cost several thousands of dollars.

  “Oh my god. Thank you, Toni. Thank you so much but I can’t accept this. It must’ve cost you a fortune.”

  She waived my concerns aside. “Don’t worry about it. I got one hell of a deal from a friend of mine that works there. I hope you like it.”

  I looked at the watch and back at her. “Yeah, I love it. Thank you.”

  Her giggles sounded like falling crystals. “Of course.” I watched her walk away and then quickly pulled off the watch that I had on and then slapped the new one on my wrist. I’m not ashamed to say that I might’ve modeled it a few times in the mirror in the men’s bathroom.

  I rolled back my sleeves and continued working. Several people complimented me on my watch and whenever they did I would look at Toni and smile. She’s really a great person.

  Work couldn’t have gone any better. There was a buzz in the air and I knew my promotion was only weeks away from happening. I drove home and because of how fantastic my day was I wanted to share some of my positivity with Rachel. I stopped and bought a dozen long-stem roses to surprise her. I would say that I got the biggest surprise though once I made it home.

  I opened the door and found Rachel rushing around the house.

  “What’s going on, honey?”

  “Oh! Jake! I didn’t know you were home.” She looked at the flowers. “For me?”

  I nodded and held them towards her. She took them and pressed them to her nose, taking a long whiff. “Oh my! They smell lovely.”

  She spirited them into the kitchen and I was right on her heels. “Everything okay, honey?”

  She seemed shaken. Her hair was a mess and her clothes were ruffled. “Yeah. Everything is fine. Why?”

  “No reason. You just look rushed.”

  “Oh! No, I’m fine. I’m fine. Just getting ready to head out.”

  “Out? What do you mean? I kind of hoped that we could spend some time together tonight.” I walked up behind her and started massaging her shoulders. If anything this seemed to make her tenser. “I thought I would run you a hot bath. Then I’ll give you a massage and, you know, maybe add some champagne.” My voice trailed-off, waiting for her response.

  “Oh, that all sounds great, Jake. But let me take a rain check. Okay?”

  “Rain check? What the hell, Rachel? I’m trying to be romantic here.” I was pissed. I’ve been feeling less and less relevant to her lately and now this just destroyed the good mood I was trying to establish.

  She didn’t even look at me. “Be romantic another time, Jake. I need to get these roses into some water.”

  I was fuming. “Fine! I’m going to go take a shower.” As I turned to leave her hand jumped out and grabbed me.


  I froze. “No? What? You have a problem with me showering now?”

  “Uh, no. That’s not it. It’s just that…umm.” Her eyes were wild, darting from side-to-side. Then she pulled me in close, placing her hand on my chest. “Umm, I’m sorry, Jake. I didn’t mean to make you mad.” She was looking up at me through her eyelashes. Normally, I found that to be quite sexy but the suddenness of her actions were more strange than sexy.

  “What’s gotten into you?”

  Still, she continued to bat her eyelashes at me in a weird way, “I’m just being grateful is all.”

  “I thought you said you had to go.”

  “Oh. Umm, that can wait.” Then she did something that I didn’t see coming. She moved her hands down my chest, passed my stomach and towards my belt.

  Despite the strangeness of this encounter, I found her fiddling with my belt and pants to be quite sexy. Once my pants hit the ground she followed suit, falling on her knees and slowly massaging my cock until it was erect.

  I pretended not to notice the vile look that crossed her face as she looked at my hardening cock. Moments later, I felt her wet mouth as she sucked my cockhead between her lips.

  I tilted my head back and moaned. “Ah!” It had been so long since she gave me a blowjob that I somewhat forgot how good it feels.

  “Ouch!” Apparently, I wasn’t the only one that forgot. I looked down at her and she was looking up towards me a look of embarrassment in her eyes. I held her stare, “Watch your teeth.”

  With my cock in her mouth she mumbled, “I’m sorry.”

  The rest of the blowjob was clumsy…but effective. I blew my load in her mouth and she quickly moved over towards the garbage can and spit it all out.

  I rested against the counter and watched as she went to the sink and gargled and then spit. Yep, there was no better way to ruin my post-climatic bliss than the sight of the woman I love treating my cum like a poison.

  “Thanks, I’m going to go shower now.”

  She wouldn’t even turn to face me. Instead she remained hunched over the sink as if she was going to retch. She nodded and waved her hand at me.

  With nothing more to say, I turned to leave and she didn’t stop me as I climbed the stairs and headed into the master-bath.

  Before climbing into the shower I pulled off the watch the Toni gave me and put it in the center of my watch organizer. It was by far the nicest watch I owned and it deserved a showcase. Before I forgot, I pulled out my phone and sent her a text.

  Hey! I just wanted to say thank you again. The watch is awesome. You’re awesome! Thanks.

  Her response was almost instantaneous.

  I’m glad you like it. Are you and my sis doing anything for your b-day?

  Rachel hasn’t even said anything about it but I didn’t want Toni to know about how distant she had seemed lately.

  I’m sure we’ll figure it out. Well anyway I’m going to grab a shower.

  Her response made me chuckle.

  Sounds delicious! Need someone to wash your back? TTYL!

  Toni had always been a little flirtatious but I knew that she didn’t mean anything by it. Plus it felt good to have someone show at least a modicum of interest in me—even if it was harmless.

  A little while later, I climbed out of the shower and went in search of my wife. After looking around the entire house, I found a note attached to the refrigerator.

  Going out. I’ll be back later. Don’t wait up.


  I crumpled the note up in a tiny little ball and tossed it in the recycling bin. With an exasperated sigh I trudged back up the stairs and ordered some food online.

  I fell asleep watching some 90’s sitcom. I didn’t even notice when Rachel came back home. I woke in the middle of the night to use the bathroom and there she was, lying in the bed—her face jammed in a pillow.

  Of course, I wondered where she went. It wasn’t like her to just up and leave like that. I remembered her saying that she had plans tonight but normally she would tell me her plans in advance. Her behavior was strange. Definitely strange.

  But marriage is about trust and Rachel’s my best friend. I was sure that if given enough time, things would turn around for the better.

  Looking back…perhaps I was a little naïve.

  The next day, I got up, worked out and made us both breakfast. She crawled out of bed, coaxed by the smell of coffee, and didn’t even thank me for making her breakfast. I’d be lying if I said that I didn’t feel taken advantage

  “So, what happened last night?”

  She stopped chewing and glared at me. “What? I can’t have a social life? Do I need to run everything by you? Excuse me for wanting to have some fun.”

  I was taken aback. I thought my question was innocent enough and I was careful not to use a judgmental tone. Regardless, she jumped down my throat like I was accusing her of murder or something.

  “What the hell, Rachel? What’s your problem? All I did was ask a simple question.”

  “I don’t need you telling me what I can or cannot do.”

  I was confused. “That’s not what I’m trying to do. I’m just trying to figure out why you left last night.”

  She stood abruptly and nearly knocked her chair over in the process. Snatching up her plate she made a b-line for the living room. “Ugh! I don’t need this shit!”

  I watched her storm out of the kitchen and was confused and hurt as to why. “What the hell just happened?”

  That morning she left before me. She didn’t even bother to say goodbye. I love my wife but her behavior was just plain odd.

  But at least I had work to keep me grounded. When I stepped into the office I could feel the electricity in the air. Soon after I showed up, Toni came to find me and pulled me into the storage closet. There was hardly any room so our bodies were pressed close as she excitedly bounced up and down. Her large breasts slid up and down my body in rhythm with her glee.

  She was smiling from ear-to-ear and I couldn’t figure out why.

  “Oh my god! Oh my god!” That was all she could say. Over and over again she kept saying it. Her face alit with joy.

  “What’s going on, T? Why are you so excited?”

  She could barely control herself. She wrapped her arms around me and pulled me into a hug. Our faces touched as she squealed in my ear. “I’m so happy for you!”


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